Readme_e.txt Driver File Contents (


This README file contains installation notes and important
Information for the ALPS Pointing-Device Driver.

ALPS Pointing-Device Driver provides a convenient way to 
modify setting for Alps GlidePoint. The ALPS Pointing-Device
Driver is compatible with most standard mice and similar 
pointing devices.


1. Driver Installation for Windows 98
2. Driver Installation for Windows 95
3. Using the ALPS Pointing-Device Driver Property Sheets
4. Files On the Setup Disk


1. Driver Installation for Windows 98

     Use this procedure if you use Windows 98:
     1) Insert the driver disk in your floppy drive. 
     2) From the Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel.
     3) Double-click System to open System Properties.
     4) Select the Device Manager tab.
     5) Click the plus sign next to the Mouse category, then
        Double-click the current device name.
     6) Select the Driver tab, and then click Update Driver. 
     7) The Update Device Driver Wizard screen will appear,
        then Click NEXT.
     8) Select "Search for a better driver than the one your
        device is using now.[Recommended]", then Click Next.
     9) Select the Floppy disk drives only, then click Next.
    10) Alps GlidePoint will appear, then click Next to copy
        the driver files to your system. 
    11) Click Finish, and then click Close to return to Device 


2. Driver Installation for Windows 95

     Use this procedure if you use Windows 95:

     1) From the Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel.
     2) Double-click Mouse to open Mouse Properties.
     3) Select the General tab, and then click Change. 
     4) The Select Device screen will appear, then Click Have
     5) Insert the driver disk in your floppy drive. Confirm
        or correct the source file path (normally "A:\"), 
        then click OK.
     6) Click Alps GlidePoint, then click OK to copy the
        driver files to your system.
     7) After the files are copied, Mouse Properties will
        show the new device name. Click Close.


3. Using the ALPS Pointing-Device Driver Property Sheets

   ALPS Pointing-Device Driver Property Sheets provides easy 
   to use method of customizing pointing device settings.

     1) From the Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel.
     2) Double-click Mouse icon to open Mouse Properties. 
     3) Mouse properties are grouped into nine categories
       (Buttons, Pointers, Motion, Orientation, Shortcuts, 
        Tapping, Gesture, Feedback, Easy Launched, Easy Capture
        NOTE:Properties pages are changed by device function
             to six or seven pages.  
     4) When you are satisfied with your settings, click OK
        to close the Alps GlidePoint Property Sheets. If you
        want detail of operation, please see help file accessible
        from within the ALPS Pointing-Device Driver Property 


4. Files On The Setup Disk

     README_E.TXT    Information file(English)
     README_J.TXT    Information file(Japanese)

     APOINT.INF      Setup script

     APOINT.VXD      Driver

     APOINT.DLL      Property sheet
     ECAPPROP.DLL    Property sheet
     ELPROP.DLL      Property sheet
     EZLAUNCH.DLL    Property sheet
     APHWEEL.DLL     Property sheet
     EZAUTO.DLL      Property sheet
     VXDIF.DLL       Property sheet interface

     APOINT.EXE      Driver enhancements
     EZCAPT.EXE      Driver enhancements
     APHWEEL.EXE     Driver enhancements

     LOGO.BMP        Property sheet logo

     APOINTJP.POP    Popup Help
     APOINTUS.POP    Popup Help
     APOINTSP.POP    Popup Help
     APOINTIT.POP    Popup Help
     APOINTGR.POP    Popup Help
     APOINTFR.POP    Popup Help
     APOINTCT.POP    Popup Help
     APOINTCS.POP    Popup Help
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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