;**************************************************************************** Dear pals : Please read these before you changing this INI file !! 1. If you need to add/remove/modify some items below . Please make sure that you have done it for each language section . Such that we won't lose anything when porting to another language . 2. Please make as less changes as possible . It will be easier to mantain this file and make this file smaller. In other words , do not create different keys with same values . Alex Huang 4/24/98 at ASUS of R.O.C. ;**************************************************************************** ;============================================================================ ; English ;============================================================================ [1] ;====<< General >>======== OK=OK Cancel=Cancel Yes=Yes No=No Add=Add Del=Delete Test=Test Second=Seconds Min=Minimum Max=Maximum Default=Load default ; ; ; Hotkey32 messages !! ; WarnCloseHotkey=Warning : The ASUS Enhaneced Functions, such as virtual screen,refresh rate adjustment, etc., will be disabled. It will be enabled when Windows is restarted next time. Do you want to close them ? NoCloseHotkey=Please close the dislpay properties pages , and try again !! Properties=Display properties CloseEnhanced=Close enhanced functions ; ; Adjustment related ... ; Adjust=Adjustment Pattern=Click here for test patterns Synchronization=Synchronization Horizontal=Horizontal Vertical=Vertical BtnPos=Position BtnSize=Size BtnPos0=Move display up BtnPos1=Move display left BtnPos2=Move display down BtnPos3=Move display right BtnSize0=Increase vertical size BtnSize1=Decrease horizontal size BtnSize2=Decrease vertical size BtnSize3=Increase horizontal size ; ; Hotkey related ; KeyName0=Increasing brightness of the D3D/Game KeyName1=Decreasing brightness of the D3D/Game KeyName2=Increasing contrast of the D3D/Game KeyName3=Decreasing contrast of the D3D/Game KeyName4=Increasing gamma of the D3D/Game KeyName5=Decreasing gamma of the D3D/Game KeyName6=Increasing brightness of the Video KeyName7=Decreasing brightness of the Video KeyName8=Increasing contrast of the Video KeyName9=Decreasing contrast of the Video KeyName10=Increasing gamma of the Video KeyName11=Decreasing gamma of the Video KeyName106=Increasing hue of the Video KeyName107=Decreasing hue of the Video KeyName108=Increasing lightness of the Video KeyName109=Decreasing lightness of the Video KeyName110=Increasing saturation of the Video KeyName111=Decreasing saturation of the Video PanCtrl=Paning hotkey control Name=Name : Description=Description : Value=Hotkey EnableHK=Enable Hotkey Descript0=Select a hotkey to increase brightness of the D3D/Game. Descript1=Select a hotkey to decrease brightness of the D3D/Game. Descript2=Select a hotkey to increase contrast of the D3D/Game. Descript3=Select a hotkey to decrease contrast of the D3D/Game. Descript4=Select a hotkey to increase gamma of the D3D/Game. Descript5=Select a hotkey to decrease gamma of the D3D/Game. Descript6=Select a hotkey to increase brightness of the Video. Descript7=Select a hotkey to decrease brightness of the Video. Descript8=Select a hotkey to increase contrast of the Video. Descript9=Select a hotkey to decrease contrast of the Video. Descript10=Select a hotkey to increase gamma of the Video. Descript11=Select a hotkey to decrease gamma of the Video. Descript106=Select a hotkey to increase hue of the Video. Descript107=Select a hotkey to decrease hue of the Video. Descript108=Select a hotkey to increase lightness of the Video. Descript109=Select a hotkey to decrease lightness of the Video. Descript110=Select a hotkey to increase saturation of the Video. Descript111=Select a hotkey to decrease saturation of the Video. DoubleKey=There are duplicate hotkeys selected. Please specify unique hotkeys for each item !! ; ; Advanced page related ; Advance=Advanced Performance=Performance MemClk=Adjust the video system performance GBPerformance=Performance WriteCombine=Pentium II && Pentium Pro Acceleration MMXVideo=MMX Video Enhancement MMXD3d=MMX Direct3D Acceleration DisplayPerformance=Performance Setting... VideoQuality=Video Quality VInterpolaration=Vertical Interpolaration MemorySlow=Slow MemoryFast=Fast SuggestedMem=Video Memory Speed PerformanceSetting=Performance Setting Panel=ASUS Display properties DirectX=Please install DirectX before running this program ! DirectX3A=To get better performance, please install DirectX 3.0a or later ! Future=This function will be supported in the future ! TestResult=Test Result UserCancel1=User cancel the video memory testing ! UserCancel2=The video memory speed you selected is not guaranteed. TestFail1=Video memory testing failed ! TestFail2=You should use better video memory or reduce the performance. TestSuccessful=Video memory testing is successful ! FirstTest=The video memory on display card will be tested to ensure they are working properly. WantAdjust=Do you want to adjust the video memory performance ? TestIncompleted=Video memory testing is not complete ! ChangeMode1=This program is not supported in this display mode. ChangeMode2=Please change to another mode and run again. Set=Set CloseAP=Please close the other applications, and try again. ;;; ;; For refresh rate adjustment ;;; EditRefresh=Edit refresh rate Interlaced=Interlaced Noninterlaced=Non-interlaced ChangeRefresh=Change Current refresh rate ChangeModesRefresh=Change refresh rate Refresh=Refreshrate RefRestored=The original refresh rate has been restored!! RefChanged=The refresh rate has been changed to the value you specified. Do you want to keep it? RefSeconds=If you don't press OK 15 seconds, original refresh rate will be restored... RefNoSupport=Sorry , this refresh rate is not supported !! MsgWarnResize=Adjustments to this page may cause your screen to become temporarily unreadable. If this occurs, press ESC to cancel your changes. ; ; For setting page... ; DspArea=Desktop area Desktop=Desktop Screen=Screen Color=Color EnableVDesk=Enable virtual screen Warning=Warning MsgWarnDsk=Windows will adjust your display settings. This could take a few seconds, during which your screen might flicker. If Windows does not reappear correctly, wait 15 senonds or press ESC key, and your original settings will be restored. MsgIsClear=You have changed the display settings. Do you want to keep this settings ? MsgRestore=Windows has resotred your original settings! ShowCheckBox=Do you want to show this message next time ? SelectMonitor=You need to select a correct monitor for working normally!! MsgWarnEnable=If you enable the virtual screen funtion , the DirectDraw functions will be disabled !! Do you really want to enable this ? ; ; ASwitch related.... ; ASwitch=TV TVAdvance=Advance Setting TVFFilter=Flicker Filter: TVFFilterLess=Less TVFFilterMore=More TVFFilterON=ON TVFFilterOFF=OFF TVTiming=Timing TVOptTiming=Optimal timing TVImage=Image TVMultImage=Multiple Image TVWarnTitle=Warning TVWarnMsg=Note: The enhanced function provided by ASUS will take no effect until you restart Windows again. SwCRT=Desktop SwEnableCRT=Monitor SwTV=TV SwEnableTV=TV SwTVType=Standard: SwTVSignal=Output type: SwTVAdvance=Advance Setting... SwLCD=LCD SwEnableLCD=LCD ; ; Color caliberation ; EnableRGBCorrect=Enable RGB Color Adjustment MPEGColor=MPEG Color Adjustment GraphicColor=Graphic Color Adjustment ColorSpline=Color Spline ColorCorrection=Color Correction Brightness=Brightness Contrast=Contrast Gamma=Gamma Red=Red Green=Green Blue=Blue All=All ; ; Information ; Information=Information Version=Version RAMSize=Video RAM Size RAMType=Video RAM Type MonitorType=Monitor Type VGAChip=VGA Chipset Driver=Driver BUSType=Bus Type ;============================================================================ ; Japanese ;============================================================================ [81] ;====<< General >>======== OK=XV Cancel=·¬Ý¾? Yes=Yes No=No Add=ÇÁ@ Del=í? Test=eXg Second=b Min=Ŭ Max=Åå Default=?úlÝè ; ; Hotkey32 messages !! ; WarnCloseHotkey=±Ì?[eB?eBðI¹·éÆB¼zXN?[?A?t?bV??[gÝèAzbgL[Ýè?ªÅ«ÈÈèÜ·BI¹µÄàæ뵢ŷ©? NoCloseHotkey=Please close the dislpay properties pages , and try again !! 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NoCloseHotkey=Please close the dislpay properties pages , and try again !! Properties=ÏÔʾ¿¨ÉèÖà CloseEnhanced=¹Ø±ÕÔöÇ¿¹¦ÄÜ ; ; Adjustment related ... ; Adjust=ÆÁĻУÕý Pattarn=Çл»Ì½²âͼÎÄ Synchronization=Synchronization Horizontal=ˮƽ Vertical=´¹Ö± BtnPos=λÖà BtnSize=´óС BtnPos0=ÆÁÄ»ÉÏÒÆ BtnPos1=ÆÁÄ»×óÒÆ BtnPos2=ÆÁÄ»ÏÂÒÆ BtnPos3=ÆÁÄ»ÓÒÒÆ BtnSize0=ÆÁÄ»´¹Ö±·Å´ó BtnSize1=ÆÁĻˮƽËõС BtnSize2=ÆÁÄ»´¹Ö±ËõС BtnSize3=ÆÁĻˮƽ·Å´ó ; ; Hotkey related ; KeyName0=´°¿ÚÉÏÒÆ KeyName1=´°¿Ú×óÒÆ KeyName2=´°¿ÚÏÂÒÆ KeyName3=´°¿ÚÓÒÒÆ KeyName4=´°¿Ú·Å´ó KeyName5=´°¿ÚËõС KeyName6=Ëø¶¨´°¿Ú PanCtrl=´°¿Ú¿ØÖÆ¿ì½Ý¼ü Name=Ãû³Æ : Description=˵Ã÷ : Value=¿ì½Ý¼ü EnableHK=Æô¶¯¿ì½Ý¼ü Descript0=Ñ¡ÔñÒ»¿ì½Ý¼ü¿É½«´°¿ÚÒÆÏò×ÀÃæÉÏ¶Ë Descript1=Ñ¡ÔñÒ»¿ì½Ý¼ü¿É½«´°¿ÚÒÆÏò×ÀÃæ×ó¶Ë Descript2=Ñ¡ÔñÒ»¿ì½Ý¼ü¿É½«´°¿ÚÒÆÏò×ÀÃæÏÂ¶Ë Descript3=Ñ¡ÔñÒ»¿ì½Ý¼ü¿É½«´°¿ÚÒÆÏò×ÀÃæÓÒ¶Ë Descript4=Ñ¡ÔñÒ»¿ì½Ý¼ü¿É½«×ÀÃæ·Å´ó Descript5=Ñ¡ÔñÒ»¿ì½Ý¼ü¿É½«×ÀÃæËõС Descript6=Ñ¡ÔñÒ»¿ì½Ý¼ü¿É½«´°¿Ú¹Ì¶¨ÔÚ£¨»ò½â³ý£©×ÀÃæÉϵĵ±Ç°Î»Öà DoubleKey=ÄúÑ¡ÔñµÄ¿ì½Ý¼üÓÐÖظ´£¬ÇëÖØÑ¡£¡ ; ; Advanced page related ; Advance=½ø½×¹¦ÄÜ Performance=ϵͳЧÄÜ MemClk=µ÷ÕûϵͳЧÄÜ GBPerformance=ЧÄÜ WriteCombine=Pentium II && Pentium Pro ¼ÓËÙ MMXVideo=MMX ¿ÉÊÓͼÎļÓÇ¿ MMXD3d=MMX Direct3D ¼ÓËÙ DisplayPerformance=ÏÔʾ¿¨Ð§Äܵ÷Õû... 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Yes=Oui No=Non Add=Ajouter Del=effacer Test=Tester Second=Secondes Min=Minimum Max=Maximum Default=Paramètres par défaut ; ; Hotkey32 messages !! ; WarnCloseHotkey=Avertissement : Les fonctions avancées ASUS, telles que virtual screen, ajustement du rafraichissement, etc., vont être désactivées. Elles seront actives lors du redémarrage de Windows. Voulez vous les fermer ? NoCloseHotkey=Fermer les pages propriétés de l'affichage , et réessayez !! Properties=Propriétés de l'affichage CloseEnhanced=Fermer les fonctions avancées ; ; Adjustment related ... ; Adjust=Ajustement Pattern=Cliquer ici pour tester les modèles Synchronization=Synchronisation Horizontal=Horizontal Vertical=Vertical BtnPos=Position BtnSize=Taille BtnPos0=Déplacer l'affichage vers le haut BtnPos1=Déplacer l'affichage vers la gauche BtnPos2=Déplacer l'affichage vers le bas BtnPos3=Déplacer l'affichage vers la droite BtnSize0=Augmenter taille verticale BtnSize1=Diminuer taille horizontale BtnSize2=Diminuer taille verticale BtnSize3=Augmenter taile horizontale ; ; Hotkey related ; KeyName0=Elargissement haut KeyName1=Elargissement gauche KeyName2=Elargissement bas KeyName3=Elargissement droit KeyName4=Zoom intérieur KeyName5=Zoom extérieur KeyName6=Vérouiller PanCtrl=Raccourcis élargissement Name=Nom : Description=Description : Value=Raccourcis EnableHK=Activer raccourcis Descript0=Choisir un raccourcis pour élargir l'écran sur le haut du bureau. Descript1=Choisir un raccourcis pour élargir l'écran sur la gauche du bureau. Descript2=Choisir un raccourcis pour élargir l'écran sur le bas du bureau. Descript3=Choisir un raccourcis pour élargir l'écran sur la droite du bureau. Descript4=Choisir un raccourcis pour diminuer la résolution de l'écran sur le bureau. Descript5=Choisir un raccourcis pour augmenter la résolution de l'écran sur le bureau. Descript6=Choisir un raccourcis pour vérouiller/dévérouiller l'écran dans sa position actuelle sur le bureau. DoubleKey=Plusieurs raccourcis correspondent ?une même action. Spécifiez un raccourcis unique pour chaque action !! ; ; Advanced page related ; Advance=Avanc? Performance=Performance MemClk=Ajuste la performance du système vidéo GBPerformance=Performance WriteCombine=Accélération Pentium II && Pentium Pro MMXVideo=Optimisation vidéo MMX MMXD3d=Accélération MMX Direct3D DisplayPerformance=Réglage performance... VideoQuality=Qualit?vidéo VInterpolaration=Interpolaration verticale MemorySlow=Lent MemoryFast=Rapide SuggestedMem=Vitesse mémoire vidéo PerformanceSetting=Réglage performance Panel=Propriétés affichage ASUS DirectX=Installez DirectX avant de lancer ce programme ! DirectX3A=Pour une meilleure performance, installez DirectX 3.0a ou plus ! Future=Cette fonction sera supportée dans le futur ! TestResult=Résultat test UserCancel1=Test de mémoire vidéo interrompue par l'utilisateur ! UserCancel2=La vitesse de mémoire vidéo que vous avez choisie n'est pas garantie. TestFail1=Le test de mémoire vidéo a échou?! TestFail2=Vous devriez utiliser une meilleure mémoire vidéo ou réduire la performance. TestSuccessful=Le test de mémoire vidéo a réussi ! FirstTest=La mémoire vidéo sur la carte graphique va être testée pour s'assurer qu'elle fonctionne convenablement. WantAdjust=Voulez vous ajuster la performance de la mémoire vidéo ? TestIncompleted=Le test de mémoire vidéo n'est pas achev?! ChangeMode1=Ce programme n'est pas support?avec ce mode d'affichage. ChangeMode2=Changer pour un autre mode puis relancer. Set=réglage CloseAP=Fermez les autres applications, puis recommencez. ;;; ;; For refresh rate adjustment ;;; EditRefresh=Editer taux de rafraîchissement Interlaced=Entrelac? Noninterlaced=Non-entrelac? ChangeRefresh=Changer taux de rafraîchissement Refresh=Taux de rafraîchissement RefRestored=Le taux de rafraîchissement d'origine a ét?restaur?! RefChanged=Le taux de rafraîchissement a ét?chang?en la valeur que vous avez spécifiée. Voulez vous la garder? RefSeconds=Si vous ne pressez pas OK 15 secondes, le taux de rafraîchissement original sera restaur?.. RefNoSupport=Désol?, ce taux de rafraîchissement n'est pas support?!! MsgWarnResize=Des ajustements sur cette page peuvent rendre votre écran temporairement illisible. Si cela se produit, pressez Echap pour annuler les changements. ; ; For setting page... ; DspArea=Zone du bureau Desktop=Bureau Screen=Ecran Color=Couleur EnableVDesk=Active virtual screen Warning=Avertissement MsgWarnDsk=Windows va ajuster les réglages de votre affichage. Ceci peut prendre quelques secondes, durant lesquelles votre écran scintillera. Si Windows ne réapparait pas correctement, attendez 15 secondes ou pressez la touche Echap, les réglages d'origine seront restaurés. MsgIsClear=Vous avez chang?les réglages de l'affichage. Voulez vous garder ces réglages ? MsgRestore=Windows a restaur?vos réglages d'origine! ShowCheckBox=Voulez vous que ce message apparaisse la prochaine fois ? SelectMonitor=Vous devez choisir un moniteur correct pour travailler normalement!! MsgWarnEnable=Si vous activez la fonction virtual screen, les fonctions DirectDraw seront désactivées !! Voulez vous vraiment l'activer ? ; ; ASwitch related.... ; ASwitch=TV TVAdvance=Configuration avancée TVFFilter=Flicker Filter: TVFFilterLess=Moins TVFFilterMore=Plus TVFFilterON=ON TVFFilterOFF=OFF TVTiming=Timing TVOptTiming=Timing optimal TVImage=Image TVMultImage=Image Multiple TVWarnTitle=Avertissement TVWarnMsg=Note: La fonction optimisée offerte par ASUS ne prendra pas effet avant le redémarrage de Windows. SwCRT=Bureau SwEnableCRT=Moniteur SwTV=TV SwEnableTV=TV SwTVType=Standard: SwTVSignal=Sortie type: SwTVAdvance=Configuration avancée... SwLCD=LCD SwEnableLCD=LCD ; ; Color caliberation ; EnableRGBCorrect=Activer RGB Color Adjustment MPEGColor=MPEG Color Adjustment GraphicColor=Graphic Color Adjustment ColorSpline=Color Spline ColorCorrection=Color Correction Brightness=Luminosit? Contrast=Contraste Gamma=Gamma Red=Rouge Green=Vert Blue=Bleu All=toutes ; ; Information ; Information=Information Version=Version RAMSize=Taille RAM vidéo RAMType=Type de RAM vidéo MonitorType=Type de moniteur VGAChip=Chipset VGA Driver=Pilote BUSType=Type de bus ;============================================================================ ; Spanish ;============================================================================ [xxx34xxx] ;====<< General >>======== OK=Vale Cancel=Cancelar Yes=Si No=No Add=Anadir Del=Cancelar Test=Test Second=Segundos Min=Minimo Max=Maximo Default=Fallo ; ; Hotkey32 messages !! ; WarnCloseHotkey=Advertencia : Las Funciones Aumentados ASUS, tales como la pantalla virtual, ajustes de valores refrescantes, etc., sera invalido . Sera valido cuando el Windows sea recomenzado la proxima vez. Quiere cerrarlo ? NoCloseHotkey=Por favor cierre las paginas de las propiedades del display , e intentelo de nuevo !! Properties=Las propiedades del display CloseEnhanced=Funciones del cierre aumentado ; ; Ajustment related ... ; Adjust=Ajustes Pattern=Haga click aqui para provar los patrones Synchronization=Sincronizacion Horizontal=Horizontal Vertical=Vertical BtnPos=Posicion BtnSize=Talla BtnPos0=Mover el display hacia arriba BtnPos1=Mover el display hacia la izquierda BtnPos2=Mover el display hacia abajo BtnPos3=Mover el display hacia la derecha BtnSize0=Incrementar la talla vertical BtnSize1=Reducir la talla horizontal BtnSize2=Disminuir la talla verticale BtnSize3=Incrementar la Talla orizontal ; ; Hotkey related ; KeyName0=Cribar hacia Arriba KeyName1=Cribar hacia la Izquierda KeyName2=Cribar hacia Abajo KeyName3=Cribar hacia la Derecha KeyName4=Hacer Zoom hacia Dentro KeyName5=Hacer Zoom hacia Fuera KeyName6=Cerrar PanCtrl=Control del hotkey de cribar Name=Nombre : Description=Descripcion Value=Hotkey EnableHK=Hotkey Valido Descript0=Selecciona un hotkey para cribar la pantalla hacia arriba sobre la mesa. Descript1=Selecciona un hotkey para cribar la pantalla hacia la izquierda sobre la mesa. Descript2=Selecciona un hotkey para cribar la pantalla hacia abajo sobre la mesa. Descript3=Selecciona un hotkey para cribar la pantalla hacia derecha sobre la mesa. Descript4=Selecciona un hotkey para disminuir la resolucion de la pantalla sobre la mesa. Descript5=Selecciona un hotkey para incrementar la resolucion de la pantalla sobre la mesa. Descript6=Selecciona un hotkey para cerrerar/abrir la pantalla en la posicion actual sobre la mesa. DoubleKey=Hay seleccionado hotkeys duplicados. Por favor especifique un hotkey unico para cada elemento !! ; ; Advanced page related ; Advance=Avanzado Performance=Actuacion MemClk=Ajustar la actuacion del sistema del video GBPerformance=Actuacion WriteCombine=Plentium II && Plentium Pro Aceleracion MMXVideo=Aumento MMX del Video MMXD3d=Aceleracion MMX Directo3d DisplayPerformance=Setting de la actuacion... VideoQuality=Calidad del Video VInterpolaration=Interpolaracion Vertical MemorySlow=Lento MemoryFast=Rapido SuggestedMem=Velocidad de la Memoria del Video PerformanceSetting=Setting de la Actuacion Panel=Propiedad del Display ASUS DirectX=Por favor instale el DirectX antes de correr este programa ! DirectX3A=Para obtener mejor actuacion, por favor instale el DirectX 3.0a o mas tarde ! Future=Esta funcion sera soportado en el futuro ! TestResult=Resultado del Test UserCancel1=El usuario cancela la prueba de la memoria del video ! UserCancel2=La velocidad de la memoria del video seleccionado no esta garantizada. TestFail1=La prueba de la memoria del video es fallida ! TestFail2=Deberia usar mejor memoria del video o reducir la actuacion. TestSuccessful=La prueba de la memoria del video es exitosa ! FirstTest=La memoria del video en la tarjteta del display sera probado para asegurar de que estan trabajando apropiadamente. WantAjust=Quiere ajustar la actuacion de la memoria del video ? TestIncompleted=La prueba de la memoria del video no es completo ! ChangeMode1=Este programa no esta soportado en este modo de display. ChangeMode2=Por favor cambie a otro modo y corre de nuevo. Set=Set CloseAP=Por favor cierre las otras aplicaciones, y intentelo de nuevo. ;;; ;; For refresh rate adjustment ;;; EditRefresh=Editor del valor refrescante Interlaced=Entrelazado Noninterlaced=NoEntrelazado ChangeRefresh=Valor Refrescante Refresh=Refrescante RefRestored=El valor original ha sido almacenado de nuevo!! RefChanged=El valor refrescante ha sido cambiado por el valor que ha especificado. Quiere mantenerlo? RefSeconds=Si no presiona OK 15 segundos, el valor original sera realmacenado... RefNoSupport=Disculpe , este valor refrescante no es soportado !! MsgWarnResize=Los ajuste en esta pagina podria causar que su pantalla se convierta temporalmente ilegible. Si esto ocurre, presione ESC para cancelar sus cambios. ; ; For setting page... ; DspArea=Area del Escritorio Desktop=Escritorio Screen=Pantalla Color=Color EnableVDesk=Pantalla virtual valido Warning=Advertencia MsgWarnDsk=El Windows ajustara sus setting del display. Esto podria llevar unos segundos, durante lo cual su pantalla puede que parpadee. Si el Windows no reaparece correctamente, espere 15 segundos o presione la tecla de ESC, y sus settings originales seran almacenados de nuevo . MsgIsClear=Ha cambiado los settings del display. Quiere mantener estos settings? MsgRestore=El Windows ha almacenado de nuevo sus settings originales ! ShowCheckBox=Quiere visualizar este mensaje la proxima vez ? SelectMonitor=Necesita elegir un monitor correcto para trabajar con normalidad!! MsgWarnEnable=Si valida la funcion de la pantalla virtual, las funciones de DirectDraw seran invalidados !! Quiere realmente validar esto ? ; ; ASwitch related... ; ASwitch=TV TVAdvance=Settings Avanzados TVFFilter=Filtro que Parpadeante: TVFFilterLess=Menos TVFFilterMore=Mas TVFFilterON=Encendido TVFFilterOFF=Apagado TVTiming=Temporizador TVOptTiming=Temporizador optimo TVImage=Imagen TVMultImage=Imagen Multiple TVWarnTitle=Advertencia TVWarnMsg=Nota: La funcion aumentada provista por ASUS no tendra efecto hasta que recomience el Windows de nuevo. SwCRT=Ecritorio SwEnableCRT=Monitor SwTV=TV SwEnableTV=TV SwTVType=Estandart: SwTVSignal=Tipo de salida SwTVAdvance=Setting de Avance... SwLCD=LCD SwEnableLCD=LCD ; ; Color calibration ; EnableRGBCorrect=Ajuste del Color RGB Valido MPEGColor=Ajustes del Color MPEG GraphicColor=Ajustes de los Colores del Grafico ColorSpline=Difuminado del Color ColorCorrection=Correccion del Color Brightness=Brillo Contrast=Contraste Gamma=Gama Red=Rojo Green=Verde Blue=Azul All=Todo ; ; Information ; Information=Informacion Version=Version RAMSize=Talla RAM del Video RAMType=Tipo RAM del Video MonitorType=Tipo de Monitor VGAChip=Chipset VGA Driver=Driver BUSType=Tipo de BUS ;============================================================================ ; Italian ;============================================================================ [xxx39xxx] ;====<< Generale >>======= OK=Va bene Cancel=Cancellare Yes=Si No=Non Add=Addicionare Del=Cancellare Test=Test Second=Secondi Min=Minimo Max=Massimo Default=Fallo ; ; Hotkey32 messages !! ; WarnCloseHotkey=Avvtimento : Las Funzioni Aumentatati ASUS, tali come la schermo virtuale, rigolazioni di valori rinfrescanti, etc., sara invalido. Sara valido quando il Wi ndows e ricominciato la prossima voglia. Vole chiuderelo ? NoCloseHotkey=Per favore chiude las pagini di las proprietta delle display , e provarel o di nuovo !! Properties=Las proprietta delle display CloseEnhanced=Funzioni delle chiude aumentato ; ; Adjustment related... ; Adjust=Regolazione Pattern=Fa click qui per provare los campioni Synchronization=Sincronizzazione Horizontal=Orizzontale Vertical=Verticale BtnPos=Posizione BtnSize=Taglia BtnPos0=Muovere il display verso l'alto BtnPos1=Muovere il display verso la sinistra BtnPos2=Muovere il display verso abasso BtnPos3=Muovere il display verso la destra BtnSize0=Ingrandire la taglia verticale BtnSize1=Ridurre la taglia orizzontale BtnSize2=Ridurre la taglia verticale BtnSize3=Ingrandire la Taglia orizzontale ; ; HotKey related ; KeyName0=Colare verso l'Alto KeyName1=Colare verso la Sinistra KeyName2=Colare verso Abasso KeyName3=Colare verso la Destra KeyName4=Fare Zoom verso dentro KeyName5=Fare Zoom verso Fora KeyName6=Chiudere PanCtrl=Controllo delle hotkey di colare Name=Nombre : Description=Descrizione Value=Hotkey EnableHK=Hotkey Valido Descript0=Sceglie un hotkey per colare il schermo verso l'alto sopra il tavolo. Descript1=Sceglie un hotkey per colare il schermo verso la sinistra sopra il tavolo. Descript2=Sceglie un hotkey per colare il schermo verso abasso sopra il tavolo. Descript3=Sceglie un hotkey per colare il schermo verso destra sopra il tavolo. Descript4=Sceglie un hotkey per ridurre la risoluzione il schermo sopra il tavolo. Descript5=Sceglie un hotkey per incrementare la risoluzione il schermo verso sopra il tavolo. Descript6=Sceglie un hotkey per chiudere/aprire il schermo in la posizione attuale sopra il tavolo. DoubleKey=Avere selezionato hotkeys duplicati. Per favore spezificare un hotkey unic o per ogni elemento !! ; ; Advanced page related ; Advance=Avanzato Performance=Attuazione MemClk=Regolare la attuazione delle sistema delle video GBPerformance=Attuazione WriteCombine=Plentium II && Plentium Pro Accelerazione MMXVideo=Aumento MMX delle Video MMXD3d=Accelerazione MMX Diretto3d DisplayPerformance=Setting della attuazione VideoQuality=Qualitta delle Video VInterpolaration=Interpolarazione Verticale MemorySlow=Lento MemoryFast=Rapido SuggestedMem=Velocitta della Memoria delle Video PerformanceSetting=Setting della Attazione Panel=Proprietta delle Display ASUS DirectX=Per favore instala il DirectX avanti di correre queste programma ! DirectX3A=Per ottenere migliore attuazione, per favore instala il DirectX 3.0a oppure piu tardi ! Future=Queta funzione sara suportato in il futuro ! TestResult=Risultato delle Test UserCancel1=Il utente cancela la prova della memoria delle video ! UserCancel2=La velocitta della memoria delle video eleggito non e garantito . TestFail1=La Prova della memoria delle video e fallita ! TestFail2=Dove usare migliore memoria delle video oppure ridurre la attuazione. TestSuccessful=La prova della memoria delle video e ricca ! FirstTest=La memoria delle video in il biglietto delle display sara provato per asicura re di che e lavoranti apropriatamente. WarnAdjust=Vole rigolare la attuazione della memoria delle video ? TestIncompleted=La prova della memoria delle video non e completo ! ChangeMode1=Queste programma non sta suportato in queste nodo di display. ChangeMode2=Per favore cambia per altro modo e corre di nuovo. Set=Set CloseAP=Per favore chiude las altri applicazioni, e intentalo di nuovo. ;;; ;; For refresh rate adjustment ;;; EditRefresh=Editore delle valore rinfrescante Interlaced=Intercciato Noninterlaced=NonIntercciato ChangeRefresh=Valore Rinfrescante Refresh=Rinfrescante RefRestored=Il valore originale a sito inmmagazzinato di nuovo!! RefChanged=Il valore rinfrescante a sito cambiato per il valore que a spezificato. Vol e mantenerelo? RefSeconds=Se non pressiona Ok 15 secondi, il valore originale sara reinmmagazzinat o... RefNoSupport=Scusi , queste valore rinfrescante non e soportato !! MsgWarnResize=Las regolazioni in questa pagina puo causare que su schermo si diventa temporalemente illeggibile. Se questo succede, pressione ESC per cancellare lei cambi. ; ; For setting page... ; DspArea=Area delle Tavolo Desktop=Tavolo Screen=Schermo Color=Colore EnableVDesk=Schermo virtuale valido Warning=Avvertimento MsgWarnDsk=Il Windows regolara lei settings delle display. Questo puo por tare uni secondi, durante lo cuale su schermo puo tremolare. Se il Windows non riapp arice correttamente, aspetta 15 secondi oppure pressione il tasto di ESC, e lei settings originali saran inmmagazzinati di nuovo. MsgIsClear=A cambiato los settings delle display. Vole mantenere questi settings? MsgRestore=Il windows a inmmagazzinato di nuovo lei settings originali! ShowCheckBox=Vole mostrare queste mensaggio la prossima voglia ? SelectMonitor=Necesita eleggere un monitor corretto per lavorare con normalita!! MsgWarnEnable=Se valida la funzione delle schermo virtuale, las funzioni di D irectDraw saran invalitato !! Vole veramente validare questo ? ; ; ConettoreAS imparentato... ; ASwitch=TV TVAdvance=Settings Avanzati TVFFilter=Filtro Tremolante: TVFFilterLess=Meno TVFFilterMore=Ma TVFFilterON=Accendito TVFFilterOFF=Spegnato TVTiming=Contaminuti TVOptTiming=Contaminuti ottimale TVImage=Imagine TVMultImage=Imagine Molteplice TVWarnTitle=Avvertimento TVWarnMsg=Nota: La funzione aumentata dotati per ASUS non averan eftto fi nora que ricomincia il Windows di nuovo. SwCRT=Tavolo SwEnableCRT=Monitor SwTV=TV SwEnableTV=TV SwTVType=Standart: SwTVSignal=Tipo di partenza SwTVAdvance=Setting di Avance... SwLCD=LCD SwEnableLCD=LCD ; ; Color calibration ; EnableRGBCorrect=Regolazione delle Colore RGB Valido MPEGColor=Regolazioni delle Colore MPEG GraphicColor=Regolazioni di los Colori delle Grafico ColorSpline=Velato delle Colore ColorCorrection=Correzione delle Colore Brightness=Brillanza Contrast=Contrsto Gamma=Gamma Red=Rosso Green=Verde Blue=Azzurro All=Tutto ; ; Information ; Information=Informazione Version=Versione RAMSize=Taglia RAM delle Video RAMType=Tipo RAM delle Video MonitorType=Tipo di Monitor VGAChip=Chipset VGA Driver=Driver BUSType=Tipo di BUS ;============================================================================ ; Korean ;============================================================================ [82] Adjust=Á¶Á¤ BtnPos=À§Ä¡ BtnSize=Å©±â BtnPos0=ȸé À§·ÎÀ̵¿ BtnPos1=ȸé Á·ΠÀ̵¿ BtnPos2=È¸é ¾Æ·¡·Î À̵¿ BtnPos3=È¸é ¿ì·Î À̵¿ BtnSize0=¼öÁ÷Áõ°¡ BtnSize1=¼öÆò°¨¼Ò BtnSize2=¼öÁ÷°¨¼Ò BtnSize3=¼öÆòÁõ°¡ DspArea=ȸ鿵¿ª Desktop=µ¥½ºÅ©Å¾ Screen=ȸé Color=»ö»ó EnableVDesk=°¡»óµ¥½ºÅ©Å¾ »ç¿ë Performance=¼º´É ChangeRefresh=ȸéÀç»ý·ü º¯°æ Refresh=ȸéÀç»ý·ü MemClk=¸Þ¸ð¸®Á¡°Ë Default=±âº»°ª Add=Ãß°¡ Del=»èÁ¦ Test=°Ë»ç OK=È®ÀÎ Cancel=Ãë¼Ò Yes=¿¹ No=¾Æ´Ï¿À Min=ÃÖ¼Ò Max=ÃÖ´ë EditRefresh=ÆíÁý ¹× ȸéÀç»ý·ü Interlaced=ÀÎÅÍ·¹À̽º Noninterlaced=³ÍÀÎÅÍ·¹À̽º KeyName0=À§·Î À̵¿ KeyName1=Á·ΠÀ̵¿ KeyName2=¾Æ·¡·Î À̵¿ KeyName3=¿ì·Î À̵¿ KeyName4=È®´ë KeyName5=Ãà¼Ò KeyName6=°íÁ¤ Panctrl=À̵¿ ´ÜÃàÅ° Á¦¾î Name=À̸§ Description=¼³¸í¼ Value=´ÜÃàÅ° EnableHK=´ÜÃàÅ° »ç¿ë Descript0=µ¥½ºÆ®Å¾ ´ÜÃàÅ° »ç¿ëÀ¸·Î ½ºÅ©¸° À§·Î À̵¿. 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After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.