SocketSerialBT.inf Driver File Contents (

;<>*                                                      *<>
;<>*            Socket Communications, Inc.               *<>
;<>*                                                      *<>
; Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Socket Communications, Inc.
; 37400 Central Court
; Newwark, CA 94560
; 510-744-2700(voice)
; 510-744-2727(fax)
; File: SocketBt.INF
; File Description and General Information
;  This setup information file is used to install Socket Communications, Inc.
;  Bluetooth PC/CF Card devices on x86 computers running any of the following
;  operating systems from Microsoft: Windows 9x, ME, Windows 2000 and XP.
;  Socket Bluetooth CF Card support software:
;  SKTSIOBT.sys  - Windows 2000 and XP high Speed (921kbps) device driver
;  sktsio9x.vxd  - Windows 9x and ME high speed (921kbps) device driver
;  Microsoft support Software:
;  serenum.sys	 - Windows 2000/Xp upper-level device filter driver	
;  MsPorts.dll	 - Windows 2000/Xp PC/CF card property page
;  serenum.vxd	 - Windows 9x/Me   upper-level device filter driver		
;  serialui.dll  - Windows 9x/Me   PC/CF card property page
; History Section
; Created  3/15/2004   rlk
LayoutFile  = layout.inf
signature	= "$WINDOWS NT$"
Provider   	= %Socket%
Class      	= Ports
ClassGuid	= {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
DriverVer	= 03/23/2004,
;CatalogFile	= socketbt.CAT			; Digital Signature file

; Install Disk Section

DefaultDestDir 	= 11     ; Windows\System32
CopyNtDriver    = 12     ; Windows\System32\Drivers
CopyNtPropPage  = 11     ; Windows\System32
CopyW9xDriver	= 11     ; Windows\system

1 = %DiskId1%,,,""

SKTBt2k.sys	= 1,,
SktSio9x.vxd	= 1,,

; Class Installer section - Windows 9x and ME


; Class32 Installer section - Windows 2000 and Xp 


; Exclude List Section 
ExcludeFromSelect =	 PCMCIA\Socket-CF+_Personal_Network_Card_Rev_2.5-E3CE

; Device Selection Section
%Socket% = BtIdList

%BT.DeviceDesc%   = BtCOM,PCMCIA\Socket-CF+_Personal_Network_Card_Rev_2.5-E3CE

; Windows 9x and ME Driver Install Section
CopyFiles = CopyW9xDriver
AddReg    = SetupRegW9x,W9xOverRides


HKR,,PortSubClass,1,01			   ; Type 01 = serial
HKR,,DevLoader,0,*vcomm			   ; Loads device driver as needed.
HKR,,Enumerator,0,serenum.vxd	   ; Enumerator
HKR,,PortDriver,0,sktsio9x.vxd	   ; Device driver
HKR,,Contention,0,*vcd			   ; Static VxD that handles contention and virtualization for the device
HKR,,ConfigDialog,0,serialui.dll   ; DLL called to service comm API functions 

; HKLM,%PowerMgr%,"EnablePowerManagement",1,0
; HKR,,EnableIRQSharing,1,01,00,00,00

; Reponse to SetDefaultCommConfig() by COMMCONFIG
; This following are the default register setting for the serial device (16C950/HIS-2)
; and entries are in hex.
; (Byte 1)     - Uart Type 950 =0, Not95x = F0
; (Byte 2)     - Chip revision level 0 = "A", 1 = "B", 2 ="C"  
; (Byte 3)     - Clock prescaler register value              (CPR)	 range 1 - 31 7/8 step 1/8 frequency 
; (Byte 4)     - N-Times clock register value                (TCR)	 range 0 - 3 = 16 clock samples 4 - 15 = clock samples 
; (Byte 5)     - Transmitter Interrupt Trigger Level         (TTL)  range 0 - 127 
; (Byte 6)     - Receiver Interrupt Trigger Level            (RTL)  range 0 - 127 
; (Byte 7)     - Automatic Flow Control Lower Trigger level  (FCL)	 range 0 - 127
; (Byte 8)     - Automatic Flow Control Higher Trigger level (FCH)  range 0 - 127
; (Byte 9)     - Special  RHR Trigger level if 550/750 mode set
; (Byte 10,11) - Clock divisor                               (DLMDLL) range 1 - 65535 
; (Byte 12)    - Auto flow control flags:  CTS = 1, RTS = 2, DTR = 4 DSR = 8, Xon/Xoff = 16
; (Byte 13)    - Force an option flag: Force450 =1, Force550 = 2, Force a baud = 16; Force Non 950 = 3;

; (Byte 14)    - Flag for Baudrate mapping 0 = No mapping, 1 = mapping 
; The following are expanded BaudRates that can be mapped to the standard PC BaudRates.
; The mappings will be used by the device driver if the mapping flag is set to true (1).
; 75    =0,  110   =1,  134    =2,  150    =3,  300    =4,  600   =5,  1200  =6,  1800  =7, 2000  =8,
; 2400  =9,  3600  =10, 4800   =11, 7200   =12, 9600   =13, 12800 =14, 14400 =15, 19200 =16 23040 =17,
; 28800 =18, 38400 =19, 57600  =20, 115200 =21, 230400 =22, 460800 =23, 921600 =24
; (Byte 15)    - Baud 110	 Standard PC BaudRate selections that can be re-mapped
; (Byte 16)	   - Baud 300
; (Byte 17)    - Baud 600
; (Byte 18)    - Baud 1200
; (Byte 19)    - Baud 2400
; (Byte 20)    - Baud 4800
; (Byte 21)    - Baud 9600
; (Byte 22)    - Baud 19200
; (Byte 23)    - Baud 38400
; (Byte 24)    - Baud 57600
; (Byte 25)    - Baud 115200
; (Byte 26,27,28)    - Socket Communication, Inc. Options

;  Windows 9x and ME Logical Configuration  list
; Section name format meaning:
; Char 1 = c (COM port)
; Char 2 = I/O config: 1 (3f8), 2 (2f8), 3 (3e8), 4 (2e8), a (any)
; Char 3 = IRQ config: #, a (any)
; OverRide Parameter Tables Windows 9x and Me

; OVERRIDE for (xxxx / xxxx)
HKR,Override,0000,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,00,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0:
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port

; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
ff,ff, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
21, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
00,04,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
2D, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;
; OVERRIDE for (xxxx / xxxx)
HKR,Override,0001,1, \
00,04,00,00, \
00,00,00,00, \
; I/O Resource Descriptor 0:
24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor
02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002
01,00, \       ; IOD_Count;
0C,00, \       ; IOD_Type;         // IOType_Range = 0x000C
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_Base;
00,00, \       ; IOD_Alloc_End;
00,00, \       ; IOD_DesFlags;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Alias;
00, \          ; IOD_Alloc_Decode;
F8,FF, \       ; IOR_Align;        // Mask for base alignment
08,00, \       ; IOR_nPorts;       // Number of ports
00,01, \       ; IOR_Min;          // Min port address
FF,FF, \       ; IOR_Max;          // Max port address
00,00, \       ; IOR_RangeFlags;   // Flags
00, \          ; IOR_Alias;        // Alias offset
00, \          ; IOR_Decode;       // Address specified
40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port

; IRQ Resource Descriptor
14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor
04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Flags;
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Alloc_Num;   // Allocated IRQ number
ff,ff, \       ; IRQD_Req_Mask;    // Mask of possible IRQs
00,00, \       ; IRQD_Reserved;
20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts
; Same as PCMCIA Card Services RequestConfiguration argument structure.
; The Socket field in this structure does not need to be filled in.
19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor
7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C
00,00, \       ; Socket;
02,00, \       ; Attributes;
32, \          ; Vcc;
00, \          ; Vpp1
00, \          ; Vpp2
02, \          ; IntType;
00,04,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase;
00, \          ; Status;
00, \          ; Pin;
00, \          ; Copy;
2D, \          ; ConfigIndex;
03, \          ; Present;

; Windows 2000/Xp Device Driver Section
CopyFiles = CopyNtDriver


; Windows 2000/Xp Device Driver Hardware Section
AddReg = SetupNtHw

HKR,,"ClockRate",0x00010001, 1843200
; single serial port card
HKR,,"CardType",0x00010001, 1 
HKR,,"DriverName", 0x00000000,"%DeviceDriver%"
;HKR,,"DriverName", 0x00000000,"SktBt2k"
HKR,,SktIndex,0x00010001,1	           ; UART 1 
HKR,,"NoDisplayInUI",0x00010001, 0	   ; Display COM port assignment

;HKR,,FixBaudRate,0x00010001,0	           ; Fixed Baudrate Selections are 110 thru 921600
			                   ; Entry of 0 means override is disabled

;  %DeviceDriver%
; Windows 2000/XP Service Section 

AddService = SocketBtCOM, 0x00000002, Serial_Service_Inst, Serial_EventLog_Inst
AddService = Serenum,,Serenum_Service_Inst

DisplayName    = %BT.SVCDESC%
ServiceType    = 1               ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3               ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl   = 0               ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
ServiceBinary  = %12%\%DeviceDriver%
LoadOrderGroup = Extended base

DisplayName    = %Serenum.SVCDESC%
ServiceType    = 1               ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3               ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl   = 1               ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\serenum.sys
LoadOrderGroup = PNP Filter

AddReg = Serial_EventLog_AddReg


; Windows 2000 and XP OverRide Section
LogConfig    =    Override0
LogConfig    =    Override1
LogConfig    =    Override2
LogConfig    =    Override3
LogConfig    =    Override4

; Windows 2000 and XP Override list
IOConfig     = 3E8-3EF                  ; COM3                 
IRQConfig    = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,15     
MfCardConfig = 400:1D:0

IOConfig     = 2E8-2EF                  ; COM4               
IRQConfig    = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,15     
MfCardConfig = 400:25:0

IOConfig     = 2F8-2FF                  ; COM2                 
IRQConfig    = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,15     
MfCardConfig = 400:15:0

IOConfig     = 8@100-3F0%FFF8(FFFF::)  ; Any where between 100 and 3f0                
IRQConfig    = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,15     
MfCardConfig = 400:2D:0

ConfigPriority = DESIRED
MemConfig    = 1000@00000000-FFFFFFFF%1000(RW)
IRQConfig    = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,15     
MfCardConfig = 400:2D:0
PcCardConfig = 0:0(A)

; Strings Section
REG_SZ         = 0x00000000
REG_MULTI_SZ   = 0x00010000
REG_EXPAND_SZ  = 0x00020000
REG_BINARY     = 0x00000001
REG_DWORD      = 0x00010001

DiskId1           = "Socket Installation Disk #1"
PortsClassName    = "Ports (COM & LPT)"
Socket            = "Socket Communications, Inc."
Serenum.SVCDESC   = "Serenum Filter Driver"
BT.SVCDESC        = "Socket Bluetooth Port Driver"
BT.DeviceDesc	  = "Socket Bluetooth CF Card Adapter"
PowerMgr          =  "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VXD\VCOMM"
DeviceDriver      = "SktBt2K.sys"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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