;Listing of Phone Numbers by Windows Locale Code ;for Dell Reorder Applications ;Languages per Localization Matrix dated 04-29-04 ; With the addition of Portugal Portuguese 05-19-04 ; Added Portugal and South Korea phone numbers 05-18-05 ; Corrected Portugal number 09/12/05 ; Removed South Korea-Korean (Johab dialect) as it is not supported by the OS 09/30/05 ; Added brazil phone number 06/12/05 ; Added singapore english number 09/20/06 ;Country codes are entered as hexadecimal ;The string " Please see your local distributor " has been translated to russian language for russian customers 02-27-06 [phone numbers] ;AMF ;English-US 0x0409=877-INK-2YOU ;English-Canadian 0x1009=877-501-4803 ;French-Canadian 0x0C0C=877-501-4803 ;Spanish-Mexican 0x080A=001 866 851 1754 ;Spanish-Puerto-Rico 0x500A=866 851 1760 ;English-Australia 0x0C09=1300 303 290 ;Spanish-Chile 0x340A=CTC Number 800-202874; 1230-020-3947 ;Spanish-Columbia 0x240a=01800-9-155676 ;Spanish-Argentina 0x2c0a=Por favor comuniquese con su destributor local ;Spanish-Paraguay 0x3c0a=Por favor comuniquese con su destributor local ;Spanish-Peru 0x280a=Por favor comuniquese con su destributor local ;Spanish-Uruguay 0x380a=Por favor comuniquese con su destributor local ;Spanish-Venezuela 0x200a=Por favor comuniquese con su destributor local ;English-Caribbean Islands 0x2409=Please contact your local distributor ;Brazil 0x0416=0800-722-3498 ;EMF ;English-United-Kingdom 0x0809=0870 907 4574 ;English-Irish 0x1809=1850 707 407 ;French-Standard 0x040C=825387247 ;French-Swiss 0x100C=0848 335 599 ;Italian-Swiss 0x0810=0848 335 599 ;German-Swiss 0x0807=0848 335 599 ;German-Standard 0x0407=0800 2873355 ;German-Austrian 0x0C07=08 20 - 24 05 30 35 ;Spanish-Traditional-Sort 0x040A=902120385 ;Spanish-Modern-Sort 0x0C0A=902120385 ;Italian-Standard 0x0410=800602705 ;Dutch-Standard 0x0413=020 - 674 4881 ;French-Belgian 0x080C=02.713 1590 ;Dutch-Belgian 0x0813=02.713 1590 ;Italian-Italy 0x0410=800602705 ;French-Luxembourg 0x140C=02.713 1590 ;Danish 0x0406=3287 5215 ;Finnish 0x040B=09 2533 1411 ;Swedish 0x041D=08 587 705 81 ;Swedish-Finland 0x081D=09 2533 1411 ;Norwegian-Bokmal 0x0414=231622 64 ;Norwegian-Nynorsk 0x0814=231622 64 ;Polish-Poland 0x0415=022 579 59 65 ;Czech - Czech Republic 0x0405=+420 225 372 711 ;Portuguese-Portugal 0x0816=21 422 0710 ;APCC ;PRC-Simplified Chinese 0x0804=800-858-2425 ;Singapore-Chinese 0x1004=1800 394 7425 ;Singapore-English 0x4809=1800 394 7425 ;Japan-Japanese 0x0411=044-556-3551 ;Malaysia-Malay 0x043e=1800 88 0553 ;South Korea-Korean (Wansung) 0x0412=080-999-0240 ;Russia-Russian 0x0419=Ïîæàëóéñòà, îáðàòèòåñü ê äèñòðèáüþòîðó ;Israel-Hebrew 0x040D=àðà ôðä àì äîôéõ äî÷åîé ;Arabic-Saudi Arabia 0x0401=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-UAE 0x3801=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Algeria 0x1401=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Bahrain 0x3C01=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Egypt 0xC01=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Jordan 0x2C01=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Kuwait 0x3401=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Lebanon 0x3001=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Morocco 0x1801=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Oman 0x2001=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Qatar 0x4001=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Tunisia 0x1C01=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;Arabic-Yemen 0x2401=ÈÑÌÇÁ ÇáÇÊÕÇá ÈÇáãæÒÚ ÇáãÍáí áÏíß ;English-South Africa 0x1c09=0860 102 591 ;French-Cameroon 0x2C0C=Veuillez contacter votre concessionnaire local ;French-Congo (DRC) 0x240C=Veuillez contacter votre concessionnaire local ;French-Cote d'Ivoire 0x300C=Veuillez contacter votre concessionnaire local ;French-Mali 0x340C=Veuillez contacter votre concessionnaire local ;French-Reunion 0x200C=Veuillez contacter votre concessionnaire local ;French-Senegal 0x280C=Veuillez contacter votre concessionnaire local ;French-West Indies 0x1C0C=Veuillez contacter votre concessionnaire local ;Hungarian-Hungary 0x40E=Kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba a helyi forgalmazóval ;Slovak - Slovakia 0x41B=Prosím, obráte sa na váho miestneho distribútora ;Slovenian - Slovenia 0x424=Prosimo, obrnite se na lokalnega distributerja ;Turkey-Turkish 0x041F=Lütfen yerel daðýtýcýnýzla görüþün ;default phone number for countries not listed default=Contact your Point of PurchaseDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.