[Settings] Language = Auto [English] DialogFontFace = MS Sans Serif CopyrightMark = 0 LogoName = WinFast SheetName = WinFast Settings RestartMsg = You must restart your Windows before the new settings will take effect. Do you want to restart your Windows now? Restart2Msg = You must restart your Windows before the new settings will take effect. WarnMsg1 = Windows will now change your desktop Refresh Rate. This could take a few seconds, during which your screen might flicker, If Windows does not reappear correctly, wait 10 seconds, and your original settings will be restore. ConfirmMsg1 = You changed your desktop Refresh Rate. Do you want to keep this Refresh Rate? RestoreMsg1 = Windows has restored your original desktop Refresh Rate. WarnMsg2 = Windows will now resize your display/desktop area. This could take a few seconds, during which your screen might flicker, If Windows does not reappear correctly, wait 10 seconds, and your original settings will be restore. ConfirmMsg2 = You resized your display/desktop area. Do you want to keep this setting? RestoreMsg2 = Windows has restored your original display/desktop size. RestoreMsg3 = Windows has restored your original setting. LogoFontFace = Times New Roman LogoFontSize = 32 ;LogoFontItalic = 1 ;LogoFontWeight = 700 ChipFontFace = Times New Roman ChipFontSize = 17 ;ChipFontItalic = 1 ;ChipFontWeight = 700 S3-325 = 3D S600 Accelerator S3-375 = 3D S600DX Accelerator S3-732 = Trio32 Graphics Accelerator S3-764 = S240 Graphics Accelerator S3-765 = S280 Multimedia Accelerator S3-775 = S280V2 Multimedia Accelerator S3-868 = S250 Graphics Accelerator S3-968 = Vision968 Graphics Accelerator S3-988 = 3D S1000 Accelerator S3-357 = 3D S680 Accelerator DisplayRefreshRate = Display refresh rate FontSize = Font size ColorPalette = Color palette DisplayArea = Display area DesktopArea = Desktop area LockDesktop = Lock desktop SmallFonts = Small Fonts LargeFonts = Large Fonts CustomFonts = Custom Fonts Bpp4 = 16 Color Bpp8 = 256 Color Bpp16 = High Color (16 bit) Bpp24 = True Color (24 bit) Bpp32 = True Color (32 bit) Res640x480 = 640 by 480 pixels Res800x600 = 800 by 600 pixels Res1024x768 = 1024 by 768 pixels Res1152x864 = 1152 by 864 pixels Res1280x1024 = 1280 by 1024 pixels Res1600x1200 = 1600 by 1200 pixels Apply = Apply Default = Default OK = OK Cancel = Cancel Yes = Yes No = No Adjustment = Adjust Position = Position Size = Size Reset = Reset Up = UP Down = DOWN Left = LEFT Right = RIGHT Sheet2Name = WinFast Color Brightness = RGB Brightness YUVColor = YUV Color Adjust [German] DialogFontFace = MS Sans Serif CopyrightMark = 0 LogoName = WinFast SheetName = WinFast Einstellungen RestartMsg = Die Änderungen werden erst nach dem Neustart des Windows wirksam. Soll der Windows jetzt neu gestartet werden? Restart2Msg = Starten Sie Ihren Rechner neu, damit die Änderungen wirksam werden. WarnMsg1 = Windows ändert nun die Bildwiederholfrequenz. Möglicherweise treten Bildstörungen auf. Sollte Windows nicht korrekt erscheinen, werden nach 10 Sekunden die ursprünglichen Einstellungen wiederhergestellt. ConfirmMsg1 = Die Bildwiederholfrequenz wurde geändert. Möchten Sie diese Frequenz beibehalten? RestoreMsg1 = Windows hat die ursprüngliche Bildwiederholfrequenz wiederhergestellt. WarnMsg2 = Windows paßt nun die Größe der Arbeitsfläche/Anzeigebereichs an. Möglicherweise treten Bildstörungen auf. Sollte Windows nicht korrekt erscheinen, werden nach 10 Sekunden die ursprünglichen Einstellungen wiederhergestellt. ConfirmMsg2 = Die Grösse der Arbeitsfläche wurde geändert. Möchten Sie diese Einstellungen beibehalten? RestoreMsg2 = Windows hat die ursprünglichen Einstellungen der Arbeitsfläche wiederhergestellt. RestoreMsg3 = Windows hat die ursprünglichen Einstellungen wiederhergestellt. LogoFontFace = Times New Roman LogoFontSize = 32 ChipFontFace = Times New Roman ChipFontSize = 17 S3-325 = 3D S600 Beschleuniger S3-375 = 3D S600DX Beschleuniger S3-732 = Trio32 Grafik Beschleuniger S3-764 = S240 Grafik Beschleuniger S3-765 = S280 Multimedia Beschleuniger S3-775 = S280V2 Multimedia Beschleuniger S3-868 = S250 Grafik Beschleuniger S3-968 = Vision968 Grafik Beschleuniger S3-988 = 3D S1000 Beschleuniger S3-357 = 3D S680 Beschleuniger DisplayRefreshRate = Bildwiederholfrequenz FontSize = Schriftgrad ColorPalette = Farbpalette DisplayArea = Virtuelle Arbeitsfläche DesktopArea = Arbeitsflächengröße LockDesktop = Keine virt. Anzeige SmallFonts = Kleine Schriftarten LargeFonts = Große Schriftarten CustomFonts = Benutzerdefinierte Schrift Bpp4 = 16 Farben Bpp8 = 256 Farben Bpp16 = 65536 Farben (16 bit) Bpp24 = Echtfarben (24 bit) Bpp32 = Echtfarben (32 bit) Res640x480 = 640 x 480 Pixel Res800x600 = 800 x 600 Pixel Res1024x768 = 1024 x 768 Pixel Res1152x864 = 1152 x 864 Pixel Res1280x1024 = 1280 x 1024 Pixel Res1600x1200 = 1600 x 1200 Pixel Apply = Anwenden Default = Voreinstellungen OK = OK Cancel = Abbrechen Yes = Ja No = Nein Adjustment = Adjust Position = Position Size = Size Reset = Reset Up = UP Down = DOWN Left = LEFT Right = RIGHT ;Sheet2Name = WinFast Farben Sheet2Name = WinFast Color Brightness = RGB Brightness YUVColor = YUV Color Adjust [French] DialogFontFace = MS Sans Serif CopyrightMark = 0 LogoName = WinFast SheetName = Paramètres WinFast RestartMsg = Veuillez redémarrer votre ordinateur pour que les nouveaux paramètres soient pris en compte. Voulez-vous redémarrer votre ordinateur maintenant ? Restart2Msg = Veuillez redémarrer votre ordinateur pour que les nouveaux paramètres soient pris en compte. WarnMsg1 = Windows change la fréquence de rafraîchissement. Pendant quelques instants l'image de l'écran peut vaciller.. Si Windows ne réapparaît pas correctement, veuillez attendre 10 secondes et les paramètres originaux seront rétablis. ConfirmMsg1 = Vous avez changé la fréquence de rafraîchissement. Souhaitez-vous garder cette fréquence de rafraîchissement ? RestoreMsg1 = Windows a restauré la fréquence de rafraîchissement original. WarnMsg2 = Windows va maintenant redimensionner votre bureau. Cette étape prendra quelques secondes et l'image sur votre écran va peut-être vaciller.. Si l'image ne réapparaît pas correctement, attendez 10 secondes pour la restauration de vos pa ConfirmMsg2 = Vous avez redimensionné l'espace du bureau. Souhaitez-vous conserver ces paramètres ? RestoreMsg2 = Windows a rétabli le bureau à sa taille originale. RestoreMsg3 = Windows a restauré les paramètres originaux. LogoFontFace = Times New Roman LogoFontSize = 32 ChipFontFace = Times New Roman ChipFontSize = 17 S3-325 = Accélérateur 3D S600 S3-375 = Accélérateur 3D S600DX S3-732 = Accélérateur graphique Trio32 S3-764 = Accélérateur graphique S240 S3-765 = Accélérateur Multimédia S280 S3-775 = Accélérateur Multimédia S280V2 S3-868 = Accélérateur graphique S250 S3-968 = Accélérateur graphique Vision968 S3-988 = Accélérateur 3D S1000 S3-357 = Accélérateur 3D S680 DisplayRefreshRate = Fréquence de rafraîchissement FontSize = Taille de la police ColorPalette = Palette de couleurs DisplayArea = Bureau virtuel DesktopArea = Espace du bureau LockDesktop = Sans bureau virtuel SmallFonts = Petites polices LargeFonts = Grandes polices CustomFonts = Personnaliser polices Bpp4 = 16 Couleurs Bpp8 = 256 Couleurs Bpp16 = 65536 Couleurs (16 bits) Bpp24 = Couleurs réelles (24 bits) Bpp32 = Couleurs réelles (32 bits) Res640x480 = 640 par 480 pixels Res800x600 = 800 par 600 pixels Res1024x768 = 1024 par 768 pixels Res1152x864 = 1152 par 864 pixels Res1280x1024 = 1280 par 1024 pixels Res1600x1200 = 1600 par 1200 pixels Apply = Appliquer Default = Défaut OK = OK Cancel = Annuler Yes = Oui No = Non Adjustment = Adjust Position = Position Size = Size Reset = Reset Up = UP Down = DOWN Left = LEFT Right = RIGHT ;Sheet2Name = Couleurs WinFast Sheet2Name = WinFast Color Brightness = RGB Brightness YUVColor = YUV Color Adjust [Taiwan] DialogFontFace = ·s²Ó©úÅé CopyrightMark = 0 LogoName = WinFast SheetName = WinFast ³]©wÈ RestartMsg = ±z¥²¶·«·s±Ò°Ê Windows ¤~¯àÅý·sªº³]©wȥͮÄ. ²{¦b·Q«·s±Ò°Ê Windows ? Restart2Msg = ±z¥²¶·«·s±Ò°Ê Windows ¤~¯àÅý·sªº³]©wȥͮÄ. WarnMsg1 = Windows ·|½Õ¾ãÅã¥ÜÀW²v. ³o¥i¯à·|ªá¤W´X¬íÄÁ,³o¬q®É¶¡¿Ã¹õ¥i¯à·|°{°Ê¤£°±. ¦pªG Windows «·sÅã¥Ü¤£¥¿½Tªº¸Ü,½Ðµ¥ 10 ¬í,´N·|ÁÙì¨ìì¨Óªº³]©wÈ. ConfirmMsg1 = ±z¤w¸g½Õ¾ãÅã¥ÜÀW²v. n«O¯d³oÓ³]©wÈ? RestoreMsg1 = Windows ¤w¸gÁÙì¨ìì¨ÓªºÅã¥ÜÀW²v. WarnMsg2 = Windows ·|½Õ¾ã®à±ªº¤j¤p. ³o¥i¯à·|ªá¤W´X¬íÄÁ,³o¬q®É¶¡¿Ã¹õ¥i¯à·|°{°Ê¤£°±. ¦pªG Windows «·sÅã¥Ü¤£¥¿½Tªº¸Ü,½Ðµ¥ 10 ¬í,´N·|ÁÙì¨ìì¨Óªº³]©wÈ. ConfirmMsg2 = ±z¤w¸g½Õ¾ã®à±ªº¤j¤p. n«O¯d³oÓ³]©wÈ? RestoreMsg2 = Windows ¤w¸gÁÙì¨ìì¨Óªº®à±¤j¤p. RestoreMsg3 = Windows ¤w¸gÁÙì¨ìì¨Óªº³]©wÈ. LogoFontFace = Times New Roman LogoFontSize = 32 ;LogoFontItalic = 1 ;LogoFontWeight = 700 ChipFontFace = Times New Roman ChipFontSize = 24 ;ChipFontItalic = 1 ;ChipFontWeight = 700 S3-325 = 3D S600 ¥[³t¾¹ S3-375 = 3D S600DX ¥[³t¾¹ S3-732 = Trio32 ø¹Ï¥[³t¾¹ S3-764 = S240 ø¹Ï¥[³t¾¹ S3-765 = S280 ¦h´CÅé¥[³t¾¹ S3-775 = S280V2 ¦h´CÅé¥[³t¾¹ S3-868 = S250 ø¹Ï¥[³t¾¹ S3-968 = Vision968 ¥[³t¾¹ S3-988 = 3D S1000 ¥[³t¾¹ S3-357 = 3D S680 ¥[³t¾¹ DisplayRefreshRate = Åã¥ÜÀW²v FontSize = ¦r«¬¤j¤p ColorPalette = ¦âªO DisplayArea = ®à±°Ï°ì DesktopArea = µêÀÀ®à±°Ï°ì LockDesktop = Ãö³¬µêÀÀ®à± SmallFonts = Small Fonts LargeFonts = Large Fonts CustomFonts = Custom Fonts Bpp4 = 16 ¦â Bpp8 = 256 ¦â Bpp16 = High Color (16 bit) Bpp24 = True Color (24 bit) Bpp32 = True Color (32 bit) Res640x480 = 640 * 480 ӹϯÀ Res800x600 = 800 * 600 ӹϯÀ Res1024x768 = 1024 * 768 ӹϯÀ Res1152x864 = 1152 * 864 ӹϯÀ Res1280x1024 = 1280 * 1024 ӹϯÀ Res1600x1200 = 1600 * 1200 ӹϯÀ Apply = ®M¥Î Default = ¨Ï¥Î¹w³]È OK = ½T©w Cancel = ¨ú®ø Yes = ¬O No = §_ Adjustment = ½Õ¾ã Position = ¦ì¸m Size = ¤j¤p Reset = ÁÙì Up = ¤W Down = ¤U Left = ¥ª Right = ¥k Sheet2Name = WinFast ÃC¦â³]©w Brightness = RGB «G«× YUVColor = YUV ÃC¦â½Õ¾ã [Japan] DialogFontFace = ¢Û¢á ©ú´Â CopyrightMark = 0 LogoName = WinFast SheetName = WinFastÌÝè RestartMsg = Vµ¢ÝèðLøÉ·éÉͺÝËß°ÀðÄN®·éKvª èÜ·BÄN®µÜ·©? Restart2Msg = Vµ¢ÝèðLøÉ·éÉͺÝËß°ÀðÄN®·éKvª èÜ·B WarnMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°ÄðÏXµÜ·BÏXÉÍb©©èÜ·B»Ì ¢¾æʪ¿ç±ƪ èÜ·BWindowsª³µ\¦³êÈ¢êÍAñ10bÒÂƳÌÝèÉßèÜ·B ConfirmMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°ÄªÏX³êܵ½B±ÌÝèðÛ¶µÜ·©? RestoreMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°Äð³Éߵܵ½B WarnMsg2 = ÃÞ¨½ÌßÚ²/ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌ»²½ÞðÏXµÜ·B»Ì ¢¾æʪ¿ç±ƪ èÜ·BWindowsª³µ\¦³êÈ¢êÍAñ10bÒÂƳÌÝèÉßèÜ·B ConfirmMsg2 = ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌ嫳ªÏX³êܵ½B±ÌÝèðÛ¶µÜ·©? 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Restart2Msg = Vµ¢ÝèðLøÉ·éÉͺÝËß°ÀðÄN®·éKvª èÜ·B WarnMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°ÄðÏXµÜ·BÏXÉÍb©©èÜ·B»Ì ¢¾æʪ¿ç±ƪ èÜ·BWindowsª³µ\¦³êÈ¢êÍAñ10bÒÂƳÌÝèÉßèÜ·B ConfirmMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°ÄªÏX³êܵ½B±ÌÝèðÛ¶µÜ·©? RestoreMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°Äð³Éߵܵ½B WarnMsg2 = ÃÞ¨½ÌßÚ²/ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌ»²½ÞðÏXµÜ·B»Ì ¢¾æʪ¿ç±ƪ èÜ·BWindowsª³µ\¦³êÈ¢êÍAñ10bÒÂƳÌÝèÉßèÜ·B ConfirmMsg2 = ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌ嫳ªÏX³êܵ½B±ÌÝèðÛ¶µÜ·©? RestoreMsg2 = ÃÞ¨½ÌßÚ²/ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌ嫳ð³Éߵܵ½B RestoreMsg3 = ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌ嫳ð³Éߵܵ½B LogoFontFace = Times New Roman LogoFontSize = 32 ChipFontFace = ChipFontSize = 17 S3-325 = Birdie 3D ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-375 = Birdie Pro 3D ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-732 = Trio32 ¸Þ×̨¯¸½ ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-764 = Trio64 ¸Þ×̨¯¸½ ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-765 = Eagle ÏÙÁÒÃÞ¨± ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-775 = Trio64V2 ÏÙÁÒÃÞ¨± ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-868 = Vision868 ¸Þ×̨¯¸½ ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-968 = Vision968 ¸Þ×̨¯¸½ ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-988 = ViRGE/VX 3D ±¸¾×Ú°À S3-357 = ViRGE/GX2 3D ±¸¾×Ú°À DisplayRefreshRate = ÃÞ¨½ÌßÚ² ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°Ä FontSize = Ì«ÝÄ »²½Þ ColorPalette = ¶×° ÊßÚ¯Ä DisplayArea = ÃÞ¨½ÌßÚ²Ìæ DesktopArea = ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌæ LockDesktop = ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÅè SmallFonts = ¬³¢Ì«ÝÄ LargeFonts = 嫢̫ÝÄ CustomFonts = ¶½ÀÑ Ì«ÝÄ Bpp4 = 16F Bpp8 = 256F Bpp16 = High Color (16ËÞ¯Ä) Bpp24 = True Color (24ËÞ¯Ä) Bpp32 = True Color (32ËÞ¯Ä) Res640x480 = 640 x 480 Ë߸¾Ù Res800x600 = 800 x 600 Ë߸¾Ù Res1024x768 = 1024 x 768 Ë߸¾Ù Res1152x864 = 1152 x 864 Ë߸¾Ù Res1280x1024 = 1280 x 1024 Ë߸¾Ù Res1600x1200 = 1600 x 1200 Ë߸¾Ù Apply = XV Default = ÃÞÌ«ÙÄ OK = OK Cancel = ·¬Ý¾Ù Yes = Í¢ No = ¢¢¦ Adjustment = Adjust Position = Position Size = Size Reset = Reset Up = UP Down = DOWN Left = LEFT Right = RIGHT Sheet2Name = WinFast Color Brightness = RGB Brightness YUVColor = YUV Color Adjust [Japan.Logitec] DialogFontFace = ¢Û¢á ©ú´Â CopyrightMark = 0 LogoName = Logitec SheetName = LGAÌÝè RestartMsg = Vµ¢ÝèðLøÉ·éÉͺÝËß°ÀðÄN®·éKvª èÜ·BÄN®µÜ·©? Restart2Msg = Vµ¢ÝèðLøÉ·éÉͺÝËß°ÀðÄN®·éKvª èÜ·B WarnMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°ÄðÏXµÜ·BÏXÉÍb©©èÜ·B»Ì ¢¾æʪ¿ç±ƪ èÜ·BWindowsª³µ\¦³êÈ¢êÍAñ10bÒÂƳÌÝèÉßèÜ·B ConfirmMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°ÄªÏX³êܵ½B±ÌÝèðÛ¶µÜ·©? RestoreMsg1 = ØÌÚ¯¼Ú°Äð³Éߵܵ½B WarnMsg2 = ÃÞ¨½ÌßÚ²/ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌ»²½ÞðÏXµÜ·B»Ì ¢¾æʪ¿ç±ƪ èÜ·BWindowsª³µ\¦³êÈ¢êÍAñ10bÒÂƳÌÝèÉßèÜ·B ConfirmMsg2 = ÃÞ½¸Ä¯ÌßÌ嫳ªÏX³êܵ½B±ÌÝèðÛ¶µÜ·©? 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Do you want to restart your Windows now? Restart2Msg = You must restart your Windows before the new settings will take effect. WarnMsg1 = µ±Äú¸Ä±ä×ÀÃæÉèÖÃʱ£¬¿ÉÄÜ»áÔì³ÉÆÁÄ»»ìÂÒ¶øÎÞ·¨¶ÁÈ¡£¡µ±´ËÇéÐη¢Éúʱ£¬Çë°´SPACE¼ü»òÉÔ´ý10Ã룬ÏÈÇ°µÄÉèÖý«»á±»ÖØÐÂ×°È롤 ConfirmMsg1 = ÄúÒѸıäÉèÖÃÖµ£¬ÄúÊÇ·ñÒª±£Áô´ËÉèÖã¿ RestoreMsg1 = ÏÈÇ°µÄÉèÖÃÖµÒѱ»ÖØÐÂ×°È룡 WarnMsg2 = µ±Äú¸Ä±ä×ÀÃæÉèÖÃʱ£¬¿ÉÄÜ»áÔì³ÉÆÁÄ»»ìÂÒ¶øÎÞ·¨¶ÁÈ¡£¡µ±´ËÇéÐη¢Éúʱ£¬Çë°´SPACE¼ü»òÉÔ´ý10Ã룬ÏÈÇ°µÄÉèÖý«»á±»ÖØÐÂ×°È롤 ConfirmMsg2 = ÄúÒѸıäÉèÖÃÖµ£¬ÄúÊÇ·ñÒª±£Áô´ËÉèÖã¿ RestoreMsg2 = ÏÈÇ°µÄÉèÖÃÖµÒѱ»ÖØÐÂ×°È룡 RestoreMsg3 = ÏÈÇ°µÄÉèÖÃÖµÒѱ»ÖØÐÂ×°È룡 LogoFontFace = Times New Roman LogoFontSize = 32 ChipFontFace = Times New Roman ChipFontSize = 24 S3-325 = S600 3D¼ÓËÙÆ÷ S3-375 = S600DX 3D¼ÓËÙÆ÷ S3-732 = Trio32 ͼÐμÓËÙÆ÷ S3-764 = S240 ͼÐμÓËÙÆ÷ S3-765 = S280 ¶àýÌå¼ÓËÙÆ÷ S3-775 = S280V2 ¶àýÌå¼ÓËÙÆ÷ S3-868 = S250 ͼÐμÓËÙÆ÷ S3-968 = Vision968 ͼÐμÓËÙÆ÷ S3-988 = S1000 3D¼ÓËÙÆ÷ S3-357 = S680 3D¼ÓËÙÆ÷ DisplayRefreshRate = Ë¢ÐÂƵÂÊ FontSize = ×ÖÌå´óС ColorPalette = µ÷É«°å DisplayArea = ×ÀÃæÇøÓò DesktopArea = ÐéÄâ×ÀÃæÇøÓò LockDesktop = ¹Ø±ÕÐéÄâ×ÀÃæ SmallFonts = С×ÖÌå LargeFonts = ´ó×ÖÌå CustomFonts = Custom Fonts Bpp4 = 16 É« Bpp8 = 256 É« Bpp16 = ÔöÇ¿É«(16 λ) Bpp24 = Õæ²ÊÉ«(24 λ) Bpp32 = Õæ²ÊÉ«(32 λ) Res640x480 = 640 X 480 ÏóËØ Res800x600 = 800 X 600 ÏóËØ Res1024x768 = 1024 X 768 ÏóËØ Res1152x864 = 1152 X 864 ÏóËØ Res1280x1024 = 1280 X 1024 ÏóËØ Res1600x1200 = 1600 X 1200 ÏóËØ Apply = Ó¦Óà Default = ×°Èëȱʡֵ OK = È·¶¨ Cancel = Cancel Yes = Yes No = No Adjustment = ÆÁĻУÕý Position = λÖà Size = Size Reset = Reset Up = ÉÏ Down = Ï Left = ×ó Right = ÓÒ Sheet2Name = WinFast Color Brightness = RGB Brightness YUVColor = YUV Color AdjustDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.