Readme.txt Driver File Contents (

README.TXT for Foresight Imaging IDEA V2.0  Release
April 11, 2003

This release is provided as an online download or on CD.  
Please note that product documentation is provided in electronic 
format only.  You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 
4.0 or higher to view the documentation.  It is provided on 
the Foresight Imaging Software & Documentation CD (part 
number 042700-200) or can be downloaded at or 

For product installation, please refer to the Foresight Imaging
Installation and User’s Guide.  It is provided on the CD as 

A demonstration version of the Pegasus Imaging JPEG codec is
included for use with the I-Series and I-Color example 
programs.  For information on licensing this software, 
please go to

Included in this release is a Streaming to DICOM example 
program.  This was created using the LEAD Technologies 
Medical Imaging Suite.  For information on licensing this 
software, please go to

IDEA Active X Demo Using Visual Basic and IDEA API Example 
Program are the two example programs recommended for use to 
evaluate the full functionality of the frame grabbers and 
video streamers.  They are included in:
Start/Programs/IDEA Version 2.0/IDEA Example Programs.

Also, VidCap is the demonstation program recommended for
use of the Video for Windows driver.  It is included in:
Start/Programs/IDEA Version 2.0/IDEA Example Programs.

Upgrading to revision 2.0 from a previous revision of IDEA:
For Developers Releasing an Application:
Your exisiting IDEA based application must be recompiled and 
relinked using the new IDEA libraries, header files, & OCX 
wherever applicable. Only updating the DLL's and Drivers 
without rebuilding may result in unstable operation.

For an end-user based system using IDEA TWAIN, Video for 
Windows, Image-Pro Plus, CVB, or the IDEA demo programs:
*   In "Control Panel", "Add/Remove Software", uninstall 
    the current IDEA software.
*   Decompess and run the "InstallScan20.exe" program on 
    the IDEA v2.0 CD or the downloaded version located 
    in the "ADDONS", "INSTALLSCAN" directory.  Select "Clean
*   Then install the new IDEA software.

Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT SP5+, Windows 2000, 
Windows XP
Foresight Imaging frame grabbers and video streamers:
I-25, I-50, I-50 HSN, I-60, I-75, I-Color, I-RGB 25, I-RGB 50,
I-RGB 75, I-RGB 165, I-RGB 200, HI*DEF Accura, AccuStream 170.

Machine Vision products:
Machine Vision (MV) products:  These products are no longer
offered.  Their functionality is now included in the standard 
I-25, I-50, I-60, and I-75 products.

This CD-ROM contains:
*  IDEA 2.0 SDK and Demo files in the setup directory
*  DirectX 8.0 for live video display under Windows 98
*  DirectX 8.1 for live video display under all other 
   supported operating systems
*  The IDEA installation and SDK manuals in PDF format
*  Acrobat Reader for the PDF documents
*  Pegasus compression software for I-Color streaming to 
   disk demo (AVI file creation)
*  LEAD Tools Medical Imaging Suite for support of the 
   Streaming to DICOM example program
*  A Video Test program for verification of VGA display 
*  Windows Media player for AVI file viewing.
*  VidCap32 application program as an example for running
   the Video for Windows driver.  Note that the VFW Driver 
   is not supported under Windows 95/98.

The upacked IDEA library contains the IDEA software, 
Demos, TWAIN, Common Vision Blox, Image-Pro Plus, 
and Windows Drivers.

Updates from the IDEA 1.71 Release
1)  Support for new AccuStream 170 board including DVI
2)  YPbPr video input support with AccuStream 170
3)  YPbPr to RGB software conversion
4)  Separated sync video dectection
5)  Video for Windows driver improvements
6)  Stream to memory mode improvements
7)  Auto-SYNC support up to 1600x1200
8)  Monochrome input on AccuStream 170 and I-RGB 165 &
    I-RGB 200
9)  Multi-board support in Video for Windows driver
10) Dual buffer mode up to 120 MHz on AccuStream 170
11) Scaling of input resolution in Video for Windows 
12) Multiple improvements in ActiveX control and
    example programs
13) Added 8 bit web safe pallet as a color space for
    I-RGB, AccuStream 170, and I-Color

Updates From the IDEA 1.71 Release
New Hardware Supported:
	AccuStream 170

No Longer Supported:
	ImagePro Plus

New Additions Detailed:
Monochrome input on AccuStream 170 and I-RGB 165 & I-RGB 200
	This revision contains application support for Monochrome capture on
	AccuStream 170, I-RGB 165 & I-RGB 200 boards.
	directory for detailed information.
	Note: This mode of operation is not supported by the AUTOSYNC 
	configuration utility. Thus, these CHP files must be edited manually.

Native Library Functions:
	Refer to chapter 4 of the Documentation

ActiveX Control
	Enhance streaming + compression features
	- add Video Quality edit box to codec dialog
	- make KeyFrameRate "pseudo-property" a real property
	- add KeyFrameRate edit box to config dialog
	- add new software-created output pixel type called "8 bit color 
          with websafe palette" for MS RLE Codec
	- calculate frame rate properly for <1 fps
	- allow non-integral frame rates with frame decimation
	- allow decimation values from 1 to 256
	- calculate timeout dynamically based on actual (possibly decimated) 
          frame rate
	- add timestamps, frame rate, and other info to streaming log file
	- fix problem with dropped frames flag not getting set, use 
          frame counters instead
	- fix "Choose Codec" by pixel type dialog for YCbCR pixel type
	- support pvmjpg21.dll in Codec dialog
	Enhance VESA detection features
	- add ShowVesaDetectDialog method
	- add ShowIRGBCableTypeDialog method
	- add a flag for running in "silent" mode
	- integrate new tools library code for auto framing
	- implement GetCableTypeListIRGB method
	- add GetNumberOfCableTypesIRGB method
	- implement CableTypeIRGB property
	- add CableTypeIndexIRGB property
	- add DefaultCableTypeIRGB property
	- add AutoSignalDetection property
	- add "Use Automatic Signal Detection" checkbox to Config Dialog for 
          IRGB (high speed boards only)
	- detect connection event and implement automatic signal detection for it
	- add ApplicationNotBusyEvent property
	Automatic signal detection
	- convert dialogs to modeless
	- subclass property sheet for config dialog
	- implement own buttons for config dialog
	- add events to indicate completion and changing settings for dialogs
	Add ResetBoard method to do hard reset
	- close and reopen around SetControlValue
	- call from Config Dialog "Hard Reset"
	SaveImageToFile Enhancements
	- rewrite to eliminate ImaFile libs
	- convert 32-bit images as 32-, not 24-bit
	- add function to save current image to BMP
	- save BMP according to specified pixel type
	- add save to PNG, integrate PNG libs
	- add SavePixelDataToFile method for save from raw buffer
	- clone code from idea_capi to save 8 and 10 bit mono data to PNG
	- add PNG library copyright notices to About boxes
	- add save to JPEG, integrate JPEG libs
	- clone code from "jpeg_test" app to save 24 bit DIB data to JPEG
	- add SaveToJpegQuality property
	- add Jpeg quality field to config dialog
	- add JPEG library copyright notices to About boxes
	Implement area of interest features
	- add SetLiveAOI, GetLiveAOI, SetStreamAOI, and GetStreamAOI methods
	- allow negative values to selectively leave parameters unchanged
	- use top, left, bottom, right values in live & stream calls
	- enforce constraints for max, min, mod 4 widths, decimation, etc.
	- adjust buffer sizes, etc. for AOI
	- add GetLiveWidth, GetLiveHeight, GetStreamWidth and GetStreamHeight
          methods which account for AOI and decimation
	- create dialog box for setting AOI
	- show snapped image and AOI rectangle
	- allow numeric input and spin controls
	- allow "thick" or "thin" rectangle border
	- add Snap and Clear buttons
	- add ShowAOIDialog method
	- add "Area of Interest" buttons to config dialog
	Implement decimation enhancements
	- add DecimateSnapHorizontal and DecimateSnapVertical properties
	- add decimation checkboxes to configuration dialog for snaps
	- make separate checkboxes for horizontal and vertical decimation
	- write software conversion decimation algorithms for 2x2, 1x2, and 2x1
	- enable vertical decimation for color boards
	- write software conversion horizontal decimation algorithms for 
          color boards
	- implement decimation for continuous capture mode
	- add GetSnapWidth and GetSnapHeight methods which account for 
          decimation (and AOI in the future)
	- change IdeaDisplay to get width & height from DIB, not RSET
	Support I-RGB 170/DVI and I64/170 boards
	- add recognition for boards
	- add IsDigitalBoard method
	- add IsHighSpeedRGBBoard method
	- add Is64BitBoard method
	- add initialization for digital mode
	- add DigitalMode property
	Add YPbPr features
	- add IsYPbPrInput method
	- add new pixel types for YPbPr
	- re-map pixel types that are invalid when input changes to/from YPbPr
	- redesign handling of color space conversions
	- write YPbPr to Y-only 8-bit mono conversion algorithms
	- write YPbPr to Y-only 24-bit mono conversion algorithms
	- write YPbPr to YCbCr conversion algorithms
	- write YPbPr to RGB24 conversion algorithms
	- write YPbPr to RGB32 conversion algorithms
	- write YPbPr to RGB16 5-5-5 conversion algorithms
	- write YPbPr to 8-bit websafe palettized color conversion algorithms
	Add SuspendMode property that closes but leaves board claimed
	- redesign Open & Close methods, "OcxOpenState" state information, 
          error handling
	Make video adjustments a separate DLL and other video adjust enhancements
	- create new IdeaVA project
	- move code from OCX to IdeaVA
	- make code independent of OCX w/generalized interface
	- add new code in OCX to load DLL on 1st use
	- dynamically hide/show video adjust resizing controls if live 
          mode is on/off
	- eliminate redundant hide/show flag for white balance button
	- rewrite SaveVideoSettings method to use new function in IdeaVA DLL
	- add options for name, version, and silent mode to SaveVideoSettings
	- add WhiteBalance method and interface to IdeaVA DLL
	- add flag for white balance silent mode
	Add other new methods and properties
	- add ForceMonoSnapsTo24Bit property for DIB with no palette
	- add ImageDIBBitsSizeInBytes property to get size of image in DIB
	- add IsMonoBoard method
	- add IsStreamingBoard method
	- add CopyrightNotices read-only property
	- add GetVertTotal and SetVertTotal methods
	- add SetImageWidth and SetImageHeight methods
	- add GetBoardType, GetSerialNumber, and GetBoardTypeString methods
	- implement BoardLocation read-only property
	- add SuspendMode property to allow calls to IDEA Tools Library functions
	Rearrange and enhance Config Dialog and About Box
	- move snap fields to own property page
	- rearrange controls for better spacing
	- add "Test Snap" button & display image
	- make copyright notices scrollable
	- add PNG and JPEG copyright notices
	- add video information box with lots of info
	- add individual BMP files for each board, change BMP when board changes
	- implement transparency for board BMP image backgrounds
	- improve appearance of graphics in About box and About property page
	- add warning message, in red text, for streaming software conversions,
          to config dialog
	- add "More Info…" button to go with warning message
	- add IsStreamConvertedInSoftware function and make warning message & 
          button appear dynamically
	Improve dialogs, error reporting & event handling
	- report errors from snap function
	- add "Status" parameter to the OnSnap, OnStreamingTermination, and 
          OnSequenceTermination events
	- make frame counters long integers in the OnStreamingTermination, 
          OnSequenceTermination, and OnFrameReady events
	- make certain dialogs modeless
	- add NotificationMessage event codes to tell applications when dialogs 
          have caused changes requiring display updates & resizing, such as 
          changing board, CHP file, decimation, and field update
    See chapter 5 of the documentation

TWAIN Driver:
	Monochrome capture with IRGB and AccuStream

Video For Windows Driver:
	Monochrome capture with IRGB and AccuStream
	Scaling output
	Improved timestamping of AVI frames
	Multiple board support
	Configurable amount of memory to allocated for streaming buffers
	2X2 decimation
	Web Safe Palettized RGB data type

Updates to Documentation
The documentation has been updated to match this V2.0 software
release.  Additionally, the PDF files are fully searchable and 
have been bookmarked for easy navigation.  Please email with any documentation feedback. 

Added RGBMonochrome.PDF for Monochrome programming and operation 
of ACCUSTREAM & I-RGB boards.

Email technical questions to:

(For Data Streaming)
*  Pentium III 800 Mhz or greater
*  Windows XP, 98, 2000 SP3, NT 4.0 SP5 or greater,
*  Memory: minimum 256 MB, 512 MB preferred
*  Ultra2 Wide SCSI fast controller and fast disk drive 
   (Seagate Cheetah, Quantum Atlas etc.)
*  DirectDraw compatible graphics card 
*  Appropriate video source
*  High quality video cabling

***  Note:  For I-RGB, please ensure that the cable 
lengths are identical for all connections.  A bundled 
RGB and sync cable is recommended. 

Directions for installing the Foresight Imaging 
Video For Windows Driver under NT 4.0:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Click on the MultiMedia icon.
3. In the MultiMedia Properties Dialog, click on the Devices tab.
4. Click on the "Video Capture Devices" entry.
5. Click the "Add" button.
6. Make sure that "Unlisted or Updated Driver" is highlighted 
   and press "OK".
7. Browse to the driver directory, "\Foresight\Idea\drivers\NT_2K"
   and press "OK".
8. The "Add Unlisted or Updated Driver" dialog should be showing 
   "Foresight Imaging Frame Grabber".  Press "OK".
9. You should now be able to use the VFW driver in any VFW 
   compliant application.

Other Notes:
1) Auto-SYNC requires  SHLWAPI.DLL.  This is usually 
   installed with versions of the Internet Explorer 
   from version 4.0 onward.  If you are installing to 
   an older version of NT 4.0, you may not have this 

2) You must install the DirectX SDK (available from 
   Microsoft) in order to recompile and build the 
   VideoTest application.

3) You must install the LeadTools Imaging library to 
   build the DICOM DLL and use the DICOM functionality.

4) You must install the Pegasus Compression CODECS to 
   use compression in the demos.

5) The IDEA Demo (formerly known as the DICOM Demo) 
   is now considered to be the primary 
   demonstration application for the SDK.  Any new 
   API's are demonstrated in this application.  

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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