ETOOLS.INF Driver File Contents (

;Length of the String should NOT exceed "MAXLEN"

USAGE = 75 = "usage: Etools [/OPTIONS]"
USAGE_VALID_OPTIONS = 75 = "Valid options are:"
USAGE_SLOW_FACTOR = 75 = "/SF=nn [nn=1..30]  Introduces a delay factor"
USAGE_POWER_SAVE = 75 =  "/SD=nn [nn=1..16]  Spins down after nn seconds"
USAGE_UNI_PORT	= 75 =  "/U                 Forces the port to be Uni-directional"
USAGE_DIS_EPP    = 75 =  "/E                 Disables fast EPP"
USAGE_DIS_ECP    = 75 =  "/Q                 Disables ECP mode"							
USAGE_DIS_EDGE_MODE 75 = "/V                 Disables edge mode data transfer"	
USAGE_INTERRUPTS = 75 =  "/I                 Uses interrupts during data transfer"
USAGE_MONOCHROME = 75 =  "/MONO              Display will be in monochrome" 
USAGE_SCAN 		= 75 =  "/SCAN              Scan for devices at the starting" 

EGRET_TOOLS_HEADER_MSG = 40 = "Tools & Configuration"
EGRET_EXIT_TOOLS_MSG = 40 = "Exit Tools?"
ANALYS_PART_MSG = 51 = "Analyzing partitions, please wait..."
EGRET_DETECT_ERR_MSG = 65 = "Error Detecting Disk drive"
ERROR_HEADER = 20 = "Error"
SUCCESS_HEADER = 20 = "Success"

WARNING_MSG1 = 50 = "If you continue with this operation, the"
WARNING_MSG2 = 40 = "contents of the disk will be destroyed."
WARNING_MSG3 = 35 = "Do you want to continue?"
CAUTION_MSG = 40 = "Disk contains data!"

MSG_CREATE_PRI = 65 = "Do you wish to have a primary partition?"
MSG_PRI_ACTIVE = 65 = "Do you wish to make the primary partition active?"
PARTITION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 65 = "This Utility supports only upto 8 GB Drives."

INVALID_NUMBER1 = 50 = "       Invalid Number        "
INVALID_NUMBER2	= 50 = "    Valid Numbers are 1 - 4"
INVALID_ENTRY = 65 = " The field you entered has some invalid entry"
INVALID_SIZE1 = 47 = "      Partition Size is invalid."
INVALID_SIZE2 = 47 = " Since DOS supports upto 2048 MB "
INVALID_SIZE3 = 47 = " Have partition size of 1 to 2047 MB."
INVALID_PARTITION0_1 = 47 = " DOS Supports only 2048 MB partition."
INVALID_PARTITION0_2 = 47 = "       Have minimum of 4 Drives"
INVALID_PARTITION2_1 = 47 = " DOS Supports only 2048 MB partition."
INVALID_PARTITION1_2 = 47 = "       Have minimum of 3 Drives"
INVALID_PARTITION1_1 = 47 = " DOS Supports only 2048 MB partition."
INVALID_PARTITION2_2 = 47 = "       Have minimum of 2 Drives"
REMAIN_PART_MSG = 55 = "No other partitions will be made!"
PARTITION_CREATED_MSG = 50 = "Partition(s) created and formatted."
ANALYZING_PARTNS = 55 = "Analyzing partitions on the disk..."

LESS_NO_OF_PARTN_WARNING_MSG1 = 65 = "You have not created all the partitions. This will"
LESS_NO_OF_PARTN_WARNING_MSG2 = 65 = "leave outsome free space in the drive."
LESS_NO_OF_PARTN_WARNING_MSG3 = 65 = "Do you want to continue partitioning?"

PART_WARNING_MSG1 = 65 = "You have selected to create a partition which is less than"
PART_WARNING_MSG2 = 65 = "the remaining disk space. This will leave out some free"
PART_WARNING_MSG3 = 65 =  "space in the hard disk. Do you want to continue?"

RE_BOOT_MSG1 = 65 = "You have created more partitions than the"
RE_BOOT_MSG2 = 65 = "existing drive letters. Do you want to restart"
RE_BOOT_MSG3 = 65 = "the system for the changes to take effect?"

RE_BOOT_MESSAGE1 = 65 = "Changes have been made in CONFIG.SYS.Do you want to"
RE_BOOT_MESSAGE2 = 65 = "restart the system for the changes to take effect?"

ZRAID_DRIVER_PRESENT1 = 65 = "Z-Raid Mirror driver already installed."
ZRAID_DRIVER_PRESENT2 = 65 = "Unable to run ETOOLS!"

ZUNITS_DRIVER_PRESENT1 = 65 = "ZUnits driver already installed."
ZUNITS_DRIVER_PRESENT2 = 65 = "Unable to run ETOOLS!"

ENTER_VALID_NUM_SFFACTOR1 = 65 = "Valid number to reduce port access speed is"
ENTER_VALID_NUM_SFFACTOR2 = 65 = "from 1 to 30. Please enter a valid number."

ENTER_VALID_NUM_SDFACTOR1 = 65 = "Valid number to spin down is from 1 to 16."
ENTER_VALID_NUM_SDFACTOR2 = 65 = "Please enter a valid number."

MSG_PORT_UNI_TYPE = 50 = "Uni-directional parallel port detected."
MSG_PORT_PS2_TYPE = 50 = "Bi-directional(PS/2) type parallel port detected."
MSG_PORT_EPP_TYPE = 50 = "Enhanced parallel port detected."
MSG_PORT_ECP_TYPE = 50 = "Extended Capablities port detected."
MSG_PORT_OVERDRV_TYPE = 50 = "Bi-directional parallel port detected."

MSG_DOS_FMT_IN_PROGRESS = 60 = " DOS Floppy Format is in progress... " 
QUICK_FMT_MSG = 60 = "Quick format is in progress for drive"

SIZE_IN_MB = 5 = "%lu MB"

MSG_WAIT_DISK = 60 = "Waiting for disk to spin up to speed..."
ERR_DRV_NOT_CONN = 55 = "Error: External hard disk not connected"
ERR_DRVINIT_FAIL = 55 = "Drive is too slow!"
ERR_BSY_TIMEOUT	 = 55 =	"Error: IDE Disk Initialization Failed"
ERR_GEN_FAILURE = 55 = "Drive fails diagnostic, maybe too slow!"
ERR_DRV_READ_FAIL = 55 = "Error: IDE Disk Read Failed" 
ERR_DRV_NO_PARTN = 55 = "Error: Disk not Partitioned"
MSG_DISK_OK = 55 = "Disk parameters read..."
MSG_READ_SPEED = 100 = "Computing read speed, please wait..."
MSG_WRITE_SPEED = 100 = "Computing write speed, please wait..."


TXT_SLOW_EPP = 59 = " Slow down Enhanced parallel port access"
TXT_BURSTMODE_OFF = 59 = " Turn off Burst Mode"
TXT_UNI_MODE = 59 = " Force Port to behave as a Standard Parallel Port"
TXT_SF_FACTOR = 51 = " Reduce Port access speed by [1-30] : "
TXT_SD_FACTOR = 51 = " Spin down time in minutes [1-16] : "
TXT_PRESS_SPACE_BAR = 59 = "   Press space bar to toggle ON or OFF"
TITLE_DRVR_SETTING = 40 = "Driver Settings"

TITLE_PARTN_INFO = 33 = "Partition Information"
TOTAL_DSK_SPACE = 34 = " Total Disk Space: %-4lu MB"
NUM_OF_PARTNS = 34 = "No. of Partitions: %d"
PARTN_SIZE_IN_MB = 34 = "      Partition %-1u: %-4lu MB"

OPTION_1 = 36 = "ÚÄ First Partition Type ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿"
OPTION_2 = 36 = "ÚÄ Partition Mode ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿"
TITLE_CRE_PRTNS = 40 = "Create Partitions"
TXT_AUTO_MODE = 15 = "Auto Mode"
TXT_CUSTOM_MODE = 15 = "Custom Mode"
TXT_PRI_PART = 20 = "Primary"
TXT_LOGICAL_PART = 20 = "Extended"
TXT_NUM_OF_PRTNS = 32 = "  No of Partitions [1 to 4]:"
TXT_TOT_DSK_SPACE = 23 = "    Total Disk Space:"

TITLE_MEDIA_CHANGE = 20 = "Media Change"
TXT_MEDIA_NOT_FOUND = 20 = "Media not found."
TXT_REQ_INSERT_MEDIA = 30 = "Please insert the media."

TITLE_PRTN_SIZE = 21 = "Partition Size"
TXT_PRTN_SIZE = 21 = "    Partition Size : "
TXT_REMAIN_SIZE = 21 = "    Remaining Size : "

TITLE_SLCT_UNIT = 45 = "Select the unit" 
TXT_ADAPTER1 = 20 = "Adapter Id     :"
TXT_DSK_CAPACITY = 20 = "Disk Capacity  :"
DEVICE_LOCATION = 20 = "Device at      :"

STATBAR_TXT_F1_ALTX = 24 = "Alt-X=Exit              "

CREATE_PARTITION_MSG1 = 60 = "New Partitions created and formatted on selected unit"
CREATE_PARTITION_MSG2 = 60 = "Do you wish to modify partitions for other units"
PARTITION_ERROR_MSG = 50 = "Disk not partitioned"
MASTER_SIZE = 35 = "Master(%-4lu MB)"
SLAVE_SIZE = 35 = "Slave (%-4lu MB)"
NO_MEDIA_PRESENT = 30 = "Media is not present!"
DEV_ERROR = 25 = "Device error"
DISK_ERROR = 25 = "Disk Error - %s"
INCORRECT_DOS_VERSION = 50 = "Incorrect DOS version"
MSG_EXIT_INSTALL1 = 50 = "DOS 3.0 or greater required to use EGRET"
MSG_EXIT_INSTALL2 = 50 = "    The install program will exit now"
DSP_FLPY_FORMAT = 25 = "[Floppy Format]"
DRV_CAP_SHOW_ZERO_BYTES = 25 = "Drive capacity shows 0 Bytes"
DSK_WRT_PROTECT_MSG1 = 50 = "  Disk is write protected."
DSK_WRT_PROTECT_MSG2 = 50 = "  Unable to Partition the disk."
DSK_RD_FAILED = 30 = "Drive read failed"
DSK_WRT_FAILED = 30 = "Disk Write Failed"
MSG_OVER_SIZE = 60 = "Size should be less than or equal to %lu MB"
MASTER_1 = 10 = "Master"
SLAVE_1 = 10 = "Slave"
MSG_WINDOWS_ACTIVE1 = 50 = "Please do not run from a DOS box in Windows."
MSG_WINDOWS_ACTIVE2 = 50 = "Exit Windows and run from command prompt"
LABEL_MSG = 10 = " Label:"
DSP_MSG_WHILE_QUICK_FMT = 32 = " Size: %ld MB."

ERR_MSG_WRT_PR_DSK = 30 = "Write protected disk"
ERR_MSG_UNKN_UNIT = 30 = "Unknown unit"
ERR_MSG_DRV_NOT_READY = 30 = "Drive not ready "
ERR_MSG_UNKNOWN_COM = 30 = "Unknown command"
ERR_MSG_DATA_ERROR = 30 = "Data error (CRC)"
ERR_MSG_BAD_REQUEST = 30 = "Bad request"
ERR_MSG_SEEK_ERROR = 30 = "Seek error"
ERR_MSG_UNKN_MEDIA_TYPE = 30 = "Unknown media type"
ERR_MSG_SECTOR_NOT_FOUND = 30 = "Sector not found"
ERR_MSG_PRNT_OUT_OF_PAPER = 30 = "Printer out of paper"
ERR_MSG_WRITE_FAULT = 30 = "Write fault"
ERR_MSG_READ_FAULT = 30 = "Read fault"
ERR_MSG_GENERAL_FAILURE = 30 = "General failure"
ERR_MSG_RESERVED = 30 = "Reserved"
ERR_MSG_INVALID_DSK_CHNG = 30 = "Invalid disk change"
HD_FORMAT = 20 = "HardDisk Format"
FLPY_FORMAT1 = 20 = "Floppy Format"

MSG_YES = 10 = "  Yes  "
MSG_NO = 10 = "   No  "	
MSG_OK = 10 = "   OK   "

CONFRMN_TO_CHANGE_CONFIG = 50 = "Are you sure?"
TXT_CONFIG_STORED = 50  = "CONFIG.SYS has been saved as %s."

ERR_INSFILE = 50 = "Unable to open INSFILES.INF"
ERR_CONFIG = 50 = "Unable to open CONFIG.SYS"
TITLE_FMT_OPTION = 22 = "Select Format Option"
TITLE_DRV_OPTION = 22 = "Select Drive"

INVALID_CHAR_OR_NUM_IN_SF = 60 = "Invalid entry for SF in CONFIG.SYS"
INVALID_CHAR_OR_NUM_IN_SD = 60 = "Invalid entry for SD in CONFIG.SYS"

TITLE_DEV_INFO = 35 = "Device Information"
TXT_PORT_ADDRESS = 30 = "Printer Port Address : %x"
TXT_PORT_SPEED = 30 = "Port Read/Write Speed : %d/%d Kb/Sec"
TXT_ADAPTER_ID = 20 = "Adapter Id        :"
TXT_ADAPTER_VER = 20 = "Version           :"
TXT_UNIT = 20 = "Unit              :"
TXT_MODEL_NUM = 20 = "Model Number      :"
TXT_SERIAL_NUM = 20 = "Serial Number     :"
TXT_FIRMWARE_REV = 20 = "Firmware Rev      :"
TXT_DSK_PARAM = 20 = "Disk Param        :"
CYL_HEAD_SEC = 34 = "Cyl: %-4d Head: %3d Sec: %-4d"

DEVICE_TYPE_MSG = 25 = "Device Type    :  %s"
MEDIA_TYPE_MSG = 25 = "Media Type     :  %x Hex"
SUPER_IO_CHIP_SET = 35 = "Super I/O Chip-set : %s"

PCMCIA_RE_BOOT_MSG1 = 55 = "Drive Letters have been changed or modified."
PCMCIA_RE_BOOT_MSG2 = 55 = "Restarting the System."

TXT_ABOUT_MSG = 10 = "~About"
TXT_CAPACITY = 20 = "Drive Capacity    :"
TXT_DRIVE_STR    = 20 = "Media             :"
TXT_FIXED = 20 = "Fixed Disk"
TXT_WRITE_PR = 20 = "Write Protected"
TXT_WRITE_EN = 20 = "Write Enabled"
TXT_NOT_CW_DRIVE = 20 = "Not a CastleWood Drive"
MSG_STATUS = 20 = "Status : "
TXT_MEDIA_FOUND = 20 = "Media Present"
CONTINUE_OPER = 30 = "Do you wish to stop Defect Scan process?"
DEFECT_SCAN_PRGRS = 35 = "Defect Scan in progress..."
ESC_ABORT_MSG = 35 = "        Press Esc to Abort"
TOTAL_SECT_MSG = 35 = "       Total Sectors : %lu"
CURR_SECT_MSG = 35 = "      Current Sector : %lu"
REASSIGN_SECT_MSG = 35 = "Reassigned Sector(s) : %lu"
PERCENT_MSG = 35 = "           %d %% Complete"
TXT_DRIVE_LETTER = 20 = "Drive Letter(s)   :"
TXT_VOL_LABEL = 20    = "Volume Label      :"
DEFECT_SCAN_COMPLETE = 50 = "Defect scan successfully completed."
DEFECT_SCAN_NOT_COMPLETE = 50 = "Defect scan not fully complete."
MSG_REASSIGN_FAILED = 50 = "Error occured while reassigning sector."
MSG_UNFORMAT = "Not formatted"

MSG_WRPR_SUCCESS = 50 = "Catridge is successfully write protected."
MSG_WREN_SUCCESS = 50 = "Catridge is successfully write enabled."
MSG_WRPR_FAIL = 50 = "Catridge write protect failed."
MSG_WREN_FAIL = 50 = "Catridge write enable failed."

MSG_NONRMV_SUCCESS = 50 = "Catridge is successfully made as nonremovable."
MSG_REMOVE_SUCCESS = 50 = "Catridge is successfully made as removable."
MSG_NONRMV_FAIL = 50 = "Error occured while making nonremovable."
MSG_REMOVE_FAIL = 50 = "Error occured while making removable."

MORE_PARTN_MSG1 = 100 = "The Operating System does not support the interchange"
MORE_PARTN_MSG2 = 100 = "between catridges with different number of partitions."
MORE_PARTN_MSG3 = 50 = "Do you wish to proceed?"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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