Sentry3OIDTree.txt Driver File Contents (

serverTech Sentry3-MIB Object-Id Tree

-- created from sentry3 (200701091410Z)

serverTech(enterprises 1718)      .
|                                                 |
+--sentry3(3)                                     +- .3
   |                                                  |
   +--systemGroup(1)                                  +- .1
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--systemVersion(1) *                           |   +- .1 .0
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--systemNICSerialNumber(2) *                   |   +- .2 .0
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--systemLocation(3) *+                         |   +- .3 .0
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--systemTowerCount(4) *                        |   +- .4 .0
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--systemEnvMonCount(5) *                       |   +- .5 .0
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--systemTotalPower(6) *                        |   +- .6 .0
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--systemArea(7) *                              |   +- .7 .0
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--systemWattsPerUnitArea(8) *                  |   +- .8 .0
   |                                                  |
   +--systemTables(2)                                 +- .2
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--towerTable(1)                                |   +- .1
   |  |  |                                            |   |   |
   |  |  +--towerEntry(1)                             |   |   +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--towerIndex(1)                          |   |       +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--towerID(2) *                           |   |       +- .2 .<t>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--towerName(3) *+                        |   |       +- .3 .<t>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--towerStatus(4) *                       |   |       +- .4 .<t>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--towerInfeedCount(5) *                  |   |       +- .5 .<t>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--towerProductSN(6) *                    |   |       +- .6 .<t>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--towerModelNumber(7) *                  |   |       +- .7 .<t>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--towerCapabilities(8) *                 |   |       +- .8 .<t>
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--infeedTable(2)                               |   +- .2
   |  |  |                                            |   |   |
   |  |  +--infeedEntry(1)                            |   |   +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedIndex(1)                         |   |       +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedID(2) *                          |   |       +- .2 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedName(3) *+                       |   |       +- .3 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedCapabilities(4) *                |   |       +- .4 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedStatus(5) *                      |   |       +- .5 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedLoadStatus(6) *                  |   |       +- .6 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedLoadValue(7) *                   |   |       +- .7 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedLoadHighThresh(8) *+             |   |       +- .8 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedOutletCount(9) *                 |   |       +- .9 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedCapacity(10) *                   |   |       +- .10 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedVoltage(11) *                    |   |       +- .11 .<t> .<i>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--infeedPower(12) *                      |   |       +- .12 .<t> .<i>
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--outletTable(3)                               |   +- .3
   |  |  |                                            |   |   |
   |  |  +--outletEntry(1)                            |   |   +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletIndex(1)                         |   |       +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletID(2) *                          |   |       +- .2 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletName(3) *+                       |   |       +- .3 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletCapabilities(4) *                |   |       +- .4 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletStatus(5) *                      |   |       +- .5 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletLoadStatus(6) *                  |   |       +- .6 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletLoadValue(7) *                   |   |       +- .7 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletLoadLowThresh(8) *+              |   |       +- .8 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletLoadHighThresh(9) *+             |   |       +- .9 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletControlState(10) *               |   |       +- .10 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--outletControlAction(11) *+             |   |       +- .11 .<t> .<i> .<o>
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--envMonTable(4)                               |   +- .4
   |  |  |                                            |   |   |
   |  |  +--envMonEntry(1)                            |   |   +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonIndex(1)                         |   |       +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonID(2) *                          |   |       +- .2 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonName(3) *+                       |   |       +- .3 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonStatus(4) *                      |   |       +- .4 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonWaterSensorName(5) *+            |   |       +- .5 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonWaterSensorStatus(6) *           |   |       +- .6 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonADCName(7) *+                    |   |       +- .7 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonADCStatus(8) *                   |   |       +- .8 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonADCCount(9) *                    |   |       +- .9 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonADCLowThresh(10) *+              |   |       +- .10 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonADCHighThresh(11) *+             |   |       +- .11 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonTempHumidSensorCount(12) *       |   |       +- .12 .<em>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--envMonContactClosureCount(13) *        |   |       +- .13 .<em>
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--tempHumidSensorTable(5)                      |   +- .5
   |  |  |                                            |   |   |
   |  |  +--tempHumidSensorEntry(1)                   |   |   +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorIndex(1)                |   |       +- .1
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorID(2) *                 |   |       +- .2 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorName(3) *+              |   |       +- .3 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorStatus(4) *             |   |       +- .4 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorTempStatus(5) *         |   |       +- .5 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorTempValue(6) *          |   |       +- .6 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorTempLowThresh(7) *+     |   |       +- .7 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorTempHighThresh(8) *+    |   |       +- .8 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorHumidStatus(9) *        |   |       +- .9 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorHumidValue(10) *        |   |       +- .10 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorHumidLowThresh(11) *+   |   |       +- .11 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorHumidHighThresh(12) *+  |   |       +- .12 .<em> .<th>
   |  |     |                                         |   |       |
   |  |     +--tempHumidSensorTempScale(13) *+        |   |       +- .13 .<em> .<th>
   |  |                                               |   |
   |  +--contactClosureTable(6)                       |   +- .6
   |     |                                            |       |
   |     +--contactClosureEntry(1)                    |       +- .1
   |        |                                         |           |
   |        +--contactClosureIndex(1)                 |           +- .1
   |        |                                         |           |
   |        +--contactClosureID(2) *                  |           +- .2 .<em> .<cc>
   |        |                                         |           |
   |        +--contactClosureName(3) *+               |           +- .3 .<em> .<cc>
   |        |                                         |           |
   |        +--contactClosureStatus(4) *              |           +- .4 .<em> .<cc>
   |                                                  |    
   |                                                  |
   +--sentry3Traps(100)                               +- .100
      |                                                     |
      +--events(0)                                          +- .0
         |                                                      |
         +--towerStatusEvent(1)                                 +- .1
         |                                                      |
         +--infeedStatusEvent(2)                                +- .2
         |                                                      |
         +--infeedLoadEvent(3)                                  +- .3
         |                                                      |
         +--outletStatusEvent(4)                                +- .4
         |                                                      |
         +--outletLoadEvent(5)                                  +- .5
         |                                                      |
         +--outletChangeEvent(6)                                +- .6
         |                                                      |
         +--envMonStatusEvent(7)                                +- .7
         |                                                      |
         +--envMonWaterSensorEvent(8)                           +- .8
         |                                                      |
         +--envMonADCEvent(9)                                   +- .9
         |                                                      |
         +--tempHumidSensorStatusEvent(10)                      +- .10
         |                                                      |
         +--tempHumidSensorTempEvent(11)                        +- .11
         |                                                      |
         +--tempHumidSensorHumidEvent(12)                       +- .12
         |                                                      |
         +--contactClosureEvent(13)                             +- .13

* SNMP GET requests operate on these leafs with the GET community string.

+ SNMP SET requests operate on these leafs with the SET community string.

<t> = towerIndex, 1 to 4

<i> = infeedIndex, 1 to 4

<o> = outletIndex, 1 to 16

<em> = envMonIndex, 1 to 4

<th> = tempHumidSensorIndex, 1 to 2

<cc> = contactClosureIndex, 1 to 4

SET request variable bindings for outletControlAction:

   0 = none
   1 = on
   2 = off
   3 = reboot
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web1, load: 1.69