; MFLM28.INF ; ; PCMCIA Network Interface Cards. ; ; Copyright 1998 [Version] ;LayoutFile=layout.inf signature = "$Windows NT$" Provider=%Mfabc% Class=MultiFunction ClassGUID = {4d36e971-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} [ClassInstall32] AddReg=ClassAddReg [ClassAddReg] HKR,,,,%MFClassName% ; ; Table of Contents ; [Manufacturer] %Mfabc%=Mfabc [Mfabc] ; CIS #1 %MfabcA%=LMNDIS.mf,PCMCIA\PCMCIAs-LanModem-72E4 %MfabcA%=LMNDIS.mf,PCMCIA\PCMCIAs-ComboCard-8E0C [LMNDIS.mf.NT] CopyFiles=cm5ndis5.ndis5.CopyFiles,inf.CopyFiles [LMNDIS.mf] AddReg=StandardMF.Reg,ADDREG_LMNDIS.reg CopyFiles=cm3ndis3.ndis3.CopyFiles,inf.CopyFiles [LMNDIS.mf.NT.HW] AddReg=LMNDIS.mf.RegHW [LMNDIS.mf.HW] AddReg=LMNDIS.mf.RegHW [LMNDIS.mf.RegHW] HKR,Child0000,HardwareID,,MF\LMNDIS_DEV0 HKR,Child0000,ResourceMap,1,00,02,03 HKR,Child0001,HardwareID,,MF\LMNDIS_DEV1 HKR,Child0001,ResourceMap,1,01,02,03 [LMNDIS.mf.NT.LogConfigOverride] LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override0 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override1 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override2 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override3 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override4 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override5 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override6 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override7 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override8 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override9 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override10 LogConfig = LMNDIS.mf.Override11 [LMNDIS.mf.NT.Services] AddService = mf, 2, mf_Service_Inst [LMNDIS.mf.Services] AddService = mf, 2, mf_Service_Inst [LMNDIS.mf.Override0] IOConfig = 2F8-2FF ; Com2 IOConfig = 300-31F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 24(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override1] IOConfig = 2F8-2FF ; Com2 IOConfig = 320-33F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 25(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override2] IOConfig = 2F8-2FF ; Com2 IOConfig = 340-35F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 26(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override3] IOConfig = 2F8-2FF ; Com2 IOConfig = 360-37F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 27(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override4] IOConfig = 3E8-3EF ; Com3 IOConfig = 300-31F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 28(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override5] IOConfig = 3E8-3EF ; Com3 IOConfig = 320-33F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 29(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override6] IOConfig = 3E8-3EF ; Com3 IOConfig = 340-35F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 2A(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override7] IOConfig = 3E8-3EF ; Com3 IOConfig = 360-37F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 2B(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override8] IOConfig = 2E8-2EF ; Com4 IOConfig = 300-31F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 2C(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override9] IOConfig = 2E8-2EF ; Com4 IOConfig = 320-33F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 2D(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override10] IOConfig = 2E8-2EF ; Com4 IOConfig = 340-35F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 2E(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex [LMNDIS.mf.Override11] IOConfig = 2E8-2EF ; Com4 IOConfig = 360-37F ; NIC I/O IRQConfig = 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12 ; IRQ PCCardConfig = 2F(W) ; ConfigIndex:MemoryCardIndex ;***************************************************************** ; Multifunction Service ; [mf_Service_Inst] ServiceType = 1 StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 1 ServiceBinary = %12%\mf.sys LoadOrderGroup = System Bus Extender [StandardMF.Reg] HKR,,DevLoader,,*CONFIGMG HKR,,Enumerator,,*CONFIGMG HKR,,CMDrivFlags,1,03,00,00,00 [ADDREG_LMNDIS.reg] ; ; OVERRIDE for COM2 ; HKR,Override,0000,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM2 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 F8,02, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address FF,02, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 00,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 1F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 24, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM2 ; HKR,Override,0001,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM2 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 F8,02, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address FF,02, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 20,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 3F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 25, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; OVERRIDE for COM2 ; HKR,Override,0002,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM2 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 F8,02, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address FF,02, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 40,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 5F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 26, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; OVERRIDE for COM2 ; HKR,Override,0003,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM2 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 F8,02, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address FF,02, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 60,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 7F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 27, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; OVERRIDE for COM3 ; HKR,Override,0004,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM3 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 E8,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address EF,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 00,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 1F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 28, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM3 ; HKR,Override,0005,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM3 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 E8,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address EF,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 20,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 3F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 29, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; OVERRIDE for COM3 ; HKR,Override,0006,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM3 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 E8,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address EF,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 40,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 5F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 2A, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; OVERRIDE for COM3 ; HKR,Override,0007,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM3 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 E8,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address EF,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 60,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 7F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 2B, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; OVERRIDE for COM4 ; HKR,Override,0008,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM4 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 E8,02, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address EF,02, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 00,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 1F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 2C, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM4 ; HKR,Override,0009,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM4 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 E8,02, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address EF,02, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 20,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 3F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 2D, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; OVERRIDE for COM4 ; HKR,Override,000A,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM4 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 E8,02, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address EF,02, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 40,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 5F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 2E, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 ; ; OVERRIDE for COM4 ; HKR,Override,000B,1, \ ; ; CONFIGMG_VERSION ; 00,04,00,00, \ ; ; PRIORITY ; 00,30,00,00, \ ; ; ; OVERRIDE for COM4 ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 1 : COM port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; F8,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 08,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 E8,02, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address EF,02, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 00,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; I/O Resource Descriptor 0: LAN port ; 24,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of I/O Resource Descriptor 02,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IO = 0x00000002 01,00, \ ; IOD_Count; 0C,00, \ ; IOD_Type; // IOType_Range = 0x000C 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Base; 00,00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_End; 00,00, \ ; IOD_DesFlags; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Alias; 00, \ ; IOD_Alloc_Decode; E0,FF, \ ; IOR_Align; // Mask for base alignment E0/F0 20,00, \ ; IOR_nPorts; // Number of ports, pony=10 60,03, \ ; IOR_Min; // Min port address 7F,03, \ ; IOR_Max; // Max port address 00,00, \ ; IOR_RangeFlags; // Flags 00, \ ; IOR_Alias; // Alias offset 00, \ ; IOR_Decode; // Address specified 40,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x40 = 16-bit port ; ; IRQ Resource Descriptor ; 14,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of IRQ Resource Descriptor 04,00,00,00, \ ; ResType_IRQ = 0x00000004 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Flags; 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Alloc_Num; // Allocated IRQ number 38,1E, \ ; IRQD_Req_Mask; // Mask of possible IRQs 00,00, \ ; IRQD_Reserved; 20,00,00,00, \ ; PCCARD flags, 0x20 = Level mode interrupts ; ; REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor ; 19,00,00,00, \ ; Total length of REQUEST_CONFIG_PKT Descriptor 7C,89,00,00, \ ; (ResType_Ignored_Bit + PCCARD_DEVICE_ID) = 0x897C 00,00, \ ; Socket; 02,00, \ ; Attributes; 32, \ ; Vcc; 32, \ ; Vpp1; 78 32, \ ; Vpp2; 78 02, \ ; IntType; F8,03,00,00, \ ; ConfigBase; 00, \ ; Status; 00, \ ; Pin; 00, \ ; Copy; 2F, \ ; ConfigIndex; 01, \ ; Present; ; ; TERMINATOR ; 00,00,00,00 [cm3ndis3.ndis3.CopyFiles] LMNDIS.sys LMNDIS5.sys [inf.CopyFiles] mflm28.inf mdmlm28.inf netlm28.inf [cm5ndis5.ndis5.CopyFiles] lmndis5.sys,,,2 ;mf.sys,,,1 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %Disk_Desc%,,0 [SourceDisksFiles] mflm28.inf =1 mdmlm28.inf=1 netlm28.inf=1 lmndis.sys =1 lmndis5.sys =1 [DestinationDirs] cm3ndis3.ndis3.CopyFiles= 11 ; LDID_SYS inf.CopyFiles = 17 ; INF cm5ndis5.ndis5.CopyFiles= 12 ; LDID_SYS ; ; Translatable strings ; [Strings] MS="Microsoft" ; Manufacturer names ; Mfabc="PLANET Technology Corp." ; Adapter names ; MfabcA="PLANET ENW-3503 LanModem(Ethernet+Modem) Card" Disk_Desc="Drivers Disk for PLANET ENW-3503 Ethernet Fax/Modem" MFClassName = "Multifunction PCMCIA Device Driver"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.