NETCFG.TXT Driver File Contents (d9334b.exe)


     1. Description of NetWare DOS Requester Software
     2. New NET.CFG parameters and changes since 1.10 VLMs
     3. NET.CFG Parameters for the NetWare DOS Requester Option

1. Description of NetWare DOS Requester Software 

     The NetWare DOS Requester consists of a number of files that
     provide NetWare support for a DOS client.  Unlike previous
     versions of the NetWare DOS client, the Requester is built on
     a number of Virtual Loadable Modules (VLMs).  The VLM.EXE (VLM
     manager) is responsible for loading the required modules.

     NOTE: The NetWare DOS Requester is NOT compatible with
     NETX.COM or NETX.EXE.  Use NETX.VLM for compatibility with
     shell calls.

     The following table lists the current core modules in their
     default load order.  The table also includes descriptions,
     default values, and flags indicating whether the module is
     "Required" or "Optional" for each of NetWare Directory
     Services or bindery services.

    MODULE          DESCRIPTION                      NDS  BIND  PNW
    ======          ===========                      ===  ====  ===
    CONN.VLM        Connection table manager          R     R    R

    IPXNCP.VLM      Transport protocol                R     R    R
                    implementation using IPX

    TRAN.VLM        Transport protocol multiplexor    R     R    R

    SECURITY.VLM    NetWare enhanced security         O     O    O

    NDS.VLM         NetWare protocol implementation   R     O    O
                    using Directory Services

    BIND.VLM        NetWare protocol implementation   O     R    O
                    using the Bindery
    PNW.VLM         NetWare protocol implementation   O     O    R
                    using Personal NetWare  

    NWP.VLM         NetWare protocol multiplexor      R     R    R
    FIO.VLM         File Input/Output                 R     R    R
    PRINT.VLM       Printer Redirection               O     O    O

    GENERAL.VLM     Miscellaneous functions for       R     R    R
                    NETX.VLM and REDIR.VLM 

    REDIR.VLM       DOS redirector                    R     R    R

    NETX.VLM        NetWare shell compatibility       O     O    O

    RSA.VLM         RSA encryption for directory      O     O    O
                    services reauthentication

    WSSNMP.VLM      Desktop SNMP module, which        O     O    O
                    includes support for MIB-II 
                    System and SNMP groups
    WSREG.VLM       MIB registration module           O     O    O

    WSASN1.VLM      ASN.1 translation module          O     O    O

    WSTRAP.VLM      Trap module                       O     O    O

    MIB2IF.VLM      MIB-II interface groups support   O     O    O

    MIB2PROT.VLM    MIB-II support for the            O     O    O
                    TCP/IP groups

    AUTO.VLM        Auto-reconnect/auto-retry         O     O    O

    NMR.VLM         NetWare management responder      O     O    O




     Previously in Windows, critical errors may have been intercepted by Windows
     before the VLMs received the critical error.  If the user entered CANCEL after
     receiving, the Windows error "Cannot read from device network--
     Cancel--Retry",  Windows would proceed to tear the connection to the server
     down without user intervention or notification.

     This new net.cfg parameter will intercept the INT 24 (critical error), and
     allow the user to "Retry" manually, before the connections are torn down.

     For this parameter to work, the NETWARE.DRV v3.03 must be loaded (WINDR1.EXE). 
     Make sure to have the following in the SYSTEM.INI file:


  B> EOJ = ON|OFF {default is ON}

     Previous versions of the VLMs would not parse this parameter.

     This version of the VLMs will now parse the EOJ = ON|OFF NET.CFG parameter. 
     This option will turn the end of job automatic closing of files, locks,
     semaphores, and so forth, ON or OFF.  This supports EOJs from a DOS INT 21 D6
     function call.


     Previously, if you typed logout from any drive other than a local drive or
     the FIRST NETWORK DRIVE, the SYS:LOGIN drive would be mapped to the drive
     letter you logged out from.

     If set to ON, this parameter will force the SYS:LOGIN drive to be mapped to
     the "FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = ?" drive upon logout.

  D> LIP START SIZE=xxx  {default is 0, min is 576, max is 65535, 0 is off}

     This parameter was provided for those that operate across mulitple hop routes,
     with one segment of the connection that has smaller packet sizes than the local 
     routes, but larger than the minimum packet size of 576 bytes.  This improved
     algorithm improves performance while drastically improving thruput.

  E> LOAD LOW FIO=ON|OFF  {default is OFF}

     FIO.VLM now can be loaded low (In conventional or UMB memory).  This
     increases performance for repeated reads and writes, such as with database

     To load the transient portion of FIO.VLM into conventional or UMB memory,
     add the following parameter to the workstation's NET.CFG under the NETWARE DOS
     REQUESTER heading:


  F> LOAD LOW NETX=ON|OFF  {default is OFF}

     NETX.VLM now can be loaded low (In conventional or UMB memory).  This
     increases performance for repeated reads and writes, such as with database

     To load the transient portion of NETX.VLM into conventional or UMB memory,
     add the following parameter to the workstation's NET.CFG under the NETWARE DOS
     REQUESTER heading:


  G> LOAD LOW REDIR = ON|OFF  {default is OFF}

     REDIR.VLM now can be loaded low (In conventional or UMB memory).  This
     increases performance for repeated reads and writes, such as with database

     To load the transient portion of REDIR.VLM into conventional or UMB memory, 
     add the following parameter to the workstation's NET.CFG under the NETWARE DOS
     REQUESTER heading:


  H> LOCK DELAY = xxx  {default is 1, min is 0, max is 255}

     This version of the VLMs will now parse this parameter.  The "Lock Delay"
     determines the delay between LOCK RETRIES.  The delay value determines the
     number of 64 KB empty loops to execute between RETRIES.  This parameter is
     dependant on processor speed.  Faster CPUs will execute a 64 KB no-op loop
     faster; therefore, they may need to have this parameter increased.

  I> LOCK RETRIES = xxx {default is 3, min is 0, max is 255}

     The "Lock Retries" determines the number of retries that are executed if a
     SHARE violation/failure occurs when opening or locking a file.



     In previous versions of the VLMs, READ ONLY COMPATIBILITY defaulted to ON.

     The default was changed to make the VLMs consistent with NETX.EXE v3.32.


3. NET.CFG File Parameter for the NetWare DOS Requester Option

     The following table lists the parameters for the various
     modules of the NetWare DOS Requester.  

     The following list is complete. Any parameters which may
     have been used previously by the NetWare DOS Requester but are
     not listed here are invalid.

Parameter/Default                  Minimum   Maximum   Module

AUTO RECONNECT = ON                --        --        AUTO.VLM

     Note: When this parameter is OFF, the AUTO.VLM load fails at
           pre-initialization time.

AUTO LARGE TABLE = OFF             --        --        AUTO.VLM

     Note: When this parameter is OFF, the user name and password
           maximum lengths are 16 chars each for auto reconnect.

AUTO RETRY = 0                     0         3640      AUTO.VLM

AVERAGE NAME LENGTH = 48           2         48        CONN.VLM

BIND RECONNECT = OFF               --        --        AUTO.VLM

BROADCAST RETRIES = 2              0         255       PNW.VLM

BROADCAST SEND DELAY = 0           0         255       PNW.VLM

BROADCAST TIMEOUT = 3              1         255       PNW.VLM

CACHE BUFFERS = 5                  0         64        FIO.VLM

CACHE BUFFER SIZE =(Media dependent)         --        FIO.VLM

CACHE WRITES = ON                  --        --        FIO.VLM

CHECKSUM = 1                       0         3         IPXNCP.VLM
     0 = disabled
     1 = enabled but not preferred
     2 = enabled and preferred
     3 = required     


     NOTE: Netware.drv v3.03 or higher must be used for this
           parameter to work.

CONNECTIONS = 8                    2         50        CONN.VLM

DOS NAME = MSDOS                   1         5 chars   NETX.VLM

EOJ=ON				   --	     --	       NETX.VLM

EXCLUDE VLM = <vlm>                --        --        VLM.EXE

FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = <none>       A         Z         GENERAL.VLM

     NOTE: If FIRST NETWORK DRIVE is not specified, it will default
           to the first available drive letter.


HANDLE NET ERRORS = ON             --        --        IPXNCP.VLM

LARGE INTERNET PACKETS = ON        --        --        IPXNCP.VLM

LIP START SIZE = 0                 576      65535      IPXNCP.VLM

LOAD CONN TABLE LOW = OFF          --        --        CONN.VLM

LOAD LOW CONN = ON                 --        --        CONN.VLM

LOAD LOW FIO = OFF	           --        --        FIO.VLM	

LOAD LOW IPXNCP = ON               --        --        IPXNCP.VLM

LOAD LOW NETX = OFF                --        --        NETX.VLM

LOAD LOW REDIR=OFF		   --	     --        REDIR.VLM

LOCAL PRINTERS = 3                 0         9         PRINT.VLM

LOCK DELAY=1			   0	     255       NETX.VLM

LOCK RETRIES=3			   0	     255       NETX.VLM

LONG MACHINE TYPE = IBM_PC         1         6 chars   NETX.VLM

MAX TASKS = 31                     5         254       CONN.VLM

MESSAGE LEVEL = 1                  0         4         VLM.EXE

     0 = V_LEVEL_STD; always display message and critical errors
     1 = V_LEVEL_WARNING; display warning type messages
     2 = V_LEVEL_PROG; display the program load message
     3 = V_LEVEL_CONFIG; display configuration information
     4 = V_LEVEL_DIAG; display diagnostic information

MESSAGE TIMEOUT = 0                0         10000     NWP.VLM

MINIMUM TIME TO NET = <number>     0         --        VLM.EXE

MOBILE MODE = 0                    0         65535     PNW.VLM

NAME CONTEXT = "<namecontext>"     --        --        NDS.VLM

     Note: Quotation marks are required.

NETWARE PROTOCOL = <NetWare protocol list>             VLM.EXE

     Note: The <NetWare Protocol list> is the list of
           protocols to be used (NDS.VLM, BIND.VLM and PNW.VLM)
           by the Requester in the order of their priority.
           Each protocol is separated by a comma or space
           in the list (NDS,BIND,PNW). If you exclude any one of
           the protocol .VLM files from the list, the excluded 
           .VLM file will not load.

NETWORK PRINTERS = 3               0         9         PRINT.VLM

     NOTE: If set to 0, PRINT.VLM will not load. 

PB BUFFERS = 3                     0         10        FIO.VLM
     0 =       off
     nonzero = on

PBURST READ WINDOW SIZE = 16       2         64        FIO.VLM

PBURST WRITE WINDOW SIZE = 10      2         64        FIO.VLM

PREFERRED SERVER = <server name>   --        --        BIND.VLM

PREFERRED TREE = <tree name>       --        --        NDS.VLM

PREFERRED WORKGROUP = <workgroup>  --        --        PNW.VLM

PRINT BUFFER SIZE = 64             0         256       PRINT.VLM

PRINT HEADER = 64                  0         1024      PRINT.VLM

PRINT TAIL = 16                    0         1024      PRINT.VLM

READ ONLY COMPATIBILITY = OFF      --        --        REDIR.VLM

RESPONDER = ON                     --        --        PNW.VLM

SEARCH MODE = 1                    0         7         GENERAL.VLM

SET STATION TIME = ON              --	     --	       VLM.EXE

SHORT MACHINE TYPE = IBM           1         4 chars   NETX.VLM

SHOW DOTS = OFF                    --        --        REDIR.VLM

SIGNATURE LEVEL = 1                0         3         NWP.VLM
     0 = disabled
     1 = enabled but not preferred
     2 = preferred
     3 = required

     NOTE: This parameter designates the level of enhanced security
           support. Enhanced security includes the use of a message
           digest algorithm and a per-connection/pre-request
           session state for increased protection against intruder
           attacks.  When this parameter is set to 0 (disabled),
           the SECURITY.VLM will not load.

TRUE COMMIT = OFF                  --        --        FIO.VLM

USE DEFAULTS = ON                  --        --        VLM.EXE

VLM = <path><vlm>                  --        50 VLMs   VLM.EXE

WORKGROUP NET = <wkg net addr>     --        --        PNW.VLM
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How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 0.60