hidminidrv.inf Driver File Contents (HM10XXBT.zip)

; hidminidrv.inf
; IVT Corporation Bluetooth HID Device Installation Script
; For Windows98SE/ME/2000/XP
; Copyright (c) 2000-2004, IVT Corporation.
; http://www.ivtcorporation.com
; http://www.bluesoleil.com


ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDDEVICE
ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDKBD
ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDMOUSE
ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDKBDMOU
ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDUNCLS
ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDJOYSTK
ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDGAMEPAD
ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDRMTCTRL
ExcludeFromSelect = {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDSENSE

1 = %Source_Description%,,,

VHIDMini.sys = 1

CopyFilesSYS = 10,system32\drivers  ;%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers
DefaultDestDir = 10,system32\drivers
CopyFilesDLL = 11                   ;%SystemRoot%\system or system32 - 98 or Win2000


;   For each device the following must be defined:
;   Device name     - name seen in the Add New Hardware selection dialog
;   Install section - section in this INF to be run to install the device
;   PnP ID          - ID which is matched by PnP when the device is detected
;                     This should not contain spaces and for Win98 compatibility 
;                     should use the form GamePort\VID_9999&PID_9999.
;                     A PnP ID must be used or this device will be detected as 
;                     always present and so loaded during boot even if the 
;                     StartType of the service is SERVICE_DEMAND_START.
;Device Name   Install Section     PnP ID
%HidMinidrv%=    HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDDEVICE
%HidKeyBoard%=	 HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDKBD
%HidMouse%=	 HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDMOUSE
%HidKbdMou%=	 HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDKBDMOU
%HidUncls%=      HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDUNCLS
%HidJoyStick%=	 HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDJOYSTK
%HidGamePad%=	 HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDGAMEPAD
%HidRemoteCtrl%= HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDRMTCTRL
%HidSense%=	 HidMinidrv.Inst,    {F12D3CF8-B11D-457e-8641-BE2AF2D6D204}\BTHIDSENSE



;only for 98

;default HID Device
CopyFiles = CopyFilesSYS, CopyFilesDLL
AddReg    = HidMinidrv.AddReg

CopyFiles = CopyFilesSYS, CopyFilesDLL

AddService = VHidMinidrv,%SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%,HidMiniDrv_Service_Inst

DisplayName     = %SvcDesc.Svc%
ServiceType     = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType       = 3                  ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
ErrorControl    = 0                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
ServiceBinary   = %10%\system32\drivers\VHIDMini.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = Extended Base

VENDOR          = "IVT Corporation"
HidMinidrv      = "Bluetooth HID Device"
HidKeyBoard 	= "Bluetooth HID Keyboard"
HidMouse	= "Bluetooth HID Mouse"
HidKbdMou	= "Bluetooth HID Keyboard or Mouse"
HidUncls	= "Bluetooth HID Unclassfied Device"
HidJoyStick	= "Bluetooth HID Joystick"
HidGamePad	= "Bluetooth HID Gamepad"
HidRemoteCtrl	= "Bluetooth HID Remote Ctrl"
HidSense	= "Bluetooth HID Sense"
SvcDesc.Svc         	= "Bluetooth HID Device Service"
Source_Description	= "BlueSoleil Installation Disk"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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