MXINST.INF Driver File Contents (

; About This File
; ===============
; This file, MXINST.INF, contains information that Install uses to
; install applications. This file must be in the same directory as the
; program file MXINST.EXE. The two files can be on a floppy disk, a hard
; disk, or a network disk drive.
; The information in this file determines
;   * The names of the disks and directories from which, and to which, Install
;     copies files
;   * The name of the group that Install creates in Program Manager's window, and the
;     names of program items that Install adds to that group
; The Parts of MXINST.INF
; -------------------------
; MXINST.INF is similar in format to a Windows initialization (.INI) file.
; Sections: MXINST.INF is divided into sections. Each section is identified by an
;           alphanumeric name enclosed in square brackets.
;           Most section names are "hard-coded": Install is written to search for
;           in MXINST.INF for that specific section name. However, some section
;           names are defined within other sections, and are therefore easily
;           customizable.
; Comments: A comment begins with a semicolon. You can include a comment
;           on the same line as syntax, as long as it comes after the syntax.
; Spaces:   Spaces are ignored, except when between double quotes.
;           Blank lines are also ignored.
; Sections in This File
; ---------------------
; The rest of this file contains the actual sections and statements
; that make up the working file. It also includes comments that
; explain each section and statement.

; The [dialog] section contains information pertaining to Install's dialog box.
; The Caption statement determines the text that appears in the title bar
; of Install's dialog box.

  caption = "MXIC GUI Setup Installation"

; The [data] section includes information about the location to which the
; application's files should be copied.
; The Defdir statement specifies the default directory for installing the
; application. This is the drive and directory name that will appear in the
; Install dialog box.  (The Defdir statement MUST include a drive letter.)

  defdir = C:\MXIC\WIN31
  defvideodir = C:\MXIC\W31VIDEO

; The [disks] section defines the distribution disks that contain the application
; files. Install uses this information to tell the user to insert the correct disk.
; Elsewhere within this .INF file, the distribution disks are normally referred to
; by a single-character disk ID. This section defines those disk IDs, and includes
; information about the disk to which each disk ID refers.
; The disk ID '0' is reserved; it represents the installation directory --
; the directory in which the user is installing the application.
; The format of each disk definition is:
;     n = path, title
;  where
;     n       is the disk ID (a single character from 1-9 or A-Z).
;     path    the path of the source directory from which Install should copy
;             the files to the disk  The path can be relative to the
;             source directory (see examples below).
;     title   is a descriptive name for the disk. The title should match
;             the disk's printed or written label exactly.
; The following disk-definition statements define two distribution disks.

  1 = .,        "MXIC Windows Drivers Disk"

; The [] section defines how much disk space, in bytes, your
; application files require. If the specified amount of space is not available,
; Install will ask the user to specify a different hard disk, or exit Install.
; The following statement tells Install that this application requires 300KB of disk
; space:
  minspace = 600000

; The [app.copy.appstuff] section contains section-definition statements.
; Each statement defines a section that lists application files to be
; copied as part of installation. The sections are organized by file
; destination; you should define a separate section for each destination
; directory.
; Each section definition has the following form:
;     #section_name, 0:dest_pathname
; where
;     #section_name   defines the name of the .INF section that lists the
;                     files to be copied.
;     0               is the disk ID that represents the installation directory.
;                     (0 is a reserved disk ID, and always represents the
;                     installation directory -- the directory the user specified
;                     when asked where to install the application.)
;     dest_pathname   is the pathname of the destination directory, relative
;                     to the installation directory. For example, "0:FILES"
;                     represents the FILES subdirectory of the installation
;                     directory.
; The following section-definition statements define two sections, [app.user]
; and [app.system]. The files listed in the [app.user] section will be copied
; into the installation directory; those listed in the [app.system] directory
; will be copied into the SYSTEM subdirectory of the installation directory.

;      #app.user,    0:,     0:
      #app.sys,     0:

; This section is a user-defined section that lists files to be copied to a
; particular destination directory. The [app.copy.appstuff] section defines.
; the name of this section and the destination directory of the files.
; In each section like this one, you should list all files that you want copied
; to the same destination. (For example, all the files in this section, [app.user],
; will be copied to the installation directory.)
; Install copies the files listed in this section in the order in which they
; are listed.
; The syntax of each file listing is
;     N:FILENAME, "Description"
; where
;     N:           is the disk ID of the disk that contains the file. (Disk IDs
;                  are defined in the [disks] section.) If the specified disk
;                  is not in the disk drive, Install prompts the user to insert it.
;     FILENAME     is the name of the file, including the filename extension, if any.
;     Description  is descriptive text that Install displays as it is copying
;                  the file or group of files.  If you leave the description blank,
;                  Install will continue displaying the descriptive text from the
;                  previous file. This lets you use a general name for a group of files.
; For example, the first statement below tells Install to copy the file FILE1.FOO from
; Disk 1, and to display the descriptive text "Demo App" while copying that file. As
; explained above, the destination of the files in this section is determined by a
; section-definition statement in the [app.copy.appstuff] section.

;  1:MXSETUP.EXE,       "mxsetup.exe"           ; MXIC setup program
;  1:README.DOC,        "readme.doc"            ; MXIC GUI read me file

; This section is a user-defined section that lists files to be copied to a
; particular destination directory. The [app.copy.appstuff] section defines.
; the name of this section and the destination directory of the files.
; In each section like this one, you should list all files that you want copied
; to the same destination. (For example, all the files in this section, [app.user],
; will be copied to the installation directory.)
; Install copies the files listed in this section in the order in which they
; are listed.
; The syntax of each file listing is
;     N:FILENAME, "Description"
; where
;     N:           is the disk ID of the disk that contains the file. (Disk IDs
;                  are defined in the [disks] section.) If the specified disk
;                  is not in the disk drive, Install prompts the user to insert it.
;     FILENAME     is the name of the file, including the filename extension, if any.
;     Description  is descriptive text that Install displays as it is copying
;                  the file or group of files.  If you leave the description blank,
;                  Install will continue displaying the descriptive text from the
;                  previous file. This lets you use a general name for a group of files.
; For example, the first statement below tells Install to copy the file FILE1.FOO from
; Disk 1, and to display the descriptive text "Demo App" while copying that file. As
; explained above, the destination of the files in this section is determined by a
; section-definition statement in the [app.copy.appstuff] section.

  1:MXIC.SCR,           "mxic.scr"              ; MXIC DPMS Screen Saver

; This section is a user-defined section that lists files to be copied to a
; particular destination directory. The [app.copy.appstuff] section defines.
; the name of this section and the destination directory of the files.
; In each section like this one, you should list all files that you want copied
; to the same destination. (For example, all the files in this section, [app.user],
; will be copied to the installation directory.)
; Install copies the files listed in this section in the order in which they
; are listed.
; The syntax of each file listing is
;     N:FILENAME, "Description"
; where
;     N:           is the disk ID of the disk that contains the file. (Disk IDs
;                  are defined in the [disks] section.) If the specified disk
;                  is not in the disk drive, Install prompts the user to insert it.
;     FILENAME     is the name of the file, including the filename extension, if any.
;     Description  is descriptive text that Install displays as it is copying
;                  the file or group of files.  If you leave the description blank,
;                  Install will continue displaying the descriptive text from the
;                  previous file. This lets you use a general name for a group of files.
; For example, the first statement below tells Install to copy the file FILE1.FOO from
; Disk 1, and to display the descriptive text "Demo App" while copying that file. As
; explained above, the destination of the files in this section is determined by a
; section-definition statement in the [app.copy.appstuff] section.

  1:OEMSETUP.INF,       "oemsetup.inf"          ; MXIC OEMSETUP.INF
  ;1:CTL3DV2.DLL,        "ctl3dv2.dll"           ; MXIC setup DLL
  1:MXGUI.2GR,          "mxgui.2gr"             ; MXIC GUI 286 Grabber
  1:MXGUI.3GR,          "mxgui.3gr"             ; MXIC GUI 386 Grabber
  1:MXGUI.386,          "mxgui.386"             ; MXIC GUI VDD driver
  1:MXGUI08.DRV,        "mxgui08.drv"           ; MXIC GUI 256 Colors driver
  1:MXGUI15.DRV,        "mxgui15.drv"           ; MXIC GUI 32K Colors driver
  1:MXGUI16.DRV,        "mxgui16.drv"           ; MXIC GUI 64K Colors driver
  1:MXGUI24.DRV,        "mxgui24.drv"           ; MXIC GUI 16M (3bytes) Colors driver
  1:MXGUI32.DRV,        "mxgui32.drv"           ; MXIC GUI 16M (4bytes) Colors driver
  ;1:SERIFE.FON,         "serife.fon"
  ;1:SYMBOLF.FON,        "symbolf.fon"
  ;1:SERIFF.FON,         "seriff.fon"
  ;1:SSERIFE.FON,        "sserife.fon"
  ;1:SSERIFF.FON,        "sseriff.fon"
  ;1:SMALLF.FON,         "smallf.fon"
  ;1:COURE.FON,          "coure.fon"
  ;1:SYMBOLE.FON,        "symbole.fon"
  ;1:SMALLE.FON,         "smalle.fon"
  ;1:ROMAN.FON,          "roman.fon"
  ;1:SCRIPT.FON,         "script.fon"
  ;1:COURF.FON,          "courf.fon"
  ;1:MODERN.FON,         "modern.fon"
  ;1:CGA40850.FON,       "cga40850.fon"
  ;1:CGA80850.FON,       "cga80850.fon"
  ;1:EGA40850.FON,       "ega40850.fon"
  ;1:EGA80850.FON,       "ega80850.fon"
  ;1:8514FIX.FON,        "8514fix.fon"
  ;1:8514OEM.FON,        "8514oem.fon"
  ;1:8514SYS.FON,        "8514sys.fon"
  ;1:CGA40WOA.FON,      "cga40woa.fon"
  ;1:CGA80WOA.FON,      "cga80woa.fon"
  ;1:EGA40WOA.FON,      "ega40woa.fon"
  ;1:EGA80WOA.FON,      "ega80woa.fon"
  ;1:VGAFIX.FON,        "vgafix.fon"
  ;1:VGAOEM.FON,        "vgaoem.fon"
  ;1:VGASYS.FON,        "vgasys.fon"
  ;1:VGALOGO.LGO,       "vgalogo.lgo"
  ;1:VGALOGO.RLE,       "vgalogo.rle"
  ;1:WIN.CNF,           "win.cnf"

; The [progman.groups] section (optional) tells Install to create Program
; Manager groups for your application. (Install then uses DDE to communicate
; with Program Manager.)
; The section lists the names of the groups you want to create. You then
; define additional sections in this file; those sections list the program
; items you want in each group.
; The syntax for each group name is:
;     groupname, [groupfile.grp]
; where
;     groupname      is the title you want Program Manager to display
;                    under the icon that represents the group. (The
;                    groupname will also be the name of the section
;                    that defines the contents of the group.)
;     groupfile.grp  is the filename of the file in which Program Manager
;                    will save information about the group. (You must include
;                    the .GRP filename extension.) This parameter is optional;
;                    if you omit it, Install uses a default name for the
;                    group file.
; The following group-definition statement tells Install to create a group
; named MXIC GUI and store its information in a file named IWORLD.GRP. The
; [MXIC GUI] section will contain information about the group's contents.


[MXIC GUI Setup]
; This section is a user-defined section that define the contents of a
; Program Manager group file. The [progman.groups] section defines.
; the name of this section and the group, and the name of the file in which
; to store information about the group.
; In each section like this one, you should list all items that you want Install
; to add to the group.
; The syntax for item-definition statements is:
;     "Description",    APPFILE.EXE, [ICONFILE.EXE[, N]]
;     Description   is the text that will appear below the program icon
;                   when displayed in the Program Manager group.
;     APPFILE.EXE   is the command line that starts the application.
;     ICONFILE.EXE  is the application file that contains the icon you
;                   want to represent the application. Typically, this is
;                   the executable application file, but it could be a
;                   different file. (You can also specify a .ICO file, created
;                   using the SDKPaint tool.) This parameter is optional; if you omit it,
;                   Install will use the first icon it finds in APPFILE.EXE.
;     N             is the offset of the icon you want to use within the file
;                   ICONFILE.EXE.  This parameter is optional; if you omit it,
;                   Install uses the first icon it finds in ICONFILE.EXE.
;                   You must include this parameter if the file you specify
;                   contains more than one icon, and you want to use an icon
;                   other than the first icon.
;                   To use the Nth icon, specify the number N-1. For example,
;                   to use the third icon, specify 2.

"MXIC GUI Setup",   mxsetup.exe,
"MXIC GUI Readme",  "notepad.exe readme.doc",

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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