README.TXT Driver File Contents (

SUBJECT:  DOS INT14 & FOSSIL Driver readme.txt
          for Comtrol(TM) RocketPort(R) Series Controllers
VERSION:  1.71
REVISED:  12/15/97

All contents Copyright 1995-1997 Comtrol Corporation.
All rights reserved.

RCKTFOSS is a DOS terminate-stay-resident (TSR) program that
provides a software interface for controlling RocketPort serial
cards. The "FIDO/Opus/SEAdog Standard Interface Layer" (FOSSIL)
has been a longtime standard for connecting BBS software to
multiport serial cards. INT14 BIOS functions are also supported
with the -j option.

RCKTFOSS requires a approximately 60K of memory and can
be loaded into high memory using the DOS 'loadhigh' command.
A non-buffered version, RFSMALL, is included which takes only
24K of memory.  RFMULTI is another version which will work with
multiple RocketPort cards.

This driver includes command line help.  To access help,
type RCKTFOSS -H at the DOS command line and press Enter.

To load the driver, issue the following DOS command line from
either the DOS prompt or a batch file:

     [loadhigh] rcktfoss [-option -option]

Example:  rcktfoss -p180 -c3 -l38400 -mn8

The options are explained in detail following the QUICKSTART.

Here are some typical driver configurations:

  rcktfoss.exe -p180 -c3 -mn8
    Multiport setup for ISA-bus RocketPort. This supports 8 ports
    starting at COM3 (FOSSIL & INT14 Port:2). The RocketPort base
    address is 180H.

  rcktfoss.exe -b -c3 -mn8 -l38400
    Multiport setup for PCI-bus RocketPort. This supports 8 ports
    starting at COM3 (FOSSIL Port:2). Baud Rates will be locked 
    at 38400 for all ports.

  rcktfoss.exe -p180 -c1
    Single port setup for ISA-bus RocketPort. This supports 1 port
    (COM1,fossil:0).  It will use the first port on the RocketPort.

  rcktfoss.exe -p180 -c1 -o1
    Single port setup for ISA-bus RocketPort. This supports 1 port
    using the 2nd port on the RocketPort board, but the program 
    will see it as COM1.

  rcktfoss.exe -j -p180 -f0 -l9600
    Single port setup for ISA-bus RocketPort using INT14 BIOS calls.
    The base address is 180H, flow control is set to none (-f0), 
    and the baud rate is locked at 9600.

  rfmulti.exe -mn24 -p180,100 -k8,16
    Multiport, multiple board setup for two ISA-bus RocketPorts.
    First RocketPort has 8 ports and a base I/O address of 180h, 
    while second RocketPort has 16 ports and a base I/O address 
    of 100h.

The following options can be used in the load command:

-b         Assume PCI-BUS RocketPort board type.  (See -p###
           for equivalent command for ISA-bus RocketPorts.)
           If interrupt-based operation is desired, use the
           -ui# option.

-c#        This specifies the first com port number that the
           FOSSIL driver will respond to. The numbering sequence
           begins with 1. For example, COM1 is '1', COM2 is '2',
           and so on.

-e         Assume MCA-BUS (IBM Micro Channel) RocketPort board
           type.  Run the setup diskette to determine the base
           address and IRQ assigned to the card.

-f#        Default flow-control to use, where #:
                  0 = No Flow Control
                  1 = Hardware Flow Control(RTS/CTS)
                  2 = Software Flow Control(XON/XOFF)
                  3 = Toggle RTS low on Transmit(RS485)

           Since modems normally require Hardware flow control,
           -f1 is the default state if this option is not used.

-h         Display help listing.

-j         Default to BIOS INT14 mode processing. The processing
           of functions 4 and 5 are considerably different for
           INT14 BIOS and FOSSIL implementations. Other differences
           also exist, which require this switch to be set for 
           INT14 BIOS mode operation compatibility.

-k#,#,#,#  For use with RFMULTI.EXE:  this allows you to set the
           number of ports per ISA-bus board. For example, -k8,16
           indicates that the first board contains 8 ports, while
           the second board contains 16 ports.

           If this option is not used, the default is set to 32
           ports per ISA-bus board.

-ui#       This specifies the interrupt (IRQ) line for the
           RocketPort board. Replace # with one of the following
           IRQ choices: 0, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15

           If you select 0, no IRQ will be used; the system timer
           will be used for periodic service.  Only one instance 
           of a RocketPort driver can use the RocketPort interrupt.

           For PCI RocketPort a value of 1 should be used if 
           interrupt operation is desired.

-uk        Uninstall the TSR driver.

-l#        Lock all ports to a single baud rate.  For example,
           to lock all FOSSIL ports at 38,400 baud, enter -l38400.
           (l is a lowercase L, not a numeral 1.)

           When locking baud rates, parity, stop-bits, and
           data-bits will also be locked at N,8,1.

-mn#       Number of Ports. If this option is not given, one port
           is assumed. The buffered version will divide its buffer
           amongst the ports, so set this to the maximum number of
           ports you are using from the fossil driver.

-o#        Offset Port. This causes the driver to skip the first
           # number of ports on the RocketPort board.  For example,
           -o2 -c5 will cause the fossil to identify the third port
           on the RocketPort board as COM5.

           This option is not supported in the driver.

-p###      This specifies the base I/O address (in hexadecimal)
           of the ISA-bus RocketPort board this driver controls.
           Replace '###' with an address from the following list:
           100, 140, 180 (default board setting), 200, 240, 280,
           300, 340, 380. 

           If this option is not used, the default address of 180H
           is used. This option applies to ISA-bus boards only.
           See I/O ADDRESS SWITCH SETTINGS for more information.

-p#,#,#,#  This specifies the base I/O address (in hexadecimal)
           for multiple ISA cards. (For use).
           A single parameter can be used for multiple ISA boards,
           additional boards are piggy backed(aliased) on the firsts
           io address.

-tw        Wait for room in queue on output data. This could
           fix applications which don't handling output buffering
           well. This can be useful on the bufferless version,
           since the output queue is only 255 characters.

-ta#       Timeout ticks for BIOS functions with wait. Default is
           3 seconds (18*3 ticks). Value should be in "ticks,"
           18 ticks per second, so -ta18 would be a timeout
           value of 1 second. This modifies behavior of fossil
           functions if "-tw " wait option used.

-z#        Set Debug Level. When set to 1 or 2, this causes a
           function table list to be displayed while running.
           If set to 2, Errors are logged as they occur.

The driver supports INT14 BIOS operation as well as the FOSSIL mode.
The -j option provides complete compatibility with INT14 BIOS mode

You can actually use this FOSSIL driver at the same time as you
are using the RocketPort Windows driver. Some of the following 
notes detail how to make the two coexist peacefully.

To use this driver with the Windows3.1 driver, you will
need a RocketPort Windows driver version newer than V1.21.

To use this driver with the Windows95 driver, set the Stay Resident
option in the Windows95 driver. This is on the "Device Manager" 
configuration tab for the Multifunction-Adapter/RocketPort board.

If you are using a FOSSIL driver prior to running a Windows program,
you may need to invoke the Windows Driver so that it loads prior
to using any fossil ports. This is done by using a RocketPort port
in Windows (the driver is dynamically loaded.) What happens is the
Windows driver initializes all ports to defaults upon loading, and
so could change the settings of any port which might be in use by 
a DOS-BOX fossil.

There is no contention-checking currently built into this scheme.
If you attempt to operate the same port in two places at the same
time, no warning will be issued and both drivers could return 
(and transmit) faulty information.

You can load this fossil driver before Windows or in each Dos-Box.
There are some important differences between the two. In either
case, you are responsible for ensuring that no one tries talking
through a port another one is currently using. You must understand
the -c#, -o#, and -mn# options, because these determine which ports
are used and how they are assigned.

For multiple node BBS use we recommend that the driver be loaded
prior to starting Windows (in autoexec.bat) if you do not wish the
transfer speeds to drop when more than one person is logged on
(and doing transfers).

Loading a separate fossil driver in each DOS box is convenient for
testing because you can kill it. But it has some drawbacks when
attempting to run multiple Dos-Boxes this way. The buffered driver
depends on the system timer to provide periodic service to the board.
In Dos-Boxes the system timer appears to be a low priority thing,
and does not provide consistent service. The result is less 
throughput. It has been noticed that when more than one Windows 
Dos-Box is active, the Dos-Box service in general gets less 
consistent (choppy) in respect to time. This can have an effect 
on throughput also.

Loading a single fossil driver before starting Windows (in the 
autoexec.bat) file provides a solution. The driver gets consistent
service and so is able to keep the pipe full for good throughput.
This arrangement depends on using the software buffered version
(rcktfoss.exe). The DOS program can stuff the buffer full, and the
timer can pace the data out. Transfer rates can still drop in 
receiving data, since only the transmissions are buffered. I cannot
add receive software buffers without the RAM requirements getting 
too large for a TSR implementation.

An excellent FOSSIL driver is available for Window 95 and NT
which routes all data through the normal Windows device drivers.
Do a WEB search for Brian Woodruff's WinFossil driver (shareware)
to see if this will meet your needs.

Rcktfoss.exe does work on OS/2. It cannot co-exist with the 
RocketPort OS/2 driver, due to baud rate configuration issues.
Also, the RocketPort OS/2 driver does not have an option to not
drop DTR on closing the port. This will prevent the ability to
run DOOR games using some BBS software without dropping the caller.

This fossil driver does not work with Windows NT.  You might
look into Brian Woodruff's WinFossil driver(shareware) to see
if this will meet your needs.

The basic FOSSIL driver supports 1 RocketPort card. A separate
version has been created for use with multiple RocketPort cards.

This version of the driver will allow installing up to four 
RocketPort boards. You must specify how many ports each ISA-bus
RocketPort card has by using the -k#,#,#,# option.

The "-o#" offset option cannot be used with the multiple-board
RocketPort driver. Unlike most RocketPort Drivers, this version
does not require additional blocks of IO-space for each additional
RocketPort board: it defaults to using the first board's aliased
addressing space. If you do want to specify blocks of address
space (for compatibility reasons with other drivers.) you can
add additional addresses by using the "-p#,#,#,#". So -p180,140
would specify the first ISA board at address 180, the second board
at address 140. The RFMULTI.EXE driver does not use software 
buffers. The ability to use more that one card may be moved into
the RCKTFOSS.EXE and RFSMALL.EXE drivers at some point in the 
future. For now, this ability is only in the RFMULTI.EXE program
to avoid creating problems with the addition of this feature.

Example MULTPLE RocketPort card installation:

  Install first card(8-port) at io-address 180H, 2nd card(16-port)
  at io-address 100H.

  rfmulti.exe -mn24 -p180,100 -k8,16

Use -z2.

This mode is for internal software development troubleshooting
and is probably not useful to the typical user. Note that the 
debug writes directly to the screen RAM and assumes a typical
color monitor and adapter. 

Unusual conditions are logged to the screen in red. The descriptions
are brief and as follows:

IN OVRFLOW -  Error: The hardware input buffer has overflowed.
CTL CK     -  Status: control-c or control-k detected and reported.
CK-USED    -  Status: control-c or control-k used.
NO FUNC07  -  Error: Fossil Function07 not implemented but used.
NO FUNC16  -  Error: Fossil Function16 not implemented but used.
NO FUNC21  -  Error: Fossil Function21 not implemented but used.
TX DIS     -  Status: The Application has called Function10 and
              requested the Transmitter be disabled.
TX EN      -  Status: The Application has called Function10 and
              requested the Transmitter be enabled.

These will scroll starting at the 10th line down.

A function chart is displayed from left to right is shown:

0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF

A number from 1-9 will cycle as the function is called.
The fossil driver has about 34 main functions. These are normally
listed in hexadecimal as Func09, Func0A, in documentation.
These functions go up to Func21. Each column in the debug screen
corresponds to a function. The first line is just a ruler, the
second line shows the function activity.

Columns above Func21 are used for non-function activity as follows:
col 22H: This is twiddled while in a "wait" state. Generally,
a "waiting" condition should not occur.
col 23H: This is an indicator that the timer is running. The 
screen does not get updated by the timer routine so it is not 
a direct reading. It gets updated when a fossil function is called.

Some of the more common functions (show in the example display) are:

Function00 - Set communications settings.
Function03 - Get status of communications port.
Function04 - Open port.
Function18 - Block Read.
Function19 - Block Write.
Function1B - Get status & info.
        22 - Shows that Timer is active.

You will have to consult some other documentation for a full 
explanation of all the fossil functions.

A throughput test program (FTTY.EXE) and a terminal program (TPUT.EXE)
are included with this driver.  Both programs include C source code,
and are packed in TESTSRC.ZIP.  

The terminal program is a good starting place for development.  
The throughput program is a useful testing tool.

A FOSSIL chart and documentation are also included.

The RocketPort board has a 1024 byte hardware queue for input data
and a 256 byte hardware queue for output data. This is on a per port
basis. The fossil driver without software buffering (rfsmall.exe) 
uses only these buffers. The 1024 byte input queue works well in most
cases since it is a fairly large buffer and the hardware performs
RTS/CTS flow control. The output buffer is smaller and might be a
problem for some programs.

An additional software buffer on the output helps ease this problem.
Two versions of the driver are now supplied:
  * Driver with no software output buffers (rfsmall.exe).
  * Driver with 30K software buffers which get divided amongst the
    designated ports. If you have a 16-port board, and have assigned
    all 16 ports for use with the FOSSIL driver, each port has about
    a 2K software buffer (rcktfoss.exe).

Software buffers do have a cost. You pay a penalty of an increase
in RAM required by the driver, as well as additional overhead
required to shuffle data in and out of it. Also, the addition
of a software buffer requires regular polling in order to move the
data from the software buffer to the hardware buffer. This requires
either a dedicated IRQ or a hook into the system timer.

Make sure any programs you attempt to use with the rcktfoss.exe 
program are configured to work with an INT14 or FOSSIL driver. 
If you have to specify interrupt or I/O address, chances are the
program does not use a INT14 or fossil driver, but is expecting
to talk directly to traditional UART hardware.

The RCKTFOSS.EXE driver does not support the named DOS devices
required to perform output redirection.

Some of the things you can do to troubleshoot DOS door programs:

* Change echo off to echo on in batch files, then add "pause"
  commands. This will allow you to view the batch file run.
* Make sure the DOOR program is configured for FOSSIL use.

* Run the DOOR program from the DOS prompt:

  Hook up a null-modem cable from the modem port to another port,
  then run a terminal program on the other port and start the 
  DOOR batch file. You may need to keep a copy of door.sys.

* Run from the DOOR batch file. This will allow you
  to try running various commands, do directory listings, etc.

Comtrol Technical Support cannot troubleshoot DOOR configuration.

Pin 22 on a typical PC serial-port is a "Ring Indicator" input
signal.  Many modems will toggle this pin whenever the telephone
rings.  Modems also send an indicator string ("RING") every time
the phone rings. 

Note that most RocketPort boards do not support the Ring Indicator
signal (Pin 22), so the software must be configured to use the 
"RING" indicator string. The RocketPort Plus (921) board _does_ 
support Ring Indicator, but has not been tested extensively
with this driver.

Another alternative is to setup the modem to auto-answer itself.

You might need to use the fossil option -l to lock the baud rate.
Doing so will also lock the settings to 8-bits, no-parity and
1-stop bits. This is due to the PCBoard software setting the fossil
up with 2-stop bits, which does not work well with modems and the
RocketPort. PCBoard includes a program called PCBmodem.exe which
can be used to verify a connection.

To setup PCBoard for fossil use you need to run pcbsetup and
specify COM Driver type "F" in Modem Information section.
In the node#.bat file you need to use the /PORT#F: command
instead of the standard /COM#: switch, so the example would be:

You can setup the modem using the pcbmodem.exe utility. Remember
to say 'Y'es to the "Will you be using an external driver?" prompt.

You can run DOS doors under PowerBBS using this fossil driver.
The door program has to be configured to use a FOSSIL driver.
We were able to get a door called FOODFITE to work under PowerBBS
with the following setup:

1.) Make a batch file in \POWERBBS directory like this:
echo on
cd fite
copy ..\door.sys
rcktfoss -c5
foodfite.exe foodfite.cfg door.sys

2.) Tell the foodfite program whick port to use by changing the
foodfite.cfg file to specify fossil port 5:

Multi-node is trickier, since your port will depend on which node
you are running. If you want the fossil driver to drive the 2nd 
port on the board as fossil port 6, change it to:
rcktfoss -c6 -o1

Some Wildcat packages can use RCKTFOSS.EXE. The wcmodem.exe program
can be used to verify a working connection up to your modem. After 
you run wcmodem.exe, go to "Open modem port" and change the "Serial
Type" to FOSSIL. Press F10 to open the port, then select Terminal 
Mode to verify your connection to the modem.

Using the makewild.exe utility under Modem Settings: make sure the
"Determine Ringing Using" field is NOT set to "Ring Detect," but
rather to "Ring Result" or "Auto Answer." Otherwise the modem will
not answer phone calls.

WILDCAT 5.0 BBS USE(Annihilator), Windows 95
Wildcat has included virtual-UART support for DOOR programs. This
allows running DOORS on RocketPort ports, although configuration
can be tricky.  RCKTFOSS.EXE will not work with this arrangement.

The driver now includes a simple program called FTTY.EXE which can
be used to verify operation of the driver and serial port. After
you install the device driver you can test the port by typing:

     >FTTY COM5

This will start the program talking to COM5 fossil port, where you
can type in characters which will be transmitted out the port.
Any characters received will be displayed on the screen.

Most modems will echo the characters you type back, and respond with
a "OK" if you type in AT<ENTER>.

If nothing happens, try a different port, or reconfigure the driver.
If you have a loopback plug, you can install that to eliminate the
modem and verify that all data sent out comes back to you.

If this fails, verify that the RocketPort board works by running
the bootable diagnostic disk that comes with the RocketPort.

Inexpensive RS-232 port signal testers are available from many 
sources, such as Radio Shack. You may find such a tester helpful
in isolating hardware and wiring problems.

If you are running a DOOR program from a BBS, you can replace the
DOOR program with ftty.exe or, then perform some

Table 1. ISA-RocketPort Switch Setting
  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1                         8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  ---------------  off                    ---------------  off
            X   X                                   X X  
  X X X X X   X                           X X X X X     X
  ---------------  on                     ---------------  on
    100 - 143                                 140 - 183
  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1                         8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1       
  ---------------  off                    ---------------  off  
            X X X                                 X     X
  X X X X X                               X X X X   X X         
  ---------------  on                     ---------------  on
    180 - 1C3 (Default)                       200 - 243
  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1                         8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  ---------------  off                    ---------------  off
          X   X                                   X   X X
  X X X X   X   X                         X X X X   X    
  ---------------  on                     ---------------  on
    240 - 283                                 280 - 2C3
  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1                         8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
  ---------------  off                    ---------------  off
          X X   X                                 X X X  
  X X X X     X                           X X X X       X 
  ---------------  on                     ---------------  on
    300 - 343                                 340 - 383
  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1       
  ---------------  off  
          X X X X       
  X X X X               
  ---------------  on   
    380 - 3C3   

For a second RocketPort ISA card, set as 1st card, and switch 5 off.
For a third RocketPort ISA card, set as 1st card, and switch 6 off.
For a forth RocketPort ISA card, set as 1st card, and switch 5&6 off.

AH= 00h Initialize communications port baud rate, parity, etc.
    01h Transmit character with wait
    02h Receive character with wait
    03h Request Modem/Port Status
    04h Extended Initialize communications port baud rate, parity, etc.
    05h Extended Read/Write Modem Control Registers.

AH= 00h Initialize communications port baud rate, parity, etc.
    01h Transmit character with wait
    02h Receive character with wait
    03h Request Modem/Port Status
    04h Initialize driver
    05h Deinitialize driver
    06h Raise/lower DTR
 *  07h Return timer tick parameters
    08h Flush output buffer
    09h Purge output buffer
    0Ah Purge input buffer
    0Bh Transmit no wait
    0Ch Non-destructive read-ahead
    0Dh Keyboard read without wait
    0Eh Keyboard read with wait
    0Fh Enable or disable flow control
    10h Extended Control-C / Control-K checking and transmit on/off
    11h Set current cursor location.
    12h Read current cursor location
    13h Single character ANSI write to screen.
    14h Enable or disable watchdog processing
    15h Write character to screen using BIOS support routines
    16h Insert or delete a function from the timer tick chain
    17h Reboot system
    18h Read block (transfer from FOSSIL to user buffer)
    19h Write block (transfer from user buffer to FOSSIL)
    1Ah Break begin or end
    1Bh Return information about the driver
    1Ch Activate port (same as the 0Ah function)
    1Dh Deactivate port (same as the 05h function)
    1Eh Extended line control initialization
        (same as BIOS INT14 function 4)
    1Fh Extended serial port status/control
        (same as BIOS INT14 function 5)
    20H Read with no wait (destructive)
  * 21H Stuff/Poke the receive buffer
  * 7EH Install an "external application" function.
  * 7Fh Remove an "external application" function.

 * Not Implemented.

9-26-97 V1.71 - release. 
9-26-97 V1.7.02B 
      * Correct bugs in which caused load
        parameters to be read wrong(-p, -k).
      * Correct minor error in -uk unload option processing which
        would cause uneeded "Unload with -uk" messages.
     *  Implement hooking a user function into our timer or 
        interrupt chain via function 16h.  Tput.exe test program
        demonstrates this via -EH option.
     *  Add Ring-Indicator support for "RocketPort Plus" 4,8 port
        PCI hardware.
     *  Implement delta-signals in modem status indicators.  
        CTS delta not implemented if CTS flow control active.

4-22-97 V1.7.01B Add Rplus support.

2-28-97 V1.7 Formal Release, minor updates to readme.txt file.

2-01-97 V1.6.003B Change program to allow unloading TSR.(-uk switch).
        Add text information file int14.txt.

12-20-96 V1.60.002 Add support for INT14 BIOS 5 extended function to
        set and get modem control register using -j option.

8-22-96 V1.60.001 Add some support for RS485 transmit RTS toggling.

6-06-96 V1.60 Formal Release
4-24-96 V1.50.010 BIOS mode(-j) not running correctly due to chgs
        in .008v
4-20-96 V1.50.009 fix rfmulti.exe addressing.
4-20-96 V1.50.008 added ANOTHER fossil driver derivative to the
        set: "rfmulti.exe" - for multiple RocketPort Card Support.
        See -k options.

3-20-96 V1.50.007 added -f# option to select the default flow
        control method. Updated the tput.c example.

1-29-96 V1.50.004
1-29-96 V1.50.003 added -ta# option to allow setting timeout period
        of BIOS calls with a possible wait condition.
        Fossil 06 function adjusted to update the state of RTS/DTR
        returned by Fossil 1F function.
        Add ftty.exe simple tty program for testing.

1-18-96 V1.50.002
        Problem: When Windows driver loaded, it would disable the
        receive hardware. If RCKTFOSS.EXE loaded before Windows,
        you would have to run a port from Windows first before 
        receive would work. FIX: Re-enable some additional hardware
        on configuration calls (receive hardware). Change ASM 
        signature so it does not confuse itself with RF.EXE.

1-10-96 V1.50.001 Fix: PCI baud rate clock not being setup,
        causing baud rates twice as fast as desired on PCI boards.

The Comtrol Technical Support staff can help you with Comtrol 
products only.  We cannot help you install or configure BBS or
DOOR software.  If you are having problems in these areas,
please see the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this readme fil

While we cannot support BBS or DOOR software, we will take 
problem reports and attempt to determine solutions.  Therefore,
please let us know if something is not working for you.

If you call Comtrol Technical Support, please have the following
information ready: 
    - driver version
    - driver options used
    - operating system
    - application software

Also, if you can determine that your program runs properly with
another fossil driver (e.g., BNU/X00) or if you can note any 
differences, this would be a great help.

    Phone: (612) 631-7654
      FAX: (612) 631-8117
      BBS: (612) 631-8310

Comtrol Europe
    Phone: +44 (0) 1 869-323-220
      FAX: +44 (0) 1 869-323-211

Comtrol is a trademark of the Comtrol Corporation.
RocketPort is a registered trademark of Comtrol Corporation.
NT is a trademark and Windows is a registered trademark of
Microsoft Corporation.
OS/2 is a trademark of IBM Corporation.
Other trademarks as may be mentioned in this document are the
properties of their respective owners.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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