; ; ; ;--------------------------------------------------- ; CtmSPort.inf - NS Link Port install script INF file. ; ; Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Comtrol Corporation ; ; Comtrol Multiport Serial Controllers, PnP Ports. ; INF for Windows XP NS Link ;--------------------------------------------------- [version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Class=Ports ClassGuid={4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider=%Comtrol_Corp% DriverVer=08/04/2006,4.01 CatalogFile=ctmnslnt.cat ; ; The following is only used for CD Distributions ; ;;LayoutFile=layout.inf [Manufacturer] %Comtrol_Corp%=ComtrolAsync,NTamd64 ; ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- [ComtrolAsync] %Port_DeviceDesc0%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0000 %Port_DeviceDesc1%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0001 %Port_DeviceDesc2%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0002 %Port_DeviceDesc3%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0003 %Port_DeviceDesc4%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0004 %Port_DeviceDesc5%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0005 %Port_DeviceDesc6%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0006 %Port_DeviceDesc7%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0007 %Port_DeviceDesc8%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0008 %Port_DeviceDesc9%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0009 %Port_DeviceDesc10%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0010 %Port_DeviceDesc11%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0011 %Port_DeviceDesc12%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0012 %Port_DeviceDesc13%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0013 %Port_DeviceDesc14%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0014 %Port_DeviceDesc15%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0015 %Port_DeviceDesc16%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0016 %Port_DeviceDesc17%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0017 %Port_DeviceDesc18%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0018 %Port_DeviceDesc19%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0019 %Port_DeviceDesc20%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0020 %Port_DeviceDesc21%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0021 %Port_DeviceDesc22%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0022 %Port_DeviceDesc23%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0023 %Port_DeviceDesc24%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0024 %Port_DeviceDesc25%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0025 %Port_DeviceDesc26%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0026 %Port_DeviceDesc27%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0027 %Port_DeviceDesc28%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0028 %Port_DeviceDesc29%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0029 %Port_DeviceDesc30%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0030 %Port_DeviceDesc31%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0031 %Port_DeviceDesc32%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0032 %Port_DeviceDesc33%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0033 %Port_DeviceDesc34%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0034 %Port_DeviceDesc35%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0035 %Port_DeviceDesc36%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0036 %Port_DeviceDesc37%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0037 %Port_DeviceDesc38%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0038 %Port_DeviceDesc39%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0039 %Port_DeviceDesc40% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0040 %Port_DeviceDesc41% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0041 %Port_DeviceDesc42% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0042 %Port_DeviceDesc43% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0043 %Port_DeviceDesc44% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0044 %Port_DeviceDesc45% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0045 %Port_DeviceDesc46% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0046 %Port_DeviceDesc47% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0047 %Port_DeviceDesc48% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0048 %Port_DeviceDesc49% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0049 %Port_DeviceDesc50% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0050 %Port_DeviceDesc51% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0051 %Port_DeviceDesc52% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0052 %Port_DeviceDesc53% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0053 %Port_DeviceDesc54% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0054 %Port_DeviceDesc55% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0055 %Port_DeviceDesc56% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0056 %Port_DeviceDesc57% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0057 %Port_DeviceDesc58% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0058 %Port_DeviceDesc59% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0059 %Port_DeviceDesc60% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0060 %Port_DeviceDesc61% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0061 %Port_DeviceDesc62% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0062 %Port_DeviceDesc63% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0063 %Port_DeviceDesc64% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0064 %Port_DeviceDesc65% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0065 %Port_DeviceDesc66% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0066 %Port_DeviceDesc67% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0067 %Port_DeviceDesc68% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0068 %Port_DeviceDesc69% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0069 [ComtrolAsync.NTamd64] %Port_DeviceDesc0%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0000 %Port_DeviceDesc1%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0001 %Port_DeviceDesc2%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0002 %Port_DeviceDesc3%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0003 %Port_DeviceDesc4%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0004 %Port_DeviceDesc5%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0005 %Port_DeviceDesc6%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0006 %Port_DeviceDesc7%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0007 %Port_DeviceDesc8%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0008 %Port_DeviceDesc9%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0009 %Port_DeviceDesc10%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0010 %Port_DeviceDesc11%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0011 %Port_DeviceDesc12%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0012 %Port_DeviceDesc13%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0013 %Port_DeviceDesc14%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0014 %Port_DeviceDesc15%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0015 %Port_DeviceDesc16%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0016 %Port_DeviceDesc17%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0017 %Port_DeviceDesc18%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0018 %Port_DeviceDesc19%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0019 %Port_DeviceDesc20%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0020 %Port_DeviceDesc21%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0021 %Port_DeviceDesc22%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0022 %Port_DeviceDesc23%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0023 %Port_DeviceDesc24%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0024 %Port_DeviceDesc25%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0025 %Port_DeviceDesc26%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0026 %Port_DeviceDesc27%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0027 %Port_DeviceDesc28%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0028 %Port_DeviceDesc29%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0029 %Port_DeviceDesc30%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0030 %Port_DeviceDesc31%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0031 %Port_DeviceDesc32%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0032 %Port_DeviceDesc33%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0033 %Port_DeviceDesc34%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0034 %Port_DeviceDesc35%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0035 %Port_DeviceDesc36%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0036 %Port_DeviceDesc37%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0037 %Port_DeviceDesc38%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0038 %Port_DeviceDesc39%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0039 %Port_DeviceDesc40% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0040 %Port_DeviceDesc41% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0041 %Port_DeviceDesc42% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0042 %Port_DeviceDesc43% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0043 %Port_DeviceDesc44% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0044 %Port_DeviceDesc45% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0045 %Port_DeviceDesc46% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0046 %Port_DeviceDesc47% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0047 %Port_DeviceDesc48% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0048 %Port_DeviceDesc49% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0049 %Port_DeviceDesc50% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0050 %Port_DeviceDesc51% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0051 %Port_DeviceDesc52% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0052 %Port_DeviceDesc53% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0053 %Port_DeviceDesc54% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0054 %Port_DeviceDesc55% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0055 %Port_DeviceDesc56% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0056 %Port_DeviceDesc57% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0057 %Port_DeviceDesc58% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0058 %Port_DeviceDesc59% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0059 %Port_DeviceDesc60% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0060 %Port_DeviceDesc61% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0061 %Port_DeviceDesc62% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0062 %Port_DeviceDesc63% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0063 %Port_DeviceDesc64% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0064 %Port_DeviceDesc65% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0065 %Port_DeviceDesc66% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0066 %Port_DeviceDesc67% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0067 %Port_DeviceDesc68% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0068 %Port_DeviceDesc69% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0069 [CtmSPort.NTx86] AddReg = CtmSPort_reg.NTx86 Include=msports.inf Needs=SerialEnumerator.NT [CtmSPort.NTamd64] AddReg = CtmSPort_reg.NTx64 Include=msports.inf Needs=SerialEnumerator.NT [CtmSPort.NTx86.Services] AddService = rpshsi, 2, RPSHSI.NTx86.Service, common.EventLog.NTx86 [CtmSPort.NTamd64.Services] AddService = rpshsix64, 2, RPSHSI.NTx64.Service, common.EventLog.NTx64 [CtmSPort.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInst_Reg.NTx86 CopyFiles = Port_CoInst_Files.NTx86 [CtmSPort.NTamd64.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInst_Reg.NTx64 CopyFiles = Port_CoInst_Files.NTx64 [RPSHSI.NTx86.Service] DisplayName = %RPSHSI.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\rpshsi.sys LoadOrderGroup = TCPIP [RPSHSI.NTx64.Service] DisplayName = %RPSHSI.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\rpshsix64.sys LoadOrderGroup = TCPIP [CoInst_Reg.NTx86] HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"ctmsclas.dll,CoDevicePortInstall" [CoInst_Reg.NTx64] HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"ctmsclasx64.dll,CoDevicePortInstall" [Port_CoInst_Files.NTx86] ctmsclas.dll,,,2 ; The 2 means Do Not allow user to skip this file! [Port_CoInst_Files.NTx64] ctmsclasx64.dll,,,2 ; The 2 means Do Not allow user to skip this file! [CtmSPort.NTx86.HW] AddReg=CtmSPort_HW_reg [CtmSPort.NTamd64.HW] AddReg=CtmSPort_HW_reg [CtmSPort_reg.NTx86] HKR,,EnumPropPages32,0,"ctmsclas.dll,DevicePortPropPage" HKR,,PortSubClass,1,01 HKR,,SilentInstall,,1 [CtmSPort_reg.NTx64] HKR,,EnumPropPages32,0,"ctmsclasx64.dll,DevicePortPropPage" HKR,,PortSubClass,1,01 HKR,,SilentInstall,,1 [CtmSPort_HW_reg] HKR, ,Serenumerable , 0x00010001, 1 HKR, ,PollingPeriod , 0x00010001, 0 HKR, ,"UpperFilters", 0x00010000, "serenum" [DestinationDirs] Port_CoInst_Files.NTx86 = 11 Port_CoInst_Files.NTx64 = 11 [common.EventLog.NTx86] AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg.ntx86 [common.EventLog.NTx64] AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg.NTx64 [common.AddEventLog.reg.NTx86] HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\ctmsclas.dll" HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 [common.AddEventLog.reg.NTx64] HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\ctmsclasx64.dll" HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 [SourceDisksNames] 1=%SourceDiskName%,, [SourceDisksFiles] ctmsclas.dll = 1 ctmsclasx64.dll = 1 [Strings] Comtrol_Corp="Comtrol Corporation" Port_DeviceDesc0 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 0" Port_DeviceDesc1 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 1" Port_DeviceDesc2 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 2" Port_DeviceDesc3 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 3" Port_DeviceDesc4 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 4" Port_DeviceDesc5 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 5" Port_DeviceDesc6 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 6" Port_DeviceDesc7 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 7" Port_DeviceDesc8 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 8" Port_DeviceDesc9 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 9" Port_DeviceDesc10 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 10" Port_DeviceDesc11 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 11" Port_DeviceDesc12 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 12" Port_DeviceDesc13 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 13" Port_DeviceDesc14 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 14" Port_DeviceDesc15 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 15" Port_DeviceDesc16 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 16" Port_DeviceDesc17 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 17" Port_DeviceDesc18 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 18" Port_DeviceDesc19 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 19" Port_DeviceDesc20 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 20" Port_DeviceDesc21 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 21" Port_DeviceDesc22 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 22" Port_DeviceDesc23 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 23" Port_DeviceDesc24 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 24" Port_DeviceDesc25 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 25" Port_DeviceDesc26 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 26" Port_DeviceDesc27 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 27" Port_DeviceDesc28 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 28" Port_DeviceDesc29 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 29" Port_DeviceDesc30 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 30" Port_DeviceDesc31 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 31" Port_DeviceDesc32 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 32" Port_DeviceDesc33 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 33" Port_DeviceDesc34 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 34" Port_DeviceDesc35 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 35" Port_DeviceDesc36 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 36" Port_DeviceDesc37 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 37" Port_DeviceDesc38 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 38" Port_DeviceDesc39 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 39" Port_DeviceDesc40 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 40" Port_DeviceDesc41 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 41" Port_DeviceDesc42 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 42" Port_DeviceDesc43 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 43" Port_DeviceDesc44 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 44" Port_DeviceDesc45 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 45" Port_DeviceDesc46 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 46" Port_DeviceDesc47 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 47" Port_DeviceDesc48 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 48" Port_DeviceDesc49 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 49" Port_DeviceDesc50 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 50" Port_DeviceDesc51 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 51" Port_DeviceDesc52 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 52" Port_DeviceDesc53 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 53" Port_DeviceDesc54 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 54" Port_DeviceDesc55 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 55" Port_DeviceDesc56 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 56" Port_DeviceDesc57 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 57" Port_DeviceDesc58 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 58" Port_DeviceDesc59 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 59" Port_DeviceDesc60 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 60" Port_DeviceDesc61 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 61" Port_DeviceDesc62 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 62" Port_DeviceDesc63 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 63" Port_DeviceDesc64 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 64" Port_DeviceDesc65 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 65" Port_DeviceDesc66 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 66" Port_DeviceDesc67 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 67" Port_DeviceDesc68 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 68" Port_DeviceDesc69 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 69" RPSHSI.Service.DispName = "Comtrol RPSHSI" SourceDiskName = "NS Link Driver"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.