CTMSPORT.INF Driver File Contents (nslink-winxp64-4.01.exe)

; CtmSPort.inf - NS Link Port install script INF file.
; Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Comtrol Corporation
; Comtrol Multiport Serial Controllers, PnP Ports.
;     INF for Windows XP NS Link

Signature="$Windows NT$"

; The following is only used for CD Distributions


; DisplayName           Section       DeviceID
; -----------           -------       --------


%Port_DeviceDesc0%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0000
%Port_DeviceDesc1%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0001
%Port_DeviceDesc2%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0002
%Port_DeviceDesc3%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0003
%Port_DeviceDesc4%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0004
%Port_DeviceDesc5%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0005
%Port_DeviceDesc6%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0006
%Port_DeviceDesc7%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0007
%Port_DeviceDesc8%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0008
%Port_DeviceDesc9%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0009

%Port_DeviceDesc10%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0010
%Port_DeviceDesc11%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0011
%Port_DeviceDesc12%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0012
%Port_DeviceDesc13%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0013
%Port_DeviceDesc14%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0014
%Port_DeviceDesc15%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0015
%Port_DeviceDesc16%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0016
%Port_DeviceDesc17%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0017
%Port_DeviceDesc18%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0018
%Port_DeviceDesc19%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0019

%Port_DeviceDesc20%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0020
%Port_DeviceDesc21%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0021
%Port_DeviceDesc22%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0022
%Port_DeviceDesc23%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0023
%Port_DeviceDesc24%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0024
%Port_DeviceDesc25%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0025
%Port_DeviceDesc26%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0026
%Port_DeviceDesc27%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0027
%Port_DeviceDesc28%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0028
%Port_DeviceDesc29%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0029

%Port_DeviceDesc30%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0030
%Port_DeviceDesc31%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0031
%Port_DeviceDesc32%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0032
%Port_DeviceDesc33%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0033
%Port_DeviceDesc34%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0034
%Port_DeviceDesc35%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0035
%Port_DeviceDesc36%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0036
%Port_DeviceDesc37%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0037
%Port_DeviceDesc38%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0038
%Port_DeviceDesc39%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0039

%Port_DeviceDesc40% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0040
%Port_DeviceDesc41% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0041
%Port_DeviceDesc42% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0042
%Port_DeviceDesc43% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0043
%Port_DeviceDesc44% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0044
%Port_DeviceDesc45% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0045
%Port_DeviceDesc46% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0046
%Port_DeviceDesc47% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0047
%Port_DeviceDesc48% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0048
%Port_DeviceDesc49% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0049

%Port_DeviceDesc50% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0050
%Port_DeviceDesc51% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0051
%Port_DeviceDesc52% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0052
%Port_DeviceDesc53% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0053
%Port_DeviceDesc54% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0054
%Port_DeviceDesc55% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0055
%Port_DeviceDesc56% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0056
%Port_DeviceDesc57% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0057
%Port_DeviceDesc58% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0058
%Port_DeviceDesc59% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0059

%Port_DeviceDesc60% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0060
%Port_DeviceDesc61% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0061
%Port_DeviceDesc62% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0062
%Port_DeviceDesc63% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0063
%Port_DeviceDesc64% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0064
%Port_DeviceDesc65% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0065
%Port_DeviceDesc66% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0066
%Port_DeviceDesc67% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0067
%Port_DeviceDesc68% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0068
%Port_DeviceDesc69% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0069


%Port_DeviceDesc0%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0000
%Port_DeviceDesc1%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0001
%Port_DeviceDesc2%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0002
%Port_DeviceDesc3%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0003
%Port_DeviceDesc4%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0004
%Port_DeviceDesc5%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0005
%Port_DeviceDesc6%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0006
%Port_DeviceDesc7%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0007
%Port_DeviceDesc8%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0008
%Port_DeviceDesc9%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0009

%Port_DeviceDesc10%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0010
%Port_DeviceDesc11%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0011
%Port_DeviceDesc12%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0012
%Port_DeviceDesc13%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0013
%Port_DeviceDesc14%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0014
%Port_DeviceDesc15%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0015
%Port_DeviceDesc16%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0016
%Port_DeviceDesc17%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0017
%Port_DeviceDesc18%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0018
%Port_DeviceDesc19%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0019

%Port_DeviceDesc20%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0020
%Port_DeviceDesc21%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0021
%Port_DeviceDesc22%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0022
%Port_DeviceDesc23%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0023
%Port_DeviceDesc24%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0024
%Port_DeviceDesc25%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0025
%Port_DeviceDesc26%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0026
%Port_DeviceDesc27%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0027
%Port_DeviceDesc28%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0028
%Port_DeviceDesc29%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0029

%Port_DeviceDesc30%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0030
%Port_DeviceDesc31%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0031
%Port_DeviceDesc32%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0032
%Port_DeviceDesc33%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0033
%Port_DeviceDesc34%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0034
%Port_DeviceDesc35%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0035
%Port_DeviceDesc36%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0036
%Port_DeviceDesc37%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0037
%Port_DeviceDesc38%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0038
%Port_DeviceDesc39%=CtmSPort, ctmsport0039

%Port_DeviceDesc40% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0040
%Port_DeviceDesc41% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0041
%Port_DeviceDesc42% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0042
%Port_DeviceDesc43% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0043
%Port_DeviceDesc44% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0044
%Port_DeviceDesc45% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0045
%Port_DeviceDesc46% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0046
%Port_DeviceDesc47% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0047
%Port_DeviceDesc48% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0048
%Port_DeviceDesc49% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0049

%Port_DeviceDesc50% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0050
%Port_DeviceDesc51% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0051
%Port_DeviceDesc52% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0052
%Port_DeviceDesc53% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0053
%Port_DeviceDesc54% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0054
%Port_DeviceDesc55% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0055
%Port_DeviceDesc56% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0056
%Port_DeviceDesc57% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0057
%Port_DeviceDesc58% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0058
%Port_DeviceDesc59% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0059

%Port_DeviceDesc60% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0060
%Port_DeviceDesc61% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0061
%Port_DeviceDesc62% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0062
%Port_DeviceDesc63% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0063
%Port_DeviceDesc64% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0064
%Port_DeviceDesc65% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0065
%Port_DeviceDesc66% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0066
%Port_DeviceDesc67% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0067
%Port_DeviceDesc68% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0068
%Port_DeviceDesc69% =CtmSPort, ctmsport0069

AddReg = CtmSPort_reg.NTx86

AddReg = CtmSPort_reg.NTx64

AddService = rpshsi, 2, RPSHSI.NTx86.Service, common.EventLog.NTx86

AddService = rpshsix64, 2, RPSHSI.NTx64.Service, common.EventLog.NTx64

AddReg = CoInst_Reg.NTx86
CopyFiles = Port_CoInst_Files.NTx86

AddReg = CoInst_Reg.NTx64
CopyFiles = Port_CoInst_Files.NTx64

DisplayName     = %RPSHSI.Service.DispName%
ServiceType     = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
StartType       = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
ErrorControl    = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
ServiceBinary   = %12%\rpshsi.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = TCPIP

DisplayName     = %RPSHSI.Service.DispName%
ServiceType     = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
StartType       = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
ErrorControl    = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
ServiceBinary   = %12%\rpshsix64.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = TCPIP




ctmsclas.dll,,,2 ; The 2 means Do Not allow user to skip this file!

ctmsclasx64.dll,,,2 ; The 2 means Do Not allow user to skip this file!





HKR, ,Serenumerable , 0x00010001, 1
HKR, ,PollingPeriod , 0x00010001, 0
HKR, ,"UpperFilters", 0x00010000, "serenum"

Port_CoInst_Files.NTx86 = 11
Port_CoInst_Files.NTx64 = 11

AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg.ntx86

AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg.NTx64

HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7

HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7


ctmsclas.dll    = 1
ctmsclasx64.dll = 1

Comtrol_Corp="Comtrol Corporation"

Port_DeviceDesc0 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 0"
Port_DeviceDesc1 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 1"
Port_DeviceDesc2 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 2"
Port_DeviceDesc3 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 3"
Port_DeviceDesc4 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 4"
Port_DeviceDesc5 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 5"
Port_DeviceDesc6 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 6"
Port_DeviceDesc7 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 7"
Port_DeviceDesc8 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 8"
Port_DeviceDesc9 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 9"

Port_DeviceDesc10 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 10"
Port_DeviceDesc11 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 11"
Port_DeviceDesc12 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 12"
Port_DeviceDesc13 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 13"
Port_DeviceDesc14 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 14"
Port_DeviceDesc15 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 15"
Port_DeviceDesc16 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 16"
Port_DeviceDesc17 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 17"
Port_DeviceDesc18 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 18"
Port_DeviceDesc19 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 19"

Port_DeviceDesc20 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 20"
Port_DeviceDesc21 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 21"
Port_DeviceDesc22 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 22"
Port_DeviceDesc23 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 23"
Port_DeviceDesc24 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 24"
Port_DeviceDesc25 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 25"
Port_DeviceDesc26 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 26"
Port_DeviceDesc27 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 27"
Port_DeviceDesc28 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 28"
Port_DeviceDesc29 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 29"

Port_DeviceDesc30 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 30"
Port_DeviceDesc31 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 31"
Port_DeviceDesc32 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 32"
Port_DeviceDesc33 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 33"
Port_DeviceDesc34 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 34"
Port_DeviceDesc35 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 35"
Port_DeviceDesc36 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 36"
Port_DeviceDesc37 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 37"
Port_DeviceDesc38 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 38"
Port_DeviceDesc39 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 39"

Port_DeviceDesc40 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 40"
Port_DeviceDesc41 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 41"
Port_DeviceDesc42 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 42"
Port_DeviceDesc43 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 43"
Port_DeviceDesc44 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 44"
Port_DeviceDesc45 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 45"
Port_DeviceDesc46 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 46"
Port_DeviceDesc47 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 47"
Port_DeviceDesc48 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 48"
Port_DeviceDesc49 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 49"

Port_DeviceDesc50 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 50"
Port_DeviceDesc51 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 51"
Port_DeviceDesc52 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 52"
Port_DeviceDesc53 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 53"
Port_DeviceDesc54 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 54"
Port_DeviceDesc55 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 55"
Port_DeviceDesc56 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 56"
Port_DeviceDesc57 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 57"
Port_DeviceDesc58 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 58"
Port_DeviceDesc59 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 59"

Port_DeviceDesc60 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 60"
Port_DeviceDesc61 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 61"
Port_DeviceDesc62 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 62"
Port_DeviceDesc63 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 63"
Port_DeviceDesc64 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 64"
Port_DeviceDesc65 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 65"
Port_DeviceDesc66 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 66"
Port_DeviceDesc67 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 67"
Port_DeviceDesc68 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 68"
Port_DeviceDesc69 = "Comtrol NS Link Port 69"

RPSHSI.Service.DispName  = "Comtrol RPSHSI"

SourceDiskName = "NS Link Driver"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.95