Readme.txt Driver File Contents (


Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Divio Inc. All rights reserved.

Note  : Before you do the installation please change pcam2.inf in your working directory the correct 
        "CCDType" and "CDSType" values and the correct R/G/B values (RedHue_Office, GreenHue_Office,
        BlueHue_Office, RedHue_Home, GreenHue_Home, and BlueHue_Home) to the corresponding CCD.

        For CCDType: 0 - Sharp CCD, Toshiba 5043 CMOS
	             1 - Sony CCD
		     2 - Panasonic CCD
		     3 - Fuji CCD

        For CDSType: 0 - Sharp CDS
	  	     1 - Hitachi CDS (HD49322)
		     2 - Panasonic CDS
                     3 - Toshiba 5043 CMOS
                     4 - Hitachi CDS (HD49323AF or HD49323F)
                     5 - TasCorp CMOS sensor (Special)

Notice: Fuji CDS has been obsoleted and replaced with Toshiba CDS in this version.

Difference from Version 2.19c
Gamma Tables has been reduced to 2 setting, i.e., Indoor/Office and Outdoor.

Difference from Version
1. Hardware snapshot for TWAIN driver has been enabled in this version.
   This function can be used for trigging image snapshot with the use of TWAIN interface.

Difference from Version
1. Toshiba TCM5043T/NW802 solution has been implemented in this version. (CCDType = 0,
   CDSType = 3)  This release is a preliminary release, provided functionality is for demo only.

   Known issues about TCN5043T/NW802:
   a. This sensor provides more green hue for some image.  This issue is currently under 
   b. The image quality under low light is quite good.  Vendor may specify the lowest frame rate 
      by modifying FRSlowDownStep_NONVGA and FRSlowDownStep_VGA in INF file.
   Please also notice that this driver conforms to NW802 base of Revision 1.3.

Difference from Version
1. Resolved the problem that PCcam can not be brought up after OS shutdown for Tasc VGA 
   sensor/NW802 solution.

2. Resolved the problem that image tends to be green when AP starts. 

3. Resolved the PCcam frozen problem when the picture is complex.  Note: PCcam might need
   some time for adjusting itself.

Difference from Version
TASC sensor has been improved in its AE, AWB, and gamma correction.
1. Auto Exposure for TASC has been improved.  The new driver make the AE adjustment in smoothier
   fashion.  User can see the flashing adjustment only at low light condition rather than normal 
   lighting condition.

2. Gamma correction for TASC sensor has been improved in this version.  

3. Auto white balance for TASC sensor is also improved.  The AWB hunting problem will not exist 

Difference from Version
1. Windows 2000 AE initialization failed problem has been fixed from this version.

2. Toshiba VGA blue gain overflow problem (causing more green hue) has been resolved from this version.

Difference from Version
1. Some changes for TASC VGA flicker problem is restored to Version

2. TASC VGA AWB routine has been changed for less false color changes.

Difference from version
1. Add in the SensorVersion for different TASC VGA sensors.

2. Resolve 30 fps flickering problem for some TASC VGA sensor versions.

Difference from version 
1. Fixed the bug where system failed to recognize NW802 after unplug and reconnect in some newer USB controller.
2. Fixed the bug such that AE/AWB parameters will stay the same after re-opening video stream when AE/AWB are disabled.
3. Use save/restore scheme for GPIO output pins when driver is paged out, suspend, chip reset, also add the GPIO access 
   protection feature in the driver.
4. Fixed the AE hunting problem under shutter range.

Difference from version
Fixed another bug such that AE/AWB parameters will stay the same after re-opening video stream when AE/AWB are disabled.

Difference from version
Added the HitachCDS2(SonyCCD) with sensor version ICX098BQ

Difference from version
No Difference

Difference from version
1. Fixed the bug for TASC VGA crashing machine problem.
2. Improve the Panasonic VGA image quality.
3. Fixed the snapshot crashing OS in Vidcap32 under Windows ME.

Difference from version
Allowing GPIO_OUT programming during the Video Streaming stop and start.

Difference from version
1. Add FRMax in pcam2.inf.  This Dword value will set the Maximum Frame rate allowed.
     0: 30 fps, 1: 25 fps, 2: 15 fps, 3: 12.5 fps, 4: 10 fps, 
     5: 7.5 fps, 6: 5 fps, 7: 3.75ps, 8:  2.5 fps, 9: 1.875fps. 
   Please set FRMax value according the above "value-frame rate" mapping.
2. Fix the bug which disables Flip and Mirror functionality.

Difference from version
Added 320x240, 7.5 fps or less raw data feature.

Difference from version
1. Reorganize the exported Pcam property controls.
2. Improve the color tone, gamma table for Toshiba 5043 solution. 
3. Redesign the nominal and run-time frame rate scheme with the use of FRMax and AEMinCount 
   flags in Windows registry.

Difference from version

1. Control GPIO 5 for turn on/off the LED for PanasonicCDS.

2. Change the recognizing scheme of the nominal and run time frame rate as following:
a. After the driver took the nominal frame rate from Divio Video format property page, 
   the Nominal frame rate can be overrided by Registry entry, FRMax.  FRMax value can be
   programmed via Pcam property control.  When FRMax is non-zero, the nominal frame rate 
   overriding will be executed.

b. The new semantics has been added to AEMinCount, a Divio registry entry.
   This entry defines the least number of frames auto exposure function will be executed, 
   even the auto exposure has been disabled.

   If AEMinCount is not-zero, the run time frame rate will be forced to be the same as 
   the nominal frame rate.  Otherwise, the run time frame rate will be the smaller rate 
   of the current nominal frame rate and the run time frame rate at the time the previous
   video stream was closed.  

   The above functionality is for keeping the same auto exposure parameters over the 
   closing/opening video streaming.  Setting AEMinCount as non-zero gives PCcam driver a 
   hint for disabling this functionality.
   Notice that the AEMinCount is also programmable via pcam property control.  But it 
   should be set before video streaming is opened.

3. Reorganize and provide PCAM Property Controls for allowing application more Auto 
   exposure control.  Vendor application may turn off the Auto exposure function by 
   programming the AEMinCount as zero, and AEEnable as zero before open video stream.  
   Also Shutter, Auto gain control, frame rate and ygain value are also programable via 
   Pcam Property controls.  
   The following enumeration defines the property numbers which Vendors may need for 
   controlling the Pcam properties with their own application.

typedef enum 
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_SATURATION = 201,          // 201
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_CONTRAST,                  // 202
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_SHARPNESS,                 // 203
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_GAMMA,                     // 204
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_RED_HUE,                   // 206
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_GREEN_HUE,                 // 207  
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_BLUE_HUE,                  // 208 
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_BRIGHTNESS,                // 210
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_LIGHTSOURCE,               // 211
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_COLORTEMP,                 // 212
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_FLICKERLESS,               // 213
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AGC_ENABLE,                // 214

   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_SHUTTER = 301,	       // 301
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_AGC,                    // 302
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_FR,                     // 303
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_YGAIN,                  // 304
   KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_MINCOUNT,               // 305


The following code list shows the partial code for writing/reading shutter pcam property 
control via IAMCameraControl interface.  

void YOURCLASS::OnI2CCommand(UINT nID) 
	long Value = 0;
	long flag  = TRUE;
	CLSID IID_IAMCameraControl = {
			0xC6E13370L, 0x30AC, 0x11d0, 0xA1, 0x8C, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xC9, 0x11, 0x89, 0x56};

	IAMCameraControl* pamc = NULL;
        // This get Pcam property control interface
	hr = gcap.pVCap->QueryInterface(IID_IAMCameraControl, (void**)&pamc);

	switch (nID) 
		case ID_SHUTTER_W:
                        // This reads user input from IDC_SHUTTER_IOBOX IOBOX
			Value = (long)GetDlgItemInt(IDC_SHUTTER_IOBOX, NULL, FALSE);
			flag  = TRUE;
                        // This sets KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_SHUTTER according to input
			hr = pamc->Set(KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_SHUTTER, Value, flag);
                        // This reads back the shutter value
		case ID_SHUTTER_R:
                        // This gets KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_SHUTTER   
			hr = pamc->Get(KSPROPERTY_DIVIO_AE_SHUTTER, &Value, &flag);
                        // This set Value to IDC_SHUTTER_IOBOX IOBOX
			if (hr == NOERROR) 
				SetDlgItemInt(IDC_SHUTTER_IOBOX, (int)Value, FALSE);

Difference from Version 
1. Resolved the GPIO5 problem so that PansonicCCD can turn off LED after USB plug-in.
2. Reduce the AGC gain range for Toshiba 5043 VGA sensor so that green/pink color and noise are reduced.

Difference from version
Fixed Pentium IV blue screen bug.

Difference from version
1. Enabled the color bar test functionality.
2. Increase the Auto Exposure probing rate at lower frame rate.
3. Add the IYUV/RGB24 raw data output at 5fps.
4. Fix the color phase inconsistent problem for MCI Toshiba 5043 + NW802 solution.
5. Fix a bug of AEMinCount.

Difference from version
Reduce the occurance of error image output in raw data mode

Difference from version
1. Do not support for REG555 (16 bits) format any more.
2. Fix the no video with RGB24 format in Window ME for some platforms.

Difference from version
1. Add two gamma setting mechanisms for backward compatibility.
2. Change the register loading scheme so that the user AP modified (via property 101/102) 
setting can be carried over during the video freezing or OS suspend.

Difference from version  
1. Fix ToshibaCDS and SpecialCDS AE Hunting issue.
2. Fix SpecialCDS (TASC VGA) strange line in 30fps due to erranically timing handling problem.
3. Use GPIO 0 as Stream open/ close indicator.  Vendors may connect this pin to LED.
4. Provide 320x240 format with 5fps raw data output for all NW802 solutions.

Difference from version
Restructure the driver for better developing management.
(PS. and are internal testing version.)

Difference from Version
1. Assigned registers by name. 
2. Cleaned up unused remap registers.

Difference from Version
1. Changed DF_CalculateRGBGain() as device or sensor dependent, fixed NW812 'green' screen
   (from dark to bright enviroment, especially in 640x480) problem. 

Note :
	The minidrv has been restructured since CCDType and CDSType have been 
replaced by SensorType. Before you do the installation, please change pcam2.inf in your 
working directory the correct "SensorType" values to the corresponding sensor type.

        SensorType:  	0 – Automatic device type detection
			1 – Panasonic CCD with Panasonic CDS
			2 – Sony CCD with Hitachi CDS
			3 – Sony CCD with Panasonic CDS
			4 – TASC VGA CMOS sensor
			5 – Toshiba VGA CMOS sensor

Difference from Version
1. Fixed colorbar issue (caused by took out software reset for NW812).

Difference from Version
1. Fixed light source switching bug.
2. Reduce the occurrance of Tasc 5130 latch up problem.
3. Change DR_RegIndex() to point to temp buffer defined in the RegTable for undefined register.

Difference from Version
1. Added MaxAGC and MinAGC back to the Registry.

Difference from Version
1. Fixed Property Index bug.
2. Fixed WDM Video Capture Suite (Iris) test failure bug - too big valid range.
3. Fixed Panasonic CCD bug.
4. Make DF_SetGamma as device dependent code.

Difference from Version
1. Change the AE, AWB sequence: First do AE, after AE stable, do AWB.
2. Fixed WHQL Driver Verifier Test bug.
3. Fixed HCT 10.0 test failure - AssertUrbExpectedLength.
4. Added SkipFrame flag to swab colors on fly (NW802, SensorType 4, SensorVersion 2).
5. Fixed Scalar AP unable to run on some platforms issue.

Difference from Version
1. Corrected I2C error flag read bit.
2. Whenever SkipFrame flag set, skip AE and AWB as well.
3. Skiped 4 frames whenever swab color on fly.
4. NW802 Tasc sensor needs program InitDevice_VgaTasc ( for Win 2K and XP first
   time after reboot system.
5. Fixed the Scalar AP unable to run on some platform issue.
6. Modified to support different Vendor ID while remove device using setupapi for Windows 2000/XP.

Difference from version
1. Fix the Color Space Converter mishandling issue on 16bit display.
2. Fixed bug where application sometimes failed to close, which will happen randomly.
3. Fixed new released TASC 5063 shutter unstable issue.

Difference from version
Improve AWB for all solutions.

Difference from version
1. Provide centralized message handling on WM_Close messages and
fix the failure to release handles after transfer picture issue.
2. Added the hardware snapshot event trigger mechanism on user mode passed event.  (Requested from NEC/MCI)
3. Add in WIA functionality only on Windows XP.

Note: There is some missing differences in the above versions.  It means there is no relevent changes
made between them.  The version number was incremented for other products which share the same code base.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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