RELEASE.TXT Driver File Contents (

$Workfile: version.txt $
$Revision: 2 $
$Date: 9/26/00 4:51p $
$Modtime: 9/26/00 4:51p $
$Author: Sarma $

Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Nationl Semiconductor Corporation
Copyright (c) 1990-1996 Microsoft Corporation
All Rights Reserved.

This software is the confidential and proprietary information of National 
Semiconductor Corporation Corporation. ("Confidential Information").
You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only
in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into
with National Semiconductor Corporation Corporation.
This code is supplied as is.

National Semiconductor Corp, MediaGX, Copyright 1996-1998.

Version history of Windows 9x display drivers for MediaGX
GX95.DRV is the display driver for both Windows 95 and 98.


National Semiconductor Corp. Display Driver for Windows9x
Table of Contents 
- Release description 
- Product files 
- Installation
- Version changes 
- Notes, Problems, and Limitations 
- Validation Notes

Release description 
This is the National Semiconductor Windows9x Display Driver Version 
This product includes: 
- Display Driver 
Product files 
   \version.txt        This file 
   \gx95.drv	       Windows 9x Display driver
   \gxmini.vxd         Windows 9x VDD
   \gxdraw.dll	       Windows 9x Direct draw driver (Needs DX 6.0)
   \gx95.inf           Driver installation file for Windows9x Setup 
   \nscvid.dll         Applet allowing video color controls
   \nscctl.dll         Applet providing advanced controls for
                       the display hardware

Installation instructions
To install the National Semiconductor driver : 
Windows 95
1.  Before installing this driver package, please make sure that the system is
    configured with the Microsoft VGA driver.  For information on installing
    the Microsoft VGA driver, please refer to your Microsoft Windows 95 User's 

2.  Start Microsoft Windows 95.

3.  From the Start menu, select Settings.

4.  Select Control Panel.

5.  Select Display.

6.  Select the Settings tab.

7.  Select Advanced Properties.

8.  Select Adapter.

9.  Select Change.

10.  Insert the National Semiconductor Disk into the 3.5" floppy drive.

11.  Select Have Disk.

12.  Verify that Windows has selected to the path to the floppy drive.  If
     Windows does not have the correct path, correct the path appropriately.
     Select OK.

13.  Windows should find files for the National Semiconductor Corp.  If Windows found the
     files, select OK.

14.  Windows will copy over the necessary files to the hard disk.  

15.  Select Apply.

16.  Select OK.

17.  Select Apply.

18.  Windows will ask if you wish to restart the computer.  Remove any floppy
     diskettes from the floppy drive, then select Yes.

Windows 98
1.  Before installing this driver package, please make sure that the system is
    configured with the Microsoft VGA driver.  For information on installing
    the Microsoft VGA driver, please refer to your Microsoft Windows 98 User's 

2.  Start Microsoft Windows 98.

3.  From the Start menu, select Settings.

4.  Select Control Panel.

5.  Select Display.

6.  Select the Settings tab.

7.  Select Advanced.

8.  Select Adapter.

9.  Select Change.

10.  Insert the National Semiconductor Corp. Driver Disk into the 3.5" floppy drive.

11.  Select Next.

12.  Select Next.

13.  Select Next.

14.  Windows should find files for the National Semiconductor Corp.  If Windows found the
     files, select Next.

15.  Windows will copy over the necessary files to the hard disk.

16.  Select Finish.

17.  Windows will ask if you wish to restart the computer.  Remove any floppy
     diskettes from the floppy drive, then select Yes.

Version changes

09/26/00    v4.10.01.1322a

	Bugs Fixed:
	- None
	- Added 85Hz for all modes in gx95.inf file.

	changed the version to 1322a


08/02/00    v4.10.01.1322

	Bugs Fixed:
	- None
	- Added support for SC1200(AlphaBlending, Video Overlay).
	- 1280x1024x16Bpp @85Hz might experience graphics or video playback 
	containing black random horiz. lines.

	changed the version to 1322

	Added VIP support

	Added Field writes and read macros

	Added SC1200 Support

	Added SC1200 alpha blending support


06/20/00    v4.10.01.1321


changed the version to 1321. 

Fixed Video corruption when playing 2 or more video files.

Added definition for compression line size

Added an extra heap to ddraw.

Adjusted cursor buffer for 1280x1024x8bpp.


06/16/00    v4.10.01.1320


changed the version to 1320. 

Added support for the following refresh rates.
640x480, 800x600: 60, 72, 75
1024x768: 60, 70,75
1280x1024: 60, 75,85


06/13/00    v4.10.01.1319


changed the version to 1319. 

Corrected the Off screen Memory Calculation
Modified the vdeo heap end calculation

Corrected the available heap for DirectDraw.


06/09/00    v4.10.01.1318


changed the version to 1318. 

Exported rect_data

computed compression buffer pitch
cursor offset setup code moved to gx_enable


06/07/00    v4.10.01.1317


changed the version to 1317. 

changed the registry variable from CYRIX to NSC	

Modified the cyrixctl, cyrixvid, cyrixdbg to nscctl, nscvid, nscdbg.

Number of modes supported
win95\gx\display\source\driver.h - added 1280x1024x16
win95\gx\display\source\enable.c - added 1280x1024x16
win95\gx\display\source\bitblta.asm - added 1280x1024x16

Moved gu1_detect_vsa2
from win95\gx\display\source\enable.c
to win95\gx\display\source\dur_rtns.c, win95\gx\display\source\dur_rtns.h


06/05/00    v4.10.01.1316

Added support for VSA2 in VDD and Display driver.
Added 1280x1024x16 mode for the GX1 chip.

vdd\source\gxmini.asm:      Added check for VSA2 and also to do the check for
                            presence of SoftVGA in VSA2.
							Added code to detect CPU clock speed and to detect
							available graphics memory from register 3E.
display\source\enable.c:    Added a function that detects VSA2 and sets the
                            GXFlags bit accordingly.
							Changed check for sufficient memory to account for
							the fact that in 1280x1024x16 modes there is no
							extra memory because the pitch is 4096 bytes.
                            Added some logic to disable 1280x1024x16 modes for
							older GX processors because this mode is supported
							only in GX1.
display\source\gxcode.c:    Added the new mode number in the VESAmode array.
                            Also added code to set the 4096 stride bit in the
							BLT_STATUS register.
display\source\bitblta.asm: Added check in GxColorToScreen to take care of
                            4096 screen stride.
display\source\driver.h:    Increased GX_NUM_MODES to 19 to account for the
                            new mode.
display\source\gx95.inf:    Added the new mode info so that when the Display
                            Settings Menu is shown, this new mode will appear
							in it as an option.

Added compression support to the Display driver as SoftVGA has no support 
in VSA2.

display\source\enable.c:    Changed the comments to reflect correct modes.
display\source\gxcode.c:    Added code to support compression/decompression.
display\source\driver.h:    Exported linear_data.
display\source\gx95.inf:    Changed the version Number.
Modified code to diable compression in Full screen dos mode.

display\source\enable.c:    gfx_disable_compresssion used only in VSA2.
display\source\gxcode.c:    gfx_disable/enable_compresssion used only in VSA2.
display\source\dur_rtns.c:  Durango based routines.
display\source\dur_rtns.h:  Durango based routines.
display\source\gx95.inf:    Changed the version Number.
vdd\source\gxmini.asm:      Disable compression on in VSA2.

1) fixed the hanging problen in Directdraw.

display\source\enable.c:    added code to update OsmBase and Osmsize variables
                            for use by Diretcdraw.

display\source\gx95.inf:    Changed the version Number.


09/28/99    v4.10.01.1315

Check for VSA2


01/15/99    v4.10.01.1314

GXDRAW.DLL  2323 and 2326: Fixed MPEG related bug introduced with v1310. 


12/22/98    v4.10.01.1313

GX95.DRV    2309 Fixed rectangles for Output with destination data.


11/10/98    v4.10.01.1312

GX95.DRV    NEW  Added video overlay support with TV output enabled.
GXDRAW.DLL  NEW  Added 2x overlay support for modes <= 512.
CYRIXCTL.DLL     New control applet for disabling acceleration.
CYRIXVID.DLL     Changed name of control applet for video gamma control.


10/30/98    v4.10.01.1310

GXDRAW.DLL  NEW  Removed VGA based DirectDraw screen flipping.
GX95.DRV    NEW  Added flat panel panning with video overlay support.


10/19/98    v4.10.01.1309

GX95.DRV    NEW  Removed flat panel panning support.


8/26/98     v4.10.01.1308

GX95.DRV    NEW  Added support for the Chrontel 7003 NTSC encoder.
GXTVFB.DLL  NEW  Added support for the Chrontel 7003 NTSC encoder. 


8/5/98      v4.10.01.1307

GXDRAW.DLL  2048 Fixed DCT Overfly test in 8bpp mode if same as primary 
                 is selected.
GX95.DRV    2083 Allow 1024x768x16 modes on notebooks.

6/29/98     v4.10.01.1306

GXMINI.VXD  NEW  Added interrupt protection around all PCI config cycles and
                 CPU register accesses.

5/18/98     v4.10.01.1305

GXDRAW.DLL  1979 Video playback is red when 8bpp and IE 4.0 is installed.

5/1/98      v4.10.01.1304

GX95.DRV    1854 Mouse becomes jerky during map mode of Deer Hunter.
            1940 Video remains enabled on Windows shutdown.

4/20/98     v4.10.01.1303

GXMINI.VXD  NEW  Added CPU speed detection code for GXm.
            1925 Fixed DispTest displays garbage during mode 0xD.   


4/02/98     v4.10.01.1302

GXDRAW.DLL  NEW  Added code to handle > 266MHz CPU's and video overlay.
GXMINI.VXD  NEW  Added support for odd clocked CPU's and video overlay.


3/24/98     v4.10.01.1301

GX95.DRV    1869 Fixed palette corruption when returning from a monitor
                 shut-down state via the mouse with a Microsoft Plus!
                 (high color) desktop theme.


3/9/98      v4.10.01.1300   

GXMINI.VXD  NEW  Added multi-monitor support for Win98, requires
GXDRAW.DLL       Cx5530 core logic and system BIOS 39 or above.
GXDRAW.DLL  1854 Changed page flipping to return status instead of waiting
                 for flipped.


2/9/98      v4.10.01.1209

GXDRAW.DLL  NEW  Added support for GXm 4.3 early ready video bits.


1/20/98     v4.10.01.1208

GXDRAW.DLL  NEW  Added support for the Cx5530 core logic chip.
            NEW  Added DDVERSIONINFO escape.
            NEW  Improved AVI playback for widths greater than 384 pixels.
GX95.DRV    NEW  Added support for the Cx5530 core logic chip.
            NEW  Added support for TV encoder capabilities bits.
            NEW  Improved display control register locking.
GXGAMMA.DLL NEW  Added support for the Cx5530 core logic chip.


12/3/97     v4.10.01.1207

GXDRAW.DLL  1712 Fixed bug with 1.5M frame buffers and 800x600x16 resolution
                 with the Xing 3.12 MPEG player.
            1723 Fixed bug with GXm and video playback which causes the video
                 display to turn into garbage and lock the system.
            1724 Fixed problem when switching from full screen DOS to windows
                 while video playback occuring.

11/25/97    v4.10.01.1206

GXDRAW.DLL  NEW  Added special setup code for video overlay enable to support
                 GXm in 6X clock mode.


11/11/97    v4.10.01.1205

GX95.DRV    NEW  320x200x8 and 320x240x8 DirectDraw modes are now accelerated
                 and do not use ModeX.
            NEW  Masked off top 10 bit of cursor base address.


11/7/97     v4.10.01.1204

GX95.DRV    1671 Removed DSTBLT colorkey capability bits.


11/3/97     v4.10.01.1203

GX95.DRV    1651 Fixed 16 byte alignment problem with GXm solid fills.


9/30/97     v4.10.01.1202

GX95.INF         Minor INF change.


9/29/97     v4.10.01.1201

GXMINI.VXD  1451 Fixed VDD bank setting bug in Microsoft DCT DISPTEST with
                 mode 0x0D and GXi or GXm.


9/8/97      v4.10.01.1200   DirectX 5.0 support added

GX95.DRV    NEW  Added support for GXm.
GXMINI.VXD  NEW  Added support for GXm.


7/10/97     v4.03.1117      Requires system BIOS ROM A9 or above

GX95.DRV    NEW  Added support for the Chrontel 7001.
            1320 Fixed bug with mouse tracking 640x480 when screen is 800x600.
            1321 Fixed GPF bug with Hangual Windows 95 (OSR2) with PPP
                 dial-up terminal window.
GXTVPOS.DLL NEW  TV position control property sheet added.


6/12/97     v4.03.1116      Requires system BIOS ROM A9 or above

GX95.DRV    NEW  Added direct palette access code and Cx5520 core logic support.
            NEW  Modified cursor panning code to improve general performance.
            NEW  Single driver now supports all platforms.
GX95.INF    NEW  Single INF now supports all platforms.
GXMINI.VXD  NEW  Added support to query the CPU speed, CPU ID and core logic ID.
GXDRAW.DLL  NEW  Added support for Cx5520 core logic, including video overlay.
GXGAMMA.DLL NEW  Gamma/brightness/contrast control video overlay property sheet added.


4/17/97     v4.03.1114

GX95.DRV    1054 Fixed bug in the vector clipping code (extra pixels were 
                 produced outside of the clip region).  
            NEW  Added code to initialize the high byte of the palette 
                 for video chroma key support.
GX95TV.DRV  NEW  Modified driver to only use the 576x400 resolution for the 
                 "NTSC - 576x400" option.  The PAL format always uses 640x480.


4/01/97     v4.03.1113      New INF's require system BIOS ROM 75 or above

*.INF       NEW Changed PNP BIOS node to CRX0001
GX95TV.DRV  964 Fixed bug when switching Fox and Bear from 320x200x8 to


3/17/97     v4.03.1112

GX95TV.DRV  NEW Single driver support for the 576x400 desktop resolution.
GXMINI.VXD  935 Fixed bug when switching between a full screen DOS box in
                Kanji text mode and English text mode.


2/20/97     v4.03.1111

GX95.DRV    NEW TV control initialization code added.
GX95TV.DRV  NEW 576x400 mode only driver created.
GXTV.DLL    NEW TV control property sheet added.
GXMINI.VXD  NEW Changed GetChipID to always return 1.4 for all revisions of GX.  Will
                return 3.0 for all revisions of GXi.


1/28/97     v4.03.1110

GXDRAW.DLL  824 Faster transparent BLT code added.
            833 Fixed Flip32 bug for The Neverhood.
GXMINI.VXD  815 Windows won't load when set to 16bpp after changing memory
                setting in CMOS to low.

12/20/96    v4.03.1109  

GXDRAW.DLL  764 Fixed UpdateFlipStatus bug for TDDRAW.
GX95.DRV    765 Cursor exclusion added to SrcDevice on S-S BLTs to fix cursor 
            650 Removed 320x200x8 and 320x240x8 accelerated DDraw modes
                to support The HIVE.

Validation notes
* At 1280x1024x16 @ 85 Hz on Centaurus, playing an MPEG or 3 Simultaneous AVI's 
  for more than 1 minutes causes the system to hang.
* Do not use on the Dorado Platform. 
* When playing Quake 2 in modes < 640x480 at full screen, the bottom half of the
  screen is cut off on both Dorado and Centaurus. 
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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