CnxWzCfg.ini Driver File Contents (

; Conexant Systems Inc.
; AccessRunner DSL INI file
; Oct 7, 2003

;Installation DLL version.  Do Not Change.

; Wizard Mode.  Do not Change.

; Set the type of device
; 0 = PCI
; 1 = USB

;Disable the Wizard on specific Operating Systems
; 0 = Default operating system support
; 1 = Windows 95 Retail
; 2 = Windows 95 OSR 2
; 4 = Windows 95 OSR 2.1
; 8 = Windows 95 OSR 2.5
; 16 = Windows 98 Gold
; 32 = Windows 98 Second Edition
; 64 = Windows Millennium Edition
; 128 = Windows NT 4.0
; 256 = Windows 2000
; 512 = Windows XP and later

; Description of the DSL Wizard displayed on the Wizard Title Bar
WizardTitle=D-Link DSL-210 Setup Wizard

; Disable the Wizard Splash Screen
; 0 = Wizard Splash Screen Enabled
; 1 = Wizard Splash Screen Disabled

; Reboot Prompt
; Reboot prompt control after successful install/configure
; 0 = Wizard prompts for a reboot only when necessary
; 1 = Display "Finished" screen & then prompt for a reboot after a
;	successful install/uninstall
; 2 = Always prompt for a reboot after a successful install/uninstall,
;      skipping Finish screen.

; The install CD image is copied to this location during installation
; and configuration.  No actions are taken if the path is empty.

; All installation information will be stored in the Windows System folder
; with this filename.

; Driver Signing Policy - File signature verification
; 0 = Ignore - Install all files, regardless of file signature
; 1 = Warn - Display a message before installing an unsigned file
; 2 = Block - Prevent installation of unsigned files
; 3 = WHQL certified product, do not modify driver signing policy


; Product files are stored in "\Program Files\xxx\yyy",
; where xxx is "CompanyName" and
; where yyy is "BaseFolder"
BaseFolder=DSL-210 Wizard

; Defines the "Start Menu\Programs\xxx" folder name where
; xxx is "ShortcutFolderName"
ShortcutFolderName=D-Link DSL-210

; 1 = "Start Menu"
; 2 = "Start Menu\Programs"
; 4 = "Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
; 8 = "Start Menu\Programs\xxx" where xxx = ShortcutFolder
; 16 = "Desktop"
; 32 = Taskbar
; 64 = Tray Icon

; Wizard shortcut in "Start Menu\Programs\AccessRunnerDSL"
; and on Desktop
WizardShortcutName=DSL-210 Setup Wizard

; Dial-Up Networking connection name.
ConnectoidName=DSL-210 Dialup


; Wizard display in retail mode (no advanced screens) Not Used if WizardMode=4
;   0 = Retail Mode - No edit, edit enabled by ALT-A
;   1 = Advanced Mode - User can edit parameters
;   2 = Advanced Mode - User is forced to view/edit parameters

; Wizard screens are not displayed when executed from Windows Add/Remove Programs
; 0 = Wizard allows user to uninstall product or product and Wizard configuration
; 1 = Wizard allows user to uninstall product only.  No Wizard screens are displayed

; Wizard does not display DUN connection name
; (Configured in this file "ConnectionName")
;   0 = No edit of connection name allowed
;   1 = Allow user edit of connection name

; Display the TaskBar Application icon in the TrayIcon area.
;   0 = Retail Mode - No rates displayed, toolbox button enabled by ALT-A
;   1 = Retail Mode - Rates are displayed, toolbox button enabled by ALT-A
;   2 = Retail Mode with Toolbox Button - Toolbox button will expand
;       the display to provide icons for AutoLog Tool and the DSL Wizard

; Display a Summary Screen before installation and configuration
;   0 = Do not display the protocol setup summary
;   1 = Display the protocol setup summary

; Authorization is not required for changes

; Advanced Tabs Display Order
; Arrange the tab display order (lowest number is displayed first)
;   0 = Tab will not be displayed
;   1 - 9 = order number (one value per tab)
; IpAddressSelectionScreen 			RFC1483 and RFC1577 ONLY
; DnsSelectionScreen 				RFC1483 and RFC1577 ONLY
; NetworkIdScreen  					RFC1483 and RFC1577 ONLY
; DefaultGatewayScreen  			RFC1483 and RFC1577 ONLY
; UserNamePasswordSelectionScreen 	RFC2364 ONLY
; AnnexSelectionScreen				USB Products Only
AnnexSelectionScreen	 			= 0

; Set the type of ADSL installation that is presented on the Install screen
; 0 = The user selects from a list of ADSL providers
; 1 = The user selects from a list of ADSL protocols

; Show or hide the "HAVE FILE" button on the Install screen
; 0 = The Have File button is displayed on the Install Screen
; 1 = The Have File button is not displayed on the Install Screen

; RunOnce:

; Path relative to "OTHER" subfolder

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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