TVMSGNL.INI Driver File Contents (


* Module       : TVMSGENG.INI                                                *
* Beschrijving : TV/FM Tips bestand voor Nederlands                          *
* Versie       : 3.08.12                                                     *
* Uitgever     : TelSignal Co., Ltd.                                         *

;* Error Code : Bericht van de toepassing
Fail to registering MAIN class !       = Registreren van MAIN class mislukt !
Fail to create MAIN window !           = Aanmaken van het MAIN window mislukt !
Fail to registering FRAME class !      = Registreren van FRAME class mislukt !
Fail to create CAP Frame !             = Aanmaken van CAP beeld mislukt !
Fail to registering CAP class !        = Registreren van CAP class mislukt !
Fail to create CAP Window !            = Aanmaken van CAP window mislukt !
Fail to registering VFW class !        = Registreren van VFW class mislukt !
Fail to create VFW Window !            = Aanmaken van VFW Window mislukt !
VFW Window is not available !          = VFW Window is niet beschikbaar !
Fail to registering AUTOSCAN class !   = registreren van AUTOSCAN class mislukt !
Fail to create AUTOSCAN window !       = Aanmaken van AUTOSCAN window mislukt !
Fail to registering LIVEVIEW class !   = registreren van LIVEVIEW class mislukt !
Fail to create LIVEVIEW window !       = Aanmaken van LIVEVIEW window mislukt !
Video size is greater than 320 * 240 ! = Video afmetingen groter dan 320 * 240 !

;* Dialoog berichten : Toets
OK      = OK
Cancel  = Annuleer
Default = Standaard

;* VFW menu : Video Opname Menu
Overlay           = Hoge kwaliteitsbeeld
Preview           = Preview
Ratio  4:3        = Ratio  4:3
Ratio 16:9        = Ratio 16:9
Hide TV Screen    = Verberg TV Scherm
Channel Selector  = Kanaalkiezer
Copy To Clipboard = Kopieer naar Clipboard
Save as BMP       = Opslaan als BMP
Save as AVI       = Opslaan Film

;* TV Tip : Controle paneel
Air Antenna        = Antenne
Aux Composite      = Aux Composiet
Cable TV           = Kabel TV
Camera             = Camera
Capture Setup      = Opname Setup
Channel Down       = Hoger Kanaal
Channel Preview    = Kanaal Preview
Channel Return     = Kanaal Terug
Channel Scan       = Kanaal Scan
Channel Up         = Lager kanaal
CH. Selector       = Kanaal kiezer
Closed Caption     = Ondertitels (C.C.)
FM Radio           = FM Radio
Ftune Forward      = Fijne afstelling naar boven
Ftune Backward     = Fijne afstelling naar beneden
Help               = Help
Memory             = Geheugen
Minimize           = verkleinen
Mode Toggle        = Wissel Mode
MTS Switch         = MTS schakelaar
Mute               = Mute
Number/Memory      = Nummer/Geheugen
OSD Default        = OSD Standaard
OSD Function       = OSD Functie
Overlay            = Hoge Beeldkwaliteit
Preview            = Preview
Play AVI           = Speel Video
Power Off          = Power Off
Remote             = Afstandsb.
Save AVI           = Opslaan Video
Save AVI as ...    = AVI opslaan als ...
Save BMP           = BMP opslaan
Save Clipboard     = Clipboard opslaan
Save Memory        = Geheugen opslaan
Scan Channel       = Gelieve te scannen wanneer een nieuw toestel voor beelopname wordt geinstalleerd.
Set Capture        = instellen opname
Slide Show         = Dia Show
Super VHS          = Super VHS
TeleText           = TeleTekst
Top Most           = Top Most
TV Setup           = TV Setup
User Channel       = Kanaal Gebruiker
Video Format       = Video Formaat
Video Mode         = Video Mode
Video Quality      = Video Kleur
Video Setup        = Video Setup
Video Source       = Video Bron
Volume Up          = Volume Omhoog
Volume Down        = Volume Omlaag
Enter / 100 +      = Enter / 100 +
+ 100              = + 100

Frequency          = Frekwentie
Brightness         = Helderheid
Contrast           = Contrast
Hue                = Kleurenting
Saturation         = Verzadiging
Volume             = Volume
Treble             = Treble
Bass               = Bass
Left               = Links
Right              = Rechts

;* TV : Pulldown Menu
Tuner             = Tuner
TV Setup          = TV Setup
Remote Controller = Afstandsbediening
Air               = Antenne
Cable             = Kabel
Channel           = Kanaal
Channel Scan      = Kanaal zoeken
Channel Preview   = Kanaal Preview
Channel Up        = Kanaal Omhoog
Channel Down      = Kanaal Omlaag
Channel Add       = Kanaal Toevoegen
Channel Erase     = Kanaal Uitvegen
Mute              = Mute
Volume Up         = Volume Omhoog
Volume Down       = Volume Omlaag
Exit              = Verlaten
View              = View
Title             = Titel
Tool Bar          = Tool Bar
Always On Top     = Altijd bovenaan
C.C. / Teletext   = C.C. / Teletekst
Zoom Screen       = Zoom Scherm
Keep Ratio 4:3    = Houd Ratio 4:3
Keep Ratio 16:9   = Houd Ratio 16:9
Freeze            = Bevries
Preview           = Preview
Overlay           = Hoge beeldkwaliteit
Capture           = Opname
Copy              = Kopieer
BMP File          = BMP Bestand
AVI Video         = AVI Video
Save AVI As ...   = AVI opslaan als ...
Play AVI          = Speel Video
Audio Format      = Audio Formaat
Video Compression = Video Compressie
Parameters        = Parameters
Video Setup       = Video Setup
Video Source      = Video Bron
Video Format      = Video Formaat
Video Display     = Video Display

;* TV dialog : Setup
TV Settings          = TV Instellingen
Remote Controller    = Afstandsbediening
16-Channel Preview   = 16-Kanaal Preview
TV Frame             = TV Beeld
Scan                 = Scan
Up                   = Omhoog
Down                 = Omlaag
Add                  = Toevoegen
Del                  = Verwijder
Preview              = Preview
Antenna              = Antenne
Cable                = Kabel
FineTune             = Fijn Afstellen
Save as default      = Opslaan als standaard
set                  = ok

Audio                = Audio
Vol                  = Vol
Volume               = Volume
Treble               = Treble
Bass                 = Bass
Left                 = Links
Right                = Rechts
Mono                 = Mono
Stereo               = Stereo
SAP                  = SAP
NICAM                = NICAM
BTSC                 = BTSC
PAL BG               = PAL BG
PAL DK               = PAL DK
PAL I                = PAL I

OSD                  = OSD
Enabled              = Aan
Frequency            = Frekwentie
Brightness           = Helderheid
Contrast             = Contrast
Hue                  = Kleurenting
Saturation           = Verzadiging

Channel Name         = Naam Kanaal
Channel Selection    = Kanaal Selectie
Logical              = Logisch
Map Physical Channel = plaats Fysisch Kanaal
PhyCH                = FyKa
Physical             = Fysisch
Unlink Channel       = verbreek verbinding
UserCH               = Kanaal Gebruiker
User Defined         = Instelling Gebruiker
User Defined Channel = Kanaal Gebruiker
User.Phy             = Gebruiker.Fy

;* VFW SETUP dialog
Capture Settings     = Opname Instellingen
Video Settings       = Video Instellingen
Format               = Formaat
Source               = Bron
Display              = Display
Capture Parameters   = Opname Parameters
Video Compression    = Video Compressie
Audio Format         = Audio Formaat
File                 = Bestand
Allocate Space       = Ruimte Toewijzen
Save as              = opslaan als ...
Auto Increment       = Auto verhogen
Save as JPEG         = opslaan als JPEG
Video Capture Device = Video Opname Toestel
Always On Top        = Altijd bovenaan
Force Ratio 4:3      = Dring Ratio 4:3 op
Force Full Screen    = Dring volledig scherm op
OSD Interface        = OSD Interface
Slide Show           = Dia Show
Frames               = Beelden
160x120              = 160x120
Center               = Center

;* VFW dialog : Insteling Videobron
Video Source                = Video Bron
Video Connector             = Video Connector
Tuner                       = Tuner
Composite                   = Composiet
SVideo                      = SVideo
Camera                      = Camera
Color                       = Kleur
Brightness                  = Helderheid
Contrast                    = Contrast
Saturation                  = Verzadiging
Hue                         = Kleurenting
Video Standard              = Video Standaard
Camera Model                = Camera Model
Default                     = Standaard

QuartzSight Camera Settings = QuartzSight Camera Instelling
Basic Picture Controls      = Basisfuncties Foto
Extended Picture Controls   = uitgebreide funties Foto
Gamma                       = Gamma
Sharpness                   = Scherpte
Autoexposure Controls       = Automatische lichtinstelling
Lighting Frequency          = Licht frekwentie
Lighting Type               = Licht type
Normal                      = Normaal
Backlight                   = Backlight
Setup >>                    = Setup >>
<< Setup                    = << Setup

;* VFW dialog : VideoFormaatInstellen
Video Format    = Video Formaat
Image Dimension = Afmetingen Beeld
Image Format    = Beeldformaat
1/4             = 1/4
1/2             = 1/2
Full            = Volledig

;* VFW dialog : VideoDisplayInstelling
Video Display         = Video Display
Enable C.C.           = Schakel C.C. aan
Channel 1             = Kanaal 1
Channel 2             = Kanaal 2
Alert Token           = Alarm signaal
File Name             = Bestandnaam
Closed Caption Engine = Sturing Ondertitels (C.C.)
Closed Caption Engine - Brooktree Corporation = Sturing ondertitels - Brooktree Corporation

;* VFW dialog : InstellingOpnameParameter
Capture Parameters        = Parameters Opname
Frame Rate                = Aantal Beelden
Enable Capture Time Limit = Opname Tijd Begrenzen
Seconds                   = Seconden
Capture Audio             = Geluidsopname
Video Buffers             = Video Buffers
Max Drop Rate             = Max Drop Rate
Key to Abort              = Annuleer toets
Esc Key                   = Esc toets
Space Bar Key             = Spatiebalk
F8 Key                    = F8 Toets
Mouse to Abort            = Muis om te annuleren
Left Mouse Button         = Linker Muistoets
Right Mouse Button        = Rechter Muistoets

;* VFW dialog : ToewijzenRuimteOpnamebestand
Allocate File Space                                               = bestandsruimte Toewijzen
Enter the amount of disk space to set aside for the capture file. = Geeft schijfruimte in voor het opnamebestand.
Existing video data in the file will be lost.                     = bestaande video data in het bestand zal verloren gaan.
Free Disk Space                                                   = Vrije schijfruimte
Allocate File Size                                                = Wijs bestandgrootte toe

;* FM Tip : Controlepaneel
Channel Down       = Kanaal omhoog
Channel Up         = Kanaal Omlaag
Channel Return     = Kanaal Terug
Frequency Band     = Frekwentieband
Ftune Backward     = Fijn Afstellen naar beneden
Ftune Forward      = Fijn afstellen naar boven
Help               = Help
Memory             = Geheugen
Minimize           = Verkleinen
Mute               = Mute
Power Off          = Power Off
Seek Backward      = Zoek Achteruit
Seek Forward       = Zoek Vooruit
Stereo / Mono      = Stereo / Mono
Volume Up          = Volume Omhoog
Volume Down        = Volume omlaag
Watch TV           = TV Kijken

;* TVCFG Tip : Configuratie TV Systeem
TV Country Code Configuration = Configurtatie Landcode TV
Country                       = Land
Location                      = Plaats
Language                      = Taal
VGA                           = VGA Chipset

;* TVUNINST : TV/FM Applicatie & Driver Uninstaller
TV/FM application uninstaller               = Installatie TV/FM Toepassing verwijderen
TV/FM Application & Driver un-installation  = Installatie TV/FM Toepassing & Driver verwijderen
Uninstall Application                       = Verwijder Installatie Toepassing
Uninstall Driver                            = Verwijder Driver installatie
Uninstall Now                               = Verwijder Installatie Nu

TV Uninstaller                              = Verwijderen TV Uninstaller
Uninstall Applications and Drivers ?        = Ben je zeker dat de installatie van de Toepassingen en drivers BT848/878/879 verwijderd mogen worden ?
Uninstall Device Drivers ?                  = Ben je zeker dat de installatie van de drivers BT848/878/879 verwijderd mag worden ?
Restart Now ?                               = Drivers/toepassing met succes verwijderd ! PC nu opnieuw opstarten ?

;* TVSCHL : TV/FM Uurrooster
TV/FM Scheduler = TV/FM Uurrooster
Wave            = Wav / MP3
OK              = &OK
Add New         = &Nieuwe
Modify          = &Aanpassen
Delete          = &Verwijderen
Remove All      = &Verwijder Alles
Scheduler       = &Uurrooster
Exit            = &Verlaten

No. En          = Nr. En
Date            = Datum
Time            = Tijd
Minutes         = Minuten
Source          = Bron
Display         = Display
Notes           = Nota's

Air             = Antenne
Cab             = Kabel
FM              = FM
Composite       = Composiet
SVHS            = SuperVHS
Camera          = Camera
Alarm           = Alarm
FullScreen      = VolledigScherm
Default         = Standaard

Daily           = Dagelijks
Sunday          = zondag
Monday          = maandag
Tuesday         = dinsdag
Wednesday       = woensdag
Thursday        = donderdag
Friday          = vrijdag
Saturday        = zaterdag

;* About
Product Name = TV/FM Device
Copyright    = Copyright (C)2002
WebSite      = Web Site
E-mail       = Mail
PhoneFax     = Tel
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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