README.TXT Driver File Contents (

MDSP Driver for Windows 3.1x v2.00
(c) 1996-97, Coreco inc.

Table of Content
	1)  Installation
	2)  What's new
	3)  A Quick Start
	4)  List of files after the installation

1) Installation

	From the FILE|RUN menu under PROGRAM MANAGER run "SETUP.EXE"
	to install MDSP Driver.

2) What's new

Version 1.00
	-Initial release

Version 1.01
	*** MDSP Server ***
	-Request to get handle to user-event for interrupt handling from
	the user-level (UIGETISRINFO_CMD request).

Version 2.00
	*** DSP library ***
	-Support for error codes (C44error.h).
	-New functions: C44GetLastError, C44SetLastError and C44_sprintf.
	-C44ReadFile can read files shorter than specified.
	-New communication protocol with the MDSP Server.
	-New demonstration program (BASIC.OUT) to show all function calls
	with error handling.
	*** MDSP Server ***
	-Support for error codes (C44error.h).
	-Sends a request for information from the application to get the
	MDSP board configuration (not automatic anymore) when calling
	StartMdspServer. Use the UIGETMDSPINFO_CMD message to the MDSP
	-New communication protocol with the DSP library.
	-Version information in the DLL.
	*** MDSP Application ***
	-RequestInfo() function to request information from server.
	-MDSP struct information not put in pipe automatically by server.
	-Error code as 1st parameter for C44GetString(). The string itself
	is put after.
	-Support for UIGETMDSPINFO_CMD result in the user interface pipe.

3) A Quick Start:

  1. Start the MDSP user interface from the MDSP program
  2. In the MDSP user interface, create a new window by linking
     with a DSP (menu MDSP, item Link). This window will display 
     all information regarding this particular DSP.
  3. Upload the mailbox.out program to your DSP (menu MDSP, item
     Upload). This program is in the \demo\mailbox directory (mailbox.out).

  4. The program should display a message indicating it is ready
     to start. From the MDSP menu, select the SIGNAL item to send
     a start signal to the DSP.
  5. The DSP program will then print the following message:

     In Mailbox ISR, command = 16711687

     The printed command number corresponds to the signal command 
     sent by the DSP.

4)  List of files after the installation

*** Directory MDSP ***
readme   txt  This file
DelsL1   isu  Uninstallation data file
mdsp	 ini  Version file for the MDSP driver

*** Directory MDSP\UTIL ***
PVIEW    EXE  PCI utility to dump the PCI configuration space

*** Directory MDSP\Boot ***
BOOTLOAD OUT  Fifo boot loader to program the FLASH memory
FLASH1   OUT  Boot loader for a 1 DSP board
FLASH2   OUT  Boot loader for a 2 DSP board
FLASH4   OUT  Boot loader for a 4 DSP board
MONITOR  OUT  MDSP kernel to program the FLASH memory
README   TXT  Information file to upgrade the boot loader of the DSP
FLASH    VER  Current version of the flash

*** Directory MDSP\C44Lib ***
C44lib   H    Include file for the MDSP library
C44LIBBR LIB  Library file (Big memory, register-argument model)
C44LIBBS LIB  Library file (Big memory, stack-based model)
C44LIBSR LIB  Library file (Small memory, register-argument model)
C44LIBSS LIB  Library file (Small memory, stack-based model)
C44ERROR H    Include file with error definitions

*** Directory MDSP\HELP ***
D2HLNK16 DLL  DLL required for the include online help files
D2HTOOLS DLL  DLL required for the included online help files
MDSP16   HLP  Online help for the User's Manual for MDSP
SOFT16   HLP  Online help for the MDSP Software Reference Manual
MDSPIO   HLP  Online help for the MDSP-IO board

*** Directory MDSP\Server ***
MDSP     DLL  Dynamic link library for low-level functions of the MDSP
C44SERV  DLL  MDSP Server dynamic link library
C44USER  DLL  User functions dynamic link library
MDSP     LIB  Link library for low-level functions of the MDSP
C44SERV  LIB  MDSP Server link library
C44USER  LIB  Link library for User functions
C44IOCTL H    Include file for MDSP I/O functions
C44SRV   H    Include file for MDSP Server functions
C44NTDLL H    Include file for low level functions
MDSP     DEF  Definition file for building the low-level functions of the MDSP
C44SERV  DEF  Definition file for building the MDSP Server dynamic link library
C44USER  DEF  Definition file for building the User DLL
MDSPAPP  EXE  MDSP User interface to the MDSP Server
MDSPCFG  EXE  Configuration exexutable file
BGITPCI  DLL  Dynamic Library used to access the PCI configuration
MDARBIT  COR  File used to program the on-board FPGA
MDCTRLIO COR  File used to program the on-board FPGA
COMDSP   DLL  Driver for Code Composer
JTAG     DOC  Micorsoft Word document file about the JTAG example
JTAG     TXT  Text file version of the document file above

*** Directory MDSP\UserApp ***
C44MGR   CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
C44MSG   CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
C44SLDLG CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
C44SR    CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
C44SRDOC CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
C44SRVW  CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
CHILDFRM CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
MAINFRM  CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
REQUEST  CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
STDAFX   CPP  Source code for MDSP User interface
CORENV   H    Include file for environment constants
C44MGR   H    Include file for MDSP User interface
C44MSG   H    Include file for MDSP User interface
C44SLDLG H    Include file for MDSP User interface
C44SR    H    Include file for MDSP User interface
C44SRDOC H    Include file for MDSP User interface
C44SRVW  H    Include file for MDSP User interface
CHILDFRM H    Include file for MDSP User interface
MAINFRM  H    Include file for MDSP User interface
REQUEST  H    Include file for MDSP User interface
RESOURCE H    Include file for MDSP User interface
STDAFX   H    Include file for MDSP User interface
C44SR    MAK  Make file for the MDSP User interface
C44SR    RC   Ressource file for the MDSP User interface
C44SR    DEF  Definition file for the MDSP User interface

*** Directory MDSP\USERAPP\RES ***
C44SR    ICO  Icon for MDSP User interface
TOOLBAR  BMP  Toolbar for MDSP User interface
C44SRDOC ICO  Icon for document of MDSP User interface
C44SR    RC2  Ressource script for MDSP User interface
CURSOR1  CUR  Cursor for MDSP User interface

*** Directory MDSP\UserDLL ***
C44USER  DLL  User functions dynamic link library
C44USER  C    Source code for User functions DLL
C44USER  MAK  Make file for User functions DLL
C44USER  DEF  Definition file for User functions DLL
CORENV   H    Include file for environment constants
RESOURCE H    Include file for ressources
C44USER  RC   Ressource file for User functions DLL

*** Directory MDSPNT\Demo\Basic ***
BASIC    C    Source file of the demonstration program for the MDSP
BASIC    CMD  Command file of the demonstration program
BASIC    MAK  Make file of the demonstration program
BASIC    OUT  Executable file of the demonstration program
MK       BAT  Batch file to generate the demonstration program

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\MEMORY ***
MEMORY   CMD  Command file for the MEMORY test program
MK       BAT  Batch file to generate the MEMORY test program
MEMORY   MAK  Make file of the MEMORY test program
MEMORY   C    Souce file of the MEMORY test program
MEMORY   OUT  Executable file of the MEMORY test program

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Master ***
MASTER   C    Source file of the Master Transfer program
MASTER   CMD  Command file of the Master Transfer program
MASTER   MAK  Make file of the Master Transfer program
MK       BAT  Batch file to generate the Master Transfer program
MASTER   OUT  Executable file of the Master Transfer program
RDDMA    ASM  Interrupt handler for the C44 DMA

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Mailbox ***
MAILBOX  C    Source file of the Mailbox program
MAILBOX  CMD  Command file of the Mailbox program
MAILBOX  MAK  Make file of the Mailbox program
MK       BAT  Batch file to generate the Mailbox program
MAILBOX  OUT  Executable file of the Mailbox program

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Convo ***
CONVO    DOC  Word file describing the Convolution program
CONV     ASM  Assembly source file for the convolution function
BUILD    CMD  Command file of the Convolution program

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Convo\One_dsp ***
CONVO    C    Source file of the Convolution program
CONVO    MAK  Make file of the Convolution program
BUILD    BAT  Batch file calling the TI C Compiler directly
CONVO    OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Convo\Two_dsp ***
CONVO_00 C    Source file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 0)
CONVO_02 C    Source file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 2)
CONVO    MAK  Make file of the Convolution program
BUILD    BAT  Batch file calling the TI C Compiler directly
CONVO_00 OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 0)
CONVO_02 OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 2)

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Convo\Four_dsp ***
CONVO_00 C    Source file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 0)
CONVO_01 C    Source file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 1)
CONVO_02 C    Source file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 2)
CONVO_03 C    Source file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 3)
CONVO    MAK  Make file of the Convolution program
BUILD    BAT  Batch file calling the TI C Compiler directly
CONVO_00 OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 0)
CONVO_01 OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 1)
CONVO_02 OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 2)
CONVO_03 OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 3)

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Fft ***
FFT      DOC  Word file describing the Fast Fourrier Transform program
FFT      C    C source file for the Fast Fourrier Transform function
FFT      H    Include file of the Fast Fourrier Transform program
BUILD    CMD  Command file of the Fast Fourrier Transform program

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Fft\One_dsp ***
FFTDMO   C    Source file of the Fast Fourrier Transform program
FFT      MAK  Make file of the Fast Fourrier Transform program
BUILD    BAT  Batch file calling the TI C Compiler directly
FFTDMO   OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Fft\Two_dsp ***
FFTDMO_0 C    Source file of the FFT program (target to dsp 0)
FFTDMO_2 C    Source file of the FFT program (target to dsp 2)
FFT      MAK  Make file of the Convolution program
BUILD    BAT  Batch file calling the TI C Compiler directly
FFTDMO_0 OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 0)
FFTDMO_2 OUT  Executable file of the Convolution program (target to dsp 2)

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Fft\Four_dsp ***
FFTDMO_0 C    Source file of the FFT program (target to dsp 0)
FFTDMO_1 C    Source file of the FFT program (target to dsp 1)
FFTDMO_2 C    Source file of the FFT program (target to dsp 2)
FFTDMO_3 C    Source file of the FFT program (target to dsp 3)
FFT      MAK  Make file of the FFT program
BUILD    BAT  Batch file calling the TI C Compiler directly
FFTDMO_0 OUT  Executable file of the FFT program (target to dsp 0)
FFTDMO_1 OUT  Executable file of the FFT program (target to dsp 1)
FFTDMO_2 OUT  Executable file of the FFT program (target to dsp 2)
FFTDMO_3 OUT  Executable file of the FFT program (target to dsp 3)

*** Directory MDSP\Util ***
PACK8    ASM  Assembly source file for pack data
UNPACK8  ASM  Assembly source file for unpack data
R2DIT    ASM  Radix 2 Decimetion in Time (FFT)
SINTABLE H    Include file for the R2DIT

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Userdll ***
CORENV   H    Include file for environment declaration (Win 3.1, Win NT, ...)
C44USER  DEF  Definition file to create the C44user.dll
C44USER  MAK  Makefile to create the C44user.dll
C44USER  DLL  Dynamic library created 
C44USER  LIB  Link library created
USERDLL  TXT  Text file describing the C44User.dll
C44USER  C    C Source file for the user function DLL

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\Winapp ***
WINAPP   TXT  Text file describing the WinApp application
C44SRV   H    Include file for MDSP Server functions (modified to support Borland compiler)
MSGWND   H    Include file to process messages
DEBWND   H    Include file to support  Device Independent Bitmap manipulation
FILEDLG  H    Include file to suppoer the File Dialog Box
RESOURCE H    Include file for the application resources
WINAPP   H    Include file of the main application
FILEDLG  C    C source file for the support of the File Dialog Box
MSGWND   C    C source file for processing messages
DIBWND   C    C source file to support Device Independent Bitmap manipulation
MANAGER  C    C source file to control the access of the MDSP sermer.
WINAPP   C    C source file of the main application
WINAPP   RC   Resource file for this application
CORENV   H    Include file for environment declaration (Win 3.1, Win NT, ...)
WINAPP   DEF  Definition file to create the C44user.dll
WINAPP   MAK  Makefile to create the C44user.dll (for Visual C/C++)
WINAPP   IDE  Makefile to create the C44user.dll (for Borland)
WINAPP   EXE  Executable file for thisapplixation

*** Directory MDSP\Demo\JTAG ***
SQUARE   C    C source file for the Square program     
SQUARE   CMD  Command file for this demo
SQUARE   MAK  Makefile for this demo
SQUARE   OUT  Executable file for this demo.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 2.27