RIOports.inf Driver File Contents (

; Copyright (c) 1999  Specialix International Ltd.

Signature   	= "$Windows NT$"
Class		= Ports
ClassGuid	= {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Provider    	= %Specialix_Int%

; Driver Package Version Information
; DriverVer = mm/dd/yyyy, [a.b.c.d]	; a.b.c.d version number optional
DriverVer = 03/29/2000,	; 1.0.2 Build 20
CatalogFile =			; digital signature file

; Control Flags

ExcludeFromSelect	= *		; Do not allow a manual install of any ports

; Manufacturer

%Specialix_Int% 	= Specialix

; Specialix Ports

; DisplayName             	Section       DeviceID
; -----------             	-------       --------
; RIO Ports
%RIO&RS232&DB25.DeviceDesc%	= RIO_Port,	RIO\RS232&DB25		
%RIO&RS232&RJ45.DeviceDesc%	= RIO_Port, 	RIO\RS232&RJ45		
%RIO&TYPE2.DeviceDesc%		= RIO_Port, 	RIO\TYPE2			
%RIO&RS422&DB25.DeviceDesc%	= RIO_Port,  	RIO\RS422&DB25
%RIO&TYPE4.DeviceDesc%		= RIO_Port,	RIO\TYPE4			
%RIO&TYPE6.DeviceDesc%		= RIO_Port,	RIO\TYPE6			
%RIO&TYPE7.DeviceDesc%		= RIO_Port,	RIO\TYPE7			
%RIO&RS232&DB25X.DeviceDesc%	= RIO_Port,	RIO\RS232&DB25X		
%RIO&RS232&RJ45X.DeviceDesc%	= RIO_Port,	RIO\RS232&RJ45X		
%RIO&TYPEA.DeviceDesc%		= RIO_Port,	RIO\TYPEA			
%RIO&RS422&DB25X.DeviceDesc%	= RIO_Port,	RIO\RS422&DB25X		
%RIO&TYPEC.DeviceDesc%		= RIO_Port,	RIO\TYPEC		
%RIO&TYPEE.DeviceDesc%		= RIO_Port,	RIO\TYPEE			
%RIO&UNKNOWN.DeviceDesc%	= RIO_Port,	RIO\RJ45	
; Specialix Ports
Include 	= msports.inf
Needs		= SerialEnumerator.NT
AddReg		= Common.AddReg
AddReg 		= Common.HW.AddReg
;Include		= msports.inf
;AddService		= Serenum,0x00000002,Serenum_Service_Inst

; Add Reg section

; Entry to be placed in the DevNode

; Strings
Specialix_Int			= "Specialix International Ltd."
DiskDescription			= "Specialix Driver Disk"

; RIO Ports
RIO&RS232&DB25.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"		
RIO&RS232&RJ45.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"		
RIO&TYPE2.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"		
RIO&RS422&DB25.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"	
RIO&TYPE4.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"			
RIO&PARALLEL.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Parallel Port"		
RIO&TYPE6.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"			
RIO&TYPE7.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"		
RIO&RS232&DB25X.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"		
RIO&RS232&RJ45X.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"		
RIO&TYPEA.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"			
RIO&RS422&DB25X.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"		
RIO&TYPEC.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"	
RIO&PARALLELX.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO Parallel Port"		
RIO&TYPEE.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Serial Port"			
RIO&UNKNOWN.DeviceDesc		= "Specialix RIO Generic Serial Port"	

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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