RIO.inf Driver File Contents (

; Copyright (c) 1999  Specialix International Ltd.

Signature	= "$Windows NT$"
Class		= MultiPortSerial
ClassGUID	= {50906CB8-BA12-11D1-BF5D-0000F805F530}
Provider	= %Specialix_Int%

; Driver Package Version Information
; DriverVer = mm/dd/yyyy, [a.b.c.d]	; a.b.c.d version number optional
DriverVer = 03/29/2000,	; 1.0.2 Build 20
CatalogFile =			; digital signature file

; Control Flags

ExcludeFromSelect = 	PCI\VEN_11CB&DEV_2000&SUBSYS_010011CB,	\

; Manufacturer

%Specialix_Int% = Specialix

; Specialix Multiport Adapters

; DisplayName             Section       DeviceID
; -----------             -------       --------
; RIO 
%RIO_PCI.DeviceDesc% 	= RIO_PCI, 	PCI\VEN_11CB&DEV_2000&SUBSYS_010011CB
%RIO_PCI.DeviceDesc% 	= RIO_PCI, 	PCI\VEN_11CB&DEV_8000&SUBSYS_080011CB
%RIO_ISA.DeviceDesc% 	= RIO_ISA, 	SPX_RIO001		

; Specialix RIO Adapters

CopyFiles       = RIO.CopyFiles, CommonDLL.CopyFiles
AddReg		= Common.AddReg
AddService 	= RIO, 0x00000002, RIO.Service, RIO.EventLog

CopyFiles       = RIO.CopyFiles, CommonDLL.CopyFiles
LogConfig	= RIO_ISA.LogConfig
AddReg		= Common.AddReg
AddService 	= RIO, 0x00000002, RIO.Service, RIO.EventLog
ConfigPriority	= HARDRECONFIG
MemConfig	= D0000-DFFFF

; Services

DisplayName     = %RIO.Service.DispName%
ServiceType     = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
StartType       = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
ErrorControl    = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
ServiceBinary   = %12%\rio.sys
LoadOrderGroup  = Extended Base
AddReg 	 	= RIO.Service.Reg


AddReg = RIO.AddEventLog.Reg

HKR,, EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\rio.sys"
HKR,, TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7

; Log Config section

ConfigPriority	= HARDRECONFIG		; Need to change a jumper to change Mem Addr. 
MemConfig 	= 10000@000A0000-00FFF000%FFFF0000

; Add Reg section
; Destination Directories
;  11: System directory. This is %windir%\system32 on Windows NT and %windir%\system on Windows 95.
;  12: Drivers directory. This is %windir%\system32\drivers on Windows NT.
;  17: INF file directory.

DefaultDestDir 		= 12
RIO.CopyFiles 		= 12
CommonDLL.CopyFiles 	= 11

; Copy Files Section

rio.sys,,,2		; Do not allow the user to skip this file!
RioHost.Bin,,,2		; Do not allow the user to skip this file!
RioRta.Bin,,,2		; Do not allow the user to skip this file!

SpxPorts.dll,,,2	; Do not allow the user to skip this file!

; Source Disks
; diskid = description[, [tagfile] [, <unused>, subdir]]	
; filename_on_source = diskID[, [subdir][, size]]
1 = %DiskDescription%,,, 

rio.sys 		= 1,,		; on distribution Disk 1 
RioHost.bin 		= 1,,		; on distribution Disk 1
RioRta.bin 		= 1,,		; on distribution Disk 1
SpxPorts.dll 		= 1,,		; on distribution Disk 1 

; Strings

Specialix_Int		= "Specialix International Ltd."
DiskDescription		= "Specialix Driver Disk"

RIO_PCI.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO PCI Adapter"
RIO_ISA.DeviceDesc	= "Specialix RIO ISA Adapter"
RIO.Service.DispName 	= "Specialix RIO Multi-port Serial Driver"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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