; SynTPEnh.ini [Arabic] SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00040000 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00004000 LP = 0x00000020 ML = 0x0001 [Hebrew] SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00040000 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00004000 LP = 0x00000020 ML = 0x000D [Lotus 123 v5.1] SC = "123WScrollBar" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000001 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x000002D0 SF |= 0x00000800 [Lotus Smart Suite 97] SC = "Lego.SCROLLBAR" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000001 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x000002D0 SF |= 0x00000800 [Itchitaro V7-8] SC = "JSScrollBar" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000001 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x000002D0 SF |= 0x00000800 SF |= 0x00002000 LP = 0x00000005 [Standard Edit Control] SC = "Edit" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [Tree View Control] SC = "SysTreeView32" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [List View Control] SC = "SysListView32" SF = 0x10000000 [Horz List View Control] FC = "SysListView32" SF = 0x10000000 [List Box Control] SC = "ListBox" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [Rich Text Edit Control] SC = "RICHEDIT" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [Keyword List Control] SC = "KwdList" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [Text Input Control] SC = "ttyGrab" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [MultiMedia View Window] SC = "MMVWindow" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [Help Topic] SC = "MS_WINTOPIC" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [ComboBox Control] SC = "ComboBox" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000120 SF |= 0x00020000 [NT Command Prompt] SC = "ConsoleWindowClass" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 [Adobe Acrobat Plugins] SP = "AVL_AVScrollBar" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 [Word Pro?] SC = "WordProScrllParentWndNT" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x000002D0 LP = 0x00000003 [Mozilla] FC = "MozillaWindowClass" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 [Internet Explorer 4.01+] WT = "*Internet Explorer*" SC = "Internet Explorer_Server" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00040000 LP = 0x00000020 MV = 0x00040048 [Internet Explorer 4.0 (broken)] WT = "*Internet Explorer*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00040000 [Internet Explorer] WT = "*Internet Explorer*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 SF |= 0x00001000 UL = 0x00000008 [Netscape Navigator/Communicator] WT = "*Netscape 6*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 [Netscape Navigator/Communicator] WT = "*Netscape*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 SF |= 0x00001000 MV = 0x00040000 [Netscape Navigator/Communicator] WT = "*Netscape*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00001000 [Active DeskTop] PC = "SHELLDLL_DefView" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00100000 [Opera Browser] WT = "*Opera 5*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 SF |= 0x00001000 [cc:Mail] SC = "VLMPane" WT = "Lotus cc:Mail*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [cc:Mail] SC = "ccText" WT = "Lotus cc:Mail*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [MS Word 97] WT = "*Microsoft Word*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00080000 [MS Word other versions] FC = "OpusWwd" WT = "Microsoft Word*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00002000 SF |= 0x00000240 SF |= 0x00000800 LP = 0x00000014 [MS PowerPoint 97] WT = "*Microsoft PowerPoint*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00080000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000280 SF |= 0x00000010 SF |= 0x00000800 [MS PowerPoint other versions] FC = "paneClass*" WT = "*Microsoft PowerPoint*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x000002D0 SF |= 0x00000800 [MS Excel 97] WT = "*Microsoft Excel*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00080000 [MS Excel Other versions] FC = "EXCEL*" PC = "XLDESK*" WT = "Microsoft Excel*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x000001B0 SF |= 0x00000800 [MS Access 97] FC = "OMain" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00080000 [MS Access 97 Form] FC = "OForm" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00080000 [MS Access 97 Sub Form] FC = "OFormSub" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00080000 [MS Office Binder 97] WT = "*Microsoft Office Binder*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00080000 [MS Outlook 97] WT = "*Microsoft Outlook" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 MV = 0x00080000 [Quicken 5] PC = "QWMDI" WT = "Quicken 5*" SF = 0x10000000 UL = 0x00000001 [MS Bookshelf] FC = "CNCClass" WT = "Microsoft Bookshelf*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [more MS Bookshelf] FC = "BSHELF*" WT = "Microsoft Bookshelf*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [Corel Draw] SC = "CDrawEdit" WT = "CorelDRAW!*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x00000400 SF |= 0x00000120 [Pegasus Mail] FC = "LDUwin" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x000001B0 [MultiEdit] FC = "MewChild" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000004 SF |= 0x00000008 SF |= 0x000001B0 SF |= 0x00000800 [Emacs] FC = "Emacs" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x000001B0 SF |= 0x00000800 SF |= 0x00002000 LP = 0x00000010 [Outlook Express ATH_Note] PC = "##MimeEdit_Server" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000001 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00040000 SF |= 0x00400000 LP = 0x00000020 [Internet Explorer 4.01+ Embedded Server Windows] SC = "Internet Explorer_Server" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00000001 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00040000 LP = 0x00000020 [Eudora Pro] WT = "Eudora Pro*" SC = "Internet Explorer_Server" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000240 SF |= 0x00040000 LP = 0x00000020 [Html Help File Keyword] SC = "hh_kwd_vlist" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 [Virtual Scrolling Practice] PC = "SynapticsScrollingTutorial" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00001000 [Add/Remove Programs] FC = "DirectUIHWND" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 [Japanese TrainScedule App] WT = "‰w‚·‚Ï‚ ‚Æ*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000100 SF |= 0x00040000 LP = 0x00000020 [Korean Word Processor] FC = "DClass" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 [Haansoft_MainEdit] SC = "HwpMainEditWnd" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00040000 LP = 0x00000020 [Haansoft_Dic] FC = "HNCDIC_CLASS*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00040000 LP = 0x00000020 [Haansoft_Dic] PC = "HNCDIC_CLASS*" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00040000 LP = 0x00000020 [Haansoft_Dialog] SC = "HNC_DIALOG" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 SF |= 0x00000002 SF |= 0x00000180 SF |= 0x00040000 LP = 0x00000020 [iTunes] FC = "iTunes" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00001000 [HCT Mouse Functionality Test] WT = "MTEST" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 [HCT DirectInput Test] WT = "Mouse Data" SF = 0x10000000 SF |= 0x00004000 SF |= 0x00200000 [Default] SF = 0x10000000Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.