SynTPEnh.ini Driver File Contents (

; SynTPEnh.ini

SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00040000
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00004000
LP = 0x00000020
ML = 0x0001

SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00040000
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00004000
LP = 0x00000020
ML = 0x000D

[Lotus 123 v5.1]
SC = "123WScrollBar"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000001
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x000002D0
SF |= 0x00000800

[Lotus Smart Suite 97]
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000001
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x000002D0
SF |= 0x00000800

[Itchitaro V7-8]
SC = "JSScrollBar"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000001
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x000002D0
SF |= 0x00000800
SF |= 0x00002000
LP = 0x00000005

[Standard Edit Control]
SC = "Edit"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[Tree View Control]
SC = "SysTreeView32"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[List View Control]
SC = "SysListView32"
SF = 0x10000000

[Horz List View Control]
FC = "SysListView32"
SF = 0x10000000

[List Box Control]
SC = "ListBox"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[Rich Text Edit Control]
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[Keyword List Control]
SC = "KwdList"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[Text Input Control]
SC = "ttyGrab"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[MultiMedia View Window]
SC = "MMVWindow"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[Help Topic]
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[ComboBox Control]
SC = "ComboBox"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000120
SF |= 0x00020000

[NT Command Prompt]
SC = "ConsoleWindowClass"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000

[Adobe Acrobat Plugins]
SP = "AVL_AVScrollBar"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000

[Word Pro?]
SC = "WordProScrllParentWndNT"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x000002D0
LP = 0x00000003

FC = "MozillaWindowClass"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000

[Internet Explorer 4.01+]
WT = "*Internet Explorer*"
SC = "Internet Explorer_Server"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00040000
LP = 0x00000020
MV = 0x00040048

[Internet Explorer 4.0 (broken)]
WT = "*Internet Explorer*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00040000

[Internet Explorer]
WT = "*Internet Explorer*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120
SF |= 0x00001000
UL = 0x00000008

[Netscape Navigator/Communicator]
WT = "*Netscape 6*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000

[Netscape Navigator/Communicator]
WT = "*Netscape*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120
SF |= 0x00001000
MV = 0x00040000

[Netscape Navigator/Communicator]
WT = "*Netscape*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00001000

[Active DeskTop]
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00100000

[Opera Browser]
WT = "*Opera 5*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120
SF |= 0x00001000

SC = "VLMPane" 
WT = "Lotus cc:Mail*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

SC = "ccText"
WT = "Lotus cc:Mail*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[MS Word 97]
WT = "*Microsoft Word*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00080000

[MS Word other versions]
FC = "OpusWwd"
WT = "Microsoft Word*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00002000
SF |= 0x00000240
SF |= 0x00000800
LP = 0x00000014

[MS PowerPoint 97]
WT = "*Microsoft PowerPoint*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00080000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000280
SF |= 0x00000010
SF |= 0x00000800

[MS PowerPoint other versions]
FC = "paneClass*"
WT = "*Microsoft PowerPoint*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x000002D0
SF |= 0x00000800

[MS Excel 97]
WT = "*Microsoft Excel*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00080000

[MS Excel Other versions]
WT = "Microsoft Excel*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x000001B0
SF |= 0x00000800

[MS Access 97]
FC = "OMain"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00080000

[MS Access 97 Form]
FC = "OForm"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00080000

[MS Access 97 Sub Form]
FC = "OFormSub"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00080000

[MS Office Binder 97]
WT = "*Microsoft Office Binder*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00080000

[MS Outlook 97]
WT = "*Microsoft Outlook"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
MV = 0x00080000

[Quicken 5]
WT = "Quicken 5*"
SF = 0x10000000
UL = 0x00000001

[MS Bookshelf]
FC = "CNCClass"
WT = "Microsoft Bookshelf*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[more MS Bookshelf]
WT = "Microsoft Bookshelf*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[Corel Draw]
SC = "CDrawEdit"
WT = "CorelDRAW!*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x00000400
SF |= 0x00000120

[Pegasus Mail]
FC = "LDUwin"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x000001B0

FC = "MewChild"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000004
SF |= 0x00000008
SF |= 0x000001B0
SF |= 0x00000800

FC = "Emacs"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x000001B0
SF |= 0x00000800
SF |= 0x00002000
LP = 0x00000010

[Outlook Express ATH_Note]
PC = "##MimeEdit_Server"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000001
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00040000
SF |= 0x00400000
LP = 0x00000020

[Internet Explorer 4.01+ Embedded Server Windows]
SC = "Internet Explorer_Server"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00000001
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00040000
LP = 0x00000020

[Eudora Pro]
WT = "Eudora Pro*"
SC = "Internet Explorer_Server"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000240
SF |= 0x00040000
LP = 0x00000020

[Html Help File Keyword]
SC = "hh_kwd_vlist"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000

[Virtual Scrolling Practice]
PC = "SynapticsScrollingTutorial" 
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00001000

[Add/Remove Programs]
FC = "DirectUIHWND" 
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000

[Japanese TrainScedule App]
WT = "‰w‚·‚Ï‚ ‚Æ*"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000100
SF |= 0x00040000
LP = 0x00000020

[Korean Word Processor]
FC = "DClass"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000

SC = "HwpMainEditWnd"
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00040000
LP = 0x00000020

SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00040000
LP = 0x00000020

SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00040000
LP = 0x00000020

SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000
SF |= 0x00000002
SF |= 0x00000180
SF |= 0x00040000
LP = 0x00000020

FC = "iTunes" 
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00001000

[HCT Mouse Functionality Test]
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000

[HCT DirectInput Test]
WT = "Mouse Data" 
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
SF |= 0x00200000   

SF = 0x10000000

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web3, load: 0.76