WINNT.TXT Driver File Contents (

*                  ACCTON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION                  *
*             EN1207D Series PCI FAST ETHERNET ADAPTER            *
*                            AND                                  *
*                        UNATTENDED INSTALL                       *
*                                                                 *
*         Copyright (C) 1999 Accton Technology Corporation        *
*                       All Rights Reserved.                      *

The driver (ACC07D.SYS) contained in the directory WINNT is for
the following Accton PCI Ethernet adapter:

        Accton EN1207D Series PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter

The driver (ACC07D.SYS) conforms to the Network Driver Interface
Specification (NDIS) 4.0, and is used with Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
on the X86 platform.

NDIS 4.0 Minport Driver does not support the Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
platform; NT 3.51 must use the NDIS 3 Minport Driver.

           (A) Installing the driver in Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
           (B) Installing the driver in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
           (C) Unattended install in Windows NT 4.0 using EN1207D PCI Adapter

File Description

ACC07D.SYS      Accton NDIS4 Miniport driver for EN1207D.

OEMSETUP.INF    Installation information file for Windows NT 3.51
                and NT 4.0.

WINNT.TXT       This file.

UNATTEND.TXT    Script file for Unattended install.

  ACC07D.SYS    Accton NDIS3 Miniport driver for EN1207D Series adapter.

(A) Installing the driver in Microsoft Windows NT 3.51

    1. Plug Accton's EN1207D series adapter into one of the Master PCI
       slots of your PCI platform.

    2. Turn the power ON and then boot into Windows NT.

    3. Click the "Main" icon in the Program Manager window.

    4. Click the "Control Panel" icon in the Main window.

    5. Click the "Network" icon in the the Control Panel window.

    6. Click the  "Add Adapter..." button in the "Network Settings"
       dialog box.

    7. Select "<other> Requires disk from manufacturer" in Network
       Adapter Card list, and then click the "Continue" button in the
       "Add Network Adapter" dialog box,

    8. Insert the Accton EN1207D Series Driver Diskette in your floppy drive.

    9. Enter the full pathname A:\WINNT of the driver installation
       information file (OEMSETUP.INF) in the "Insert Disk" dialog box,
       and then click the OK button.

   10. Select "Accton EN1207D Series PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter" and then
       click the OK button in the "Select OEM Option" dialog box.

   11. Select the Line Speed value (AUTO,100full,100half,10full,
       10half) and then click the OK button in the "Select Line Speed"
       dialog box.

   12. Windows NT will copy the driver (ACC07D.SYS) from A:\WINNT\NT351
       (NDIS/3)to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS directory and the OEMSETUP.INF
       from A:\WINNT to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 but rename it to another
       installation information file (OEMNADxx.INF). So the next time,
       if you want to add Accton EN1207D series adapters to your system,
       you do not need the floppy diskette again.

       NOTICE!! C:\WINNT is the directory where your NT O.S. is located.

   13. After that, installation is completed. Accton's adapter becomes
       one of those Installed Adapter Cards and the driver becomes one of
       the Installed Network Software. You can see: "[x]Accton EN1207D Series
       PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter" within Installed Adapter Cards menu
       and "Accton EN1207D Series PCI Fast Ethernet Driver" within Installed
       Network Software menu.

   14. To complete network installation, remember to bind the adapter
       to the transport drivers by choosing the "Bindings" button under
       the Network Setting dialog box.

   15. Click the OK button in the "Network Settings" dialog box.

   16. Remove the Accton EN1207D Series Driver Diskette from your floppy

   17. Restart your computer to initialize the network function.

(B) Installing the driver in Microsoft Windows NT 4.0

    1. Plug Accton's EN1207D series adapter into one of the Master PCI
       slots of your PCI platform.

    2. Turn the power ON and then boot into Windows NT.

    3. Click the "My Computer" icon in the Main Program Group.

    4. Click the "Control Panel" icon in the Main window.

    5. Click the "Network" icon in the Control Panel window.

    6. Select the "Adapters" item, and then click the "Add..." button
       in the "Network" dialog box.

    7. Select "<other> Requires disk from manufacturer"  from the Network
       Adapter Card list, and then click the "Continue" button in the
       "Add Network Adapter" dialog box,

    8. Insert the Accton EN1207D series Driver Diskette in your floppy drive.

    9. Click the "Have Disk..." button in the "Select Network Adapter"
       dialog box.

   10. Enter the full pathname A:\WINNT of the driver installation
       information file (OEMSETUP.INF) in the "Insert Disk" dialog box,
       and then click the OK button.

   11. Select "Accton EN1207D series PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter" and then
       click the OK button in the "Select OEM Option" dialog box.

   12. Select the Line Speed value (AUTO,10ofull,100half,10full,
       10half) and then click the OK button in the "Select Line Speed"
       dialog box.

   13. Windows NT will copy the driver (ACC07D.SYS) from A:\WINNT
       to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS directory and the OEMSETUP.INF
       from A:\WINNT to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 but rename it to another
       installation information file (OEMNADxx.INF). So the next time,
       if you want to add Accton EN1207D series adapters to your system,
       you do not need the floppy diskette again.

       NOTICE!! C:\WINNT is the directory where your NT O.S. is located.

   14. After that, installation is completed.  You can see:

       "[x]Accton EN1207D series PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter"

       in Network Adapters list in the "Network" dialog box.

   15. To complete network installation, remember to bind the adapter to
       the transport drivers by choosing the "Bindings" button in the
       "Network" dialog box.

   16. Click the "Close" button in the "Network" dialog box.

   17. Remove the Accton EN1207D Series Driver Diskette from your floppy drive.

   18. Restart your computer to initialize the network function.

(C) Unattended install in Windows NT 4.0 using EN1207D PCI Adapter

The purpose of this file is to allow for manual installation of
Windows NT4.0 Workstation or Server with Accton EN1207D series PCI

Supported Adapters:

1.Accton EN1207D Series PCI 10/100 Ethernet Adapter
2.Integrated 10/100 Ethernet Adapter

This software distribution has unattended files and sample scripts
for WindowsNT 4.0 Workstation and Server.

The sample Unattended script is:

WindowsNT 4.0 Workstation/Server  =   /UNATTEND.TXT

The WindowsNT 4.0 Workstation/Server script has been designed to install NT with
the following options: (your site could have different requirements)

·       FileSystem        ===>  FAT
·       Workgroup         ===>  WORKGROUP, ie not into a DOMAIN
·       NT root directory ===>  \WINNT40
·       Networking protocols used ===> NetBEUI, IPX
·       Networking protocols used ===> NetBEUI, IPX

Note : For best results with multiple machines it is recommended that you
use this file in conjunction with an UDF file to customize
options such "ComputerName" and "FullName".

Installation Steps:

1) Extract the compressed file.
2) Create a new subdirectory structure on your Network Installation Server
   within the WindowsNT distribution share point. The new directory structure
   is shown in the example below:

        EXAMPLE:  F:\WINNT\i386   -   Distribution Share Point on Server
            ADD:               \$OEM$\NET\ACCTON  -   Directory Structure

   The directory structure once completed should look like this:


3) Modify "UNATTEND.TXT" file.
   Select Network Adapter type In "[SelectedAdaptersSection]" section.
    1. For "Accton EN1207D Series PCI Ethernet Adapter"
        EN1207D = OEMAdapterParamSection, \$OEM$\NET\ACCTON

    2. For "Integrated 10/100 Ethernet Adapter"
        EN1207DI = OEMAdapterParamSection, \$OEM$\NET\ACCTON

4) Copy the Accton Drivers into the new ACCTON subdirectory:


4) If you are using your own Unattend.txt file please take note of the
   sections below.  Please add these sections to your existing script
        OemPreinstall = yes

        InstallAdapters = SelectedAdaptersSection

        EN1207D = OEMAdapterParamSection, \$OEM$\NET\ACCTON
        EN1207DI = OEMAdapterParamSection, \$OEM$\NET\ACCTON


Command line execution

Start NT installation with the following command line
{source}\winnt.exe /B /S:{source} /U:{source}\$OEM$\NET\ACCTON\UNATTEND.TXT.
Where {source} is the source drive and source directory on the distribution
software server. In this example the share point directory is called

This Example assumes that it is executed from within the I386 Directory.


For further information on using attended installation with Microsoft
Windows NT Workstation or Server see the Windows NT Resource Kit or contact
Microsoft Corporation.

Microsoft Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

--End of File--

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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