SET1207D.TXT Driver File Contents (

*                  ACCTON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION                  *
*             EN1207D SERIES PCI FAST ETHERNET ADAPTER            *
*                  SETUP AND DIAGNOSTICS PROGRAM                  *
*                                                                 *
*         Copyright (C) 1998 Accton Technology Corporation        *
*                       All Rights Reserved.                      *

Starting the Program

At the DOS prompt (not from Windows DOS shell), enter the following
command to start the Setup program,

   A:\SETUP\SET1207D    <Enter>

If there is more than one adapter installed inside the host PC,
please select the specific adapter from the "Select LAN Board" menu
to enter the Main Menu of the Setup program. (for Multiple Adapters)

The supported functions of the Setup program:  (Main Menu)

        A.  View Current Configuration
        B.  Set Up New Configuration
        C.  Run Diagnostics
        D.  Exit

A.  View Current Configuration

  *  NOTICE !!                                                   *
  *  You can use the View Current Configuration function to get  *
  *  the PCI Bus No. and Device No. for the adapter.             *
  *  (for driver to specify the selected adapter when Multiple   *
  *  Adapters used)                                              *

    (1) Full-Duplex enabled and Boot ROM enabled:
        (Flow control item is displayed only when Full-Duplex is enabled)

    | Ethernet Address: ............. 00 00 E8 12 11 01            |
    | Network Speed: ................ 100/10 Mbps                  |
    | Full-Duplex: .................. Enabled                      |
    | I/O Base: ..................... E000 H                       |
    | Interrupt: .................... 10                           |
    | Boot ROM Size: ................ 16  Kilo-Bytes               |
    | Bus Number: ................... 0                            |
    | Device/Slot Number: ........... 10                           |
    | Flow control: ................. Tx Enable,  Rx Enable        |
    | Medium Type: .................. Auto Detect                  |
    |                                                              |
    | This is your PCI LAN board's current configuration.If you    |
    | want to change the configuration, go back to the Main Menu   |
    | and choose SET UP NEW CONFIGURATION.                         |

    (2) Full-Duplex disabled and Boot ROM disabled:

    | Ethernet Address: ............. 00 00 E8 12 11 01            |
    | Network Speed: ................ 100/10 Mbps                  |
    | Full-Duplex: .................. Disabled                     |
    | I/O Base: ..................... E000 H                       |
    | Interrupt: .................... 10                           |
    | Boot ROM Size: ................ No Boot ROM                  |
    | Bus Number: ................... 0                            |
    | Device/Slot Number: ........... 10                           |
    | Flow control: ................. Tx Enable,  Rx Enable        |
    | Medium Type: .................. Auto Detect                  |
    |                                                              |
    | This is your PCI LAN board's current configuration.If you    |
    | want to change the configuration, go back to the Main Menu   |
    | and choose SET UP NEW CONFIGURATION.                         |

    (3) You can press the <SPACE BAR>, <ENTER> or <ESC> key to
        Exit the View Current Configuration function.

B.  Set Up New Configuration

  * NOTICE !!                                                         *
  * You can use the setup program to configure the adapter's          *
  * Half/Full Duplex Mode and use the drivers' Speed parameter        *
  * to configure the Line Speed (100/10Mbps) You can specify          *
  * 100M-Full Duplex, 100M-Half Duplex, 10M-Full Duplex,              *
  * 10M-Half Duplex Mode.                                             *
  *                                                                   *
  *     set Medium Type mode --> choose (1) Auto Detect               *
  *                                     (2) 100 Full                  *
  *                                     (2) 100 Half                  *
  *                                     (2) 10 Full                   *
  *                                     (2) 10 Half                   *
  *                                                                   *
  * When the adapter connects to a Switching Hub which has Nway       *
  * Capability, you DON'T need to set the duplex mode; the            *
  * adapter will work in Nway mode (Auto Detect)                      *
  *                                                                   *
  *  Switch Hub with Nway Capability--> DON'T need to set Duplex mode *
  *                                                                   *
  * When the adapter connects to a Switch Hub which forces the duplex *
  * mode's setting, you must set the adapter configuration to match   *
  * the Switch Hub's configuration.                                   *
  *                                                                   *
  *  Switch Hub at Full-Duplex     --> adapter set 100 Full mode      *
  *                                or  adapter set 10 Full mode       *
  *                                                                   *
  *  Switch Hub at Half-Duplex     --> adapter set 100 Half mode      *
  *                                or  adapter set 10  Half mode      *
  *                                                                   *
  * When the adapter connects to a Repeater or Hub, you must set      *
  * the adapter configuration to Half-Duplex mode.                    *
  *                                                                   *
  *  Connect to Repeater/Hub       --> adapter set 100 Half mode      *
  *                                or  adapter set 10 Half mode       *
  *                                                                   *

    (1) Full-Duplex enabled:
    |    Medium Type: ..................  100 Full                 |
    |    Boot ROM Size: ................  No Boot ROM              |
    |    Flow Control: .................  Tx Enable,  Rx Enable    |
    |    Wake ON Lan: ..................  Enable                   |
    |    Link Change: ..................  Enable                   |
    |    Lan Wake Signal: ..............  Active High              |
    |    Medium Type: ..................  10 Full                  |
    |    Boot ROM Size: ................  No Boot ROM              |
    |    Flow Control: .................  Tx Enable,  Rx Enable    |
    |    Wake ON Lan: ..................  Enable                   |
    |    Link Change: ..................  Enable                   |
    |    Lan Wake Signal: ..............  Active High              |

    (2) Full-Duplex disabled:
    |    Medium Type: ..................  100 Half                 |
    |    Boot ROM Size: ................  No Boot ROM              |
    |    Flow Control: .................  Tx Enable,  Rx Enable    |
    |    Wake ON Lan: ..................  Enable                   |
    |    Link Change: ..................  Enable                   |
    |    Lan Wake Signal: ..............  Active High              |
    |    Medium Type: ..................  10 Half                  |
    |    Boot ROM Size: ................  No Boot ROM              |
    |    Flow Control: .................  Tx Enable,  Rx Enable    |
    |    Wake ON Lan: ..................  Enable                   |
    |    Link Change: ..................  Enable                   |
    |    Lan Wake Signal: ..............  Active High              |

    (3)  Boot ROM Size options:

         |      Boot ROM Enabled                 |
         |      Boot ROM Disabled                |

         Boot ROM Enabled options:  (select the used Boot ROM type)
         |       8  Kilo-Bytes                   |
         |      16  Kilo-Bytes                   |
         |      32  Kilo-Bytes                   |
         |      64  Kilo-Bytes                   |
         |      128 Kilo-Bytes                   |

         Flow Control options:  (only valid when Full-Duplex is enabled)
         |      Tx Disable, Rx Disable           |
         |      Tx Enable,  Rx Disable           |
         |      Tx Disable, Rx Enable            |
         |      Tx Enable,  Rx Enable            |

    (4)  Wake On Lan options:
         Enable/Disable Power Managemnet (ACPCI/APM) Wake On Lan function.
         (D3_hot --> D0)&(D3_cold --> D0)

    (5)  Link Change options:
         Enable/Disable Power Managemnet (ACPCI/APM) Wake On Lan function.
         (D3_hot --> D0)

C.  Run Diagnostics

  * NOTICE !!                                                      *
  * You can use the Run Diagnostics function to diagnose the       *
  * adapter's hardware configuration, physical cable connection    *
  * and network connection between two machines and power          *
  * management function test .                                     *
  *                                                                *
  * Before running the Run Diagnostics function, you MUST make     *
  * sure the physical cable is correctly connected to the adapter  *
  * and the network.                                               *

    (1) The Diagnostics items:

    |      Run EEPROM Test                  |
    |      Run Diagnostics On Board         |
    |      Run Diagnostics On Network       |
    |      Run Power Management Test        |

    (2) Run EEPROM Test:  (Test EEPROM of the adapter)

    |      Mode ...........  READ (WRITE)   |
    |      Register........  64             |

    (3) Run Diagnostics On Board:  (Test the hardware configuration
        and the physical cable connection)

    |  Node ID ....................... 00 00 E8 12 11 01           |
    |  Network Speed.................. 10  Mbps                    |
    |  I/O Base ...................... E000 H                      |
    |  Interrupt ..................... 10                          |
    |  Full-duplex ................... Disabled                    |
    |                                                              |
    |                                  Pass Count      Fail Count  |
    |                                                              |
    |  A.I/O Register ................         10               0  |
    |  B.Loopback Test ...........             10               0  |
    |  C.Cable Connection ............         10               0  |

    (4) Run Diagnostics On Network:
        (Test the network connection between two machines into which
        the EN1207D Adapter must be installed, with one machine run
        as the Initiator, the other run as the Responder.)

         |      Set Up As Initiator              |
         |      Set Up As Responder              |

         a.  Set Up As Initiator  (send Test packets to the Responder)

    |  Mode:............... INITIATOR                              |
    |  Full-duplex:........ Disabled                               |
    |  Status: ............ Searching for Responder.....           |
    |  Source ID: ......... 00 00 E8 12 11 01                      |
    |  Destination ID: .... -- -- -- -- -- --                      |
    |  Network Speed:...... 10  Mbps                               |
    |                                                              |
    |  Packets Transmitted OK: .....................          0    |
    |  Packets Transmitted Error: ..................          0    |
    |                                                              |
    |  Packets Received OK: ........................          0    |
    |  Packets Received Error: .....................          0    |
    |                                                              |

         b.  Set Up As Responder  (echo Test packets to the Initiator)

    |    Mode:............... RESPONDER                            |
    |    Full-Duplex:........ Disabled                             |
    |    Status: ............ Waiting for Initiator.......         |
    |    Source ID: ......... 00 00 E8 12 11 02                    |
    |    Network Speed:...... 10  Mbps                             |
    | No.   Initiator  ID    Tx OK    Tx FAIL    Rx OK    Rx FAIL  |
    | --- ----------------- -------- --------- --------- --------- |
    |   . -- -- -- -- -- --        0         0         0         0 |
    |   . -- -- -- -- -- --        0         0         0         0 |
    |   . -- -- -- -- -- --        0         0         0         0 |
    |   . -- -- -- -- -- --        0         0         0         0 |
    |   . -- -- -- -- -- --        0         0         0         0 |
    |   . -- -- -- -- -- --        0         0         0         0 |
    |                                                              |

    (5) Run Power Management Test:
        (Test the network connection between two machines into which
        the EN1207D Adapter must be installed, with one machine run
        as the Master Machine, the other run as the Target Machine.)

         |   Master Machine   |
         |   Target Machine   |

         a.  Master Machine (Send Magic packets or Wake up Frame to the
             Target Machine)

           |   Magic Packet   |
           |   Wake Up Frame  |

           (Magic Packet Test must provide the target machine's MAC Address)

         b.  Target Machine (echos Test packets to the Master Machine)

           |  ACPI Test Waiting ......       |
           |                                 |
           |  Device State 1 .......PASS     |
           |  Device State 1 .......PASS     |
           |  Device State 1 .......PASS     |

Hardware Configuration

*  1.  Adapter Configuration  *

The adapter is configured using the host PCI computer's BIOS setup
program.  This is done by changing the computer's BIOS setting to
enable bus master mode, and then setting up the IRQ. The procedure
to implement this and the terminology used depend on the BIOS you
are using.

Some BIOS have Bus Master mode enabled for all the motherboard's
PCI expansion slots; others provide you the option of turning this
feature on or off.  For example, if your computer uses the Phoenix
BIOS, there is a "Device Select" field where you should input the
slot number of the PCI slot where the adapter is installed, say
"Slot 3 Device".  Then for the fields that read as "Enable Device"
and "Enable Master" you should change the settings to "Enable".
The same is true for the adapter's IRQ setting, which is mapped to
the BIOS IRQ setup of the host PCI computer.

Finally, you need to set the Trigger/Routing field to select the
Trigger method by which the IRQ is assigned or routed to the PCI
slot. There are three types of settings to choose from:

*  Level/Auto - This is usually the default.  Choosing this option
   leaves the assigned IRQ free for other use if the installed
   card does not use it.

*  Level/Forced - If you are not able get the PCI card to work
   properly, choose this option.  This will assign the specified
   IRQ permanently to the card.

*  Edge/Auto - Some PCI boards support this option. Do not use it.

*   Conflict with Microsoft EMM386   *

The PCI adapters can only function with the EMM386.exe memory manager
program  version 4.49 or later.  You can verify its version number by
entering EMM386 at the DOS Prompt.

Do not specify the "HIGHSCAN" option with the EMM386.exe statement in
your config.sys file or your system will hang.

If you run MEMMAKER and select Custom Setup, do not specify
"Aggressively scan upper memory", or it will automatically insert the
"HIGHSCAN" flag into the EMM386 command line. This parameter can not
be manually removed once it's installed, doing so will cause the
extended memory manager to malfunction.


All Tademarks or Brand names mentioned are properties of
their respective companies.

== End of File ==

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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