FLASH.TXT Driver File Contents (epci168.exe)

            ExpressPCI Flash Initialization
            ---------- ----- --------------


    The FLASHX.EXE program along with the BOOTROM.SYS, EPCI_MAC.ROM,
    CONFIG.COM files should all reside in the same directory.  This
    program can ONLY be run from MS-DOS and will not work when run
    from a Command Prompt window in Windows.  If necessary, you can
    create a bootable floppy containing the requisite files.


The FLASHX.EXE program is provided in order to allow clients to:

    1. Upgrade the system boot drivers and configuration utility on
       boards containing older versions (required when upgrading to
       a new driver release),

    2. Change the system boot drivers as may be required for use with
       some operating systems,

    3. Reinitialize a corrupted FLASH memory, or

    4. Erase the FLASH memory in cases where it is not desired to use
       the Expansion ROM Driver.

The command line format is as follows:

    FLASHX {-d|-e|-u} [-m [MacFilename]] [{-p|-pr} [PcFilename]]
        [-r [RawFilename]} [-g [ConfigFilename]] [-c ChanNum]


        -d      Selects dump mode;
        -u      Selects update mode;
        -e      Selects erase mode;
        -m      Updates/dumps the Mac boot ROM driver, default
                filename "EPCI_MAC.ROM" in the current directory.
		The following list specifies the files required 
		for each adapter.
                    PSC or DC       EPCI_MAC.ROM
                    UL2S            EPCI_MAC.LVD
                    UL2D            EPCI_MAC.896
                    UL3D            EPCI_MAC.U3D (for 1010-33 chip)
                    UL3D            EPCI_MAC.U36 (for 1010-66 chip)
        -p      Updates/dumps the PC boot ROM driver, default
                filename "BOOTROM.SYS" in the current directory,
                adjusting image for ATTO header;
        -pr     Updates/dumps the PC boot ROM driver, default
                filename "EPCI_PC.ROM" in the current directory,
                without adjusting for ATTO header;
        -g      Updates/dumps the configuration program, default
                filename "CONFIG.COM" in the current directory,
        -r      Updates/dumps the entire flash memory in raw
                image mode, RawFilename must be specified;
        -c      Specifies a channel number, ChanNum, to be
                updated/dumped, starts at 0, default is update
                all, dump the first;

        MacFilename     Pathname of Mac boot filename, overriding the
                        default "EPCI_MAC.ROM";
        PcFilename      Pathname of PC boot filename, overriding the
                        default "BOOTROM.SYS";
        RawFilename     Pathname of the raw flash image file; and
        ConfigFilename  Pathname of the Configuration Program file,
                        overriding the default "CONFIG.COM."

    NOTE:  When entering the Mac filename, do not enter the filename
    extension; the program append the appropriate extension.

    The program displays a list of all adapters in the system which have
    a Symbios chip as the SCSI processor.  The list will identify which
    adapters will be controlled by the ExpressPCI driver.  The channel
    number to the left of each adapter is the channel number to use in
    the command line when only specific adapters are to be updated.

    The program will update the flash memory on each adapter selected and
    print a message for each flash updated.  The dual channel adapters
    only have one flash memory for both channels and therefore the message
    will only print for the first channel on the adapter.


    The deliverables include a flash.bat file which executes the flashx.exe
    with the -u switch.  This bat file can be used for the complete rewrite
    of the flash memory with the bootrom.sys, the appropriate MAC image and
    the config.com program.

    The ExpressPCI adapters can be run in either a PC or a Macintosh
    computer.  Therefore, there are two boot drivers on the card.  The
    Flash program can update either or both boot drivers at once.

    To write the current (default) PC and Mac drivers and configuration
    program to the flash memory, use the following command:

        flashx -u  (or just type flash since a flash.bat file is provided)

    Some operating systems may require a special boot driver, replacing
    either the PC or Mac driver or both.  When such a need arises,
    instructions for replacing the boot driver will be provided with
    such operating system driver.

    In some instances it may not be desirable to utilize the Expansion ROM
    driver.  For example, on some PCI systems, it is not possible to
    establish which SCSI adapter will drive the primary hard disk.  In
    such cases, the expansion ROM driver may be removed from the adapter
    controlling the non-primary hard disk.  The following command line
    will accomplish this purpose:

        flashx -e

    This command removes BOTH the PC and the Mac Expansion ROM drivers.

    If, at a later date, it is desired to use the Expansion ROM drivers,
    simply re-install them using the following command:

        flashx -u

    As a final note, if your primary hard disk is not being controlled by
    the ExpressPCI adapter and you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000
    or Windows Me or Windows 98 or Windows 95 or if you are running MS-DOS
    and are loading the EXPRESS.SYS driver in CONFIG.SYS, removing the
    expansion ROM driver from the card will save memory and speed up the
    system boot process.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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