events.txt Driver File Contents (win03x86_drv_celerity_218.exe)

                            Celerity Events Reported
                            -------- ------ --------

The reporting of events is controlled by the registry setting EventLogMask
under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentControlSet\Services\ClrtyFC\Parameters\Device.
The EventLogMask is a bit mask of event classifications to be reported.  The
following are the hexadecimal values of the bits.

    EVENT_TYPE_ERROR    0x00000001  Most serious errors, always reported
    EVENT_TYPE_LOOP     0x00000002  Link events
    EVENT_TYPE_SCSI     0x00000004  SCSI errors
    EVENT_TYPE_PROTOCOL 0x00000008  Protocol errors
    EVENT_TYPE_LOGIN    0x00000010  Port login/logout events
    EVENT_TYPE_RSCN     0x00000020  RSCN events
    EVENT_TYPE_RSRC     0x00000040  Resource usage failures
    EVENT_TYPE_INFO     0x00000080  Informational messages

To control which events are to be reported, simply add the values of the
bits for the events you want and put that value in the EventLogMask.  For
example, if you want to see all Informational messages, Resource usage
failures, and SCSI errors, a value of 0x000000C2 or 0x000000C3 would be
what you want.  (The driver always forces the EVENT_TYPE_ERROR bit on
regardless of the registry setting.)

In general, only errors that are output for EVENT_TYPE_ERROR are significant;
all others are mostly for informational purposes and are provided for
diagnostic purposes.  When turning on event logging, be aware that certain
events reported as errors are expected.  For example, a SCSI Check Condition
error will be reported for the first command sent to a device after power on
or a reset condition.  Certain data underrun errors are expected by the
software and are normal.

All events report the Adapter Number on which the event occurred.  The
Adapter Number is simply the order in which Windows initialized the adapter
channels and has no relevance to what slot the card is in or which channel
of the card is being reported.

In the descriptions below, the ID is the Event ID reported in Event Viewer,
and Severity is the Type reported in Event Viewer.

The following events are classified as ERROR and are reported regardless of
what is in EventLogMask.

    ID:             8192
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_BUS_RST
    Text:           Error doing Bus Reset
    Description:    An error occurred while the system was attempting to
                    reset link attached to the adapter channel

    ID:             8195
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_INV_CMD
    Text:           Invalid SCSI Request Block.
    Description:    The operating system sent an unrecognized SCSI request

    ID:             8198
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_IOBASE
    Text:           No PCI I/O Base Address.
    Description:    The operating system was not able to map the device

    ID:             8199
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_EXTENSION
    Text:           Can't Get Uncached Extension.
    Description:    The operating system was unable to allocate the memory
                    required for the uncached data required by the driver.

    ID:             8200
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LM_ALLOC
    Text:           LunMask Allocation Error.
    Description:    The operating system was unable to allocate the memory
                    required for the LUN mask array.

    ID:             8201
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LM_TOT
    Text:           LunMask Registry Error - Total Value.
    Description:    The number of LUN mask records masking all LUNs on targets
                    is greater than the number that the driver can handle,
                    which is 256.  This can happen if LUN mask records are
                    created for new devices, then some of those devices are
                    removed from the system and new records are added for
                    the new devices but not removed for the old ones.  Use
                    the LUN mask utility to clean up records no longer

    ID:             8202
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LM_PART
    Text:           LunMask Registry Error - Partial Value.
    Description:    The number of LUN mask records masking specific LUNs on
                    targets is greater than the number that the driver can
                    handle, which is 256.  This can happen if LUN mask
                    records are created for new devices, then some of those
                    devices are removed from the system and new records are
                    added for the new devices but not removed for the old
                    ones.  Use the LUN mask utility to clean up records no
                    longer needed.

    ID:             8203
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_MAX_ADAP
    Text:           Maximum number of adapters exceeded.
    Description:    More than 64 adapter channels discovered.  The driver
                    can handle at most 64 adapter channels.

    ID:             32770
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_SYSERR
    Text:           Unrecoverable FC layer error.
    Description:    The FC layer encountered an unrecoverable error.  The
                    driver will attempt to reinitialize the FC layer

    ID:             32777
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_FM_STAT
    Text:           Stuck Frame Manager interrupt.
    Description:    The Frame Manager interrupt could not be cleared in
                    100 iterations through the Frame Manager Interrupt
                    procedure.  The error is not fatal in that the FC layer
                    may recover from the situation.  It sometimes occurs
                    during loop disturbances.  If it is persistent, it may
                    indicate a bad Fibre Channel cable or a misbehaving

    ID:             32778
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_SEST
    Text:           SEST Programming Error.
                    Additional info: <Value>
    Description:    This error indicates that invalid parameters were used
                    to program the SCSI Exchange State Table (SEST).  The
                    <Reason> can be one of:
                        # of SEST entries out of range
                        SEST length not a power of 2
                        SEST Logical or Physical Address is 0
                        Invalid SEST address alignment
                    The Additional Info is either the SEST length or the SEST
                    This error should never be seen in a released driver.

    ID:             32779
    Severity:       Warning
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_ABTS
    Text:           ABTS received for Exchange OX_ID (OX_ID)
                    Port ID: <PortID>
    Description:    An ABTS (Abort Sequence) Basic Link Service request has
                    been received.  An ABTS is typically sent by a SCSI
                    Initiator (HBA) when a request has timed out.
                    If Target Mode is disabled or if the Initiator is current-
                    ly not logged in, this warning will always be reported
                    regardless of the setting of EventLogMask.  In these
                    cases, the reported <PortID> will be 0.
                    If Target Mode is enabled and the Initiator is logged
                    in, this warning is reported only if the EVENT_TYPE_SCSI
                    bit is set in EventLogMask.

    ID:             32785
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_PCI_ERR
    Text:           PCI Bus Error, channel being reset
                    PCI Status: <Status>
                    Function Status: <Fstat>
                    PCI-X Received Split Completion: (0/1)
                    PCI-X Unexpected Split Completion: (0/1)
                    PCI-X Split Completion Discarded: (0/1)
    Description:    A PCI Bus error has occurred.  An attempt to reset and
                    restart the adapter channel will be performed.  Any
                    I/O requests that are outstanding will be terminated with
                    an error status (the OS may retry them).  The additional
                    information provided should be forwarded to Technical
                    Support for analysis if the error persists.

    ID:             32788
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_NOTARGET
    Text:           Target Command received, Target Mode disabled!
                    OX_ID <OX_ID>
                    Frame Type <n>
    Description:    A SCSI command was received when Target Mode is not
                    enabled on the adapter channel.  This error indicates
                    that something is wrong with the Initiator sending the
                    command - it is not legal to send a SCSI command unless
                    properly logged in at both the FC2 and FC4 levels and
                    the TGT bit was set in the PRLI (Process Login) response.

    ID:             32789
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_PRIMITIVE
    Text:           Unexpected Primitive Send completion.
    Description:    The FC layer reported that a Primitive Send operation
                    has completed.  Since the OS and HW layers never send
                    primitives, this completion is unexpected.  This error
                    should never occur in released drivers.

    ID:             32790
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_PORT_CB_UNK
    Text:           Unknown Event passed to <Function>
                    Event <Event>
                    Parameter <Parameter>
    Description:    An unknown event was sent from the FC layer to the
                    indicated function.  The Event Code and associated
                    Parameter are displayed.  This error should never occur
                    in released drivers.

    ID:             32795
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_FRAME_TYPE
    Text:           Unknown frame type received.
                    OX_ID <Originator Exchange ID>
                    Frame Type <FrameType>.
    Description:    An unknown frame type was received by the FC layer.
                    This error indicates that some device sent an FC frame
                    with an invalid or illegal FC Frame Type.  The additional
                    information should be reported to a Technical Support

    ID:             32798
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_SAME_WWN
    Text:           Multiple adapters with same Port Name <PortName>.
                    Reflash and update WWNs of offending adapters.
    Description:    Two or more adapter channels in the computer have the
                    same Port Name.  Only the last 12 digits of the Port Name
                    are displayed.
                    No two ports in the world should ever have the same Port
                    Name.  Adapters are shipped from the factory with unique
                    Port Names.  Each adapter has a WWN sticker on it.  The
                    user should use the NODENAM3.BAT batch file in the
                    DOS\UTILITIES directory on the driver diskette to re-
                    program the offending adapters' Port Names using the
                    WWN indicated on the sticker.

    ID:             32799
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_CHIP_FAIL
    Text:           More than 3 attempts to recover from PCI errors in the
                    last minute.
                    Channel is now inoperative.
    Description:    After 3 attampts to recover from PCI errors within a one-
                    minute period, the driver gives up and renders the adapter
                    channel inoperative to avoid affecting the operation of
                    the rest of the system.  This error typically indicates
                    that either the adapter or the slot into which it is
                    plugged has a serious problem.

    ID:             61456
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_NOLOGIN
    Text:           Initiator Not Logged In (Target Mode).
                    OX_ID <Originator Exchange ID>
                    Frame Type <Frame Type>.
    Description:    A SCSI command has been received from an Initiator who
                    is not currently logged in.

    ID:             61468
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_RESET_DONE
    Text:           Bus Reset Request Completed.
                    Status: <n> (<Desc>).
    Description:    This event indicates that a requested Bus Reset has
                    completed.  If there was no error during the reset
                    procedure, this event will only be reported if the
                    EVENT_TYPE_INFO bit is set in EventLogMask, otherwise
                    it will be reported regardless of the EventLogMask.

    ID:             61469
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_NVRAM
    Text:           Configuration parameters not found or corrupt.
                    Please reflash card.
    Description:    This event indicates that the driver could not read the
                    configuration parameters for the indicated adapter.
                    Default configuration values will be used.  The adapter
                    needs to have its flash memory rewritten.

    ID:             61593
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_DEFAULT
    Text:           Unknown Event Code.
                    Code is <Code>.
                    Least Significant Word is <Info>.
    Description:    This event indicates that an unknown event code was
                    generated by the driver code that the decoder does not
                    know about.  This event should never occur in a released

    ID:             61696
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_OVERFLOW
    Text:           Event Buffer Overflow.
                    Number of Events Lost is <Count>.
    Description:    This event indicates that events occurred faster than the
                    OS could get them dumped to the event log on disk.  This
                    doesn't happen very often.

The following events are only reported if the EVENT_TYPE_LOOP bit is set in

    ID:             32769
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_BUS_RESET
    Text:           Bus Reset started
                    Status: # (meaning).
    Description:    The link connected to the adapter channel is being
                    reset.  This can occur if the OS requests a bus reset
                    to recover from some error situation or when a topology
                    change is needed, for eaample when the channel is cur-
                    rently in loop mode and needs to switch to point-to-

    ID:             32772
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LOOP_UP
    Text:           FC Link Up.
    Description:    The FC link is in the operational state - synchronization
                    has occurred, and speed and topology have been determined.

    ID:             32773
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LOOP_DOWN
    Text:           FC Link Down.
    Description:    Synchronization has been lost.

    ID:             32780
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LRQ
    Text:           Login qualifier recovery complete
                    Port ID <PortID>, Port Speed <Speed>, Topology <Topology>
    Descripton:     Link speed and topology have been established and the
                    FC link has received a Port ID.

    ID:             32796
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_HUB_CHANGE
    Text:           Hub port change detected.
                    Int Status <IntStat>, Port Status <PortStat>
                    Change detected on hub port(s) <Ports>.
    Description:    A loop disturbance was detected on one of the hub ports
                    on the 22XH card.  The hub Interrupt and Port status are
                    shown in hex.

    ID:             32800
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LIPCNT
    Text:           LIP occurred <count> time(s).
    Description:    The indicated number of LIP (Loop Initialize) primitives
                    have occurred.  The link is attempting to initialize in
                    Loop mode.

    ID:             32801
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_NOSCNT
    Text:           NOS/OLS occurred <count> time(s).
    Description:    The indicated number of NOS (Not Operational State) or
                    OLS (Off Line State) primitives have occurred.  The link
                    is attempting to initialize in Point-to-Point mode.

The following events are only reported if the EVENT_TYPE_SCSI bit is set in

    ID:             32779
    Severity:       Warning
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_ABTS
    Text:           ABTS received for Exchange OX_ID (OX_ID)
                    Port ID: <PortID>
    Description:    An ABTS (Abort Sequence) Basic Link Service request has
                    been received.  An ABTS is typically sent by a SCSI
                    Initiator (HBA) when a request has timed out.
                    If Target Mode is disabled or if the Initiator is current-
                    ly not logged in, this warning will always be reported
                    regardless of the setting of EventLogMask.  In these
                    cases, the reported <PortID> will be 0.
                    If Target Mode is enabled and the Initiator is logged
                    in, this warning is reported only if the EVENT_TYPE_SCSI
                    bit is set in EventLogMask.

    ID:             61440
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_SCSI
    Text:           SCSI Error.
                    Error Code <Code>, Sense Key <Key>,
                    Add'l Sense Code <ASC>, Command Code <Cmd>,
                    Path ID <Path>, Target ID <TargetID>, LUN <Lun>.
    Description:    An error has been reported by the target device.  The
                    Error Code is usually 0x02 (Check Condition), in which
                    case the Sense Key and Additional Sense Code displayed
                    are valid.  It is normal for the first command sent to
                    a SCSI device after power on or reset to report a SCSI
                    error, in which case the Sense Key would be 0x06 (Unit
                    Attention) and the Additional Sense Code would be 0x29

    ID:             61446
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_RESET
    Text:           SCSI Bus Reset Requested.
    Description:    The OS is requesting that a bus reset be performed.  This
                    may happen in cases where a request times out and the
                    Abort that the driver attempts is not successful.  The
                    Bus Reset will cause the FC layer to send Target Reset
                    Task Management requests to every logged in target.  Any
                    requests outstanding at the time will be completed with
                    a status of Aborted due to Bus Reset.

The following events are only reported if the EVENT_TYPE_PROTOCOL bit is set
in EventLogMask.

    ID:             61441
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_ISPSTAT
    Text:           IOC Error (Initiator).
                    IOC Status is <n> <Desc>.
                    Command Code <Cmd>, Path ID <Path>, Target ID <Targ>, LUN <Lun>
                    LBA <Logical Block Address>.
    Description:    A transport or other error has been detected on an
                    Initiator mode request.  Common errors reported might
                    include 0x06, Aborted due to Bus Reset, or 0x21, Data
                    Underrun.  Note that the Logical Block Address is only
                    valid if the command is a read (0x28) or write (0x2A).

    ID:             61442
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_ISPCTIO
    Text:           IOC Error (Target).
                    IOC Status is <n> <Desc>.
    Description:    A transport or other error has been detected on a
                    Target Mode assist.  These errors are very rare.

The following events are only reported if the EVENT_TYPE_LOGIN bit is set
in EventLogMask.

    ID:             32775
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_DB_UPDATE
    Text:           Port Database Update requested.
    Description:    The Port Database is being updated.  This happens whenever
                    a change to the LUN masks has been made by the LUN mask

    ID:             61443
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LOGIN
    Text:           Port Logged In.
                    Port Name is <PortName>.
    Description:    The indicated port has logged in.  Note that only the
                    last 12 digits of the Port Name are displayed.

    ID:             61444
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_LOGOUT
    Text:           Port Logged Out.
                    Port Name is <PortName>.
    Description:    The indicated port has logged out.  Note that only the
                    last 12 digits of the Port Name are displayed.  The logout
                    may be explicit (requested by the device) or it may be
                    implicit (it has gone offline without issuing a logout,
                    its cable may have been pulled, etc.)

The following event is only reported if the EVENT_TYPE_RSRC bit is set
in EventLogMask.

    ID:             61445
    Severity:       Warning
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_RSRC
    Text:           Resource Failure.
                    Unavailable Count is <count>.
    Description:    The driver encountered a situation where not enough of
                    the indicated resource is available.  The ResourceType
                    will be one of the following.  (The Registry entry
                    controlling the number of each resource is indicated in
                        SEST Entries        (NumSest)
                        Exchange CB's       (NumXcb)
                        Sequence CB's       (NumScb)
                        S/G Lists           (NumSgLists, SglPageSize)
                    Exchange CB's and Sequence CB's are only used for Target
                    When running out of SEST Entries, Sequence CB's, or S/G
                    Lists, nothing bad will happen; the driver will retry
                    the operation when the resources become available.
                    If running Target Mode, however, and there are not enough
                    Exchange CB's, the incoming command(s) will be dropped
                    and the Initiator will time these requests out and issue
                    Aborts.  If this happens, the NumXcb registry entry should
                    be adjusted to a higher value.
                    Refer to the registry.txt file for a complete description
                    of the resource entries.

The following events are only reported if the EVENT_TYPE_INFO bit is set
in EventLogMask.

    ID:             32776
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_RSCN
    Text:           Registered State Change Notification.
                    Page Descriptor: <Page>.
    Description:    The channel has received a Registered State Change
                    Notification.  The Page is an indication of which domain,
                    area or the actual Port ID that has experienced a change.
                    Subsequently you may see notifications that ports have
                    logged in or logged out.  This event can only occur if
                    the adapter channel is connected to a fabric switch.

    ID:             32781
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_FAB_UP
    Text:           Fabric Login complete.
    Description:    A fabric has been detected and the adapter channel has
                    registered with the name server.

    ID:             32782
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_FAB_DOWN
    Text:           Fabric Login unsuccessful
    Description:    Fabric login was not successful.  The reason is displayed.
                    Under normal conditions, the reason will be "Fabric not
                    present."  Other reasons (which are errors) may include:
                        Resources unavailable
                        Fabric Login (FLOGI) was rejected
                        Fabric Login (FLOGI) was unsuccessful
                        Name Server Registration was rejected
                        Name Server Registration was unsuccessful

    ID:             32783
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_ONLINE
    Text:           Online, acquiring topology.
    Description:    The adapter channel has established synchronization and
                    is attempting to establish what topology is to be used.

    ID:             32784
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_STOPPED
    Text:           Port Stop operation complete.
    Description:    A Port Stop operation has completed.  In the process of
                    determining topology when the adapter channel has been
                    set to one of the auto topology modes, the port may need
                    to be stopped and restarted to determine what topology
                    to use.

    ID:             32786
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_FM_SYNC
    Text:           Frame Manager stuck in Out-of-Sync condition.
    Description:    This message is obsolete and should never occur.

    ID:             32787
    Severity:       Error
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_HC_FAIL
    Text:           Directed Reset failed.
    Description:    This message is obsolete and should never occur.

    ID:             61447
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_INIT
    Text:           Adapter Initialization Complete.
    Description:    The driver has completed initialization of the indicated
                    adapter channel.

    ID:             61467
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_CONTROL
    Text:           Windows Adapter Control Function Called.
                    Control Type is <ControlType>.
    Description:    Windows has called the AdapterControl function.  The
                    ControlType will be one of the following.

    ID:             61468
    Severity:       Informational
    Name:           EVENT_CODE_RESET_DONE
    Text:           Bus Reset Request Completed.
                    Status: <n> (<Desc>).
    Description:    This event indicates that a requested Bus Reset has
                    completed.  If there was no error during the reset
                    procedure, this event will only be reported if the
                    EVENT_TYPE_INFO bit is set in EventLogMask, otherwise
                    it will be reported regardless of the EventLogMask.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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