README.TXT Driver File Contents (EN1661.ZIP)

		    Accton Technology Corporation


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR UNIX SYSTEM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
		     08/31/1995 VERSION 1.10

	      Copyright (C) 1995 Accton Technology Corp.
	      All Right Reserved


Your Driver Diskette should contain the following files:
Files		Contents
README.TXT	This file; your installation guide
UNIXDRVR.Z	ACCTON device drivers package for UNIXWARE
		(in tar compress format)


There are two ways to do installation. One is to create an installable
diskette then install to UnixWare, the other is to install to the
default directory in UnixWare.

1. Create an installable floppy diskette.

   1.1	Copy the tar compress file into UnixWare

		# doscp a:/unixware/unixdrvr.z /tmp/driver.Z
		# cd /tmp

   1.2	Decompress the tar compress file

		# uncompress driver

   1.3	Prepare a floppy diskette, format a floppy diskette, then
	make a file system.

	If you use 1.44Mbyte floppy diskette:

		# /usr/sbin/format -v /dev/rdsk/f03ht
		# /sbin/mkfs -F s5 /dev/dsk/f03ht 2844:711 2 36

	If you use 720Kbyte floppy diskette:

		# /usr/sbin/format -v /dev/rdsk/f03dt
		# /sbin/mkfs -F s5 /dev/dsk/f03dt 1422:355 2 18

   1.4	Mount this file system

	If you use 1.44Mbyte floppy diskette:

		# mount /dev/dsk/f03ht /install

	If you use 720Kbyte floppy diskette:

		# mount /dev/dsk/f03dt /install

   1.5	Change working directory to this file system and extract
	required files to the floppy diskette

		# cd /install
		# tar xvf /tmp/driver

   1.6	Unmount this file system, and this floppy is an installable

		# cd /
		# umount /install

       Now you can use console command or enter DeskTop environment
       to install driver from this diskette. Following steps use
       console command. Information about how to install diskette
       in DeskTop environment, please consult your menu accompanied
       with UnixWare Packages.

   1.7	Install driver to UnixWare from this installable diskette.
	If you use 720KByte diskette:

		# pkgadd -d /dev/dsk/f03dt

	The following messages display onscreen

		Insert diskette into 3.5 inch 720 kbyte (Low Density).
		Type [go] when ready
		  or [q] to quit: (default: go)

	Press Enter and the following messages display onscreen

		Installation in progress. Do not remove the diskette.

		The following packages are available:

		1. accdrv	Ethernet Hardware Support

		Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
		all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:

	Select 1 and press Enter, then it will prompt you to select desired
	IRQ and I/O Base

2. install driver to UnixWare

   2.1	Copy the tar compress file into UnixWare

	       # doscp a:/unixware/unixdrvr.z /tmp/accdrv.tar.Z
	       # cd /tmp

   2.2	Decompress the tar compress file

	       # uncompress accdrv.tar.Z

   2.3	Change working directory to /usr/spool/pkg and extract
	required files to this directory

	       # cd /usr/spool/pkg
	       # tar xvf /tmp/accdrv.tar

   2.4	Install driver to UnixWare from this directory

	       # pkgadd

	The following messages display onscreen

		The following packages are available:

		1. accdrv	Ethernet Hardware Support

		Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
		all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:

	Select 1 and press Enter, then it will prompt you to select desired
	IRQ and I/O Base



Univel and UnixWare are trademarks of Univel.

All other trademarks belong to their owners.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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