README Driver File Contents (io.ZIP)

###		    This diskette contains the following files: 	     ###
###									     ###
### (beware that SCO UNIX driver is in the other driver diskette and this    ###
###  README file would expain how to install its driver)		     ###

. This README file
. INSTALL.BAT	     (refer to the following paragraph for more details)
. \DOSDRV	     DOS driver
. \NTDRV	     Windows NT driver
. \OS2DRV	     OS2 2.1x driver
. \WINDRV	     Windows 3.1x & Windows for Workgroups 3.1x driver
. \NETWARE.31X	     Netware 3.11/3.12/SFT-III driver
. \NETWARE.40X	     Netware 4.00/4.01 driver

The follwoing are some more explanation for two specific files:

. \INSTALL.BAT	  Configure working HDD(s) information for future installation
		  under DOS, Windows NT & OS2. The HDD's parameter information
		  would be: "R/W Multiple", "Track Remapping", "Mode 3", "LBA"
		  & "Drive Speed". After confirmation with YES, the DOS driver
		  would be installed and the configuration information for OS/2
		  & Windows NT would also be updated to the following files:

		      Windows NT: A:\NTDRV\ATDIS.SYS
		      OS/2:	  A:\OS2DRV\WBIDEOS2.ADD

. \DOSDRV\	  This file is for logging all drives' speed information
  DEVICE.LOG	  that would be referenced by running INSTALL.BAT. The
		  INSTALL.EXE file would update a new drive's speed
		  information to this DEVICE.LOG file, if it doesn't exist,
		  and copy this DEVICE.LOG file to Drive C: for future use.
		  For drive that doesn't have speed information available in
		  the DEVICE.LOG file, you have to run the "Test" of
		  "Drive_Speed" option within the Installation Utility screen
		  by executing INSTALL.BAT.

### On-screen Installation Utility (running INSTALL.BAT to proceed)  ###

Once enter this on-screen setup menu you'll be able to do the following
	1. R/W Multiple: This is for setting the "multiple sectors transfer per
			 interrupt". Not all drives implement with this
			 option and "Disable" will then be shown in this field
			 for not being able to select any other options.
			 The default value for those HDDs supporting this
			 option would be the largest allowed multiple sectors
			 transfer per interrupt.

	2. Track Remapping: It's required to support HDD with "capacity larger
			    than 528MB" or "cylinders > 1024".
			    Except the NetWare, which has no >528MB constraint,
			    all other O.S. would require device driver to work
			    with >528MB.
			    The following is the table for its compatibility:

			    DOS 		      Note 1
			    Windows		      Note 1
			    Windows for Workgroups    Note 1
			    OS2 2.1x		      Note 1
			    Windows NT		      Note 1
			    Netware 3.1X	      Not needed
			    Netware 4.0X	      Not needed

			   Note 1 : Only NON-CMOS set drive(s), i.e.,
				    drive type in M/B CMOS is set as
				    "Non-installed", can support

	Example : Assume user has 4 drives with parameter CYL=1600, HEAD=16,
		  SECTOR=63, CAPACITY = 806M bytes

	case 1:
	Drive 0 = Master drive of primary IDE	 M/B Drive C = tpye 47
	Drive 1 = Slave drive of primary IDE	 M/B Drive D = Non-installed
	Drive 2 = Master drive of secondary IDE  Unrelated to M/B CMOS setup
	Drive 3 = Slave drive of secondary IDE	 Unrelated to M/B CMOS setup

	Drive 0 is controlled by M/B BIOS initially & NO track-remapping
	allowed and maximum capacity can be used under DOS/WINDOWS is 528 MB.

	Drive 1,2,3 are NOT controlled by M/B BIOS initially & track-remapping
	allowed and ALL disk can be utilized under DOS/WINDOWS.

	case 2:
	Drive 0 = Master drive of primary IDE	 M/B Drive C = tpye 47
	Drive 1 = Slave drive of primary IDE	 M/B Drive D = type 47
	Drive 2 = Master drive of secondary IDE  Unrelated to M/B CMOS setup
	Drive 3 = Slave drive of secondary IDE	 Unrelated to M/B CMOS setup

	Drive 0,1 are controlled by M/B BIOS initially & NO track-remapping
	allowed and maximum capacity can be used under DOS/WINDOWS is 528 MB.

	Drive 2,3 are NOT controlled by M/B BIOS initially & track-remapping
	allowed and ALL disk can be utilized under DOS/WINDOWS.

	3. Mode3: This option is for HDDs with mode-3 support only.

	4. LBA: Logical Block Addressing. This option is for HDDs supporting
		LBA only.

	5. Drive Speed: The INSTALL.EXE would obtain the information of HDD's
			speed from DEVICE.LOG, if this information is there
			already. If the drive's speed information is not
			available in the DEVICE.LOG, you have to run "Test" to
			have an optimized speed. If choose "Auto",
			the controller would select the speed by drive's PIO
			mode: (refer to on-screen help menu for more spec.
				Mode 0: speed = 1	600ns cycle time
				Mode 1: speed = 6	390ns
				Mode 2: speed = 11	240ns
				Mode 3: speed = 13	180ns

	Note:		For more accurate speed test, local bus clock larger
			than or equal to 33MHz is strongly recommended.

	Drive speed table ( expressed in 33MHz system, other local bus clock
	will different slightly.

	speed	0	630 ns	cycle time
		1	600 ns
		2	540 ns
		3	480 ns
		4	450 ns
		5	420 ns
		6	390 ns
		7	360 ns
		8	330 ns
		9	300 ns
		10	270 ns
		11	240 ns
		12	210 ns
		13	180 ns

This Installation Utility screen also shows information about:
	1. Drive#: [Ch0-M] is for Master device of Primary channel, [Ch0-S] is
		   for Slave on the Primary channel. [Ch1-M] and [Ch1-S] are
		   Master and Slave devices on the Secondary channel.

	2. PIO Mode: HDD's supported timing mode.

	3. Drive information: Model #, Parameter (cylinder/head/sector), and

###									     ###
###		    Installation/Removal of Device driver:		     ###
###									     ###
###		     . DOS						     ###
###		     . Windows 3.1x (& for Workgroups 3.1x)		     ###
###		     . NetWare 3.10/3.11/3.12/SFT-III/4.00/4.01 	     ###
###		     . OS/2 2.1x					     ###
###		     . Windows NT 3.1					     ###
###		     . SCO UNIX 3.2.2/3.2.4				     ###
###									     ###
### note: You must re-install the DOS driver & their respective drivers, if  ###
###	  not under DOS, whenever you change the HDD configuration, such as  ###
###	  add or change Hard disk.					     ###
###	  Driver will use 600ns cycle time for added or changed disk, if     ###
###	  failed to re-install the DOS driver once HDD configuration is      ###
###	  changed.							     ###
###	  Re-installation of driver is needed to gain maximum performance.   ###
###									     ###
*   DOS driver	 *

(A). Installation

1. Insert the driver diskette into drive A:
2. change to drive A:

*   Windows v3.1x driver (for Workgroups 3.1x is the same)   *

(A). Installation

1. DOS driver must be installed first (run INSTALL to install DOS driver)
2. Install Windows
3. Use Windows File_Manager to run a:\windrv\install.exe

(B). Removal

1. During the driver installtion, the original SYSTEM.INI under your
   Windows directory will be renamed as SYSTEM.001. Rename SYSTEM.001
   back to SYSTEM.INI, you'll have the driver removed.

Note : Tekram's Windows 32-bit driver supports the following =>
       1. 2 channels, 2 drives for each channel => max. 4 drives in total
       2. Track_Remapping to support hard disk larger than 528M bytes
       3. Microsoft's 32-bit driver DOES NOT support Secondary Channel
	  and Track Remapping, so
	  ==> DO NOT enable 32 bits disk access during installation if
	      the target disk is connected to secondary channel. The 32bits
	      disk access will be enabled after installing Tekram's Windows

*   Installation of NetWare 3.11 3.12 SFT-III 4.00 4.01   *

1. DOS driver must be installed first (run INSTALL to install DOS driver)
2. Follow installation procedures described in NetWare installation manual

*   Windows NT v3.x driver   *

(A). Installation

1. Insert the driver diskette into drive
2. Change to drive A:
3. Run INSTALL.EXE to configure driver and choose not to copy files to drive C:
4. After Windows NT is installed, start NT and use FILE_MANAGER to run
5. Shutdown your system and restart again.

(B). Removal

1. Use Windows NT FILE_MANAGER to run A:\NTDRV\uninstal.exe and restart system.

*   OS/2 v2.1x driver	*

(A). Installation

1. Insert the driver diskette into drive
2. Change to drive A:
3. Run INSTALL.EXE to configure driver and choose not to copy files to drive C:
4. After OS/2 is installed, click on SYSTEM_SETUP\DEVICE_DRIVER_INSTALL icon to
   proceed driver installation

(B). Removal

1. During the driver installation, the original CONFIG.SYS under your
   C:\ directory will be renamed as CONFIG.1. Rename CONFIG.1 back to
   CONFIG.SYS, you'll have the driver removed.


2. Re-boot the system

*   SCO UNIX 3.2v2/3.2v4   *

The SCO driver is located on the SCO UNIX diskette.


To install the driver, insert the working copy of the UNIX driver diskette in
drive A:.

Note: If the driver diskette capacity is 1.2MB, skip step <A> and jump to
      step <B> directly.

A.1) For SCO 3.2v2

     To prepare the installation for 360KB (5"1/4) driver diskette,
     you must type:

	cd /dev
	mv dsk/f0 dsk/ ; mknod dsk/f0 b 2 132
	mv rdsk/f0 rdsk/ ; mknod rdsk/f0 c 2 132

     NOTE: if the diskette is of 720KB (3"1/2), replace the above
     commands with:
	cd /dev
	mv dsk/f0 dsk/ ; mknod dsk/f0 b 2 164
	mv rdsk/f0 rdsk/ ; mknod rdsk/f0 c 2 164

A.2) For SCO 3.2v4

     To prepare the installation for 360KB (5"1/4) driver diskette,
     you must type:

	cd /dev
	mv dsk/finstall dsk/ ; mknod dsk/finstall b 2 132
	mv rdsk/finstall rdsk/ ; mknod rdsk/finstall c 2 132

     NOTE: if the diskette is of 720KB (3"1/2), replace the above
     commands with:
	cd /dev
	mv dsk/finstall dsk/ ; mknod dsk/finstall b 2 164
	mv rdsk/finstall rdsk/ ; mknod rdsk/finstall c 2 164

B) Before installing the driver, you must copy the file "device.log" from
   A:\DOSDRV directory of DOS driver diskette to /etc. At the prompt, type

	doscp a:/dosdrv/device.log /etc


   >> NOTE : As there are some minor bugs in the command "installpkg"(in  <<
   >>	     3.2v2 only), it may take a while for the system to response, <<
   >>	     and DO NOT hit any key during this period. 		  <<

C) Press <Enter> to install from floppy drive 0

D) Press <Enter> to install the driver if the file "device.log" has been
   copied from DOS driver diskette to SCO UNIX directory /etc. Otherwise
   press <ESC> to quit the driver installation, copy this file, and start
   over the installation procedure.

E) If the IDE controller is VESA bus version, be noted that the VESA bus
   clock speed must be entered(default setting is 33M, i.e., enter value
   "3"), according to that device driver will set the related timing for
   optimal performance. If PCI bus version is used, hit <Enter> directly
   to bypass this step.

F) Type "y" twice to make the newly built kernel as the default booting one.

Note: If the driver diskette capacity is 360KB/720KB, be sure to restore
      the original filename modified in step <A> accordingly:

G.1) For SCO 3.2v2

	cd /dev
	mv dsk/ dsk/f0
	mv rdsk/ rdsk/f0

G.2) For SCO 3.2v4

	cd /dev
	mv dsk/ dsk/finstall
	mv rdsk/ rdsk/finstall

H) To have the driver takes effect, reboot the system by typing



To remove the driver,

A) At the UNIX prompt, type


B) Type the corresponding number of:

   "PV-IDE WindBond(WB83769F) IDE Driver Package"

C) Press <Enter> to remove PV-IDE driver

D) Type "y" twice to make the newly built kernel as the default booting one.

E) To have the driver takes effect, reboot the system by typing


Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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