acoicons.inf Driver File Contents (

[Source Media Descriptions]
	1  = ""  	;, TAGFILE = MPRDisk1.TAG

	Group		= "ISDN for Windows NT"
	ProductPath = $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\Acotec"
	AcoMprPath  = $(ProductPath)
	AcoReadMe	= $(ProductPath)
	AcoRasPath  = $(ProductPath)
	AcoCGPath   = $(ProductPath)
	SetupPath	= $(ProductPath)
	ToolsPath	= $(ProductPath)"\DbgTools"
	AccountDir  = $(ToolsPath)"\Account"
	IconFile	= $(SetupPath)"\DATAS.DLL"

	;// AcoMpr executables pathes
	SNMPCLIENT	=  $(AcoMprPath)"\MPRAdmin.EXE"
	SNMPMONI	=  $(AcoMprPath)"\MPRAdmin.EXE -m loopback"
	README		=  $(AcoMprPath)"\MprReadE.txt"	 
	LIESMICH	=  $(AcoMprPath)"\MprReadG.txt"
	FAQENGLISH  =  $(AcoMprPath)"\MPRFAQE.txt"
	FAQGERMAN	=  $(AcoMprPath)"\MPRFAQG.txt"
	USERLOG		=  $(ProductPath)"\AcoLog_3.Log"
	ACCOUNTXLS  =  $(ProductPath)"\ACCOUNT.XLS"
	PERFORMANCE =  "PERFMON.EXE %SystemRoot%\System32\Acotec\AcoMpr.PMW"
	PERFORMANCEENG =  "PERFMON.EXE %SystemRoot%\System32\Acotec\AcoMprE.PMW"
	ACOCMD		=  "CMD.EXE /K%SystemDrive%&&cd "$(ProductPath)
	SETUPEXE	=  $(ProductPath)"\AcoSetup.EXE"

	;// AcoRas pathes
	AcoRasConfig	= "rundll32.exe "$(AcoRasPath)"\Rassudll.dll,RD_AcoWANMiniportConfiguration"
	AcoRasLang		= "rundll32.exe "$(AcoRasPath)"\Rassudll.dll,RD_SetLanguage"
	AcoRasDeinstall	= $(AcoRasPath)"\Arasinst.EXE remove"

; Name, Path, IconSource, IconNumber

"MPR Admin",			$(SNMPCLIENT),				$(IconFile),	5
"Channel monitor",		$(SNMPMONI),				$(IconFile),	0
"Router Readme",		$(README),					$(IconFile),	2
"Router Questions& Answers",$(FAQENGLISH),			$(IconFile),	1
"Userlog",				$(AcoMprPath)"\AcoLog.Log",$(IconFile),	3
"acoMpr Performance",	$(PERFORMANCEENG),				"PERFMON.EXE",	0
"Call Handler"			$(ToolsPath)"\callhand.txt"
"Radius Accounting"		$(ToolsPath)"\radiusac.txt"
"User Management"		$(ToolsPath)"\usermgm.txt"
"Network Address Translation" $(ToolsPath)"\nat.txt"
"Router Accounting Readme"	  $(ToolsPath)"\account.txt"		
"acotec CT32 Readme"	$(ToolsPath)"\acoct32e.rtf"			
"acotec CT32"			$(ToolsPath)"\aco-ct32.exe"				
"ACT Decrypting"		$(AcoMprPath)"\ACTDeCry.exe"				
"Edit LM Host"			$(AcoMprPath)"\DbgTools\edhostnt.bat"
"Accounting"			$(AccountDir)"\Accounting.xls"
"Summary Accounting"	$(AccountDir)"\SumAccounting.xls"
"Accounting Charges"	$(AccountDir)"\Charli.bat"

; Name, Path, IconSource, IconNumber

"MPR Admin",		    $(SNMPCLIENT),				$(IconFile),	5 
"Channel Monitor",	    $(SNMPMONI),				$(IconFile),	0 
"Router liesmich",	    $(LIESMICH),				$(IconFile),	2 
"Router Fragen& Antworten",$(FAQGERMAN),			$(IconFile),	1 
"Userlog",				$(AcoMprPath)"\AcoLog.Log",$(IconFile),	3
"acoMpr Sys-Monitor",   $(PERFORMANCE),				"PERFMON.EXE",	0 	
"Call Handler"			$(ToolsPath)"\callhand.txt"
"Radius Accounting"		$(ToolsPath)"\radiusac.txt"
"User Management"		$(ToolsPath)"\usermgm.txt"
"Network Address Translation" $(ToolsPath)"\nat.txt"
"Router Accounting Readme"	  $(ToolsPath)"\account.txt"		
"acotec CT32 Readme"	$(ToolsPath)"\acoct32g.rtf"			
"acotec CT32"			$(ToolsPath)"\aco-ct32.exe"				
"ACT Decrypting"		$(AcoMprPath)"\ACTDeCry.exe"				
"Edit LM Host"			$(AcoMprPath)"\DbgTools\edhostnt.bat"
"Accounting"			$(AccountDir)"\Accounting.xls"
"Summary Accounting"	$(AccountDir)"\SumAccounting.xls"
"Accounting Charges"	$(AccountDir)"\Charli.bat"

; Name, Path, IconSource, IconNumber

"Acotec WAN Miniport for CAPI Konfiguration", $(AcoRasConfig),	$(IconFile),	8	
"WAN Miniport for CAPI Sprache"				, $(AcoRasLang),	$(IconFile),	13		
"Acotec WAN Miniport for CAPI Deinstallation", $(AcoRasDeinstall),$(IconFile), 	12

; Name, Path, IconSource, IconNumber

"Acotec WAN Miniport for CAPI Configuration", $(AcoRasConfig),	$(IconFile),	8	
"WAN Miniport for CAPI Language"			, $(AcoRasLang),	$(IconFile),	13		
"Acotec WAN Miniport for CAPI uninstall",	  $(AcoRasDeinstall),$(IconFile), 	12

"RAS-Telefonbuch",				"rasphone.exe",		"",  0      
"RAS-Monitor",					"rasmon.exe",		"",  0          
"RAS-Verwaltung",				"rasadmin.exe",		"",  0       

"RAS Phonebook",				"rasphone.exe",		"",  0      
"RAS Monitor",					"rasmon.exe",		"",  0          
"RAS Administration",			"rasadmin.exe",		"",  0       

; Name, Path, IconSource, IconNumber

"ConnectGate Konfiguration",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.EXE",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.exe",	0
"ConnectGate Status Anzeige",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgstatus.EXE",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgstatus.exe",	0
"ConnectGate Hilfe",			"WINHLP32.EXE "$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.hlp" 
"Load CG Konfiguration",		$(AcoCGPath)"\loadcfg.exe"
"ConnectGate Administration",	$(AcoCGPath)"\CGAdmin.exe"
"Edit Host Table Entries",		$(AcoCGPath)"\EDHostNT.BAT"

; Name, Path, IconSource, IconNumber

"ConnectGate Configuration",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.EXE",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.exe",	0
"ConnectGate Status monitor",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgstatus.EXE",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgstatus.exe",	0
"ConnectGate Help",				"WINHLP32.EXE "$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.hlp" 
"Load CG Configuration",		$(AcoCGPath)"\loadcfg.exe"
"ConnectGate Administration",	$(AcoCGPath)"\CGAdmin.exe"
"Edit Host Table Entries",		$(AcoCGPath)"\EDHostNT.BAT"

; Name, Path, IconSource, IconNumber

"Remote Access Client Konfiguration",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.EXE",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.exe",	0
"Remote Access Client Status Anzeige",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgstatus.EXE",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgstatus.exe",	0
"Remote Access Client Hilfe",			"WINHLP32.EXE "$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.hlp" 
"Load RAC Konfiguration",		$(AcoCGPath)"\loadcfg.exe"
"Remote Access Client Administration",	$(AcoCGPath)"\CGAdmin.exe"
"Edit Host Table Entries",		$(AcoCGPath)"\EDHostNT.BAT"

; Name, Path, IconSource, IconNumber

"Remote Access Client Configuration",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.EXE",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.exe",	0
"Remote Access Client Status monitor",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgstatus.EXE",	$(AcoCGPath)"\cgstatus.exe",	0
"Remote Access Client Help",				"WINHLP32.EXE "$(AcoCGPath)"\cgconfig.hlp" 
"Load RAC Configuration",		$(AcoCGPath)"\loadcfg.exe"
"Remote Access Client Administration",	$(AcoCGPath)"\CGAdmin.exe"
"Edit Host Table Entries",		$(AcoCGPath)"\EDHostNT.BAT"

"Control Panel",		$(CONTROL),				$(IconFile),	6
"Event Viewer",			$(EVENT),				"EVENTVWR.EXE",	0
"acotec CMD"		,	$(ACOCMD),				"PROGMAN.EXE",	10
"acotec setup",			$(SETUPEXE) ;, 			$(IconFile), 	4

"Systemsteuerung",	    $(CONTROL),				$(IconFile),	6 
"Ereignisanzeige",	    $(EVENT),				"EVENTVWR.EXE",	0 
"acotec CMD",		    $(ACOCMD),				"PROGMAN.EXE",	10
"acotec Setup",			$(SETUPEXE) ;, 			$(IconFile), 	4 

"Acotec Router Setup"
"AcoMpr readme"
"AcoMpr liesmich"
"Acotec Router Setup"
"Fragen& Antworten"
"Questions& Answers"
"Acotec Userlog"
"SNMP client"
"acoCG Readme"
"acoCG Questions& Answers"
"acoCG liesmich"
"acoCG Fragen& Antworten"
"Router Accounting"	
"acotec RasCapi Configuration"
"RasCapi View Logging"			
"RasCapi View Tracing"			
"acotec RasCapi ReadMe"		
"acotec RasCapi FAQ"			
"RasCapi Hilfe"				
"Ras Monitors"					
"RasCapi Telefonnummer"			
"RasCapi Deinstallation"		
"acotec RasCapi Konfiguration" 	
"RasCapi View Logging"			
"RasCapi View Tracing"			
"acotec RasCapi ReadMe"		
"acotec RasCapi FAQ"			
"RasCapi Help"					
"Ras Monitors"					
"RasCapi Phonenumber"			 		
"RasCapi uninstall"			

;// before call this you must set value 'ICONSECTION'

    CreateCommonProgManGroup $(Group) ""
    ShowCommonProgManGroup   $(Group), 1

	set Name		= ^($(ICONSECTION),1)
	set Path		= ^($(ICONSECTION),2)
	set IconSource	= ^($(ICONSECTION),3)
	set IconNumber  = ^($(ICONSECTION),4)

	forlistdo $(Name)
		Debug-Output $(Group)"  "+
		*($(Name),$(#))"  "+
		*($(Path),$(#))"  "+
		*($(IconSource),$(#))"  "+

		CreateCommonProgmanItem  $(Group) +
		*($(Name),$(#)) +
		*($(Path),$(#)) +
		*($(IconSource),$(#)) +


;// before call this you must set value 'ICONSECTION'

    CreateCommonProgManGroup $(Group) ""
    ShowCommonProgManGroup   $(Group), 1

	set Name	= ^($(ICONSECTION),1)

	forlistdo ^(OldIconNames , 1)
		set Name	= >($(Name), $($))

	set Count	= {1,2,3}	

	forlistdo $(Count)	
		forlistdo $(Name)
			Debug-Output "Deinstall Icon in "$(Group)"  "*($(Name),$(#))
			RemoveCommonProgmanItem $(Group) , *($(Name),$(#))

	ShowCommonProgManGroup   $(Group), 2 

;// $($0) = section name	

	set ret = $($0)
	read-syms IconConstants

	set ICONSECTION = $(ret)ENG
	install DeInstallIcons

	set ICONSECTION = $(ret)GER
	install DeInstallIcons


;// $($0) = section name; $($1) = Langage

	set ret		= $($0)
	set Lang 	= $($1)

	read-syms IconConstants

	Shell "" RemoveIcons "OldIconNames"
	Shell "" RemoveIcons $(ret)

	ifstr $(Lang) == ""
		set Lang = ENG
	set ICONSECTION = $(ret)$(Lang)
	Debug-Output "Start Icon Install for "$(ret)
	install InstallInstallIcons


	Shell "" RemoveIcons "CommonIconDatas"


	Shell "" InstallIcons "CommonIconDatas" $($0)


	Shell "" RemoveIcons "AcoMprIconDatas"

;// Language Parm1

	Shell "" InstallCommonIcons	$($0)
	Shell "" InstallIcons "AcoMprIconDatas" $($0)


	Shell "" RemoveIcons "AcoRasIconDatas"
	Shell "" RemoveIcons "NTRASIconDatas"


	Shell "" InstallIcons "AcoRasIconDatas" $($0)
	Shell "" InstallIcons "NTRASIconDatas" $($0)


	Shell "" RemoveIcons "AcoCGIconDatas"
	Shell "" RemoveIcons "AcoRACIconDatas"



	Shell "" RemoveCGIcons
	Sleep 1000
	Shell "" InstallCommonIcons	$($0)
	Shell "" InstallIcons "AcoRACIconDatas" $($0)


;// Switch log or traceicons for rascapi viewing

    CreateCommonProgManGroup $(Group) ""

	ifstr(i) $(LogFilename) != ""
		RemoveCommonProgmanItem  $(Group) "RasCapi View Logging"
		CreateCommonProgmanItem  $(Group) , "RasCapi View Logging"  +
			$(LogFilename) +
			$(IconFile) 3 

	ifstr(i) $(TraceFilename) != ""
		RemoveCommonProgmanItem  $(Group) "RasCapi View Tracing"
		CreateCommonProgmanItem  $(Group) , "RasCapi View Tracing"  +
			$(TraceFilename) +
			$(IconFile)		9


;// Input new TraceFilename LogFilename

	read-syms IconConstants

	Install SetTraceIconsSection

[Shell Commands]


	set a = ""
	split-string $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) "\" SplitList
	querylistsize SplitCount $(SplitList)

	forlistdo $(SplitList)
		ifint $(SplitCount) == $(#)
			ifstr(i) "\" == *($(SplitList), $(#))
				set a = $(a)*($(SplitList), $(#))
			set a = $(a)*($(SplitList), $(#))


    set !DebugOutputControl = 1

;	Shell "" InstallMprIcons GER
	Shell "" InstallRASIcons GER
;	Shell "" InstallCGIcons	 GER
;	Shell "" RemoveMprIcons 
;	Shell "" RemoveRASIcons 
;	Shell "" RemoveCGIcons	
;	Shell "" RemoveCommonIcons

;//*** end file ***

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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