NEDMAN.TXT Driver File Contents (

                         Ned Manual


What is Ned?

    The  Ned programmer's  editor provides  all the features
    needed  to perform  sophisticated editing on  an IBM PC.
    It is designed to work best with C, C++ and assembly.

System Requirements

    Ned  requires an  IBM PC/AT  or 100%  compatible running
    Datalight's ROM-DOS, MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, or equivalent.
    Ned also requires a minimum of 100K  of  free  memory to 
    run, and performs best on systems with  a hard  disk and
    640K memory.

    Ned  will work equally well  on VGA color and monochrome
    displays, on XTs as well as superfast Pentium  machines.
    Ned also operates over a serial  port  provided an  ANSI
    terminal is emulated on the host end.

    Ned   does  write  directly  to  the  screen  for  speed
    purposes, so if nothing appears on the display after you
    invoke  Ned  it  is  likely  your  screen  is  not  100%
    compatible with an IBM PC/AT.

Starting Ned

    If  you have  not already done  so, copy  NED.EXE to the
    directory where you keep your generic programming tools.
    No  other files are  needed for proper  operation of the

    NED will create a file NED.CFG in the directory that is
    was run to keep track of customized features, the current
    file list, macros and other sundries.

    To start the NED editor, simply run NED, optionally with
    a list of files. Example:


The File List

    The  most obvious way to start Ned involves passing it a
    filename on the command line, thus:

        C>NED TEST.CPP

    If the file does not exist, Ned will place the cursor in
    an empty buffer under that name (TEST.CPP in this case),
    but  Ned will not actually create the file on disk until
    it  has been saved.  This prevents the disk from getting
    cluttered with a lot of empty files.

    Passing  a single filename to Ned  is a very simple form
    of  what is called a file list.  A file list can include
    any  number  of  legal  filenames,  including wildcards,
    drive letters and paths.  Ned manipulates multiple files
    as  easily as it  can a single file.   The following are
    all legal file lists:

        C>NED NED*.?PP
        C>NED x.y \bin\*.bat g:newfile a:\dev\*.c

    Ned  will stop loading files when  it reaches the end of
    the list or if it runs out of memory.  If it does happen
    to run out of memory before it can load all of the files
    in   the  list,  Ned  will   display  an  error  message
    describing the problem.

    Any time Ned asks for a filename (during a File/Open for
    instance),  a file  list may  be typed  in instead  of a
    single filename.

Smart Start

    One  philosophy behind the Ned editor, is that compiling
    should  be done outside the  editor.  This would quickly
    become  a nuisance in the edit/compile/run/edit cycle if
    you needed to type in a file list every time you ran the
    editor.  How often do you compile only to find a pageful
    of   errors  spewing  from  the  source  file  you  just

    Typing  NED with no command line arguments loads all the
    files  you  were  working  on.    It  basically restores
    everthing the way it was when you left NED.


Exit From Ned

    Three ways exist to exit Ned.  They are all listed in
    the Feature Reference section.  They include Alt-X to
    save and exit, Alt-Q to exit without saving, and Alt-F
    (to get to the file menu) then x for exit.  This will
    ask on each file that has changed if you want to save

The Ned Screen

    When  Ned is invoked  the whole screen  fills with color
    and  text, splitting into four very distinct parts.  The
    top line, called the Menu Bar, displays some highlighted
    words.    The bulk  of  the screen,  called  the Editor,
    features the current file.  The bar across the bottom is
    called  the Status Bar, and the final line is called the
    Message Line.

    File Edit Search Goto Options Help

    #include <stdio.h>
    void main(void)
     printf("Hello world\n");

    TEST.C          [Ins][Unsvd] L 112   C 14   Ned v1.00

    The  Menu Bar allows  access to the  editor menus.  From
    these  menus  the most  common operations.  nearly every
    feature of Ned is available.

The Menu Reference

    One  of the primary  ways to access  features within the
    editor is through the menuing system.  Those programmers
    familiar  with the Windows operating system or modern PC
    programs will instantly recognize and be able to use the

    Pressing Esc or pressing and releasing the Alt key  will
    place the cursor  on  the  Menu  Bar.  Pressing  Esc  or
    pressing and releasing the Alt key again will return the
    cursor to the editor.

    The cursor keys work as expected on the menus.  Pressing
    Return  or Down-Arrow on  a menu name  will bring up the

File Menu

    The File Menu provides access to commands that deal with
    files:  loading new files, saving files, printing files.
    It  also contains the editor exit commands.  Access this
    menu by pressing Alt-F from within the editor.

     Save _As...
     _List Open...
     _Drop to DOS

Edit Menu

    The  Edit Menu  contains block operations.   Marked text
    can  be copied to  the ClipBoard, or  indented from this
    menu. Access the Edit Menu by pressing Alt-E.

     Cu_t to Clipboard
     _Copy to Clipboard
     _Paste from Clipboard
     Toggle Bloc_k Mode
     To_ggle Case
     Toggle _Read Only

Search Menu

Goto Menu
     _Goto Line...
     _Previous Position
     Set _Mark
     Goto Mar_k
     _Next Open File
     Next _C Function
     Previous C _Function
     Next _Error
     Pre_vious Error

Options Menu
     _Record Macro
     _Play Macro
     Set _Colors...
     Set _Tab Size...
     Toggle _Lines
     _Do Command...
     _Map a Key...

Help Menu
     _About Ned

The ClipBoard

    All  block  operations  in Ned  center  around  a device
    called   the  ClipBoard.    This  ClipBoard  acts  as  a
    temporary  holding place  for text.   It can  be used to
    transfer  text around in  a file or  between files or to
    create multiple copies of a piece of code.

    Caution!! If you exit Ned, all contents of the ClipBoard
    will  be  lost.   The ClipBoard  is  not  saved  between

    An  area of the file  is marked off in  what is called a
    block.   This block can then be deleted to the ClipBoard
    or  copied  to the  ClipBoard so  that  later it  may be
    pasted  from the  ClipBoard to  some other  place in the

    There  is no way in Ned to block off a square section of
    text.   Ned thinks of the file as a stream of characters
    and can only block off an area between to points in that

    One way to select some text for a block operation is  to
    hold down a shift key, and press one or more cursor keys.
    For example, hold down shift and press the  right  arrow
    to select one character.

    Another method is  to  enable  block  mode  by  pressing
    Ctrl-K. While on, all normal cursor keys will extend the
    block. Press Ctrl-K again to disable the block.

Remote Editing

    NED will operate as a full-screen editor, even through a
    serial port. It does this using ANSI Escape  codes.  Any
    communication  program  capable  of  emulating  an  ANSI
    terminal will work with NED in remote mode.

    NED automatically detects whether or not the  console is
    redirected through a serial port, either via CTTY  COM1,
    or when using the Datalight BIOS with a serial  console.

    When operating through Datalight's  COMM  program,  most
    cursor keys function normally. The exception is PgUp and
    PgDn. These keys perform file transfers in COMM, and  so
    are not available. Full colors are available in COMM.

    Always use the Esc key to get to the menus.  Use  Ctrl-K
    to enable/disable blocking mode when selecting text.

Command Reference

     This  section describes  all of  the commands available
     from  within  the editor.    Many of  the  commands are
     available from the menus and are covered in the menuing
     section  earlier  in  this text,  others  are available
     directly from keyboard HotKeys.

     All  commands  have  names.   These  names  appear when
     binding  commands  to HotKeys.   Hopefully  these names
     will  be enough to identify  the purpose of the command
     when  it is needed.  If  not, a complete description of
     each command can be found here.

Default HotKeys

    Many  of the  commands can  be accessed  directly by the
    press of a key.  These keys, that perform a command, are
    called  HotKeys.  For instance, pressing Alt-X will exit
    Ned, saving all files that have changed.
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                         Ned Manual

    The  following tables  list the default  HotKeys.  These
    are  by no  means the proper  HotKey/command pairs, they
    are  merely  the defaults.   Feel  free to  redefine the
    keyboard  using the Bind  HotKey command (available from
    the Options Menu).

    Any  key may  perform any  command and,  hence, become a
    HotKey.     While  it  is   not  recommended,  even  the
    alpha/numeric  characters  can perform  a command.   For
    instance,  the 'A' key could cause  Ned to exit.  If you
    hopelessly  mess up the HotKeys  and wish to restore the
    defaults,  simply  delete  the  NED.CFG  file  from  the
    directory where NED.EXE resides.

    General HotKeys:
    Key             Command
    Alt-Q           Quit without saving
    Alt-X           Exit, saving as needed
    Ctrl-A          Search Again
    Ctrl-B          Search Backward
    Ctrl-C          Copy the Block to ClipBoard
    Ctrl-D          Find the Mark
    Ctrl-E          Erase to End of the line
    Ctrl-F          Search Forward
    Ctrl-G          Goto a line number
    Ctrl-I          Indent the Block
    Ctrl-K          Toggle Block Mode
    Ctrl-L          Delete Line to the ClipBoard
    Ctrl-M          Set the Mark
    Ctrl-N          Read a file into a New buffer
    Ctrl-P          Move to the Previous position
    Ctrl-Q          Quote the next character
    Ctrl-R          Replace text
    Ctrl-S          Switch to the next buffer
    Ctrl-T          Toggle the case of character(s)
    Ctrl-U          Undent the Block
    Ctrl-V          Insert the ClipBoard
    Ctrl-W          Delete word to the ClipBoard
    Ctrl-X          Delete Block to the ClipBoard
    Ctrl-Z          Cancel the Selected Block
    Alt =           Start/End Recording Macro
    Alt -           Playback Macro
    F1              Help
    Alt-F7          Previous Error
    Alt-F8          Next Error
    F7              Load file into current buffer
    F9              Save file
    F10             Exit asking for save as needed

    Cursor HotKeys:
    Key                  Command
    Left-Arrow           Left one character
    Right-Arrow          Right one character
    Up-Arrow             Up one line
    Down-Arrow           Down one line
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                         Ned Manual

    Home                 Beginning of line
    End                  End of line
    Page Up              Up one screenful
    Page Down            Down one screenful
    Center               Center the cursor onscreen
    Ctrl-Left-Arrow      Left one word
    Ctrl-Right-Arrow     Right one word
    Ctrl-Up-Arrow        Up one C function
    Ctrl-Down-Arrow      Down one C function
    Ctrl-Home            Scroll toward beginning of file
    Ctrl-End             Scroll toward end of file
    Ctrl-Page Up         Beginning of file
    Ctrl-Page Down       End of file

    Insert/Delete HotKeys:
    Key        Command
    Ins             Toggle Insert/Overwrite mode
    Del             Delete character
    Backspace       Delete character backward
    Ctrl-Ins        Copy Block to ClipBoard
    Ctrl-BS         Delete word backward
    Shft-Ins        Insert the ClipBoard
    Shft-Del        Delete Block to ClipBoard

    Technically,  every  key is  a  HotKey, since  every key
    performs  some command.  The key may perform the command
    "Not  Bound" or the command "Insert Self" as in the case
    of  the  letter  'A',  but these  are  not  listed above
    because their purpose is so obvious.

Command List

    Many  of the commands  are available from  the menus.  A
    large number are mapped to keystrokes.  All the commands
    are available from the Options/Do Command menu item.

    The commands are listed here, in alphabetical order, in
    case you wish to peruse them.  Each command


    This command does nothing.

Not Mapped

    This command, when mapped to a key, will display the
    value of the key with a short message explaining that
    the key is not mapped.

Factory Mapping

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                         Ned Manual

    This command is only useful from the "Map a Key" command
    off the "Options" menu.  It maps the key in question
    back to its original, hard-coded setting.

About Ned                F1

    This command simply brings up a one page screen
    describing the Ned editor and provides a means to pay
    for this shareware product.


    Use this command to beep the speaker.

Center Screen            Center ('5')

    This command leaves

Copy to Clipboard        Ctrl-C

    Chose this command to make a photocopy of the selected
    (highlighted) text into the Clipboard.  This photocopy
    can then be pasted to some location in the current or a
    different file.  Remember that the Clipboard contents
    are lost if the editor is exitted.

Cut to Clipboard         Ctrl-X

Delete Char              Del

Delete Char Left         Backspace

Delete Word              Ctrl-W

Delete Word Left         Ctrl-Backspace

Delete Line              Ctrl-L

Delete to EndofLine      Ctrl-E

Do Command

Drop To DOS

Exit Save Unsaved        Alt-X

Exit Ask Save            F10

Exit No Save             Alt-Q

File Close               Alt-F4

File List Open           F6

File Next Open           Ctrl-S

File Open                Ctrl-N

File Reload              F7

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                         Ned Manual

File Save                F9

File Save As

File Save Unsaved

Goto Line                Ctrl-G

Goto Prev Position       Ctrl-P

Indent                   Ctrl-I

Insert Self

Insert Line              Enter

Insert Line Indent       Ctrl-Enter

Insert Quoted            Ctrl-Q

Insert Tab               Tab

    This command inserts a tab key.  The tab will take up as
    many columns on screen as neccessary to fill out to the
    next tab stop.  This is a true tab, no spaces are placed
    in the file by this command.

Macro Record             Alt =

Macro Run                Alt -

Main Menu                Alt-release

Map a Key

Marker Find              Ctrl-K

Marker Set               Ctrl-M

Match Brace              Ctrl-]

Move Beg of File         Ctrl-PgUp

Move Beg of Line         Home

Move Down                Down-arrow

Move End of File         Ctrl-PgDn

Move End of Line         End

Move Left                Left-arrow

Move Next C Func         Ctrl-Down-arrow

Move Next Error          Alt-F8

Move Page Down           PgDn

Move Page Up             PgUp
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                         Ned Manual

Move Prev C Func         Ctrl-Up-arrow

Move Prev Error          Alt-F7

Move Right               Right-arrow

Move Scroll Down         Ctrl-End

Move Scroll Up           Ctrl-Home

Move Up                  Up-arrow

Move Word Left           Ctrl-Left-arrow

Move Word Right          Ctrl-Right-arrow

Paste from Clipboard     Ctrl-V


Replace                  Ctrl-R

Search Again             Ctrl-A

Search Backward          Ctrl-B

Search Forward           Ctrl-F

Select Begin

Select Beg of File       Shift-Ctrl-Home

Select Beg of Line       Shift-Home

Select Cancel            Ctrl-Z

Select Down              Shift-Down-arrow

Select End of File       Shift-Ctrl-End

Select End of Line       Shift-End

Select Left              Shift-Left-arrow

Select Next C Func       Shift-Down-arrow

    This command is identical to the Move Next C Func
    command, but it also extends the selection (highlight).
    Hold down the Shift key before pressing the down arrow.

Select Page Down         Shift-PgDn

    Press the Shift key, then the PgDn key to extend the
    selection down a screenful of lines.

Select Page Up           Shift-PgUp

    Press the Shift key, then the PgUp key to extend the
    selection up a screenful of lines.
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                         Ned Manual

Select Prev C Func       Shift-Up-arrow

    This command is identical to the Move Prev C Func
    command, but it also extends the selection (highlight).
    Hold down the Shift key before pressing the up arrow.

Select Right             Shift-Right-arrow

    This command extends the selection to the right by one
    character.  Hold down the Shift key and press the right

Select Scroll Up         Shift-Ctrl-Home

    This command is identical to Scroll Up, but it also
    extends the selection.  Hold the Shift and Ctrl keys
    down, then press the Home key.

Select Scroll Down       Shift-Ctrl-End

    This command is identical to Scroll Down, but it also
    extends the selection.  Hold the Shift and Ctrl keys
    down, then press the End key.

Select Up                Shift-Up-arrow

    This command is identical to Move Up, but it also
    extends the selection.  Hold the Shift key down, then
    press the up arrow.

Select Word Left         Shift-Ctrl-Left-arrow

    Hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys, then press left arrow
    to select (or highlight) one word to the left.  See Move
    Word Left for a definition of a word.

Select Word Right        Shift-Ctrl-Right-arrow

     This command selects (or highlights) to the beginning
     of the next word.  See Move Word Right for a definition
     of a word.  Hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys, then
     press the right arrow to activate this command.

Set Colors

    If the color scheme chosen by the authors of Ned is not
    pleasing to you, feel free to change them.  This command
    is available from the Options menu, and will allow you
    to set the colors according to your tastes.  The colors
    are saved in NED.CFG.

Set Tab Size

    As explained in the advanced editing section of this
    manual, it can be helpful to have a tab size other than
    8 for many programming languages.  This command allows
    you to set a special tab size for files of a given
    extensions.  Anytime
    You may list as many file extensions as you wish
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                         Ned Manual

Toggle Case              Ctrl-T

    This command will toggle the case (ie from lower case to
    UPPER case) of the currently selected text.  If nothing
    has been selected, it toggles the case of the character
    under the cursor.

Toggle Ins Mode          Ins

    This command will toggle between insert and overwrite
    modes.  See the advanced editing section for a complete
    explaination of the two editing modes.  This command is
    mapped to the Ins key.

Toggle Lines

    Many PC displays are capable of displaying more than 25
    lines of text on the screen at a time.  This command
    will toggle between 25 lines and the greatest number of
    lines available on your display (ie 43 for EGA).  This
    command is available from the Options menu.  The setting
    of this command is remembered in NED.CFG.

Toggle Read Only

    Sometimes, when viewing a file, it is useful to make
    sure that you cannot accidentally change the file.  This
    command will make the file read-only.  The read-only
    status of all loaded files is saved in NED.CFG.

Undent                   Ctrl-U

    This command deletes a tab from the beginning of each
    selected line.  If no text is selected, it deletes a tab
    from the current line.  Only lines that begin with a tab
    are affected.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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