ntpr11ag.inf Driver File Contents (ORiNOCO_v31219.zip)

;Copyright (c) 2003 Proxim Corp. All Rights Reserved
;Module Name:
;    ntpr11ag.inf
;    INF file for installing Proxim Wireless Network Adapter

Signature    = "$Chicago$"    ; Single INF file for Windows 98 and Windows 2000
Compatible   = 1              ; Single INF file for Windows 98 and Windows 2000
Class        = Net
ClassGUID    = {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Provider     = %Vendor_String%
DriverVer    = 06/23/2004,  ; Recognized by Windows 2000 only
;CatalogFile  = ntpr11ag.cat
MillenniumPreferred = .ME

%Vendor_String% = Vendor

ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0A1014B7
ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_AA1014B7
ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_0A001B47
ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_AA001B47
ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_1A001B47
ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_0A4014B7
ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_AA4014B7
ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_0A6014B7
ExcludeFromSelect   = PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_04101468

; DisplayName               Section             DeviceID
; -----------               -------             --------
%LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ag_G%   = LEX_CB22ag_01,    PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0A1014B7
%LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ag_S%   = LEX_CB22ag_02,    PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_AA1014B7
%LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_G%   = LEX_CB22ab_01,    PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_0A001B47
%LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_S%   = LEX_CB22ab_02,    PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_AA001B47
%LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_A%   = LEX_CB22ab_03,    PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_1A001B47
%LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22g_G%    = LEX_CB22g_01,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0A4014B7
%LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22g_S%    = LEX_CB22g_02,     PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_AA4014B7
%LEX.DeviceDesc.MB22ag%     = LEX_MB22ag_01,    PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0A6014B7
%LEX.DeviceDesc.ORiNOCO%    = LEX_ORiNOCO,      PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_04101468

[LEX_CB22ag_01]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ag_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ag_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

[LEX_CB22ag_01.ME]  ; WinMe
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ag_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ag_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ag_01.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ag_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ag_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ag_01.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ag_01_2k.reg, LEX_CB22ag_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0A1014B7"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ag_G%

[LEX_CB22ag_02]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ag_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ag_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

[LEX_CB22ag_02.ME]  ; WinMe
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ag_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ag_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ag_02.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ag_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ag_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ag_02.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ag_02_2k.reg, LEX_CB22ag_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_AA1014B7"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ag_S%

[LEX_CB22ab_01]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

[LEX_CB22ab_01.ME]  ; WinMe
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ab_01.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ab_01.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_01_2k.reg, LEX_CB22ab_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_0A001B47"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_G%
[LEX_CB22ab_02]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

[LEX_CB22ab_02.ME]  ; WinMe
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ab_02.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ab_02.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_02_2k.reg, LEX_CB22ab_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_AA001B47"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_S%

[LEX_CB22ab_03]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_03_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_03_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

[LEX_CB22ab_03.ME]  ; WinMe
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_03_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_03_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ab_03.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_03_9x.reg, LEX_CB22ab_03_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22ab_03.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22ab_03_2k.reg, LEX_CB22ab_03_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_AB.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_1A001B47"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_A%

[LEX_CB22g_01]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22g_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22g_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_SG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

[LEX_CB22g_01.ME]  ; WinMe
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22g_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22g_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_SG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22g_01.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22g_01_9x.reg, LEX_CB22g_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_SG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22g_01.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22g_01_2k.reg, LEX_CB22g_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_SG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0A4014B7"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22g_G%

[LEX_CB22g_02]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22g_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22g_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_SG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

[LEX_CB22g_02.ME]  ; WinMe
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22g_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22g_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_SG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22g_02.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22g_02_9x.reg, LEX_CB22g_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_SG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_CB22g_02.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_CB22g_02_2k.reg, LEX_CB22g_02_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_SG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_CARDBUS.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_AA4014B7"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22g_S%

[LEX_MB22ag_01]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_MB22ag_01_9x.reg, LEX_MB22ag_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_PCI.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

[LEX_MB22ag_01.ME]  ; WinMe
 AddReg          = LEX_MB22ag_01_9x.reg, LEX_MB22ag_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_PCI.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_MB22ag_01.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_MB22ag_01_9x.reg, LEX_MB22ag_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_PCI.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_MB22ag_01.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_MB22ag_01_2k.reg, LEX_MB22ag_01_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_PCI.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_0A6014B7"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.MB22ag%

[LEX_ORiNOCO]     ; Win9x
 AddReg          = LEX_ORiNOCO_9x.reg, LEX_ORiNOCO_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_PCI.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_9x.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here

 AddReg          = LEX_ORiNOCO_9x.reg, LEX_ORiNOCO_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_PCI.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_ORiNOCO.ME.ME]   ; WinMe - Same as .ME (Needed for Update Driver)
 AddReg          = LEX_ORiNOCO_9x.reg, LEX_ORiNOCO_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_9x.reg, COMMON_PCI.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_Me.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles
 DriverVer       = 09/22/2003,  ; Recognized by Windows 98 here
[LEX_ORiNOCO.NT]  ; Win2k
 AddReg          = LEX_ORiNOCO_2k.reg, LEX_ORiNOCO_9x_2k.reg, COMMON_ASG.reg, COMMON_NDIS_2k.reg, COMMON_PCI.reg, COMMON.reg
 CopyFiles       = WLAN_2k.CopyFiles
 DelFiles        = WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles
 BusType         = 5     ; Treat CARDBUS as PCI
 Characteristics = 0x84  ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI

 AddService      = NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2, 2, WlanNetCard.Service, WlanNetCard.EventLog

 HKR, NDI, DeviceID,    0, "PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_04101468"


 HKR,    , VendorDesc,  0, %LEX.DeviceDesc.ORiNOCO%

 DisplayName    = %Service.DispName%
 ServiceType    = 1    ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
 StartType      = 3    ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START
 ErrorControl   = 1    ; NORMAL
 ServiceBinary  = %12%\ntpr11ag.sys
 LoadOrderGroup = NDIS

 AddReg         = WlanNetCard.EventLog.reg

 HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
 HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7


;RegKey,SubKey          ,Name                   ,Type   ,Value
;-------------          -----                   -----   ------
 HKR,NDI                ,CardType               ,0      ,"PCI"
 HKR,                   ,BusType                ,0      ,"5"

;RegKey,SubKey          ,Name                   ,Type   ,Value
;-------------          -----                   -----   ------
 HKR,NDI                ,CardType               ,0      ,"PCI"
 HKR,                   ,BusType                ,0      ,"5"
HKR, ,                   NetBand,               0x00002,  %NetBand_DEF_STR_AG%
HKR, ,                   AdHocBand,             0x00002,  %AdhocBand_DEF_STR_AG%
HKR, ,                   disableTurboG,         0x00002,  "0"

HKR, ,                   NetBand,               0x00002,  %NetBand_DEF_STR_AB%
HKR, ,                   AdHocBand,             0x00002,  %AdhocBand_DEF_STR_AB%
HKR, ,                   NetBand,               0x00002,  %NetBand_DEF_STR_G%
HKR, ,                   AdHocBand,             0x00002,  %AdhocBand_DEF_STR_G%
HKR, ,                   disableTurboG,         0x00002,  "0"

HKR, ,           	     NetBand,               0x00002,  %NetBand_DEF_STR_SG%
HKR, ,                   AdHocBand,             0x00002,  %AdhocBand_DEF_STR_G%
HKR, ,                   disableTurboG,         0x00002,  "0"

HKR, ,                   NetBand,               0x00002,  %NetBand_DEF_STR_ASG%
HKR, ,                   AdHocBand,             0x00002,  %AdhocBand_DEF_STR_AG%
HKR, ,                   disableTurboG,         0x00002,  "0"


 HKR,                   ,RunningWin9X           ,0      ,"1"
 HKR,                   ,DevLoader              ,0      ,"*ndis"
 HKR,                   ,DeviceVxDs             ,0      ,ntpr11ag.sys
 HKR,                   ,EnumPropPages          ,0      ,"netdi.dll,EnumPropPages"
 HKR,NDI\Interfaces     ,UpperRange             ,0      ,"ndis3"
 HKR,NDI\Interfaces     ,LowerRange             ,0      ,"ethernet"
 HKR,NDI\Interfaces     ,DefUpper               ,0      ,"ndis3"
 HKR,NDI\Interfaces     ,DefLower               ,0      ,"ethernet"
 HKR,NDIS               ,LogDriverName          ,0      ,ntpr11ag
 HKR,NDIS               ,MajorNdisVersion       ,1      ,03
 HKR,NDIS               ,MinorNdisVersion       ,1      ,0a
 HKR,                   ,aifs                   ,0      ,"2"
 HKR,                   ,cwmin                  ,0      ,"15"
 HKR,NDI\Interfaces     ,UpperRange             ,0      ,"ndis5"
 HKR,NDI\Interfaces     ,LowerRange             ,0      ,"ethernet"
 HKR,NDI                ,Service                ,0      ,"NTPR_NIC_SERVICE2"
 HKR,                   ,aifs                   ,0      ,"2"
 HKR,                   ,cwmin                  ,0      ,"15"


HKR, ,                                  sleepMode,                      0x00002, %sleepMode_DEFAULT%
HKR, Ndi\params\sleepMode,              ParamDesc,                      0,  %sleepMode%
HKR, Ndi\params\sleepMode,              Base,                           0,  "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\sleepMode,              default,                        0,  %sleepMode_DEFAULT%
HKR, Ndi\params\sleepMode,              type,                           0,  "enum"
HKR, Ndi\params\sleepMode\enum,         "0",                            0,  %sleepModeOff%
HKR, Ndi\params\sleepMode\enum,         "2",                            0,  %sleepModeNormal%
HKR, Ndi\params\sleepMode\enum,         "1",                            0,  %sleepModeMax%

HKR, ,                                  shortPreamble,                  0x00002, %shortPreamble_DEFAULT%
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble,          ParamDesc,                      0,  %shortPreamble%
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble,          Base,                           0,  "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble,          default,                        0,  %shortPreamble_DEFAULT%
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble,          type,                           0,  "enum"
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble\enum,     "1",                            0,  %shortPreambleEnable%
HKR, Ndi\params\shortPreamble\enum,     "0",                            0,  %shortPreambleDisable%

HKR, ,                                  radioEnable,                    0x00002, %radio_DEFAULT%
HKR, Ndi\params\radioEnable,            ParamDesc,                      0,  %radioEnable%
HKR, Ndi\params\radioEnable,            Base,                           0,  "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\radioEnable,            default,                        0,  %radio_DEFAULT%
HKR, Ndi\params\radioEnable,            type,                           0,  "enum"
HKR, Ndi\params\radioEnable\enum,       "1",                            0,  %radioEnableOn%
HKR, Ndi\params\radioEnable\enum,       "0",                            0,  %radioEnableOff%

HKR, Ndi\params\authTypeUseOnly,        ParamDesc,                      0,  %authTypeUseOnly%
HKR, Ndi\params\authTypeUseOnly,        Base,                           0,  "10"
HKR, Ndi\params\authTypeUseOnly,        default,                        0,  "0"
HKR, Ndi\params\authTypeUseOnly,        type,                           0,  "enum"
HKR, Ndi\params\authTypeUseOnly\enum,   "0",                            0,  %authAuto%
HKR, Ndi\params\authTypeUseOnly\enum,   "1",                            0,  %authOpen%
HKR, Ndi\params\authTypeUseOnly\enum,   "2",                            0,  %authShared%

HKR, ,                                  AwakeTimePerf,                  0x00002,  "200"
HKR, ,                                  beaconInterval,                 0x00002,  "100"
HKR, ,                                  bkScanEnable,                   0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  bssType,                        0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  ccode,                          0x00002,  "US"
HKR, ,                                  clist,                          0x00002,  ""
HKR, ,                                  defaultKey,                     0x00002,  "0"
HKR, ,                                  EncryptionAlg,                  0x00002,  "2"
HKR, ,                                  FragThreshold,                  0x00002,  "2346"
HKR, ,                                  HwTxRetries,                    0x00002,  "4"
HKR, ,                                  privacyInvoked,                 0x00002,  "0"
HKR, ,                                  QoS,                            0x00002,  "0"
HKR, ,                                  rateCtrlEnable,                 0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  RTSThreshold,                   0x00002,  "2346"
HKR, ,                                  scanType,                       0x00002,  "2"
HKR, ,                                  SwTxRetryScale,                 0x00002,  "6"
HKR, ,                                  SmeEnable,                      0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  gpioPinFunc0,                   0x00002,  "1"
HKR, ,                                  Abolt,                      0,    "63"
;CopyFiles Section      = Destination Directory ID -- see layout.inf
;-----------------        ------------------------
 DefaultDestDir         = 11 ; Win9x=%windir%\system Win2k=%windir%\system32
 WLAN_Me.CopyFiles      = 11 ; Win9x=%windir%\system
 WLAN_9x.CopyFiles      = 11 ; Win9x=%windir%\system
 WLAN_9x.DelIniFiles    = 11 ; Win9x=%windir%\system
 WLAN_2k.CopyFiles      = 12 ; Win2k=%windir%\system32\drivers
 WLAN_2k.DelIniFiles    = 12 ; Win2k=%windir%\system32\drivers

 ntpr11ag.sys,,,0x00000010   ; COPYFLG_NO_OVERWRITE
 ntpr11ag.sys,,,0x00000004   ; COPYFLG_NOVERSIONCHECK
 ntpr11ag.sys,,,0x00000004   ; COPYFLG_NOVERSIONCHECK


; diskid = description[, [tagfile] [, <unused>, subdir]]
 1                      = %DriverDiskName%,,,

[SourceDisksFiles]      ; Win9x
; filename_on_source = diskID[, [subdir][, size]]
 ntpr11ag.sys          = 1
[SourceDisksFiles.X86]  ; Win2k
 ntpr11ag.sys          = 1

 DriverDiskName             = "ORiNOCO 802.11abg ComboCard Driver Disk"
 Vendor_String              = "Proxim Corporation"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ag_G    = "ORiNOCO 802.11abg ComboCard Gold"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ag_S    = "ORiNOCO 802.11abg ComboCard Silver"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_G    = "ORiNOCO 802.11ab ComboCard Gold"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_S    = "ORiNOCO 802.11ab ComboCard Silver"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22g_G     = "ORiNOCO 802.11bg ComboCard Gold"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22g_S     = "ORiNOCO 802.11bg ComboCard Silver"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.MB22ag      = "ORiNOCO 802.11abg PCI Adapter"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.CB22ab_A    = "Avaya 802.11ab ComboCard"
 LEX.DeviceDesc.ORiNOCO     = "ORiNOCO Wireless Client"
 Service.DispName           = "ORiNOCO AS 802.11abg ComboCard Adapter Service"
; (0x01=11A, 0x02=11A_TURBO, 0x04=11B, 0x08=11G)
 NetBand_DEF_STR_A          = "3"                       ; (A/T) 
 NetBand_DEF_STR_AB         = "7"                       ; (A/T/B)   
 NetBand_DEF_STR_G          = "12"                      ; (B/G)     
 NetBand_DEF_STR_AG         = "15"                      ; (A/T/B/G)
 NetBand_DEF_STR_SG         = "28"                      ; (B/G/SG)
 NetBand_DEF_STR_ASG        = "31"          ; (A/T/B/G/SG)
; (0=11B, 1=11A, 2=11A_TURBO, 3=11G)
 AdhocBand_DEF_STR_A        = "1"                       ; (A)
 AdhocBand_DEF_STR_AB       = "1"                       ; (A)
 AdhocBand_DEF_STR_G        = "0"                       ; (B)
 AdhocBand_DEF_STR_AG       = "0"                       ; (B)

; (0=Disable, 1=Maximum, 2=Normal) 
 sleepMode                  = "Power Save Mode"
 sleepModeOff               = "Off"
 sleepModeNormal            = "Normal"
 sleepModeMax               = "Maximum"
 sleepMode_DEFAULT          = "0"  
; (0=Long Preamble, 1=Long and Short) 
 shortPreamble               = "802.11b Preamble"
 shortPreambleEnable         = "Long and Short"
 shortPreambleDisable        = "Long only"
 shortPreamble_DEFAULT       = "1"

; (0=OFF, 1=ON)  
 radioEnable                 = "Radio On/Off"
 radioEnableOn               = "On"
 radioEnableOff              = "Off"
 radio_DEFAULT               = "1"

; (0=Auto, 1=Open, 2=Shared)  
authTypeUseOnly              = "802.11 Authentication Type"
authAuto                     = "Auto"
authOpen                     = "Open"
authShared                   = "Shared"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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