README.TXT Driver File Contents (TDL21D.EXE)


Release Notes for the Timex Data Link Software v2.1d

(C)Copyright 1994-1997 Timex Corporation 
and Microsoft(R) Corporation

This document contains release notes for the Timex Data Link 
Software version 2.1d.  Information in this document is 
more current than that in the manuals or on-line Help.


Part    Description
----    -----------
 1      Network Installation
 2      VBX and DLL Files
 3      Files Installed by Timex Data Link Setup
 4      Time/Date Formats for Countries Other than the US
 5      Transmitted Time Of Day
 6      Video Driver Errors
 7      Importing CSV Files from Microsoft Excel
 8      Connecting to Microsoft Schedule+ 1.0
 9      Schedule+ 7.0 users running Windows NT
10      Running Windows NT in Safe Mode
11      Using 'CRT Mode 4 - Windows Framed' transmission
12      Timex Laptop Adapter FCC Labeling
13      Canadian Equipment Identification Requirements

Part 1:  Network Installation

The Timex Data Link Setup files may be placed on a network 
server, allowing network users to install the software from the 
network.  Setup executed off the server will install Timex Data 
Link software locally on the user's workstation, as if the user 
had installed the software using the Setup disk.

** Note to Novell Netware Users **

Novell Netware has a bug which can cause your PC to reboot if you 
transmit using the 'CRT Mode 1 - Windows Unframed' transmit option, 
and later in your Windows session you receive a network broadcast 
message.  Such messages may be used to notify you that a file has 
printed on a networked printer.

The Timex Data Link Software will automatically set the default 
transmit option for Novell NetWare users to 'CRT Mode 2 - DOS 
Unframed'.  The problem will not occur with this transmit type.

Please contact Novell for updated Netware drivers.

This problem will not occur running Windows95.

Part 2:  VBX and DLL Files

The software uses library routines in .VBX and .DLL files, some 
of which may also be used by other programs you have.  Timex 
Data Link uses the latest versions of these files which should 
be backward-compatible with any older versions you may already 
have.  These files belong in your Windows System directory and 
Setup will move any existing versions of these files from your 
Windows directory to your Windows System directory, if 

Old files will be updated and newer files will be left alone.

If you are running any programs which use the same library 
files as Timex Data Link, you must close those programs before 
running Setup.  If you have had these programs running prior 
to running Setup, you should restart Windows after Setup is 
done, since these libraries may be left in memory.  In general, 
this is not a problem for most installations.

Part 3 contains a list of all of the files, including VBX and 
DLL files, installed by Timex Data Link Setup.

Part 3:  Files Installed by Timex Data Link Setup

 File Name       Size    Date    Time    Destination
------------    ------ -------- ------  -------------
BACKUP   BAT       348 09-19-97  2:10a  Working
RESTORE  BAT       403 09-19-97  2:10a  Working
EXTRA    DAT       694 09-19-97  2:10a  Working
TIMEXDL  DAT       926 09-19-97  2:10a  Working
TIMEZONE DAT     8,921 09-19-97  2:10a  Working
TDLRC21  DLL    28,128 09-19-97  2:10a  Working
NOTE     EXE    24,688 09-20-97 11:05a  Working
TDLSPREG EXE    11,776 01-28-97  2:10a  Working
TIMEXDL  EXE   755,605 09-06-97  2:10a  Working
WATCHAPP HLP    20,682 08-10-96  2:00p  Working
TIMEXDL  HLP    68,464 09-19-97  2:10a  Working
LICENSE  TXT    12,460 09-19-97  2:10a  Working

TDLANN   DAT       145 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\DAT
TDLAPPT  DAT       161 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\DAT
TDLPHONE DAT       141 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\DAT
TDLTODO  DAT       137 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\DAT

DEFAULT  SPC        50 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
DEFHIGH  SPC        47 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
DEFLOW   SPC        49 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
DOESIT   SPC        64 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
GROOVES  SPC        68 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
LIVING   SPC        67 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
MAINLINE SPC        58 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
PAISLEY  SPC        65 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
SPICY    SPC        66 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND
WILD     SPC        68 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\SND

CHRONO12 ZAP     3,496 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\APP
MELODY17 ZAP     3,135 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\APP
NOTE13   ZAP     3,252 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\APP
QUICK13  ZAP     4,116 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\APP
TIMER13  ZAP     3,811 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\APP
WKSISO11 ZAP     3,720 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\APP
WKSUSA11 ZAP     3,684 09-19-97  2:10a  Working\APP

DATALINK INI         0 09-19-97  2:10a  Windows
TIMEXDL  INI         0 09-19-97  2:10a  Windows

TDL150   HLP    52,926 09-19-97  2:10a  Windows\Help
TDL70    HLP   195,689 09-19-97  2:10a  Windows\Help

DATAZAP  DLL   101,312 08-19-97 12:18p  Windows\System
DATZAP32 DLL   141,824 08-21-97 11:41a  Windows\System
MHRUN400 DLL    96,384 09-26-95 11:43p  Windows\System
MSAFINX  DLL    31,744 04-27-93 11:00p  Windows\System
PROTLL16 DLL    15,456 09-18-96  1:46p  Windows\System
PROTLL32 DLL    52,224 03-13-97  4:05p  Windows\System
SPLUS    DLL    84,496 04-26-94  9:46a  Windows\System
TDLCOM16 DLL   254,544 08-25-97  3:04p  Windows\System
TDLIR16  DLL    25,344 03-10-97  2:39p  Windows\System
TDLIR32  DLL    68,096 03-10-97  2:39p  Windows\System
VBRUN300 DLL   394,416 05-12-93 12:00a  Windows\System
TDLUTIL  DLL    11,440 08-25-97  2:55p  Windows\System
DATCRT   EXE    42,384 12-10-96  2:48p  Windows\System
DATCRT   PIF       995 06-24-96 11:36a  Windows\System
FPGRID10 VBX   409,200 05-12-95 10:06a  Windows\System
MH3B200  VBX    23,456 06-28-94 11:33a  Windows\System
MHGCAL   VBX    59,600 09-25-95  1:02p  Windows\System
SPIN     VBX    22,528 10-20-92 11:00p  Windows\System
THREED   VBX    64,432 10-28-94 12:00p  Windows\System

Part 4:  Time/Date Formats for Countries Other than the US

The Timex Data Link software supports MDY, DMY, and YMD date 
formats, as specified in the International section of Windows 
3.1 or Windows NT Control Panel and the Regional settings section
of the Windows 95 Control Panel.

The default time/date formats are those for the United States.
If you wish to use different formats, you must do the following:

  - Close the Timex Data Link application (if active)
  - Open Windows Control Panel.
  - Open International (Regional for Windows 95).
  - Make the changes to a different short date format
  - Choose OK and close the International or Regional dialog
  - Restart the Timex Data Link application

To ensure correct operation of Timex Data Link software
with the modified date format, the user MUST close and restart the
Data Link program. The user must also select OK and close the 
International or Regional settings dialog to ensure that the 
changed date format is saved in WIN.INI file before Timex Data 
Link software is restarted.

The Timex Data Link software does not support date formats 
with a semicolon as the separator character, as is used in 

To correct this problem in Windows 3.1/Windows NT 3.51:

  - Open Windows Control Panel.
  - Open International.
  - Choose Change... in the Date Format box.
  - In the Separator text box, enter a new separator character.
  - Choose OK.

In Windows 95/NT 4.0:
  - Open Windows Control Panel.
  - Open Regional settings.
  - Choose Date
  - In the Separator text box, enter a new separator character.
  - Choose OK.

Windows 3.1 produces the wrong date format for Austria.  To 
correct the date format:

  - Open Windows Control Panel.
  - Open International.
  - For the Country, select Austria, if it isn't selected already 
  - Choose Change... in the Date Format box.
  - Choose OK.

Part 5:  Transmitted Time Of Day

The time of day transmitted to the watch is typically within
5 seconds of the PC's clock.  If the error between the watch
and PC clock is *consistently* greater than 5 seconds, you
may wish to increase or decrease the following setting in your
timexdl.dat file:


where x may be set to any positive integer between 0 and 30,
and the default value is 6.

Note:	The Timex Data Link Program will need to be restarted
	for the TimeAdjustment001 setting to take affect.

If you use Schedule+ to set the watch time, the current PC time is 
read just before the "COMM READY" screen appears. That determines 
what time will be sent to the watch. If you delay before pressing 
the "OK" button, the time sent to the watch will be off by the 
amount of the delay. Example: If you delay 1 minute before 
pressing OK, the watch time will be off by 1 minute.

To avoid this situation you may do one of the following:

Option 1 - When the "COMM READY" screen appears, press the "OK" 
button right away. 

Option 2 -  Use the Timex Data link software to set the watch 
time. Do not use Schedule+ to set the watch time (uncheck "Current 
time and time zone information" in the Schedule+ Watch Wizard).

Remember, once the watch time is set, it is accurate to +/- 15 
seconds a month. It is not necessary to set the time on every 
download! Set the time only when you are changing time zones.

Part 6:  Video Driver Errors

After returning from calibration or sending data, text on 
the Windows desktop is sometimes corrupted.

To correct this problem, contact the maker of your video driver
to obtain the latest version of the driver you are using, or 
change your video driver to standard VGA.  See your Windows
manual for information on changing video drivers.

For a work around, refer to "Advanced Options" in the Software
Help appendices. 

Part 7:  Importing CSV Files from Microsoft Excel

The Timex Data Link software can import data from CSV (comma 
separated value) files.  These are files which have data
separated by commas.  Microsoft Excel can produce a CSV file but
does not necessarily use commas as the separator; it will use
the List Separator character found in the International section
of Windows 3.1 Control Panel or the Regional settings section 
of your Windows 95 Control Panel.

For the United States and some other countries, the List 
Separator defaults to a comma, but for other countries it does
not.  If your country is set to something other than the United
States, and you plan on importing data from Microsoft Excel, you 
should make sure the List Separator is a comma, by doing the 

In Windows 3.1/Windows NT 3.51:
  - Open Control Panel.
  - Open International.
  - For the List Separator, enter a comma, if it isn't already.
  - Choose OK.

In Windows 95/Windows NT 4.0:
  - Open Control Panel.
  - Open Regional settings.		   
  - Choose Number
  - For the List Separator, enter a comma, if it isn't already.
  - Choose OK.

Part 8:  Connecting to Microsoft Schedule+ 1.0

If Microsoft Schedule+ 1.0 is installed on your PC and you want
to get your appointments and/or Task information from it, you
should check any items that apply in the Options menu on the
main screen of the software.

If you choose to get data from Schedule+, you should start 
Schedule+ before running the Timex Data Link software.  If you 
don't, the Timex Data Link software will start Schedule+ for you.  

If you have installed Schedule+ without Microsoft Mail, you will
get dialog boxes that ask you if you wish to work offline every
time you run Schedule+.  You can avoid them by doing the 

  - From the Options menu in Schedule+, choose General Options...
  - Check Startup Offline.
  - Choose OK.

This will allow Schedule+ to run offline (without Microsoft Mail) 

If you have never run Schedule+ before, you will be told that
your message file does not exist.  This is normal.  When you are
asked to open one, choose New.

If Schedule+ is not installed on your PC, you may use
the Options menu to select automatic extraction once Schedule+
is installed.  It is not necessary to rerun Timex Data Link 
Setup after installing Schedule+.

Part 9:  Schedule+ 7.0 users running Windows NT

Schedule+ 7.0 will not activate the Timex Watch Wizard when 
running on Windows NT.  Schedule+ 7.0a will, however, activate 
the Timex Watch Wizard but only _after_ the Timex Data Software 
has been installed and executed at least once.

Schedule+ 7.0a will use whatever options are set for Watch Type
and Output Type in the Timex Data Link Software.  To change one
of these options, close down Schedule+7.0a, make the changes in
the Timex Data Link Software and reopen Schedule+7.0a.

Part 10:  Running Windows NT in Safe Mode

Timex Data Link communications _may_ not be reliable when running
Windows NT in Safe Mode.  To transmit reliably under Windows NT,
your machine should be booted up in regular mode.

Part 11:  Using 'CRT Mode 4 - Windows Framed' transmission

Transmitting with 'CRT Mode 4 - Windows Framed' transmission type
works best when the resolution of the monitor is set to 640x480 
or 800x600.  The higher the resolution, the less reliable the
communications may be.  If you are using CRT Mode 4 and are 
experiencing problems, either reduce the resolution of your
monitor or select another transmission type.

Part 12:  Timex Laptop Adapter FCC Labeling

Warning:  Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user's authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply 
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to 
Part 15 of the FCC Fules.  These limits are designed to 
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference 
in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, 
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not 
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may 
cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, 
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a 
particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful 
interference to radio or television reception, which can be 
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is 
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more 
of the following measures:

- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different 
  from that which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician
  for help.

Part 13:  Canadian Equipment Identification Requirements
In English:
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the
Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.

En Francais:
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les 
exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.


TIMEX is a registered trademark and service mark of Timex

INDIGLO is a registered trademark of Indiglo Corporation.

Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark
of Microsoft Corporation.

NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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