NWOS2ODI.TXT Driver File Contents (3C359_TokenLink.zip)

                        3Com (R) Corporation
                     TokenDisk (R) Diskette for
  The 3C359 TokenLink Velocity PCI XL Token Ring Network Interface Card
         Installing the NIC in a NetWare OS/2 ODI Client

This section describes how to install the driver for an OS/2 client.
Before installing the OS/2 ODI driver from the TokenDisk diskette, make 
sure that the OS/2 operating system is installed and that the computer 
boots without errors. Install and configure the NIC as instructed in 
the TokenLink Velocity XL PCI NIC User Guide. 
Decide whether the NIC will be using the universal address or a locally   
administered address.

  - The universal address is the default address for the NIC.  It is
    encoded on the NIC during manufacture and is often called the
    burned-in address.    
  - A locally administered address is assigned by the user and overrides
    the burned-in address on the NIC.  This address must consist of 
    12 hexadecimal digits in the range from X'4000 0000 0000' to 
    X'7FFF FFFF FFFF' and must be unique throughout the network. 

Viewing the Universal Address

The universal address is displayed by the Configuration and Diagnostic 
Program on the TokenDisk diskette #1.  Follow these steps to display the 
universal address:  

1.  Go to a DOS prompt.  Insert the TokenDisk diskette #1 into a floppy 
    drive and make that drive the active drive.  For example, type: 
    A: <ENTER>

2.  Type at the prompt:

3.  Record the 12-digit token ring address.  For example:

    3COM 3C359: TOKEN RING ADDRESS = 00608C112233

4.  Exit the program.

Installing the OS/2 Requester

Follow these steps to install the OS/2 Requester:

1.  Insert the Novell OS/2 Requester diskette, WSOS2_1, in the floppy drive.  
    At the OS/2 Full Screen prompt, type:  

    A: <ENTER>
2.  At the A: prompt, type :

    A NetWare Workstation for OS/2 Installation Utility Menu appears.
3.  Select Installation from the menu and choose Requester on 

4.  Select a target directory for the Requester files. The default is 
    C:\NETWARE.  Then select OK.
    A new menu appears with four options:

      * Edit CONFIG.SYS and Copy All Files   (default)
      * Only Edit CONFIG.SYS 
      * Only Copy Requester Files
      * Only Copy ODI LAN Driver Files
5.  From this menu, choose the option Edit CONFIG.SYS and Copy All Files.
    Select OK.

    A dialog box appears, asking for an ODI LAN driver and presenting
    two options:
      * Do not upgrade the currently installed LAN driver
      * Choose from the list or type in driver name: 
6.  Type in the driver name for the TokenLink Velocity PCI NIC.  Type:


7.  When prompted, choose the default configuration: 
    IPX Support for DOS or Windows (OFF).

    Select CONTINUE.

    A new menu appears with three optional protocols:

    * SPX Support for OS/2 Sessions
    * NetBIOS Emulation for OS/2 Sessions
    * Remote Named Pipes Support

8.  Select the appropriate protocol and save the configuration.
    NOTE: If no additional protocols are needed, do not select any of the  
          three options.  Bypass this section by choosing Save the

    A new menu appears asking if you want to save changes to the CONFIG.SYS
9.  Save file as C:\CONFIG.SYS and click <OK> to continue.

    A new window appears, confirming that you want all files copied to 

10. Click <COPY> and follow the instructions on the screen.

    Continue the installation and insert the appropriate OS/2 Requester 
    diskettes when prompted.

11. After the installation of the OS/2 Utility diskette finishes, another
    window appears, requesting information about the ODI LAN drivers.  The
    default ODI LAN driver is TLNKPODI.SYS.
    a. Insert the TokenDisk diskette #1 into the floppy drive.
    b. Select the option Copy Only the Default Driver and click <OK>.
    c. Follow the remaining installation instructions and insert the 
       appropriate diskettes when prompted.

12. When the installation is complete, a menu appears with the menu bar 
    items Installation, Configuration, Utilities, Readme, and Help. A 
    message also appears, stating that the installation process is complete
    and giving additional instructions to follow.

13. A message appears concerning certain configuration requirements.  The 
    text of the message is given below.  Check to see whether your setup 
    requires you to make changes.

    IMPORTANT !!!!  The following must be manually changed:

    DOS_LASTDRIVE setting in the DOS Settings notebook should be set to 
    the last local drive for each DOS and WIN-OS/2 session. See "Changing 
    and Saving DOS and WIN-OS/2 Settings" in the on-line OS/2 master Help 

    The default Workstation Token frame type is Token-Ring. Make sure 
    your server and workstation frame types are the same. Configuration is 
    done by selecting "This Workstation..." from the Configuration menu.

    Configuration is necessary for the following situations:

    * Your network board is not using default settings.
    * Your workstation has more than one board.
    * Your frame type is other than Token-Ring.
    * You use named pipes NetBIOS, or token-ring source routing.
    * The NetWare client for OS/2 will share the network board with LAN 
    * You have more than one directory tree at your site.

    Select "This Workstation..." from the Configuration menu to access the 
    configuration utility."

14. Click on the Configuration menu bar item and select "This 
    Workstation..." to check the NET.CFG file for the proper NIC

15. Verify the Link Driver header, node address, and frame type.  Your 
    NET.CFG file should look similar to the following:  
         Node Address 00608C112233
         Frame Token-Ring MSB
         Frame Token-Ring_SNAP MSB

    Modify and save the NET.CFG file if the node address and frame type are 
    not correct. 

16. Remove the OS/2 Requester diskette.

17. Insert the TokenDisk diskette #1 and copy the microcode file TLNKP.MAC
    to the directory where you installed the driver (C:\NETWARE).

18. Reboot the computer.

      (%VER NWOS2ODI.TXT - NetWare OS/2 ODI Client Installation V1.0b)
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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