themes.inf Driver File Contents (

; This file is encoded in UTF-8 
iso-2022-jp = shift_jis 
x-euc-jp = shift_jis 
shift-jis = shift_jis 
x-sjis = shift_jis 
shift_jis, ARIAL = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ã㯠
shift_jis, ARIAL BLACK = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ã㯠
shift_jis, ARIAL NARROW = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ã㯠
shift_jis, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ã㯠
shift_jis, BOOK ANTIQUA = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, CENTURY GOTHIC = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, COMIC SANS MS = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, GARAMOND = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, GEORGIA = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, HAETTENSCHWEILER = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ã㯠
shift_jis, IMPACT = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ã㯠
shift_jis, TIMES NEW ROMAN = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ 
shift_jis, TREBUCHET MS = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ã㯠
shift_jis, VERDANA = ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ã㯠
ks_c_5601-1987, ARIAL = ëì 
ks_c_5601-1987, ARIAL BLACK = ëì 
ks_c_5601-1987, ARIAL NARROW = ëì 
ks_c_5601-1987, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = ëì 
ks_c_5601-1987, BOOK ANTIQUA = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, CENTURY GOTHIC = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, COMIC SANS MS = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, GARAMOND = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, GEORGIA = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, HAETTENSCHWEILER = 굴림 
ks_c_5601-1987, IMPACT = 굴림 
ks_c_5601-1987, TIMES NEW ROMAN = ê¶ì 
ks_c_5601-1987, TREBUCHET MS = 굴림 
ks_c_5601-1987, VERDANA = 굴림 
big5, ARIAL = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, ARIAL BLACK = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, ARIAL NARROW = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, BOOK ANTIQUA = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, CENTURY GOTHIC = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, COMIC SANS MS = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, GARAMOND = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, GEORGIA = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, HAETTENSCHWEILER = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, IMPACT = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, TIMES NEW ROMAN = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, TREBUCHET MS = æ°ç´°æé« 
big5, VERDANA = æ°ç´°æé« 
gb2312, ARIAL = å®ä½ 
gb2312, ARIAL BLACK = å®ä½ 
gb2312, ARIAL NARROW = å®ä½ 
gb2312, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = å®ä½ 
gb2312, BOOK ANTIQUA = å®ä½ 
gb2312, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = å®ä½ 
gb2312, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = å®ä½ 
gb2312, CENTURY GOTHIC = å®ä½ 
gb2312, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = å®ä½ 
gb2312, COMIC SANS MS = å®ä½ 
gb2312, GARAMOND = å®ä½ 
gb2312, GEORGIA = å®ä½ 
gb2312, HAETTENSCHWEILER = å®ä½ 
gb2312, IMPACT = å®ä½ 
gb2312, TIMES NEW ROMAN = å®ä½ 
gb2312, TREBUCHET MS = å®ä½ 
gb2312, VERDANA = å®ä½ 
windows-1251 = windows-1253 
windows-1254 = windows-1253 
windows-1257 = windows-1253 
windows-1256 = windows-1255 
windows-1250, ARIAL = Arial 
windows-1250, ARIAL BLACK = Arial Black 
windows-1250, ARIAL NARROW = Arial Narrow 
windows-1250, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = Arial 
windows-1250, BOOK ANTIQUA = Times New Roman 
windows-1250, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = Bookman Old Style 
windows-1250, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = Arial 
windows-1250, CENTURY GOTHIC = Times New Roman 
windows-1250, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = Times New Roman 
windows-1250, COMIC SANS MS = Arial 
windows-1250, GARAMOND = Garamond 
windows-1250, GEORGIA = Arial 
windows-1250, HAETTENSCHWEILER = Impact 
windows-1250, IMPACT = Impact 
windows-1250, TIMES NEW ROMAN = Times New Roman 
windows-1250, TREBUCHET MS = Arial 
windows-1250, VERDANA = Verdana 
windows-1253, ARIAL = Arial 
windows-1253, ARIAL BLACK = Arial Black 
windows-1253, ARIAL NARROW = Arial Narrow 
windows-1253, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = Arial 
windows-1253, BOOK ANTIQUA = Times New Roman 
windows-1253, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = Bookman Old Style 
windows-1253, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = Arial 
windows-1253, CENTURY GOTHIC = Times New Roman 
windows-1253, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = Times New Roman 
windows-1253, COMIC SANS MS = Arial 
windows-1253, GARAMOND = Garamond 
windows-1253, GEORGIA = Arial 
windows-1253, HAETTENSCHWEILER = Impact 
windows-1253, IMPACT = Impact 
windows-1253, TIMES NEW ROMAN = Times New Roman 
windows-1253, TREBUCHET MS = Arial 
windows-1253, VERDANA = Verdana 
windows-1255, ARIAL = Arial 
windows-1255, ARIAL BLACK = Arial 
windows-1255, ARIAL NARROW = Arial 
windows-1255, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = Arial 
windows-1255, BOOK ANTIQUA = Time New Roman 
windows-1255, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = Times New Roman 
windows-1255, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = Times New Roman 
windows-1255, CENTURY GOTHIC = Arial 
windows-1255, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = Times New Roman 
windows-1255, COMIC SANS MS = Arial 
windows-1255, GARAMOND = Arial 
windows-1255, GEORGIA = Arial 
windows-1255, HAETTENSCHWEILER = Times New Roman 
windows-1255, IMPACT = Arial 
windows-1255, TIMES NEW ROMAN = Times New Roman 
windows-1255, TREBUCHET MS = Arial 
windows-1255, VERDANA = Arial 

windows-1258, ARIAL = Arial 
windows-1258, ARIAL BLACK = Arial Black
windows-1258, ARIAL NARROW = Arial Narrow
windows-1258, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = Arial 
windows-1258, BOOK ANTIQUA = Time New Roman 
windows-1258, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = Bookman Old Style 
windows-1258, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = Arial 
windows-1258, CENTURY GOTHIC = Times New Roman
windows-1258, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = Times New Roman 
windows-1258, COMIC SANS MS = Arial 
windows-1258, GARAMOND = Garamond 
windows-1258, GEORGIA = Arial 
windows-1258, HAETTENSCHWEILER = Impact 
windows-1258, IMPACT = Impact 
windows-1258, TIMES NEW ROMAN = Times New Roman 
windows-1258, TREBUCHET MS = Arial 
windows-1258, VERDANA = Verdana

windows-874, ARIAL = Cordia New 
windows-874, ARIAL BLACK = Cordia New
windows-874, ARIAL NARROW = Cordia New
windows-874, ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD = Cordia New 
windows-874, BOOK ANTIQUA = Angsana New
windows-874, BOOKMAN OLD STYLE = Browalia New 
windows-874, BRUSH SCRIPT MT ITALIC = Cordia New
windows-874, CENTURY GOTHIC = Angsana New
windows-874, CENTURY SCHOOLBOOK = Angsana New 
windows-874, COMIC SANS MS = Cordia New
windows-874, GARAMOND = Browalia New 
windows-874, GEORGIA = Cordia New 
windows-874, HAETTENSCHWEILER = Cordia New 
windows-874, IMPACT = Cordia New 
windows-874, TIMES NEW ROMAN = Angsana New 
windows-874, TREBUCHET MS = Cordia New 
windows-874, VERDANA = Cordia New

arial black=variable,swiss 
arial narrow=variable,swiss 
arial rounded mt bold=variable,swiss 
book antiqua=variable,roman 
bookman old style=variable,roman 
brush script mt italic=variable,script 
century gothic=variable,swiss 
century schoolbook=variable,roman 
comic sans ms=variable,swiss 
times new roman=variable,roman 
trebuchet ms=variable,swiss 
ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ã´ã·ãã¯=variable,modern 
ï¼­ï¼³ ï¼°ææ=variable,roman 
courier new=fixed,modern 
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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