CustomCt.ini Driver File Contents (13853_01.exe)

; This file contains instructions used by the installer to customize the
; installation of the Bluetooth Software.
; This file conforms to the following format:
; Text that is preceded by a semi-colon (;) is considered comments and is ignored.
; Customizable parameters are designated using a TOKEN=VALUE convention.  
; Parameters that are related to each other are grouped together and are
; delimited by group headers (for example, [General] or [PIMs]).

; Token names in that are UPPER_CASE are completely customizable and can 
; have non-English (or localized) values.
; Token names in MixedCase must be assigned a value from a predefined set of
; options and must remain English.
; For example, DEVICE_NAME= may contain any value in any language but 
; DeviceType= must be blank or contain the English values 'Desktop' or 'Laptop'.



DEVICE_NAME=				;Device name.  
					;If blank, default is the Computer name.
DeviceType=				;Device type - 'Desktop' or 'Laptop'.
					;If blank, default will be determined by installer.
DEFAULT_DIR=TRUST\Bluetooth Software	;End user's installation folder rooted in
					;the default 'Program Files' folder 
					;(e.g. "C:>\Program Files\").
StartComPort=				;First Bluetooth COM port number. 
					;If blank, default will be determined by installer.
NumberOfComPorts=11			;Number of Bluetooth COM ports that will be created.

COMPANY_NAME=TRUST			;Enter name of the company. (example - HP, IBM, DELL, COMPAQ, SAMSUNG, etc.)

; The data seen in the 'About' dialog box in 'My Bluetooth Places'. 
; Use new line character '\n' or tab character '\t' for formatting. 
; Maximum lines in the dialog are 8.


; Location of the Bluetooth Exchange Folder where files received by File Transfer and
; PIM Item Transfer services.  This folder is rooted in the default 'My Documents'
; folder for each user.


; The name of the Bluetooth Network Connection as it appears in the 
; 'Network and Dial-up Connections' dialog and as it appears when being reported
; by the system tray when there is no Bluetooth Network Connection active


; Indicate the places you would like the 'My Bluetooth Places' icon to appear.

IconOnDesktop=Y			;Icon should appear on the Desktop -  Y or N
IconInStartMenu=Y		;Icon should appear in 'Start' menu -  Y or N
IconInProgramsMenu=Y		;Icon should appear in 'Programs'menu -  Y or N
IconUnderMyComputer=Y		;Icon should appear under 'My Computer' -  Y or N

; Indicate whether or not you want the Bluetooth Setup Wizard to run the first time
; a user tries to use any Bluetooth features.

ShowWizardOnStartup=Y			;Enter Y or N

; If you would like to customize the bitmap in the explorer panel of 'My Bluetooth Places', 
; specify the name of the bitmap file here. This bitmap file should be placed in the installer folder
; at the time of installation. If kept blank, a default will be used.

XpCustomLogoBitmap=			;Windows XP logo
Win2kCustomLogoBitmap=			;Windows 2000 logo
WinMECustomLogoBitmap=			;Windows ME logo
Win98CustomLogoBitmap=			;Windows 98 SE logo

;The next 8 tokens are for customization of the BTW Tray menu and dialog strings.

;Menu choice to disable Bluetooth Device.
STOP_DEVICE_MENU=			;Default if blank is - "Stop the Bluetooth Device".

;Menu choice displayed when device is disabled.
START_DEVICE_MENU=			;Default if blank is - "Start the Bluetooth Device".

;Menu choice which is displayed when device is not present.
DEVICE_DOWN_MENU=§ä¤£¨ì Bluetooth ¸Ë¸m¡C

;If the above menu is selected BTTray displays a dialog with the following text -
DEVICE_DOWN_DLG_TEXT=			;Default if blank is - "Bluetooth device not found.\nPlease verify that your Bluetooth 
					;device is properly connected and turned on."

;Menu choice which is displayed when device is not present and disabled. (Device is disabled in hardware and software).
DEVICE_DOWN_DISABLE_MENU=		;Default if blank is - "Start the Bluetooth Device".

;If the above menu choice is selected a dialog with the following text is displayed -
DEVICE_DOWN_DISABLE_DLG_TEXT=		;Default if blank is -
					;"Bluetooth device not found.\nPlease verify that your Bluetooth device is 
					;properly connected and turned on."

;Bubble which is displayed when device comes up while SW disabled.  
STILL_DISABLE_BUBBLE_TEXT=		;If blank no bubble is displayed.

;Indicate whether or not the user should have a menu choice to disable Bluetooth device.
TrayDisplayDeviceDisable=Y		;If N, menu choice to disable device is not displayed at all.

;Indicate whether or not the user should be requested to plug-in / turn-on his Bluetoooth device during installation.

ShowDeviceInstallationDialog=Y		; Y or N

;Indicate whether or not the user should be requested to unplug / turn-off his Bluetoooth device during un-installation.

ShowDeviceUninstallationDialog=Y	; Y or N

; The next 5 tokens are customization of support information for BTW software under Add/Remove programs.

PUBLISHER_NAME=TRUST, Inc.		;Software publisher name		;Software publisher URL

SupportPhone=858-453-8400		;Software support phone number		;Software support URL	;Software update URL

;Indicate whether or not you would like to see the product version be appended to the product name 
;in the installation and BTW UI. For example, the appended name will look like
;'TRUST Bluetooth Software' as opposed to 'TRUST Bluetooth Software'

AppendProductVersion=Y			;Enter Y or N

; The next 4 tokens are text strings used by the Lotus Notes agent for sending objects and setting
; the default Bluetooth business card.  These strings will be moved to the resource DLL in the future.


; The following assignments will be used for all PIM-related Services and Client Applications.
; The PIM that is entered for each of the following PIM items will be the PIM that is used
; for that item by the PIM Item Transfer Service, PIM Synchronization Service, PIM Item
; Transfer Client Application and PIM Synchronization Client Application.  If no PIM is
; entered, the default PIM as configured in the 'Internet Programs' in the 
; 'Internet Properties' control panel will be used.  If no PIM is indicated below for a PIM 
; type and if no PIM is indicated in the 'Internet Programs' for that PIM type then that 
; type will not be included in PIM-related services or applications, regardless of whether 
; or not it is selected in the services' or applications' configurations.
; For example, if the following configuration is used in this file:
; Email=					;PIM for Email Messages
; CalendarItems=				;PIM for Calendar Items
; BusinessCards=Outlook Express			;PIM for Business Cards
; Notes=					;PIM for Notes
; and the 'Internet Options' control panel has the following configuration:
; E-mail: Microsoft Outlook
; Calendar: (none)
; Contact list: (none)
; E-mail messages will be stored in Microsoft Outlook,
; Calendar items will not be processed,
; Business cards will be stored in Outlook Express
; Notes will not be processed

Email=				;PIM for Email Messages (Enter - Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus notes
				;                        or blank to use Internet Options default)
CalendarItems=			;PIM for Calendar Items (Enter - Outlook, Lotus notes
				;                        or blank to use Internet Options default)
BusinessCards=			;PIM for Business Cards (Enter - Outlook, Outlook Express, Lotus notes
				;                        or blank to use Internet Options default)
Notes=				;PIM for Notes 		(Enter - Outlook 
				;			 or blank to exclude processing of Notes)

IncludeEmailAttachments=Y       ;Enter Y to include attachments with E-mail sent or received
				;Enter N to exclude attachments from E-mail sent or received

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  LOCAL SERVICES  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

SERVICE_NAME=Àɮ׶ǿé		;Enter service name
Startup=Auto				;Enter startup mode - Manual or Auto
Secure=Y				;Enter security - Y or N		;
AllowModifyReadOnly=N			;Remote user can modify read-only files and folders - Y or N
AllowAccessHidden=N			;Remote users can access hidden files and folders - Y or N
VisualNotification=Y			;Visual notification of connection - Y or N
SoundNotification=notify.wav		;Name of .wav file to play for audio notification of connection
					; (file must be in Media folder rooted in Windows default folder -
					;  e.g. C:\Windows\Media)
					; or 'N' for no audio notification







RemoteServices=GN 			;Enter type of service to offer, 
					;GN - for network connection from other devices, 
					;NAP - for internet access or 
					;N - for no network access 


SERVICE_NAME=Bluetooth §Ç¦C°ð




SendBusinessCard=Y			;Send business card when requested - Y or N

; Indicate which items will be accepted (see [PIMs] section above to configure which
; PIM each item will be stored in.)					

AcceptBusinessCards=Y			;Enter Y to accept Business Cards, N to reject					
AcceptCalendarItems=Y			;Enter Y to accept calendar items, N to reject
AcceptEmail=Y				;Enter Y to accept emails, N to reject 
AcceptNotes=Y				;Enter Y to accept notes, N to reject
AcceptOtherTypes=Y			;Enter Y to save to Bluetooth Exchange Folder, N to reject



;Indicate which items will be synchronized (see [PIMs] section above to configure which
;PIMs will be used for synchronizing each item.)

SyncBusinessCards=Y			;Enter whether or not to Sync Business Cards - Y or N
SyncCalendarItems=Y			;Enter whether or not to Sync Calendar Items - Y or N
SyncEmail=Y				;Enter whether or not to Sync Email Messages - Y or N
SyncNotes=Y				;Enter whether or not to Sync Notes - Y or N

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;      CLIENT APPLICATION    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

APP_NAME=¦Lªí¾÷					;Enter client application name












APP_NAME=Bluetooth §Ç¦C°ð





SyncBusinessCards=Y			;Enter whether or not to Sync Business Cards - Y or N
SyncCalendarItems=Y			;Enter whether or not to Sync Calendar Items - Y or N
SyncEmail=Y				;Enter whether or not to Sync Email Messages - Y or N
SyncNotes=Y				;Enter whether or not to Sync Notes - Y or N

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;      CUSTOM APPLICATIONS    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; Enter custom application(s) that could be executed from Bluetooth Tray. 
; Enter the menu text for the application and the application name in the following format:
; BTTRAY_APP_TEXT1=Customer Application 1 	;BTTray menu text for Application 1
; BTTrayAppExec1=custapp1.exe             	;Executable for Application 1
; BTTRAY_APP_TEXT1=Customer Application 2   	;BTTray menu text for Application 2
; BTTrayAppExec2=custapp2.exe             	;Executable for Application 2
; ...
; Add more entries if necessary.
; The custom application(s) should be placed in the installer folder at the time of installation.

BTTRAY_APP_TEXT1=				;BTTray menu text for Application 1
BTTrayAppExec1=		  	        	;Executable for Application 1
BTTRAY_APP_TEXT2=   				;BTTray menu text for Application 2
BTTrayAppExec2=		                	;Executable for Application 2

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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