README.TXT Driver File Contents (

Phoenix Technologies, Ltd.                      May 1996
2575 McCabe Way
Irvine, CA  92714 USA

                 PhoenixCard Manager(tm) Version 4.01
   PhoenixCard Manager 4.01 complies with the latest PC Card 16 PCMCIA
specification, including DMA support, mixed voltage (5.0/3.3),
multi-function (MFC) cards, increased input/output to 16 bits and enhanced
power management. In addition, new host silicon is also supported.  The
driver set name changed from "PCMPlus" or "PCM" to "PhoenixCard Manager".
   PhoenixCard Manager will install and load using MS DOS 5.0 and above,
PC DOS 6.0 and above, MS Windows 3.1, MS Windows 3.11 and MS Windows for
Workgroups 3.11.

Listed below are the drivers and utilities included with this release.
=============== =============================== ===========================
Driver name     Description                     Comments
=============== =============================== ===========================
PCMSSIT.EXE     Socket Services Intel 82365A/B  No change from 3.20
PCMSSTI.EXE     Socket Serv TI 1030/1050        Added (3.3v)
PCMSS130.EXE    Socket Serv TI 1130             Added (R2 mode) (3.3v)
PCMSSCL.EXE     Socket Services Cirrus Logic    Enhanced (3.3v)
PCMSSCL2.EXE    Socket Services CL 6722         Added (3.3v)
PCMSSCL9.EXE    Socket Services CL 6729/30      Updated for 6730  (3.3v)
PCMSSPP.EXE     Socket Services PPEC & Omega    Added Omega 82C094 (3.3v)
PCMSSR96.EXE    Socket Services Ricoh 396       Added (3.3v)
PCMSSRC.EXE     Socket Services Ricoh 5C266/366 No change from 3.20
PCMSSV69.EXE    Socket Services Vadem 469       Added (3.3v)
PCMSSVD.EXE     Socket Services Vadem 365/465   No change from 3.20
PCMSSVLS.EXE    Socket Services VLSI            No change from 3.20
PCMSSDB.EXE     Socket Serv Databook 86082A/B   No change from 3.20

DPMS.EXE        DOS protected mode services     No change from v3.20
CNFIGNAM.EXE    Configuration name              No change from v3.20
PCMCS95.EXE     Card services                   Updated for PC Card 16
PCMRMAN.SYS     CONFIG.SYS resource mgr         Updated for PC Card 16
PCMSCD.EXE      Super Client Driver (tm)        Updated for PC Card 16
PCMATA.SYS      ATA driver                      Updated for PC Card 16

PCMFFCS.EXE     Flash file system driver        Updated for PC Card 16
PCMMTD.EXE      Memory Technology Driver        Added AMD series D support
PCMAPM.EXE      APM version 1.1 driver          Added for v4.01

PCM.EXE         DOS-based PCM info utility      Updated for PC Card 16
DEINSTAL.EXE    Deinstallation utility          No change from v3.20
DEINST.TXT      Deinstallation database         Updated
PCMRMAN.EXE     Command line resource mgr       Updated for PC Card 16
PCMFDISK.EXE    Fixed disk utility              Updated for PC Card 16
=============== =============================== ===========================

The changes from PCM v3.20 include:

        *  PC Card 16 Compliant
        *  Additional host silicon support
        *  Enhanced Windows-based Setup/Install
        *  Enhanced DOS/Windows-based information utilities
        *  DMA support
        *  Mixed Voltage (5.0v and 3.3v Vcc)
        *  Multi-function cards
        *  Input/Output range increased to 16 bits
        *  Enhanced Power Management

PhoenixCard Manager 4.01 includes PC Card 16 (16 bit), and excludes
CardBus (32 bit).


PhoenixCard Manager 4.01 is implemented on an x86 architecture platform and
is accessed through Interrupt 1Ah, with services based at 80h.  A client
sets the host registers (see PC Card Standard Appendix C, Socket
Services Bindings) for the desired service and executes Interrupt 1Ah;
status is returned using the Carry flag and registers specific to the
service invoked.

After socket services initializes itself, it enumerates the
capabilities of the implementation, including number of adapters, number
of sockets, (PCI) bridge, and whether 16-bit PC Card windows are
supported.  Socket services also determines the power management
capabilities and indicators for each adapter.

During runtime, socket services notifies its client (card services)
status changes, including card insertion, card extraction, low battery,
dead battery, and READY changes.  Socket services also supports steering
and enabling status change interrupts from an adapter, but the client
(card services) installs a status change interrupt handler on the
hardware interrupt level selected to receive such interrupts.  Card
services may bypass these status change interrupts and use the timer
ticks to poll for status changes.  When an adapter detects a status
change, it generates a hardware interrupt which invokes the client's
(card services) callback handler using socket services
AcknowledgeInterrupt services to determine which socket experienced the
status change.  It then records this information and completes the
interrupt processing.  Later, during background processing, the client
(card services) determines which sockets require attention and uses
GetStatus to determine the state and action(s) required.

Socket services provides controls for conserving adapter power, with two
conservation modes: a) reduced power with all state information
maintained, and b) reduced power without state information.  These
levels are established by SetAdapter.  Using InquireAdapter, socket
services reports the level of power management control.  Independent
controls and are provided to set Vcc, Vpp1, and Vpp2 power levels.
Socket services provides a list of supported levels and then allows
power adjustment based on an index into that list.

PC Card Standard, Volume 6, Socket Services Specification, section 5
Program Interface, details the core socket services function provided by
PhoenixCard Manager's PCMSSxxx.EXE drivers.

        ======================= ==================
                                Socket Services
        Silicon                 Driver name
        ======================= ==================
        Cirrus Logic 6710       PCMSSCL.EXE
        Cirrus Logic 6720       PCMSSCL.EXE
        Cirrus Logic 6722       PCMSSCL2.EXE
        Cirrus Logic 6729 PPHA  PCMSSCL9.EXE
        Cirrus Logic 6730       PCMSSCL9.EXE
        Databook 86082A/B       PCMSSDB.EXE
        Intel 82365SLA/B        PCMSSIT.EXE
        Intel 82092 PPEC        PCMSSPP.EXE
        Intel 82365 100% compat PCMSSIT.EXE
        Omega 82C094            PCMSSPP.EXE
        Ricoh RF5C266/366       PCMSSRC.EXE
        Ricoh 396               PCMSSR96.EXE
        Texas Instr 1030        PCMSSTI.EXE
        Texas Instr 1050        PCMSSTI.EXE
        Texas Instr 1130        PCMSS130.EXE
        Vadem 365/465           PCMSSVD.EXE
        Vadem V6469             PCMSSV69.EXE
        VLSI                    PCMSSVLS.EXE

Parameters      Description
--------------  ---------------------------------------
6730            [Added in 4.01] required on some Cirrus 6729 silicon
SO=n            Define socket count 1 .. 4
Rs=n		Reserve socket #n
RW=n		Reserve SocketWindow #n
APOFF 		Disable auto-power-off
LOCK	  	Enable card lock
ADDWAIT=n 	Add n wait states to socket windows
CMDEVID=n 	Set Configuration Manager ID
USELEVEL  	Set IRQ's to level mode
T500	  	Use Ring Indicator/IRQ15
VPP8	  	Set Vpp power mode for Databook
NO3V            [Added in 4.01] Ignore 3 volt cards, use 5V only.
NOCM	  	Ignore configuration manager
PCI_CLOCK=nn	set to 25 or 33  to indicate PCI Clock speed
PCI_WRITE_BUFF	Enable PCI Post write buffers
PCI_READ_BUFF	Enable PCI Prefetch Read Buffers
PCI_TIMING	Enable Enhanced PCI timing mode
VSX    		Enable external Vss sensing on Vadem 469 while in basic mode

NO3V may be required, especially under these conditions:
  o Cirrus Logic 67xx controller
  o When using older PC Cards (older Sundisk, older ATA, Series I flash)
  o If the system hardware does not support 3 volts (that is, the
    3 volt rail was not wired).

Cards compliant with the PC Card Standard are referred to as 'PC Cards.'
PhoenixCard Manager 4.01 is PC Card 16 compliant, which includes data
storage or memory cards (ATA, SRAM, flash), Input/Output cards (modems,
fax/modems, serial communication, etc.), 5.0/3.3 volt operation, Direct
Memory Access (DMA) and multi-function cards (e.g. LAN and modem card in a
PC CARD type II form factor).

In addition, PhoenixCard Manager 4.01 has extended and enhanced features,
including adding two new DMA functions; Input/Output width increased from
10-bits to 16-bits; added support for PC Card client drivers
(RegisterClient); and support for APM version 1.1.

PC Cards plug into sockets on a host system, an IBM PC compatible system,
running MS/PC DOS version 5.0 or above, Microsoft Windows version 3.10,
Microsoft Windows version 3.11, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.11.
Host systems have one or more sockets and these sockets may be grouped
together on one or more adapters.  Adapters usually generate a hardware
interrupt (usually 10 or 15) when a status change (card insertion, card
extraction, low battery, etc.) occurs.

In addition to single-function PC Cards, card services supports client
drivers that configure multi-function PC cards (usually fax/modem and
LAN combination).

Parameter       Description
--------------- ---------------------------------------------------
ADDR=nn         Sets internal memory window to address xx00:0000
CLIENTS=n       Allows n clients to register
DBLRESET        [New 4.01] Resets controller twice, enables some ATA cards
EMS             [Obsolete and replaced by DPMS XMS driver]
FLASH           [Obsolete and not required]
IRQ=n           Enables IRQ=n for status change interrupts
MAXFN=n         Maximum multi-functions per socket (2)
MCA             Enables Microchannel compatibility mode
NOBEEP          Disables audible tone when card inserted
NOPM            [eliminated in PCM 4.0] replaced by /PCL
PCL=n           Power Control Level
PMOFF           [Obsolete and replaced by PCL=]
POLL            Poll for card status changes 18/second
QDEPTH=n        Depth of flash card erase queue
REGIONS=n       Use n number of memory regions
RM              Disable DPMS services and use Real Mode
VCC_ON          Unconditionally enable Vcc voltage
VERSION=210     Force getCardServicesInfo call to return level 2.10
WAIT=n          Delays n x 55ms before configuring IO card
XIRQ=xxxx       Bitmap of unavailable interrupts

If during card services' initialization the host system has zero status
change interrupts available, card services will default to and
subsequently use the polling method (POLL) and overrides any IRQ=nn
parameter specified in PCM.INI.

In PCI system, edit PCM.INI to change card services' default memory window
to /ADDR=D0 and exclude the memory range C000-CFFF from PCMRMAN.

Some Socket Communications Ethernet PC Cards require the parameter /VCC_ON
in PCM.INI to configure and operate.

If the host system is APM 1.1 compliant, the power control level (PCL)
defaults to /PCL=3.  If it's APM 1.0 compliant, power control level
defaults to /PCL=2.  Edit PCM.INI file to changes these defaults.
PhoenixCard Manager assumes APM 1.x and POWER.EXE are installed.  Listed
below are the effects of using either power control level:
-------  ------------------------------- --------------------------------
Option   Advantage                       Side Effect
-------  ------------------------------- --------------------------------
/PCL=2   Maximum power savings.  When    When the host system suspends,
         the host system suspends, Card  any PC Card modem or LAN connection
         Services artificially extracts  may be lost because card services
         the card, thus removing power   removes power from the PC Card.
         from the card, preserving
         battery life.
         (APM 1.0 default)

/PCL=3   Continue applying voltage to    Inserted cards remain 'hot'
         the PCMCIA socket and PC Cards  drawing current from the host
         whether or not the host system  battery, which could reduce
         has suspended.                  battery life by 5 to 25%.
         (APM 1.1 default).

/PCL=4   May enable older fax/modem      Same as PCL=3.
         cards, especially cards
         displaying "Information


PhoenixCard Manager's resource managers (PCMRMAN.SYS and PCMRMAN.EXE)
were updated and modified to comply with PC Card standard.  These new
features include:

   DMA support for eight DMA channels, zero through seven.
   Added two DMA options to PCM.INI under install.resources
  Increased the Input/Output range from 10-bits to 16-bits.

Resource Manager Parameters

NOSCAN          Disable automatic resource scan
IO=nnnn         Specify Input/Output range

DMA=n-n         Specify DMA range
XDMA=n-n        Exclude DMA range
MEM=nnnn-nnnn   Specify memory range
XMEM=nnnn-nnnn  Exclude memory range
IO=nnnn-nnnn    Specify IO range
XIO=nnnn-nnnn   Exclude memory range
IRQ=n-n         Specify IRQ range
XIRQ=n-n        Exclude IRQ range
MAP             Display resource map
?               Help

Note: DMA channel 4 (cascade) and Channel 2 (floppy disk drive) are
often used by the host system.


Super Client Driver(tm) takes advantage of the new PC Card 16 of
card services' features, including multifunction cards, Direct Memory
Access (DMA) support advanced power management, mixed voltage (Vcc
either 3.3 or 5.0), and uses the adjust_configuration API.

These multifunction cards were tested with version 4.01.  Others may also
configure and function properly:

3COM  Etherlink III - 3C562     28.8 Modem/Ethernet LAN (new CIS only)
Angia Communications            28.8 Data/Fax & Ethernet LAN
TEL                             ATA+Modem
Epson                           14.4 Data/Fax & Ethernet LAN
IBM                             Home & Away Data/Fax & Ethernet LAN
National Semiconductor          Data/Fax & Ethernet LAN Reference Design
Rockwell Intl                   Data/Fax & Ethernet LAN Reference Design
SMC                             14.4 Data/Fax & Ethernet LAN
TDK                             14.4 Data/Fax & Ethernet LAN

Using the Phoenix-proprietary, advanced power management features
defined in the card services' PCL parameter, Super Client Driver(tm)
controls the level of power to fax/modem PC Cards, including maintaining
full power for Ring Indicator (wake up on modem ring) to removing power
from the card to conserve battery life in a portable PC system.

The PC Card standard allows cards to use either 3.3 volts or 5.0
volts, as specified in the CIS.  When Super Client Driver(tm) reads and
parses the CIS, it determines the card's voltage requirements and,
through card services, applies the specified Vcc voltage.

Card services has new support for the adjust_configuration, which Super
Client Driver(tm) uses when configuring, modifying and unconfiguring PC

When PCMCSD successfully configures a card, it sounds the speaker similar
to an insertion tone.  Thus, the user will hear a "double beep" when
fax modem cards are configured.  All other cards will have a single beep
when the cards is inserted.  All cards have a single beep when extracted.


PCMATA.SYS recognizes, configures and supports AT Attachment cards,
which customarily are 1.8" rotating media hard drives in a
PC Card type III form factor.  Two exceptions to this custom are Sundisk/
Sundisk PC Cards (type II form factor), which use flash hardware, but
appear as ATA drives to the client driver.

PCMATA.SYS takes advantage of the new PC Card of card
services' features, including multifunction cards, mixed voltage (Vcc
either 3.3 or 5.0), and uses the adjust_configuration.

The PC Card 16 standard allows cards to use either 3.3 volts or 5.0
volts, as specified in the CIS.  When PCMATA reads and parses the CIS,
it determines the card's voltage requirements and, through card
services, applies the specified Vcc voltage.

Card services has new support for the adjust_configuration, which PCMATA
uses when configuring, modifying and unconfiguring PC Cards.


Without user intervention, virtually all resource conflicts (memory, IRQ,
IO, DMA) are detected and seamlessly resolved.

Event triggered associates allow the user to customize their desktop
environment.  For example, PhoenixCard Manager can launch a communications
application when a fax/modem PC Card is inserted.  Other sophisticated,
multi-level associations are user selectable.


All drivers may be loaded into upper memory blocks (UMBs) to
conserve low DOS memory.  Drivers are loaded into upper memory by 1)
editing the CONFIG.SYS file to manually load the drivers high, 2) using
Quarterdeck's QEMM's configuration utility, and 3) using Microsoft's
MEMMAKER.  The first two methods successfully loaded the drivers high
and configured a variety of PC Cards. Microsoft's MEMMAKER, however,
often fails to load PhoenixCard Manager drivers high.

Some older, out-of-date PC Cards, especially those with non-
standard card information structures (CIS), my cause the DOS error
message "Internal Stack Overflow."  (Adaptec EZ-SCSI APA-1460).

Early versions of the Xircom Ethernet+Modem II card will not configure
using PhoenixCard Manager, as the card information structure (CIS) may
not be comply with existing standards.  Xircom is aware of this issue.

Many modern laptops use a considerable number of resources (system
memory, IRQs, and IO ports), especially for card event interrupts and
ATA IO lines.  On some systems (eg. TI 4000M) edit PCM.INI to use this
parameter  when using a PC Card (eg. Maxtor, Integral, Western
Digital, MiniStor, etc).  Other parameters may have been added by


This parameter option will force all ATA devices to use memory range
0170 to 017F for PCMCIA ATA drive activity.

(2583) Also with the TI TravelMate 4000, when configuring an IBM
Ethernet PC Card, IRQ 5 (audio subsystem) may incorrectly be
reported as available.

(2658) Some 3COM Ethernet cards require and additional command line
parameter on socket services.  First attempt to use and configure
the 3COM PC Card (do not Add to list) using PhoenixCard Manager's and
3COM's LAN drivers.  If this fails and as a last resort, edit PCM.INI
and reserve the socket:

This parameter will exclude socket zero from socket services and all
other PhoenixCard Manager's drivers.  Thus, the socket will be essentially
disabled for all other cards.

Another resource conflict can occur with IRQs.  When a modem or fax/modem
card is inserted, it normally uses IRQ=3 or IRQ=4, depending on the options
chosen during Setup/Install (see PCM.INI file, and the "COMORDER=x"
option).  If another hardware device (eg mouse) is already using an IRQ (eg
3) and the just-inserted fax card also uses that same IRQ, both hardware
devices will fail, until the conflict is resolved.

PCMVCD.386 was enhanced to accommodate Netscape (Shiva) software.

PCMMTD.EXE was enhanced to accommodate Intel Series 100 and Carry
flash devices.

Because some TI 1130 silicon has enhanced, built-in safety features, Sundisk
ATA PC Cards and the TDK LAN LAC-CD021L PC Card (which initializes at 5
volts but operates at 3.3 volts) may not configure.  This may be corrected
in subsequent revisions of the TI 1130.

Similarly, a Sundisk ATA PC Card that is cold-inserted into Cirrus 6730
silicon may not configure because of the built-in protection against
powering a card up at 5 volts when the voltage sensing indicates 3.3 volts.

Likewise, laptops using the Vadem 469 PCMCIA controller cannot configure
older (circa 1993) memory and ATA PC Cards, specifically the Sundisk ATA
(eg. SDPL5-10) and Integral 40mb, as the card confuses the controller into
a spurious 3.3 volt configuration.  This hardware anomoly is uncorrectable
with driver software.

The Omega microcontroller has shown some anomalies during testing and has
some difficulty configuring some modem cards.

(3141) If a PC Card's CIS is invalid, corrupt or missing, the information
from that card may show as a "Memory Card."  The WD Caviar PC Card, for
example, lacks a CIS.  Thus PhoenixCard Manager may display "Memory Card"
or "Unconfigured," yet it may successfully function as an ATA drive.

PCFFCS was enhanced to decrease upper memory footprint.  Most flash
cards require only 4K upper unused upper memory per socket to operate.  The
following cards will use 12K per socket for enhanced writing performance, if
unused upper memory is available:

        AMD Series B and C  (series D uses 4K only)
        Hyundai MBM29F040A (JEDEC ID is Fujitsu)

The following cards will use 8K per socket (if available) for enhanced
writing performance:

        Intel Series II+

PCMATA was enhanced to decrease upper memory footprint.  SRAM cards
now require only 4K unused upper memory per socket to operate.

(2605)  With the IBM combination card (1 megabyte flash and 1 megabyte
SRAM card), make certain that the PCMATA driver has the /SX=2 parameter.
Either scan the PCM.INI file for this parameter, or (recommended) run
SETUP and increase the number of partitions to 2.  The User's manual
has more details on running SETUP under Windows.

(xxxx) Intel Series I Flash cards will successfully configure and operate in
systems using a 386 or 486 processor.  If the host system uses a Pentium (or
later) processor, Intel Series I Flash cards usually fail.  The reason is
slow flash hardware.  To delay flash read/write operations, flash drivers
load the CX register with a constant value, then loops to cause a delay.
This technique always works on 386/486 processors.  Smarter pipelined
Pentiums, however, recognize that CX style timing loops are essentially
NOPs, and fail to cause the required delay.  Other delay techniques (eg port
40) have more significant and negative side effects, such as causing MS
Windows to fail. If a software solution exists, Phoenix will implement that
solution in a future release.

MS Windows uses the reserved ampersand (&) character for its internal use.
Avoid using an ampersand in PCMSetup's input fields, especially in the
Company Name input area.

Newer PCI systems use the C000-CFFF range.  The Card Services 4K memory
window default should be changed from /ADDR=C8 to /ADDR=D0 in the
PCM.NEW file.  Also exclude_mem=0xc0-0xcf to disallow the entire Cxxx
memory range.


The PhoenixCard Manager Technical Reference Manual includes topics such as
customizing PCM.INI and PCMINST.TXT/DEINST.TXT, Power Management, ROM
bootability, Writing a Client Driver, Advanced Troubleshooting and other
topics.  It is available in electronic form from  Limited
printed copies are available from your Phoenix Sales Representative.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Added the /NO3V parameter to Socket Services, which may be required,
especially under these hardware conditions:

  o Cirrus Logic 6729 or 6730 socket controller
  o When using older PC Cards (older Sundisk, older ATA drives,
    Series I flash, etc).
  o If the system hardware does not support 3 volts (that is, the
    3 volt rail was not wired by the OEM).

Also added the /6730 parameter to Socket Services, which may be required,
especially under these hardware conditions:

  o Some early revisions of the Cirrus Logic 6729 socket controller
  o When using older PC Cards (older Sundisk, older ATA drives,
    Series I flash, etc).

With an older Sundisk card inserted, when using revision 3 of the TI1130,
Card Services may display an Error #12.  Though the TI 1130 rev 3 silicon
was distributed to several OEM customers, revision 4 corrects this issue.
Thus, end users should never see this problem.

With some Toshiba systems (especially Toshiba 2100) the PCM driver
PCMAPM.EXE may display, "APM BIOS rejected our request, installation
aborted."  Simply REMark out the PCMAPM.EXE driver in CONFIG.SYS, like this:


(Technically, calling this BIOS with an interrupt 15h does not yield the
BCD version number, per the specification.)

Added support for the Intel Flash Series 100 PC Card and for the
Carry flash cards.

Added the /DBLRESET parameter to Card Services, which may be required,
especially to configure and enable some version of the Integral 40mb ATA
PC Card.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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