Info.txt Driver File Contents (

Instructions for updating the software of the HD-Vision 32 Windows-based PC‘s)

The operating manual for the HD-Vision 32 is available for downloading in PDF format for the  Acrobat Reader at: 

First, copy the following programmes into a directory of your choice, 
e.g.. C:\Technisat


You now have two options for updating the set:
1.) serial update via a RS232 interface
2.) update with a USB Flash Stick

It is sufficient to update the set with just one of these options.
It is not necessary to perform both updating options in order to bring your software up to the current status.

Instructions serial update

Check that the following settings have been selected for the COM port you wish to use to perform the update (Windows: System controls/System/Hardware manager):

Bits per second:	115200
Data bits:		8
Parity:			none
Stop bits:		1
Protocol:		Hardware

To download the software, you will require a serial cable with the following configuration:

Sub-D 9-pin male         Sub-D 9-pin female

The RS 232 update cable is also available as article number 0000/3622.
This cable is used to connect the RS 232 interface of the TV set with a COM port of the PC.
Now switch on the set, and select any programme.
If the update is being downloaded via COM1, start the download software with DOWN.BAT, or with DOWN2.BAT if the COM2 port is being used.
When the download has been successfully completed, please switch off the set using the mains switch, then switch it on again. When the set has been switched on again, the software will be transferred internally in the set, and then stored to memory. This procedure will take about 3 minutes, and a blinking LED on the set will indicate the procedure. The set is then ready for use again. 

The serial download software will not run under DOS, but only under 
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP.
Once the update has been started, the updating procedure may NOT be interrupted.
If an error occurs, or if the duration of the update is more than 10 minutes, repeat the whole procedure.

Instructions USB update

To update the set via the USB interface, you will require a standard commercial USB flash stick.
Format this USB flash stick using the file system"FAT32".
Now copy the software file "HDV32_xxxx_xxxx.pad" onto the stick.

If you wish to perform only a single update, you must now also copy the file "singleupdate" onto the USB flash stick.
If you wish to perform several updates using this USB flash stick, you must copy the file "autoupdate" onto the USB flash stick.

Avoid storing more than one PAD software file on the USB flash stick at any one time.
The files "autoupdate" and "singleupdate" should likewise not be stored on the USB flash stick simultaneously

Now switch the TV set to stand-by, and insert the USB flash stick in the USB port of the set. You can now switch on the set. After a few seconds the message "USB memory device detected" will be displayed on the screen.
While the update is in progress, the message 
"Loading software from USB memory device“ will be displayed. When the screen shows the message "Software loaded. Remove USB memory device“, the update has been completed, and you can remove the stick again.
The message „Set is now being re-started“ will be displayed briefly.
The set will switch itself off, and then on again. After the set has been switched on again, the  software will be transferred internally in the set, and stored to memory. This procedure will take about 3 minutes, and a blinking LED on the set will indicate the procedure. The set is then ready for use again. 

If the USB update does not start, please go through all the above steps once more, or try a different  USB flash stick.

(c) TechniSat 2006
Subject to change without notice
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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