README.TXT Driver File Contents (lnt10tn44.exe)

                  Driver Diskette (Ver 4.4)  Overview
                     For Ethernet PCMCIA Adapter

                       1.  DISKETTE CONTENTS
                       2.  CLIENT DRIVER
                       4.  DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM
                       5.  NETWARE DOS ODI DRIVER
                       6.  PACKET DRIVER
                       7.  NDIS 3.1 DRIVER FOR WINDOWS 95/98/98_ME/2000/XP
                       8.  NDIS DRIVER FOR WINDOWS NT 4.0
                       9.  SystemSoft CardSoft V3.11


      Files and
      Subdirectories      Contents
      \ENABLE.EXE          PCMCIA Client Driver
      \CARDTEST.EXE        PCMCIA Card Diagnostic Program
      \README.TXT          This file
      \ODI                 Novell Netware DOS ODI Driver
      \PKTDRV              FTP Compliant Packet Driver
      \WIN95               NDIS 3 Driver for Windows 95
      \WIN98               NDIS 4 Driver for Windows 98
      \WIN98_ME            NDIS 4 Driver for Windows 98
      \WIN2000             NDIS 4 Driver for Windows 2000
      \WINXP               NDIS 5 Driver for Windows XP
      \WINNT40             NDIS 4 Driver for Windows NT 4.0
      \Manual              Manual Document

[2] CLIENT DRIVER (For DOS and Windows 3.1 Only)

      The CLIENT DRIVER is a  PCMCIA  controller enable  program. This enable
      program only need for DOS and Windows 3.1 system. You should installed
      the Socket and Card service in your Notebook  before executing the
      client driver.If you do not have the Socket or card service program,
      please call the Notebook vendor.The client driver will keep resident for
      handle  card  inseration  and  removal events.  This feature can prevent
      system crash when remove the card from socket.
      To load the client driver, type

          ENABLE [/INT=x][/PORT=xxx][/MEM=xxxx][/U][/?]

      in DOS command line, or

          DEVICE=[PATHNAME]ENABLE.EXE [/INT=x][/PORT=xxx][/MEM=xxxx][/U][/?]

      in config.sys file.


          [/INT=x]     This specifies the hardware interrupt (IRQ) where your
                       card will be indicated.
                       The valid IRQs are 2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,15.

          [/PORT=xxx]  This specifies the I/O address. The valid ports are 240,

          [/MEM=xxxx]  This specifies the memory window address. The valid
                       MEMs are D000, D400, D800, DC00.

          [/U]         This specifies the client driver will free the resident
                       program when the card is remove from socket.

          [/?]         This specifies to indicate the program to display all
                       the possible syntax only.

      The default syntax is:

                ENABLE /INT=5 /PORT=300 /MEM=D400

      After you executed the ENABLE.EXE, you will see the following display for
      make sure install successful. Especially you must see the Node ID value.

                Socket        : 0                   (for example)
                IRQ Number    : 05                  (for example)
                I/O PORT Base : 0300H               (for example)
                Memory Address: D400H               (for example)

      Here is the list of error messages the driver may display and correction
      method we suggested:

      [Error 1]
           "Ethernet Card Enabler Fail in Request IRQ."
           The IRQ number which you specified is not supported by the Card
           Service or in conflict with other device.
           (Correction:) To change the IRQ number to other valid value
                         list above.

      [Error 2]
           "Ethernet Card Enabler Fail in Request IO Port."
           The IO port which you specified is not supported by the Card Service or
           in conflict with other device.
           (Correction:) To change the IO port to other valid value list above.

      [Error 3]
           "Ethernet Card Enabler Fail in Request Memory Window."
           The memory window address which you specified is not supported by
           the Card Service or in conflict with other device.
           (Correction:) To change the memory window address to other valid
                         value list above.

      [Error 4]
           "Ethernet Card Enabler Fail in General Error."
           Register service fail with Card Service program.
           (Correction:) To reboot system and try again.

      [Error 5]
           "Card Service is not compliant with Version 2.10,2.01 or 2.00 !"
           (Correction:) To re-install a new Card Service.

      [Error 6]
           "NIC not Active ! Enable again."
           May be the Ethernet controller malfunction.
           (Correction:) To contack with your dealer.

      [Error 7]
           "May be the Card Service version is too old."
           "Please re-install new version of Card Service."
           (Correction:) To re-install a new Socket and Card Services.

      [Error 8]
           "Parameter Too Long."
            The Parameters of ENABLE is too long.
            (Correction:) To reference the default syntx list above and
                          correct it.
      [Error 9]
           "Unknown Parameters."
            Syntax error of ENABLE.EXE.
            (Correction:) To reference the default syntx list above and
                          correct it.
      [Error 10]
           "Invalid Value !"
            An invalid parameter value.
            (Correction:) To reference the valid values list above and
                          correct it.
      [Warning 1]
           "The PCMCIA Ethernet Client Driver had already been resident."
           The ENABLE.EXE is executed.
            (Correction:) To reboot your system.


      For those who installed EMM386.EXE in your config.sys, please exclude
      memory address D400-D7FF from your system. PCMCIA Ethernet card enabler
      program will use this space to read Ethernet ID and CIS from on-board
      flash memory.
                DEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=D400-D7FF
                DEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=D000-DFFF

      For those who installed Card and Socket Services device driver in your
      config.sys, please run ENABLE.EXE(see Client Driver) after those device
      drivers. The default configuration is INT=5, PORT=300 and MEM=D400.

      [Phoenix PCM+ V3.0]

      [SystemSoft CardSoft V3.1]
        DEVICE=C:\CARDSOFT\SS365SL.EXE  //Socket Service for Intel Compatible //

      [Award Cardware V2.0]
              [Note] Please do not use PCENABLE.EXE

      [AMI AMICard Manager]
              [Note] Please do not use PCBE.SYS

      [Databook CardTalk V3.02]
        DEVICE=C:\CARDTALK\TMB250.SYS /io:240

      [IBM Thinkpad Socket and Card Services V2.12]


       CARDTEST.EXE is a complete test program that users can make
       sure if the PCMCIA card is good or not. It provides the following
       card test functions:

          . IRQ verify
          . IO base verify
          . RAM test
          . Card Node ID test
          . Internal Loopback test
          . External Loopback test

       [Note] Before execute diagnostic program, you must make sure the client
              driver, ENABLE.EXE, is installed.

[5] Netware DOS ODI Driver

      This directory contains Ethernet DOS ODI driver CARDODI.COM that
      supports NetWare 3.x and 4.x, NetWare Lite and other ODI interface

             CARDODI.COM : DOS/ODI Driver for NetWare 3.x and 4.0.

      The following instructions let you to install Novel NetWare Ver. 386
      DOS ODI Driver :

     5.1 How To Install
        You need following five files to install DOS ODI DRIVER.

           a. LSL.COM           ---- supported by Novell
           b. CARDODI.COM       ---- Novell DOS ODI Driver ,supported
                                     by manufacturer
           c. IPXODI.COM        ---- supported by Novell
           d. NETx.EXE          ---- supported by Novell

           e. NET.CFG           ---- optional,configuration file

        After boot your workstation, type following comments on the console:

                LSL             <Enter>
                CARDODI         <Enter>
                IPXODI          <Enter>
                NETx            <Enter>

        then,you can log in to the file server.

        Normally,  you will need a NET.CFG file to configure your Ethernet
        PCMCIA card.
          You  can  see  Netware 386  Installation  appendix E for more
        information about NET.CFG.

        Below is a sample NET.CFG file:

                LINK DRIVER CARDODI
                    Frame Ethernet_II
                    Frame Ethernet_802.3
                    Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3
[6] Packet Driver

      The driver CARDPD.COM can be used for Ethernet PCMCIA adapter.

      To load the packet driver , type CARDPD 0x60.

      CARDPD syntax:

      CARDPD [-n] [-d] [-w]  <PACKET_INT_NO> [IRQ] [IO_BASE]


      [-n]         Convert ETHERNET II header to IEEE 802.3 header.

      [-d]         Do not start LAN card until this driver is
                   called by the higher layer programs first.

      [-w]         Running under Windows environment.

      <PACKET_INT_NO>    This specifies the software interrupt (IRQ) where
                         you'll load the packet driver. It must be in the range
                         0x60 to 0x80.

      [IRQ]              This specifies the hardware interrupt (IRQ) where your
                         card will be indicated.

      [IO_BASE]          This specifies the I/O address .


         The following command line loads the Ethernet Packet Driver
         at software interrupt 60h, at I/O address 300, at hardware interrupt 5.

                  CARDPD 0x60 0x5 0x300
                      CARDPD 0x60

         Note: The default I/O address is 300 .
         Note: The default hardware interrupt is 9
         Note: The placement of "0x" prior to the parameters.

[7]  NDIS Driver for Windows 95/98/98_ME/2000/XP Installation


     1) Insert the PCMCIA Adapter into the PCMCIA slot.  The system displays
        the "Update Device Driver Wizard" dialog box, press "Next" button.

     2) Select "Other Locations".

     3) Type in "A:\WIN95" or "A:\WIN98" or "A:\WIN98_ME" or "A:\WIN2000" or "A:\WinXP" 
        in the location, where the device information file
        (.INF file) and the driver PCMLAN95.SYS can be found.

     4) Press "OK", the driver then installs itself. If have "Insert Disk"
        dialog box for asking other file, type in your Windows path or
        Windows\system or your Winsows CD-ROM to find the file.

     5) Click "Finish" to complete the installation process.

     6) Reboot the machine to start the network.



     1) Open the Control Panel, and choose Network Settings.
     2) Select the "Adapter".
     3) Click "Add" button.
     4) Press "Have Disk" button.
     5) Type in "A:\WINNT40", Press "OK".
     6) You can see "NE2000 PCMCIA ETHERNET CARD" in the dialog box, Press "OK".
     7) Select free IRQ and I/O address.
     8) Select Type "PCMCIA", Number "0".
     9) Then go back "Network", select "Bindings"
    10) Press "Close" button.
    11) Setting IP Address, asking your Windows NT 4.0 Server Administrator.
    12) Click on "OK" and restart the computer.

[9] SystemSoft's CardSoft 3.11

     Your CardSoft 3.1 software is compatible with PC architectures and
     PC-Cards which comply to the Personal Computer Memory Card International
     Association's (PCMCIA) 2.0 through 2.1 specifications.  This CardSoft
     package consists of drivers and utilities which will allow you to
     utilize your PCMCIA hardware and firmware to the fullest extent.

     Please review this document carefully. There are special software notes
     listed below that might be applicable to your system.

     Installation CardSoft 3.11
     To install the CardSoft is very simple, just type "install" in root
     directory. The installation program will transfer all the files to
     your system automatically.

     CardSoft 3.1 Software Notes


        When using a memory manager you must exclude a memory range
        needed for the CardSoft software.  It is optimal to exclude a 64K
        range.  For example, if using EMM386, the device line listed in
        the CONFIG.SYS file should appear as follow:

                        DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE X=D000-DFFF

        (where X=D000-DFFF excludes the memory range D000-DFFF).


        If your system is designed to conserve battery life through the
        use of Advanced Power Management drivers, it may be necessary to
        load the CardSoft CS_APM driver.  This driver will allow CardSoft
        3.1 to properly handle the Power Management cycles issued by the
        BIOS.  Contact your system vendor to determine if your system
        supports Advanced Power Management.

        To install CS_APM.EXE please edit your CONFIG.SYS file and add
        the following line after the other CardSoft 3.1 files listed:


        Save the CONFIG.SYS file and reboot your system.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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