README Driver File Contents (

      º 								º
      º 			README for				º
      º 								º
      º 	 UM8886BF PCI BUS IDE DEVICE DRIVERS (V3.2)		º
      º 								º

	Included on this diskette are the UM8886BF PCI Bus IDE Device
	Drivers. These drivers are designed to enhance performance for
	the UM8886BF by increasing the I/O data transfer rate between
	IDE hard disk(s) and your system. Each of these drivers can
	support up to 4 hard drives.

	The following files are included :

	 2. INSTALL4.EXE	(V3.0, auto install utility		 )
	 3. DOS\UM8673.SYS	(V3.2, DOS device driver		 )
	 4. Windows\UM8673.386	(V3.2, Windows device driver for V3.1x	 )
	 5. Windows\INT13.386	(V3.2, Windows device driver for V3.1x	 )
	 6. OS2\INSTALL.EXE	(V3.0, Install Utility for V2.x, Warp	 )
	 7. OS2\UMC1S506.ADD	(V3.2, OS/2 device driver for V2.x, Warp )
	 8. OS2\OS2CDROM DMD	(V3.0, OS/2 device driver for V2.x, Warp )
	 9. OS2\IBMIDECD FLT	(V3.0, OS/2 device driver for V2.x, Warp )
	10. NetWare\UMC310.DSK	(V3.2, NetWare device driver for V3.10	 )
	11. NetWare\UMC311.DSK	(V3.2, NetWare device driver for V3.1x	 )
	12. NetWare\UMC401.DSK	(V3.2, NetWare device driver for V4.x	 )
	13. WINNT31\ATDISK.SYS	(V3.0, Windows NT device driver for V3.1 )
	14. WINNT31\INSTALL.EXE (V3.0, Install Utility for Windows NT 3.1)
	15. WINNT31\RESTORE.EXE (V3.0, Restore Utility for Windows NT 3.1)
	16. WINNT35\ATDISK.SYS	(V3.0, Windows NT device driver for V3.5 )
	17. WINNT35\INSTALL.EXE (V3.0, Install Utility for Windows NT 3.5)
	18. WINNT35\RESTORE.EXE (V3.0, Restore Utility for Windows NT 3.5)
	19. SCOUNIX\UM8886B.UNX (V3.0, SCO UNIX device driver for 3.2V4.1 )
	20. Win95\UMC86B.MPD	(V3.2, Windows 95 device driver      )
	21. Win95\UMC86B.INF	(V3.2, Windows 95 device driver INF file )
	22. PU.COM		(V2.0, printer utility			 )

	³     Install Utility for UM8886BF PCI-Bus IDE Controller      ³

	The INSTALL4.EXE utility can detect the speeds of the hard disks
	which are attached on the controller automatically and it also can
	install drivers for you. Please follow the steps below to excute
	this program first.

	I.   Insert this diskette in a floppy disk drive, and close the
	     drive door.

	II.  At the command prompt, type the drive letter of the drive
	     you are using, followed by a colon(:), and then press ENTER.

	III. Type INSTALL4, and then press ENTER.

	IV.  Follow the instructions on the screen to detect hard disk(s)
	     speed and install driver(s).

	In very few cases, this program will yield incorrect values for
	speed. Should this occur, please reduce the drive speed step by
	step until you find the setting at which the system boots and
	becomes stable. If possible, perform burn-in tests with IDE
	operations to ensure the stability of your system.

	³     Install DOS Device Driver for PCI-Bus IDE Controller     ³

	The INSTALL4.EXE utility can install DOS device driver automatically.
	If you want to install DOS device driver manually or change the drive
	speed, please follow the steps below.

	I.   Copy the DOS\UM8673.SYS into the appropriate path.

	II.  Add following statement to your CONFIG.SYS file to auto load the
	     driver during bootup.



	      D<n:m>  Drive n speed m(0-18) ( 0 the lowest )
	      Cyl<n:m>	Drive n(2-3) cylinder number m
	      Hd<n:m>  Drive n(2-3) head number m
	      Sec<n:m>	Drive n(2-3) sector number m
	      F<n>  Enable FIFO for drive n
	      NF<n>  Disable FIFO for drive n

	     For instance, the user wants to load UM8673.SYS with drive 0
	     speed = 6 and FIFO enabled. The DOS driver resides in the root
	     directory of the drive C:. Add the following statement to your
	     CONFIG.SYS file.

		DEVICE = C:\UM8673.SYS /D0:6 /F0

	     You don't need to specify drive speed parameters usually, because
	     the device driver is reconfigured for the optimal speed setting.

	III. Reboot your system.

	³  Install Windows Device Driver V3.x for PCI-Bus IDE Controller    ³

	The INSTALL4.EXE utility can install Windows device driver automatically.
	If you want to install Windows device driver for your system manually
	or change the drive speed, please follow the steps below.

	I.   Copy the Windows\UM8673.386 and Windows\INT13.386 into the
	     appropriate path.

	II.  Check if the following lines exist in the [386Enh] section
	     of your SYSTEM.INI file.


	     If any statement does not exist, please add it to the [386Enh]
	     section. Please add a preceding semi-colon in front of
	     "device=*wdctrl" and "device=*int13" command lines. If
	     "32BitDiskAccess" option is set to be "OFF", Please change
	     it to be "ON".

	III. Add these following statements to the [386Enh] section in your

		device = [drive:][\path\] UM8673.386
		device = [drive:][\path\] INT13.386
		DriveSpeed = [/D<n:m>][/F<n>][/NF<n>]


	      D<n:m> Drive n speed m(0-18)  ( 0 the lowest )
	      F<n>  Enable FIFO for drive n
	      NF<n> Disable FIFO for drive n

	     For instance, the user wants to load Windows drivers with drive 1
	     speed = 11 and FIFO disabled. The Windows drivers reside in
	     the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory of the drive C:. Add the following
	     statements to your SYSTEM.INI file.

		DriveSpeed = /D1:11 /NF1
		device = c:\windows\system\UM8673.386
		device = c:\windows\system\INT13.386

	     You don't need to specify drive speed parameters usually, because
	     the device driver is reconfigured for the optimal speed setting.

	IV.  Reenter your Windows.

	³  Install OS/2 Device Driver V2.x, Warp for PCI-Bus IDE Controller  ³

	The INSTALL.EXE utility can install OS/2 device driver automatically.

	I.   Insert this diskette in a floppy disk drive, and close the
	     drive door.

	II.  At the DOS command prompt, type the drive letter and path
	     you are using, followed by a colon(:), type INSTALL,
	     and then press ENTER. For example,


	III. The Installation Utility will install the OS/2 Device Driver

	If you want to install OS/2 device driver for your system manually,
	please follow the steps below.

	I.   Copy the OS2\UMC1S506.ADD, OS2CDROM.DMD, IBMIDECD.FLT into the
	     OS2 directory of your system for OS/2 V2.x or copy the files
	     into the OS2\BOOT sub-directory of your system for OS/2 V3.0.

	II.  Check if the following line exists in the CONFIG.SYS file.

	       BaseDev = IBM1S506.ADD

	     If the statement exists, please delete it or add "REM" in front
	     of it.

	III. Add this following statement to your CONFIG.SYS file.

	       BaseDev = UMC1S506.ADD [/A:<0 or 1> /IRQ:<irq> /U:<0 or 1> /S:<speed> /F /NF]


	      speed : drive speed setting from 0 to 18	( 0 the lowest )
	      F     : enable FIFO for drive
	      NF    : disable FIFO for drive

	     Note : The user MUST NOT specify either drive or path name.

	     For instance, the user wants to load UMC1S506.ADD with drive
	     (Unit) 0 speed 6 (FIFO disabled) and drive (Unit) 1 speed 11
	     (FIFO enabled) which are attached on Adapter 0. Add the
	     following statement to your CONFIG.SYS file.

	       BaseDev = UMC1S506.ADD /A:0 /U:0 /S:6 /NF /U:1 /S:11 /F

	     You don't need to specify drive speed parameters usually, because
	     the device driver is reconfigured for the optimal speed setting.

	IV.  Reboot your system.

	³      Install NetWare Device Driver for PCI-Bus IDE Controller     ³

	If you want to install NetWare device driver for your system,
	please follow the steps below.

	I.   Copy the NetWare\UMCxxx.DSK into the appropriate path.

	II.  Bring up the NetWare server of your system.

	III. Type the following statement after the ":" prompt

	       :load UMCxxx PORT=<x> INT=<y> [/D<n:m>] [/F<n>] [/NF<n>]


	      x       1F0 or 170
	      y       E or F
	      D<n:m>  Drive n speed m(0-18) ( 0 the lowest )
	      F<n>    Enable FIFO for drive n
	      NF<n>   Disable FIFO for drive n

	     Note : You MUST NOT load the ISADISK.DSK when you are
		    installing UMCxxx.DSK Netware driver.
		    Please unload the ISADISK.DSK, if it is already
		    loaded when the NetWare server brings up.

	     For instance, the user wants to load UMC310.DSK with drive
	     0 speed 6 and drive 1 speed 11 which are attached on the primary
	     controller. Add the following statement after the ":" prompt.

	       :LOAD UMC310 /D0:6 /D1:11 PORT=1F0 INT=E

	     You don't need to specify drive speed and Cylinder, Head, Sector
	     parameters usually, because the device driver is reconfigured for
	     the optimal speed setting and detect the Cylinder, Head, Sector

	³   Install Windows NT Device Driver for PCI-Bus IDE Controller     ³

	I.   Insert this diskette in a floppy disk drive, and close the
	     drive door.

	II.  At the DOS command prompt, type the drive letter and path
	     you are using, followed by a colon(:), type INSTALL,
	     and then press ENTER. For example,


	III. The Installation Utility will install the Windows NT Device
	     Driver automatically.

	³   Restore Windows NT Device Driver for PCI-Bus IDE Controller     ³

	I.   At the DOS command prompt, type the drive letter of the floppy
	     disk drive you are using, followed by a colon(:), type RESTORE,
	     and then press ENTER. For example,


	II.  The Restore Utility will restore the Windows NT Device Driver

	³      Install SCO UNIX Device Driver for PCI-Bus IDE Controller    ³

	If you want to install SCO UNIX device driver for your system,
	please follow the steps below.

	Type the following statements under UNIX system.

	I.   mkdir /um8886b.bin

	II.  cd /um8886b.bin

	III. doscp a:\scounix\um8886b.unx .

	IV.  tar xf - < um8886b.unx

	V.   cd /um8886b.bin

	VI.  ./istl.um8886b

	If you want to remove SCO UNIX device driver from your system,
	please follow the steps below.

	Type the following statements under UNIX system.

	I.   cd /um8886b.bin

	II.  ./rm.um886b

    ³ Install Windows 95 Device Driver for UM8886BF PCI-Bus IDE Controller  ³

	  UMC86B.MPD -- UM8886B PCI IDE Device Driver for Windows 95
	  UMC86B.INF -- Setup Information File for UMC86B.MPD

	  These two files must be located on the same directory of
	  the install floppy diskette.

	  If you want to install UM8886B PCI IDE device driver for
	  Windows 95, please follow the steps below.

       1. Check your system requirements, Windows 95 must be fully installed
	  on your system.

       2. Remove IDE device drivers in the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files,
	  especially any drivers that control ATAPI CD-ROM.

       3. Remove the default installed IDE device drivers.

	  I. Open the Control Panel.

	  II. Invoke the System box.

	  III. Click on the Device Manager button.
	       A list of the system devices will be displayed.

	  IV. Click on the Hard disk controllers record. There may have
	      two cases.

	      Case 1, there should have three instances listed:

	       * Primary IDE Controller (single FIFO)
	       * Secondary IDE Controller (single FIFO)
	       * Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller

	       Please go to step V for case 1.

	      Case 2, there should have two instances listed:

	       * Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller
	       * Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller

	       Please go to step VI for case 2.

	  V. Remove the Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller.
	     1. Select the Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller.
	     2. Click on the remove button.
	     3. Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller.
	     4. go to step VII

	  VI.Remove the Primary & Secondary Controller.
	     1. Select the second instance of the Standard IDE/ESDI Hard
		Disk Controller.
	     2. Click on the remove button.
	     3. Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller.
	     4. Select the remaining instance of the Standard IDE/ESDI Hard
		Disk Controller .
	     5. Click on the remove button.
	     6. Select Yes when prompted to remove this controller.
	     7. go to step VII

	  VII. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95,
	       and restart Windows 95.

       4. Windows 95 will report a Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller or
	  Standard ESDI/IDE Controller has been detected in the system.
	  Select driver from disk provided by hardware manufactures.

       5. Insert the folppy diskette containing the driver files into
	  the floppy drive.

       6. Choose OK to load the driver from the floppy drive.

       7. Specify the full path of the drivers, and then choose OK.

       8. Select Yes when prompted to re-start Windows 95.

	  After installation, the UMC86B.MPD is stored in the
	  c:\<Windows 95 directory>\System\IoSubsys directory.

       ³ Install ColorMode Screen HardCopy Utility for PCI-Bus IDE Controller ³

	The UMC ColorMode screen hardcopy utility is a terminate and stay
	resident (TSR) program that provides high quality printouts using
	the IBM standard color mode and most Super VGA VESA BIOS Extensions.
	This utility was written for IBM PC,XT,AT and compatiables that
	employ some UMC components, such as UM8672, UM8673, and UM8886(A).
	We assume no responsibility for this utility, and make absolutely no
	warranties as to its use. This package is provided only for your

	If you want to install ColorMode Screen HardCopy Utility for your
	system, please type the following statement under DOS command prompt.

	 PU.COM [/Q<H|L>][/D<3|6>][/O<P|L>][/P<1|2|3|4>][/C<0001~9999>][/R][/H][/?]


	      Q: printing quality;
		 /QH for high quality (default), /QL for low quality
	      D: printer DPI;
		 /D3 for 300DPI (default), and /D6 for 600DPI
	      O: printing orientatation;
		 /OP for portrait, /OL for landscape (default)
	      P: printer port selection;
		 /P1 for LPT1 (default), /P2 for LPT2, etc.
	      C: setup paper count /Cn;
		 where n=0001 to 9999, /C1 is the default value
	      R: release this utility
	      H: show usage
	      ?: show usage

	For high performance printing, this print utility can be run by
	excuting PU.COM/QH (default) under DOS. If performance is not
	important to you, PU.COM/QL is a better choice. This can improve the
	printing speed. To release this utility from memory, select the
	PU.COM/R option.

	When you are ready to print the desired screen image, press
	[PrintScreen] key. At that time, the screen will change to 256 gray
	levels and await your print image command. If you are satisfied with
	the image on the screen, press [ENTER]. After the image is printed,
	the screen will be held once more so that you may compare the screen
	image with the printout. At this time, press any key to escape from
	print mode. If you are not satisfied with the screen image, press
	any key except the Enter key to escape from printing.

	While gaining the advantange of high quality printing, you may
	sacrifice a certain amount of speed.  The utility must access
	halftone image pattern data from the pattern array. Due to slower
	performance, it may cause a delay writing to the printer. If you want
	high performance printing, you can choose PU.COM/QH. You can also
	select PU.COM/QL to dither the image. This can improve the printing
	speed, but will reduce the image quality in 256-color mode or above.


	I.    System requirements:
	      IBM PC,XT,AT or compatiables, EGA/VGA/SVGA card, 28 KBytes
	      main memory.

	II.   Screen HardCopy Mode:
	      Supports IBM EGA/VGA standard mode and all VESA modes.

	III.  Printer Port selection:
	      In this version, the printer port is set to LPT1. You can also
	      change the printer port by excuting PU.COM /Pn under DOS, where
	      n=1 to 4.

	IV.   Printer Support:
	      In this version, only printers using HP PCL III language or
	      above are supported. You can choose PU.COM /D3 or /D6 options
	      under DOS to configure the printer resolution. For printers
	      that empoly other DPI values, the /D3 option is suggested.

	V.    Printing Mode:
	      A. 16 colors: This mode includes IBM screen modes 0Dh,0Eh,10h,
			    12h and VESA 16-color mode. In this mode, we use
			    HalfTone 16 GrayScale to print screen (default).
	      B. 256 colors or above: This mode includes IBM screen mode 13h
			    and VESA 256-color+ modes. In this mode, we use
			    HalfTone 64 GrayScale to print the screen (default).

	VI.   Paper Count(1 to 9999):
	      In this version, the printer's paper count after you press the
	      PrintScreen key is set to 1. You can also change it by excuting
	      PU.COM /Cn under DOS, where n=1 to 9999.

	VII.  Image Attribute (Positive/Negative):
	      In this version, the image attribute is set to positive.

	VIII. Printing Orientation(Portrait/Landscape):
	      In this version, the printing orientation is set to landscape.
	      You can also change the orientation to portrait by excuting
	      PU.COM /OP under DOS.

	IX.   This utility does not support printing images in TEXT mode,
	      or in IBM 2- or 4-color modes. In this case, it will return
	      the printing task to the BIOS.

		       ³  Trademark Acknowledgments  ³

     MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
     OS/2 is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.
     NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell Corporation.
     Other brand names or trademarks are registered trade marks of their
     respective holders.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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