; ; A311.INF -- This file contains installation information for the Ch7017 AIM3 Driver ; ; Revised 04/22 - Venky Ramani ; - Modified Hardware ID in [Intel] section from Guid to deviceid ; - Added commented out section [ControLFlags]. ; - Eventlog section references drivers in 12 dir instead of 11. Actually, we do ; need to copy drivers to 12. Will fix it later. ; - Ran ChkINF against this inf file. Not all erros/warns addressed yet. [Version] signature="$CHICAGO$" Class=DisplayCodec ClassGUID={E6ABB47D-8339-4c60-BE92-E9045FF5A33D} Provider=%Intel% CatalogFile=a311.cat /* AUTOBLD - NT5 LABEL - DO NOT REMOVE */ DriverVer=08/27/2002, [Manufacturer] %IntelMfg%=Intel [DestinationDirs] ;DefaultDestDir = 11 AIM.Device.CopyDrivers = 11 AIM.Device.CopyDriversNT = 10,system32\drivers ;WHQL requirement: Uncomment this section later on once we have PnP ;method of installing/loading/unloading WDM AIM drivers across all ;OS platforms enabled. ;[ControlFlags] ;ExcludeFromSelect=DISPLAY\%AimDevID% [Intel] %AimChildDriver.DeviceDesc%=AIM.Device,DISPLAY\%AimDevID% [ClassInstall] Addreg=AIMClass.AddReg [ClassInstall32] Addreg=AIMClass.AddRegNT [AIM.Device] AddReg= AIM.Device.AddReg CopyFiles= AIM.Device.CopyDrivers [AIM.Device.NT] AddReg= AIM.Device.AddRegNT CopyFiles= AIM.Device.CopyDriversNT [AIM.Device.AddReg] ;HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,%AimDriverName% HKR,,DeviceFuncGUID,,%AimDevFuncGUID% HKR,,DevicePNPID,,%AimDevID% HKR,,DriverDesc,,%AimChildDriver.DeviceDesc% [AIM.Device.AddRegNT] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,%AimDriverName% HKR,,DeviceFuncGUID,,%AimDevFuncGUID% HKR,,DevicePNPID,,%AimDevID% HKR,,DriverDesc,,%AimChildDriver.DeviceDesc% [AIM_Parameters_AddReg] HKR,,DeviceFuncGUID,,%AimDevFuncGUID% [AIMClass.AddReg] HKR,,,,%AimClass.Desc% HKR,,Icon,,"-1" ;HKR,,NoUseClass,,1 ;Class will not be seen anywhere ;HKR,,NoInstallClass,,1 ;Class is not shown in New Device Wizard HKR,,NoDisplayClass,,1 ;Class will not be displayed by Device Manager HKR,,SilentInstall,,1 ;Class is installed without any user interaction [AIMClass.AddRegNT] HKR,,,,%AimClass.Desc% HKR,,Class,,DisplayCodec HKR,,Icon,,"-1" ;HKR,,NoUseClass,,1 ;Class will not be seen anywhere ;HKR,,NoInstallClass,,1 ;Class is not shown in New Device Wizard ;HKR,,NoDisplayClass,,1 ;Class will not be displayed by Device Manager HKR,,SilentInstall,,1 ;Class is installed without any user interaction [SourceDisksNames] 1=%DiskId1%,,,"" [SourceDisksFiles] A311.sys=1 [AIM.Device.CopyDrivers] A311.sys [AIM.Device.CopyDriversNT] A311.sys [AIM.Device.Interfaces] AddInterface=%AimChildIntfGUID%,"GLOBAL",AimChildInterface, [AimChildInterface] AddReg=AimChildInterface.AddReg [AimChildInterface.AddReg] HKR,,Class,,%AimClassGUID% HKR,,FriendlyName,,%AimChildDriver.FriendlyName% [AIM.Device.NT.Services] AddService = %AimDevFuncGUID%, 0x00000002, Aim.ServiceInstall, Aim_EventLog_Inst,System,"Aim3" [AIM.Device.Services] [Aim_EventLog_Inst] AddReg=Aim_EventLog_AddReg [Aim_EventLog_AddReg] HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\%AimDriverName%" HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7 [Aim.ServiceInstall] DisplayName = %AimChildDriver.DeviceDesc% ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %10%\system32\drivers\%AimDriverName% AddReg = AIM_Parameters_AddReg ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; S t r i n g s ;--------------------------------------------------------------- [Strings] ;---------------- ; Non-Localizable ;---------------- SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER=1 SERVICE_SYSTEM_START=1 SERVICE_AUTO_START=2 SERVICE_DEMAND_START=3 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL=1 ; ; ; These are customizable ; AimDevID="CH-7017-A" AimDriverSig=0x12354678 ;AimDriverID="CH7017" AimDriverName="A311.sys" AimDevFuncGUID="{5C8B2B62-A385-11d5-A78B-00104B672758}" ; ; ; These do not change - ever ! ; AimClassGUID="{E6ABB47D-8339-4c60-BE92-E9045FF5A33D}" AimChildIntfGUID="{E87E75CE-0792-4534-AB89-5CFC95747B77}" ;---------------- ; Localizable ;---------------- Intel="Intel" IntelMfg="Intel Corporation" DiskId1="Intel Corporation Installation Disk #1" ; ; ; Do not change this line ! ; AimClass.Desc="Intel AIM 3.0 Codec" ; ; ; Put device specifics here -> ; AimChildDriver.DeviceDesc="AIM 3.0 Part 01 Codec Driver CH-7017-A" AimChildDriver.FriendlyName="Chrontel (TV) Combo Codec"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.