README.TXT Driver File Contents (


   I. Files on Disk
  II. Updates/Additional Information




SETUP    EXE - Decompression utility to load software.
CLR      COM - Clear screen utility for enhanced text modes.
ESU      COM - Enhanced text mode selection utility.
README   TXT - This file.
HTVGA    EXE - Screen save and emulation utility.
ALTPARM  EXE - Alternate monitor parameter utility.
ERGO600  ALT - Parameter file: 800 x 600 at 72 Hz.
ERGO480  ALT - Parameter file: 640 x 480 at 72 Hz.
ERGO768  ALT - Parameter file: 1024 x 768 at 62.5 KHz/72 Hz.
ERGO768A ALT - Parameter file: 1024 x 768 at 58.1 KHz/72 Hz.
VESA1K70 ALT - Parameter file: 1024 x 768 at 70 Hz.
76HZ480  ALT - Parameter file: 640 x 480 at 76 Hz.
76HZ600  ALT - Parameter file: 800 x 600 at 76 Hz.
56HZ600  ALT - 800 x 600 for 56 Hz monitors such as NEC 2A.
NANA9070 ALT - Parameter file for Nanao 9070.
NEC4FG   ALT - Parameter file for NEC MultiSync 4FG.
CM1440   ALT - Parameter file for Seiko 1440.
MITS6605 ALT - Parameter file for Mitsubishi 6605.
SONY1304 ALT - Parameter file for Sony 1304.
NANA8060 ALT - Parameter file for Nanao 8060.
INTRLACE ALT - Parameter file for Interlaced Monitors.
HTVESA   COM - VESA Bios Extension TSR.

   Lotus 2.0

********   Driver only installed for LoColor BIOS  ************
GD720V20 DRV - 720 x 540 graphics driver.
GD800V20 DRV - 800 x 600 graphics driver.
VD80X60  DRV - 80 x 60 text driver.
VD100X60 DRV - 100 x 60 text driver.
VD132X25 DRV - 132 x 25 text driver.
VD132X43 DRV - 132 x 43 text driver.

   Word Perfect 5.0

WP800   WPD - 800 x 600  - 16 color graphics driver.
WP1KC16 WPD - 1024 x 768 - 16 color graphics driver.

   Word Perfect 5.1

OEMGRAPH VRS - Graphics driver file.
OEMTEXT  VRS - Text driver file.

   Word 5.x

VIDSETUP EXE - Resolution setup program.
SCREEN   VID - Driver file.

   GEM/3 & Ventura

SD800    VGA - GEM & Ventura 800 x 600 graphics driver.
SD1024C  VGA - GEM & Ventura 1024 x 768 graphics driver.


VGAREL11 COM - AutoCAD 9, 10 and 11 Real Mode driver.
R11INST  EXE - AutoCAD 11 installation program.
ADIDISP  EXP - AutoCAD 386 Protected Mode driver.


GS1024   DRV - 1024 x 768 16 color driver.
GS800    DRV - 800 x 600 16 color driver.


DPCAD1K  DRV - 1024 X 768 with 16 colors.
DPCAD640 DRV - 640 x 480 with 16 colors.
********   Driver only installed for LoColor BIOS  ************
DPCAD720 DRV - 720 x 540 with 16 colors.
DPCAD800 DRV - 800 x 600 with 16 colors.

   Generic CADD

GCAD1024 VGD - 1024 x 768 with 16 colors.
GCAD2480 VGD - 640 x 480 with 256 colors.
GCAD2600 VGD - 800 x 600 with 256 colors.

   VersaCAD Design

VCAD1024 EXE - 1024 x 768 with 16 colors.
VCAD800  EXE - 800 x 600 with 16 colors.
VCAD53   CFG - VersaCAD 5.3 configuration file.
VCAD54   CFG - VersaCAD 5.4 configuration file.


VCAD1KP  EXE - VersaCAD/386 1024 x 768 with 16 colors.
VCAD386  CFG - VersaCAD/386 configuration file.

   Presentation Manager

MONMS    DLL - Monitor file for NEC MultiSync monitors.
MON9070  DLL - Monitor file for Nanao 9070 monitors.
MONMS2A  DLL - Monitor file for NEC MultiSync 2A monitors.
MONXL    DLL - Monitor file for NEC MultiSync XL monitors.
MONXLI   DLL - Monitor file for NEC XL (1024x768 interlaced mode) monitors.
MONMS2   DLL - Monitor file for MultiSync II monitors.
MONPLUS  DLL - Monitor file for MultiSync Plus monitors.
MONPLUSI DLL - Monitor file for NEC Plus (1024x768 interlaced mode) monitors.
MON8060  DLL - Monitor file for Nanao 8060 monitors.
MON9070I DLL - Monitor file for NANAO 9070 (1024x768 interlaced mode).
MONSONY  DLL - Monitor file for Sony monitors.
MONSONYI DLL - Monitor file for SONY Multiscan (1024x768 interlaced mode).
MONXLO   DLL - Monitor file for old MultiSync XL monitors.
VGA640   DLL - 640 x 480 16 color driver file.
********   Driver only installed for LoColor BIOS  ************
VGA720   DLL - 720 x 540 16 color driver file.
VGA800   DLL - 800 x 600 16 color driver file.
VGA1024  DLL - 1024 x 768 16 color driver file.


   Windows NT March 1993 Beta Driver Installation

NOTE: This installation procedure assumes that you have installed and are
      running the March 1993 Windows NT Beta. Because of incompatibilities 
      between the current setup program and Windows NT, this installation 
      must be performed manually. This driver is NOT compatible with the 
      October 1992 Windows NT Beta!

      This driver works for the HT216-32, and requires 512K of video memory.
      If you want to use the 256 color modes with resolutions greater than
      640 x 480, you must have 1M of video memory.

1) If you have a previous release of HT216-32 drivers for the March 1993
   Windows NT Beta, go to the next section, titled "Windows NT March 1993
   Beta Update".

2) Format a blank floppy disk to copy the files to.

3) Create a zero length file called "DISK2" on the newly formatted floppy.

4) Create a directory called "I386" on the floppy.

5) Pkunzip NT.ZIP and copy the files "HT216_32.SYS", "VGA.DLL", "VGA256.DLL" 
   and "OEMSETUP.INF" to the "I386" directory on the floppy.

6) Start Windows NT Setup

7) When prompted for the full path of the Windows NT Distribution files,
   enter the drive letter of the drive containing the floppy you created.
   For example, if you used the "A" drive, the full path would be "A:\I386\"

8) Click on Continue

9) Select the Change System Settings option.

10) Click on the right pulldown button for the Display option.

11) Select the "Other (requires a disk from a hardware manufacturer)"

12) Enter the same path to this prompt as you did in step 7.

13) Select the "Headland HT216-32 VGA 1MB, 1024x768, 256 colors" option.

14) Click "OK"

15) Exit Setup

16) Using the registry editor (regedt32.exe), open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    window, and open the following path:


17) Delete the "V7VRAM" node.

18) Close the registry, and exit the registry editor.

19) Reboot system to use the installed driver.

   Windows NT March 1993 Beta Driver Update

   If you have already installed an HT216-32 driver for Windows NT, the
   update procedure is similar to the installation.

1) Follow steps 2 through 10 of the installion procedure.

2) Select a video mode option for the HT216-32 DIFFERENT from the current 
   mode option.

3) Click "OK"

4) When prompted to use the currently installed drivers or install new
   ones, select "New"

5) When prompted for the full path of the Windows NT Distribution files,
   enter the drive letter of the drive containing the floppy you created.
   For example, if you used the "A" drive, the full path would be "A:\I386\"
6) Click on Continue

7) Exit Setup

8) Reboot the system to use the updated drivers

      If you should encounter problems with setting the 640x480 256 color
      mode, use the registry editor (regedt32.exe) to open the following

      Examine the values for the key "Device0", paying special attention
      to the values DefaultSettings.XResolution and 
      DefaultSettings.YResolution. If these values do not match those
      corresponding to the Setup option you selected, update them manually
      and close the registry. Reboot the system, and it should come up in
      the mode corresponding to the option you selected.

   Windows 3.1 Driver Installation

NOTE: This Windows installation procedure assumes that you have already
      used the SETUP utility to extract the Windows driver off utility
      disk and have installed them to the Window's SYSTEM directory.
      If you have not done so, please do so now before proceeding.

1) Install Windows using "VGA" as the display option.
   Choosing another driver will lead to incorrect results.

2) While running Windows in VGA mode, select the CONTROL PANEL icon
   in the MAIN program group.  Next select the HTDISPLAY icon. 

3) Select the desired color depth, supported font size, and supported
   screen resolution.  When the desired display configuration is
   set, select OK to set the configuration.

4) Next, you will be prompted to either use the CURRENT screen 
   drivers or NEW screen drivers from drive A.  Select the appropriate

5) Hit RESTART to run Windows in your new display configuration.

In the future, to change the display configuration repeat steps
2, 3, 4, and 5.

   Windows 3.0 Driver Installation (256 Color Only)

1) Install Windows 3.0 using "VGA" as the display option.
   Choosing another driver will lead to incorrect results.

2) Unpack the HT256.DRV file from the Headland Utility/Driver Diskette
   into your Windows 3.0 SYSTEM directory with the following command
   (assumes diskette is in drive A and Windows system directory is

	a:\pkunzip a:\ c:\windows\system\ ht256.drv

3) Before starting Windows 3.0, use a text editor (such as DOS EDIT.COM)
   to edit the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI file.

4) In SYSTEM.INI, under the [boot] section, edit the "display.drv=vga.drv"
   line to read "display.drv=ht256.drv".

5) At the end of SYSTEM.INI, add a new section labeled [v7vga.drv] as follows:


   If you would like a smaller resolution, you may use 640x480 or 800x600.

6) Start Windows 3.0.

   IBM OS/2 2.X Driver Installation

NOTE: If you do not have OS/2 2.1+, contact IBM and request OS/2 2.1+
      (beta or release).  The following assumes you are installing
      OS/2 2.1+.

The following steps are required to add OS/2 2.1 support for the HT216
family of SVGA controllers.  These steps assume the HT216 distribution
disk is in drive A and OS/2 is on drive C.

1) Install OS/2 2.1 normally.

2) Create the HEADLAND subdirectory.
	a. Open a DOS window.
	b. Type "md os2\headland".

3) Unzip the HT216 OS/2 support files.
	a. Type "A:".
	b. Type "pkunzip os2_2x c:\os2\headland".

4) Rename SVGA.EXE.
	a. Type "C:".
	b. Type "cd \os2".
	c. Type "rename SVGA.EXE SVGA_IBM.EXE"
	d. Type "copy headland\SVGA.EXE".

5) Rename VSVGA.SYS
	a. Type "cd mdos".
	b. Type "rename "VSVGA.SYS VSVGAIBM.SYS".
	c. Type "copy ..\headland\VSVGA.SYS".
	d. Type "exit".

6) Update CONFIG.SYS using "OS/2 System Editor
	a. Open the file C:\CONFIG.SYS with OS/2 System Editor.
	b. Find the line that starts with "LIBPATH=.;C:\..."
	c. Modify this line to include the HEADLAND subdirectory.
	d. Save the changed file.

7) Restart OS/2.

8) Change display resolution.
	a.  Start "Selective Install" from the System Setup folder.
	b.  Select "Super Video Graphics Array" for Primary display
		if it is not already chosen.
	c.  Select "OK" button.
	d.  Select "INSTALL" button.
	e.  After a few minutes of processing, a dialog box will appear
		with a choice of display resolutions.  Choose one.

9) Restart OS/2.  Your new resolution will be in use.

   IBM OS/2 1.X Installation

Please follow directions in IBM OS/2 1.X manual.
   GEM 3.x and VENTURA 2.0 Installation

GEM and VENTURA drivers are now installed and configured
by SETUP. 

To install GEM 3.x drivers users should install GEM using
any VGA mode driver.  Setup will automatically replace the 
current driver with 800x600x16 or 1024x768x16.  To return 
to default driver, users will now have to reconfigure from
GEM diskettes.

To install VENTURA 2.0 user must install for the following
VGA Option:

"A   IBM VGA or compatible (640x480) 16 of 256K colors or greys."

Setup will automatically replace the current driver with 800x600x16
or 1024x768x16.  To return to default driver, users will now have 
to reconfigure from Ventura diskettes.

NOTE:  Ventura installation does not require knowing if professional 
       extensions were installed any longer.

NOTE:  If both drivers are chosen only the 1024x768x16 driver will be
       installed for GEM or VENTURA.

   Microsoft Mouse Drivers

* Microsoft Word 5.x *

In order for the mouse cursor to appear correctly in all modes for 
Microsoft Word 5.0 and 5.5 you need to have Microsoft Mouse driver
version 8.20 or later (versions that supports the MOUSE.INI file).
The following line should be set or added to MOUSE.INI under the 
heading [mouse] which should be added if necessary as well:

* Norton 6.x/Central Point Antivirus *

When a mouse driver is loaded, these applications will display 
screen corruption.
To correct problem, it is recommended that the mouse driver not be
loaded if these applications must be used.

NOTE:  This problem occurs with mouse drivers tested from all 
       vendors and with all versions.

* CGA Emulation *

CGA emulation cannot be activated when a Microsoft Mouse driver
version 8.00 or later is installed.  If you need to use the mouse 
while in CGA emulation, you must first activatate the emulation then
load the mouse driver.

NOTE:   No problem of this sort is seen with the Logitech Mouse driver
	of any version.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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