ZWIN-API.txt Driver File Contents (

	All commands for PPLZ in Dynamic Link Library for Windows
	Notices: Copyright (c) 2001-2006 ARGOIMPREX
	Version: 3.04ZW 2006/02/15
	Table of Contents:
	Z_Bar2d_Maxi()			=> Print Maxi code
	Z_Bar2d_PDF417()		=> Print PDF-417
	Z_ClosePrn()			=> Close printing task
	Z_CreatePrn()			=> Create printing task
	Z_Set_FlashMemory()		=> Select memory type to store form
	Z_Set_Format_New()		=> Issue a new form name
	Z_Del_Format()			=> Delete a form from DRAM or Flash 
	Z_Del_Graphic()			=> Delete a graphic from DRAM or Flash
	Z_Draw_Box()			=> Draw a box
	Z_Draw_Line()			=> Draw a line
	Z_Get_DLL_Version()		=> Get library dll version
	Z_Get_DLL_VersionA()	=> Get library dll version value
	Z_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP()=> To transform BMP graphic into monochrome PCX	graphic
							   and select memory type to store the graphic
	Z_Initial_Setting()		=> Initial load-in string or file
	Z_Load_Graphic()		=> Recall graphic to print
	Z_Open_ChineseFont()	=> Designate a file of dot-matrix Chinese font for function
	Z_Print_Form()			=> Print a form (with label sets and copies settings)
	Z_Print_Out()			=> Send command file of designated functions to printer
	Z_Prn_Barcode()			=> Print a barcode
	Z_Prn_Text()			=> Print fonts using a resident font type
	Z_Prn_Text_Chinese()	=> Print Chinese fonts using a designated dot-matrix Chinese
							   font file
	Z_Prn_Text_TrueType()	=> Print fonts using a true type font
	Z_Prn_Text_TrueType_W()	=> Print fonts using a true type font with font height and
							   width adjustable
	Z_Clear_Memory()		=> Clear Data stored in DRAM and Flash memory
	Z_Set_Backfeed()		=> Set tear off position
	Z_Set_Darkness()		=> Set printing darkness
	Z_Set_DebugDialog()		=> Enable or disable debug environment
	Z_Set_Label()			=> Set continuous label length (unit: dots)
	Z_Set_Mode()			=> Set post-print action (tear off, peel off, cut)
	Z_Set_Origin()			=> Set origin point of Y-Axis
	Z_Set_Paper()			=> Printing with continuous media or non-continuous media
	Z_Set_Prncomport		=> Set printer serial port
	Z_Set_Prncomport_PC()	=> Set PC serial port
	Z_Set_Reset()			=> Reset printer
	Z_Set_Speed()			=> Set printing speed
	Z_Set_TPH()				=> Set printing in direct thermal or thermal transfer mode
	Z_Set_Unit()			=> Set basic measure unit (inch, mm, or dot)
	Z_Set_Gap()				=> Set gap height (Only for media with gap > 0.5mm )
	Z_Set_ProcessDlg()		=> Enable or disable printing task transmission process bar
	Z_Bar2d_QRCode()		=> Print QR code
	Z_Set_PrintWidth()		=> Set print width
	Z_Print_OutQuality		=> Print the label
	Z_GetUSBBufferLen()	=> Get USB port data length
	Z_EnumUSB()			=> Enum USB port
	Z_CreateUSBPort()	=> Open USB port

Notice: 1.Please copy all DLL files in Library 3.04\PPLZ\Library\ to:
          Win98:   C:\windows\system
          Win2000: C:\winnt\system32
          WINXP:  C:\windows\system32
	2.All sample descriptions are based on the syntax of Visual C++.

	PURPOSE	Preper to Open USB port

	SYNTAX	int Z_GetUSBBufferLen();
			int Z_EnumUSB(char *buf);

	PARAMETER	char	*buf;	To save the USB port data

			Z_GetUSBBufferLen() return the USB data buffer length;

			Z_EnumUSB(char *buf)	0 -> OK.
			Reference AW-Error.txt file.

		char *buf;
		int	nLen = Z_GetUSBBufferLen()+1;
		buf = malloc(nLen);
		memset(buf, 0, nLen);

	REMARK	Above functions shall co-work together. While request for USB data,
			first to call Z_GetUSBBufferLen() to get the length, then share the
			memory to buf. After that, call Z_EnumUSB(), to split each data with
			("0x0d0x0a"). e.q. A-200(0x0d)(0x0a)R-400ZIP stands for two printers
			are connected to PC, port 1 is A-200 and port 2 is R-400Zip

	Function:	Create a printing task
	Syntax:		int Z_CreatePrn(int selection, LPCTSTR filename);
				int Z_CreateUSBPort(int nPort)
	Parameters: int selection:	select the output port or print file
								0--> print to file
								1--> lpt1:
								2--> lpt2:
								3--> lpt3:
								4--> com1:
								5--> com2:
								6--> com3:
								10--> net directory
				LPCTSTR filename:
					If int selection = "0", data will be outputted as file, file name
					will be the what you defined. Path or Null value could be included.
					If int selection = "10", file name will be the output path / directory.
				int nPort;	USB port
	Return value: 0-->OK. (Refer to ZW-Error.txt.)
			Comment: print through parallel port
			Comment: print to file, file name -->output.prn
			Comment: print through network shared printer, the shared printer name is LabelDr.200
			Comment: print through USB port1
	Notice:	This function must be positioned before all other functions.
		Z_CreatePrn and Z_CreateUSBPort must use one of it at once.

	Function:	Close printing task
	Syntax:		void Z_CkosePrn(void);
	Example:	Z_ClosePrn();
	Comment:	The function Z_ClosePrn will release the memory being used,
				close the output port, or close the printing file you opened.
				This function must be located at the end of all functions.

	Function: Print Maxi code

	Syntax:	int Z_Bar2d_Maxi(int x, int y, int nMode, int nSymbol, int nTotal,
				int nClass, int nCountry, char cZipCode1[6], char cZipCode2[4],
				LPCTSTR data, int increase)

		int	x:				x-axis
		int	y:				y-axis
		int	nMode:			Barcode mode
							2: Numeric Postal Code(US)
							3: Alphanumeric Postal Code(Non-US)
		int	nSymbol:		Symbol Number: 1 ~ 8
		int nTotal:			Symbol Number Total: 1 ~ 8
		int	nClass:			three digit class of service
		int	nCountry:		three digit country code
		char cZipCode1[6]:	nMode = 2 -->five digit zip code
							nMode = 3 --> six character zip code
		char cZipCode2:		four digit zip code externsion.
							Only used in nMode = 2.
		LPCTSTR data:		Data strings, max. 84 characters
		int	increase:		increment, default value = 0

	Return value:	0 represents OK.
					Details please refer to ZW-Error.txt file.
	Example:	int	x , y, m, n, t, increase;
				LPCTSTR data = "This MaxiCode";
					x=50; y=50; m=4; n=4; t=5, increase=0;
				Z_Bar2d_Maxi(x, y, m, n, t, data, increase);

	Comment:	This function Z_Bar2d_Maxi will print a Maxi Code.

	Function: Print a PDF-417 code

	Syntax: int Z_Bar2d_PDF417(int x, int y, int o, int h, int s, int c, int r,
					int t, int narrow, LPCTSTR data, int increase)
	Parameters:	int x:			x-axis
				int y:			y-axis
				int o:			printing orientation, 1=0¢X, 2=90¢X, 3=180¢X, 4=270¢X
				int h:			barcode height for individual rows
								h * module = height of individual rows
				int s:			error correction level (0~8)
				int c:			column count
				int r:			row count
				int t:			truncation flag, 0=normal; 1=truncated 
				int narrow:		module height
				LPCTSTR data:	data string, max. 84 characters
				int increase:	increment, default=0

	Return value:	0-->OK.
					Details please refer to ZW-Error.txt.
	Example:	int	x, y, o, h, s, c, r, t, narrow, increase;
				LPCTSTR data="PDF-417";
				x=50; y=50; o=0; h=5; s=5; c=2; r=83; t=0; increase=0; narrow=2;
				Z_Bar2d_PDF417(x, y, o, h, s, c, r, t, narrow, data, increase);
	Comment:	Above function will print a PDF-417 code.

	Function:	Set memory type to store form
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_FlashMemory(int Status);
	Parameters:	int Status:		designate memory type for form storage.
								0--> RAM, 1--> Flash Memory
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_FlashMemory(0); Store form to DRAM
				Z_Set_FlashMemory(1); Store form to Flash
	Comment:	Use this function to designate the memory type to store form.
				The	function must precede the form storing function.

	Function:	Set form name
	Syntax:		void Z_Set_Format_New(LPCTSTR FormName);
	Parameters:	LPCTSTR FormName:	Form Name
	Example:	Z_Set_Format_New("demo");
	Comment:	This function sets the form name. The form could be recalled to
				print after setting.

	Function:	Delete a form
	Syntax:		int Z_Del_Format(int memory, char FormName[])
	Parameters:	int memory:		designate memory type to store a form
								0-->DRAM; 1-->Flash
	Example:	Z_Del_Format(0,"demo");
	Comment:	The above function will delete a form named "demo".

	Function:	Delete a graphic from DRAM or Flash
	Syntax:		int Z_Del_Graphic(int memory, char GraphicName[])
	Parameters: int memory:		designate memory type to store a graphic
								0-->DRAM; 1-->Flash
				char GraphicName[ ]:	graphic name (up to 10 alphanumeric characters)
	Example:	Z_Del_Graphic(0,"girl");
	Comment:	The above sample will delete a graphic named "girl" from DRAM.

	Function:	Draw a box
	Syntax:		int Z_Draw_Box(int x, int y, int width, int height, int thickness)
	Parameters:	int x:			x-axis
				int y:			y-axis
				int width:		width of a box (0<width<9999)
				int height:		height of a box (0<height<9999)
				int thickness:	border thickness
	Example:	int x, y , width, height, thickness;
				x=50; y=100; width=250; height=100; thickness=5;
				Z_Draw_Box(x, y, width, height, thickness);
	Comment:	Above function will draw a box. 

	Function:	Draw a line
	Syntax:		int Z_Draw_Line(int x, int y, int width, int height)

	Parameters:	int x:		x-axis
				int y:		y-axis
				int width:	line width (0<width<9999)
				int height:	line height (0<height<9999)

	Example:	int x, y, ,width, height;
				X=50; y=100; width=250; height=3;
				Z_Draw_Box(x, y, width, height);
	Comment:	Above function will draw a line

	Function:	Retrieve or show library DLL version
	Syntax:	char* Z_Get_DLL_Version(int nShowMessage);
			int Z_Get_DLL_VersionA(int nShowMessage);

	Parameters:	int nShowMessage:	message window prompts function
									0-->disable; 1-->enable
	Return value:	return the string of present version, if failed then return NULL.
					Z_Get_DLL_VersionA()-->return version value
	Example:	Z_Get_DLL_Version(1);
	Comment:	Above function will prompt a message window and show present library
				DLL version.

	Function:	Transfer colored BMP graphics to monochrome BMP graphics, and
				store the graphic in DRAM or Flash Memory.
	Syntax:		int Z_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(int x, int y, int memory, LPCTSTR filename);
	Parameters:	int x:				x-axis
				int y:				y-axis
				int memory:			designate memory type to store graphics.
									0-->DRAM; 1-->Flash Memory
				LPCTSTR filename:	Graphic name (or including path)
									The parameter format: i.e. XXXXXXXX.XXX or X:\XXX\XXX.BMP

	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW_Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(30,20,"girl.bmp");
	Comment:	Via this function you can load in bmp graphics with any color type,
				it will be transferred to monochrome BMP graphics. The transferred
				graphic quality depends on the driver (Label Dr.200 or Label Dr.300)
				you installed. One of the two drivers must be installed and better
				set as default printer. If Label Dr.200 or Dr.300 is not set as
				default printer, the program will auto-search and detect the two
				drivers in sequence for use.

	Function:	Initial load-in strings or file
	Syntax:		int Z_Initia_Setting(int Type, LPCTSTR Source);
	Parameters:	int Type:		select the input type
								0 --> input strings
								1 --> input file
				LPCTSTR Source:	data source, could be strings or file name
								(or including path)
	Return value:	0-->OK. (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example: LPCTST aa="^FO120,30\r\n\";
	Comment:	This function will send a command strings or file to printer.
				The function must be positioned after function Z_Creat_Prn()
				but precede other functions to be used as customized settings.

	Function:	Recall and print a graphic
	Syntax:		int Z_Load_Graphic(int x, int y, char GraName[11], int hori, int vert);
	Parameters:	int x:			x-axis
				int y:			y-axis
				char GraName:	name of stored image(exclude file name extension),
								up to 10 alphanumeric characters.
				int hori:		magnification on the x-axis (1<= hori <=10, default = 1)
				int vert:		magnification on the y-axis (1<= vert <=10, default = 1)

	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	int x, y, hori, vert;
				char GraName[11]="phone";
				x=50, y=30, hori=1, vert=1;
				Z_Load_Graphic(x, y, GraName, hori, vert);

	Comment:	Above function will print a graphic, but Z_Get_Graphic function
				should be preceded executed to recall the graphic stored in DRAM
				or Flash Meomory.

	Function:	Designate a file of dot-matrix Chinese font
	Syntax:		int Z_Open_ChineseFont(char* path);
	Parameters:	char* path:		Path where the dot-matrix Chinese font file locates
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Open_ChineseFont("C:\\ET3");
	Comment:	Function will open a dot-matrix Chinese font file (16*15 and 24*24)
				for usage of function Z_Prn_Text_Chinese.

	Function:	Print a form (with label sets and counter settings)
	Syntax:		int Z_Print_Form(int labelset, int copies, int mem, char form_out[]);
	Parameters:	int labset:			total quantity of labels to print(range: 1~32767)
				int copies:			replicates of each serial number (1~32767)
				int mem:			memory type to retrieve a form
				char form_out[11]:	form name that is previously loaded or stored in printer

	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)

	Example:	int labset, copies, mem
				char form_out[11]="demo";
				labset=3; copies=2, mem=0;
				Z_Print_Form(labset, copies, mem, form_out);

	Comment:	The function will perform the print task and send a form to printer.
				Before use of this function, Z_Set_Format_New() must be prior executed,
				and Z_Print_Form() should be positioned before Z_ClosePrn, but after
				all other functions. When use this function, function Z_Print_Out()
				will not be required.

	Function:	perform the printing task
	Syntax:		int Z_Print_Out(int sets, int copies);
	Parameter:	int sets:	total quantity of labels to print
				int copies:	replicates of each serial number
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Print_Out(1,1);
	Comment:	This function will perform the print task, all designated functions
				and parameters will be transferred to PPLZ printer commands and sent
				to printer. Please position this function before function Z_ClosePrn().

	Function:	print a barcode (with counter function)
	Syntax:	Z_Prn_Barcode(int x, int y, int ori, int narrow, int width, int height,
				char type, int increase, LPCTSTR data, char p1, char p2, char p3,
				char p4, char p5)

	Parameters:	int x:	x-axis
				int y:	y-axis (203 dpi-->1dot = 0.125mm)
				int ori:	orientation
							1 --> normal
							2 --> rotated 90 degree (clockwise)
							3 --> inverted 180 degree
							4 --> read from bottom up, 270 degree
				int narrow:	narrow bar width
				int width:	wide bar width
				int height:	bar code heigth
				char type:	bar code type (refer to below table-->Type)
				int increase:	increment
				LPCTSTR data:	barcode data
				char p1, p2, p3, p4, p5:	(refer to below table-->Details)
	Type	Bar code type		Details (char p1~p5)
	1		Code 11				p1: print check digit (Y: 1 digit, N: 2 digits)
								p2: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p3: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
	2		Interleaved 2 of 5	p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
								p3: print check sum (Y or N)
	3		Code 39				p1: print check digit (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p3: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
	8		EAN-8				p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
	9		UPC-E				p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
								p3: print check digit (Y or N)
	A		Code 93				p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
								p3: print check digit (Y or N)
	C		Code 128			p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
								p3: UCC check digit (Y or N)
								p4: mode (N: Code 128, U: Code 128 UCC)
	E		EAN-13				p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
	I		Industrial 2 of 5	p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
	J		Standard 2 of 5		p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
	K		ANSI Codabar		p1: print check digit (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p3: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
								p4: designate start character (accepted value: A, B, C, D)
								p5: designate stop character (accepted value: A, B, C, D
	L		LOGMARS				p1: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
	M		MSI Code			p1: check digit selection
									A: no check digits
									B: 1 Mod 10
									C: 2 Mod 10
									D: 1 Mod 10 and 1 Mod 11
								p2: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p3: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
								p4: print check digit (Y or N)
	S		UPC/EAN Extensions	p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
	U		UPC-A				p1: print interpretation line (Y or N)
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
								p3: print check digit (Y or N)
	Z		POSTNET				p1: print interpretation line (Y or N) 
								p2: print interpretation line above code (Y or N)
			# Notice: if a parameter is not used, any value could be inputted.

	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Prn_Barcode(650, 15, 0, 2, 2, 51 'C', 0, "1234567", 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N', 'N');
	Comment:	Above function will print a barcode.

	Function:	print text with built-in fonts (with counter function)
	Syntax:		int Z_Prn_Text(int x, int y, int ori, char font, int height,
					int width, int increase, LPCTSTR data);
	Parameters:	int x:		x-axis
				int y:		y-axis (for 203 dpi, 1 dot = 0.125mm)
				int ori:	orientation.	1 --> normal
											2 --> rotated 90 degree (clockwise)
											3 --> inverted 180 degree
											4 --> read from bottom up, 270 degree
				char font:	Built-in font type selection
							(A~H: bitmapped fonts; 0, P~V: scalable fonts/smooth vector fonts)
						# Bitmapped Font Size:
						Font ID		H * W
						A			9 * 5
						B			11 * 7
						C, D		18 * 10
						E			28 * 15
						F			26 * 13
						G			60 * 40
						H			21 * 13
				int height:	magnification of height (##)
				int width:	magnification of width (##)
					## Bitmapped fonts (A~H):	Multiple of height / width from 2 to 10 times the standard height / width in increments of 1.
					## Scalable fonts (0, P~V):	10~1500 dots.		
				int increase:	increment of counter
				LPTCSTR data:	text data

	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Prn_Text(50, 110, 0, 'A', 90, 90, 0, "A123456");
				Z_Prn_Text(50, 110, 0, 'P', 27, 360, 0, "A123456");

	Comment:	Above function will print a build-in fonts

	Function:	print a text with dot-matrix Chinese font (16*15 or 24*24)
	Syntax:		int Z_Prn_Text_Chinese(int x, int y, int fonttype, LPCTSTR id_name,
					LPCTSTR data, int mem);
	Parameters:	int x:				x-axis (dot)
				int y:				y-axis (dot)
				int fonttype:		font type of dot-matrix Chinese font
									(0-->16*15, 1-->24*24)
				LPCTSTR id_name:	assign a font ID to the font type to store
									in printer, then use function Z_Load_Graphic()
									to recall the font.
				LPCTSTR data:		text data
				int mem:			memory device to store the font (0-->DRAM, 1--> Flash memory)

	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Open_ChineseFont("C:\\ET3");
				Z_Prn_Text_Chinese(100, 100, 0, "A01", "¤¤¤å¤å¦r=Chinese characters", 0);
	Comment:	Before use of this function, Argox windows driver Label Dr.200 or
				Label Dr.300 must be installed and better be set as default printer.
				Printing darkness is set in driver. If Label Dr.200 or Dr.300 is not
				set as default printer, the program will auto-search and detect the
				two drivers in sequence for use.

	Function:	Print a True Type Font Text
	Syntax:		int Z_Prn_Text_TrueType(int x, int y, int FSize, LPCTSTR FType,
					int Fspin, int FWeigth, int FItalic, int FUnline,
					int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id-name, LPCTSTR data, int mem);
				int Z_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(int x, int y, int FHeight, int FWidth,
					LPCTSTR FType, int Fspin, int FWeigth, int FItalic, int FUnline,
					int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCTSTR data, int mem);
	Parameters:	int x:			x-axis
				int y:			y-axis
				int FSize:		True type font size (unit: dot). FSize = (dpi * point) / 72.
				int FHeight:	Font height (unit: dot). FHeight = (dpi * point) / 72
				int FWidth:		Font width (unit: dot). FWidth = (dpi * point) / 72
				LPCTSTR FType:	True type font typeface
				int FSpin: 		orientation
								2-->rotated 90 degree [clockwise]
								3-->inverted 180 degree
								4-->read from bottom up, 270 degree).
				int FWeight:	True type font boldness
								0 and NULL and 400 -->regular
								100-->extra fine	200-->very fine
								300-->fint			500-->normal
								600-->half bold		700-->bold
								800-->extra bold	900-->boldface
				int FItalic: 	True type font in italic style.
								0-->False,	1-->True.
				int FUnline:	True type font with underline.
								0-->Flase,	1-->True.
				int FStrikeOut:	True type font with delete-line (strike-line).
								0-->False,	1-->True.
				LPCTSTR idname:	assign a font ID to the true type font to store in
								printer, then use function Z_Load_Graphic() to
								recall the font. 
				LPCTSTR data:	text data
				int mem:		memory type to store the font (0-->DRAM, 1-->Flash)
		Z_Prn_Text_TrueType(30, 35, 40, "Arial", 4, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AA", "True Type Font Test", 0);
		Z_Prn_Text_Truetype_W(30, 35, 40, 30, "Times New Roman", 4, 400, 0, 0, 0, "AB", "True Type Font Test", 0);

	 Comment:	Argox windows driver Label Dr.200 or Label Dr.300 must be installed
				and better be set as default printer. Printing darkness is set
				in driver. If Label Dr.200 or Dr.300 is not set as default printer,
				the program will auto-search and detect the two drivers in sequence for use.

	Function:	Clear data stored in printer DRAM or Flash Memory.
	Syntax:		void Z_Clear_Memory(void);
	Example:	Z_Clear_Memory();
	Comment:	This function will erase all graphics and soft fonts stored in
				printer DRAM or Flash Memory due to graphics and soft fonts will
				accumulate in memory that will cause printer memory overflow.
				The function should be sent to printer before function Print_Out().
				While printer memory is full, the previous loaded graphics and
				soft fonts will be erased from DRAM or Flash Memory. To avoid
				improper deletion, the function Z_Clear_Memory should be sent
				to printer before function Z_Print_Out().

	Function:	Set tear off position
	Syntax:		void Z_Set_Backfeed(int nPixel);
	Parameter:	int pixel:	set the tear off distance, range: 0~999, unit: dot.
	Example:	Z_Set_Backfeed(204);
	Comment:	Above function example will enable back feed with a distance of 204 dots.

	Function:	Set printing darkness
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_Darkness(int darkness);
	Parameter:	int darkness:	set printing darkness, range:-30~30.
								Factory default value is 0.
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_Darkness(12);
	Comment:	This function is to control the printing darkness, to obtain
				better printing quality, other factors such as label material,
				ribbon types, and the image pattern itself should be considered
				as well.

	Function:	Set debug environment and warning dialog

	Syntax:		int Z_Set_DebugDialog(int nEnable);
	Parameter:	int nEnable:	1--> enable debug environment
								0--> disable debug environment.

	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW_Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_DebugDialog(1);
	Comment:	This function will set a debug environment for a program, except
				returning relevant error code, it will also show a warning dialog.
	Function:	Set continuous label length
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_Label(int Length);
	Parameter:	int length:	continuous label length
	Return value:	0-->OK. (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_Label(300);
	Comment:	Above example will set continuous label length to 300 dots.

	Function:	Set print mode (tear off mode, peel off mode, cutting mode)
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_Mode(char mode);
	Parameter:	char mode:	T: tear off
							P: peel off
							C: cutter enable
	Return value:	0--> OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_Mode('C');
	Comment:	This is an important function in a program.
	Function:	Redefine the origin point of y-axis.
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_Origin(int y);
	Parameter:	int y:	new origin point of y-axis
	Return value:	0-->OK. (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)

	Example:	Z_Set_Origin(10); 

	Function:	Set label type as continuous media or non-continuous media
	Syntax: 	int Z_Set_Paper(char p);
	Parameter: char p:	N: continuous media
						Y: non-continuous media
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_Paper('Y');

	Function:	Set printer serial communications
	Syntax: 	int Z_Set_Prncomport(int baud, int parity, int data, int stop);
	Parameters:	int baud:	accepted values: 2400; 4800; 9600; 19200; 38400
				int parity:	parity.	0: none parity;
									1: even parity;
									2: odd parity
				int data:	data bit (7 or 8)
				int stop:	stop bit (1 or 2)
	Return value:	0-->OK. (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	int baud, data, stop;
				char parity;
				Parity = 'N'; baud=93; data=8; stop=1;
				Z_Set_Prncomport(baud, parity, data, stop);

	Comment:	Printer and PC must have the same serial communication settings.
	Function:	Set PC serial communications
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_Prncomport_PC(int nBaudRate, int nByteSize, int nParity,
					int nStopBits, int nDsr, int nCts, int nXonXoff);

	Parameters:	int nBaudRate:	Baud rate	1-->	110;		 9-->	19200
											2-->	300;		10-->	38400
											3-->	600;		11-->	56000
											4-->	1200;		12-->	57600
											5-->	2400;		13-->	115200
											6-->	4800;		14-->	128000
											7-->	9600;		15-->	256000
											8-->	14400;		 0-->	9600
				int nByteSize:	Data bit	0-->	7-bit data
											7-->	7-bit data
											8-->	8-bit data
				int nParity:	Parity		0-->	none parity
											1-->	even parity
											2-->	odd parity
				int nStopBits:	Stop bit	0-->	1 stop bit
											1-->	1 stop bit
											2-->	2 stop bit
				int nDsr:	set hardware flow control
							1-->	DTR control handshake
							0-->	DTR control enable
				int nCts:	set hardware flow control
							1-->	RTS control handshake
							0-->	RTS control enable
				int nXonXoff:	Set software flow control
								0-->	enable; 1-->	disable

	Return value:	0-->OK. (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_Prncomport_PC(0,0,0,0,1,1,1);
	Comment:	Printer and PC must have the same serial communication settings.
				This function must be positioned before function Z_Print_Out().
	Function:	reset printer to factory default
	Syntax: 	void Z_Set_Reset();
	Example:	Z_Set_Reset();

	Function:	Set printing speed
	Syntax: 	int Z_Set_Speed(int s);
	Parameter:	int s:	1~6 (IPS)
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_Speed(3);
	Comment:	Above function will set printing speed at 3 IPS.

	Function:	Set media type (thermal transfer media or direct thermal media)
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_TPH(char m);
	Parameter:	char m:		T: thermal transfer media;
							D: direct thermal media
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_TPH('T');
	Comment:	# Above function will set media type as thermal transfer mode.
				# This function is the same as setting printing in thermal
				  transfer mode or direct thermal mode.
				# This is an important function in a program.

	Function:	Set units of measurement (inch, mm, dots)
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_Unit(char m);
	Parameters:	char m:		D: dots;
							I: inches;
							M: millimeters
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_Unit('D');

	Function:	set label gap length
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_Gap(int nPattern, int gapLen);
	Parameters:	int nPattern:		0~65535 (mm)
				int gapLen:		5~65535 (mm)
	Return value:	0->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_Gap(30,20);
	Comment:	This function is used only when label gap length is over 5mm,
				and the function should be positioned before function Z_Set_Label().

	Function:	Enable or disable printing task transmission process bar
	Syntax: 	int Z_Set_ProcessDlg(int nShow);
	Parameters:	int nShow:	0-->disable;
							1--> enable.
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:		Z_Set_ProcessDlg(1);

	Function:	print QR code
	Syntax:	int Z_Bar2d_QRCode(int x, int y, int nModel, int nMagni, int nErr_Cor,
					int nInput, LPCTSTR data, int increase);
	Parameters:	int x:		x-axis
				int y:		y-axis
				int nModel:	accepted values:	1-->original;
				int nMagni:	magnification factors	1-->on 150 dpi printers
													2-->on 200 dpi printers
													3-->on 300 dpi printers
													4-->through 10
				int nErr_Cor:	error correction level
								1-->ultra-high reliability level
								2-->high reliability level
								3-->standard (default)
								4-->high density level
				int nInput:		1-->automatic;
								2--> manual
				LPCTSTR data:	barcode data
				int increase:		increment
	Return value:	0-->OK (Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:		Z_Bar2d_QRCode(20,20,2,2,3,1,"QR Code",0);
	Function:	Set print width
	Syntax:		int Z_Set_PrintWidth(int nDotWidth);
	Parameter:	int nDotWidth:	print width in dots
	Return value:	0-->OK.(Refer to ZW-Error.txt)
	Example:	Z_Set_PrintWidth(406);
	Comment:	Above function will set print width to 406 dots (2 inches).

	Function: Set print quantity

	Syntax:	int Z_Print_OutQuality(int nTotal, int copies, int sets, int nPause);

	Parameter:	int	nTotal;		total quantity of labels to print
				int	sets;		pause and cut value(labels between pauses)
				int	copies;		replicates of each serial number
				int	nPause;		override pause per copies count. 1 --> Yes, 0 --> No

	Return value:	0 -> OK.(Refer to ZW-Error.txt)

	Example:	Z_Print_OutQuality(1,1,1,1);

	Comment:	The function Z_Print_OutQuality will send the printing task to
				printer. The function must be positioned after all other functions
				but precedes function Z_ClosePrn().
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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