BWIN-API.txt Driver File Contents (

     Module: BWIN-API.TXT
             All commands for PPLB in Dynamic Link Library under Windows
    Notices: Copyright (c) 1998-2006 ARGOIMPREX
    Version: 3.04BW 2006/02/15
    B_Bar2d_Maxi()            => Create the 2D barcode object - Maxicode.

    B_Bar2d_Maxi_N()            => Create the 2D barcode object - Maxicode.

    B_Bar2d_PDF417()          => Create the 2D barcode object - PDF-417.

    B_ClosePrn()              => Stop printer operation.

    B_CreatePrn()             => Start printer opreation.
    B_Del_Form()              => Delete a "form" data.
    B_Del_Pcx()               => Clean the stored "graphic data" in RAM or Flash memory.
    B_Draw_Box()              => Create a "box" object.

    B_Draw_Line()             => Create an "line" object.

    B_Error_Reporting()       => Enable/Disable error report.

    B_Get_DLL_Version()       => Get or show this verison for library.
	B_Get_DLL_VersionA()       => Get or show this verison for library.

    B_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP()  => Convert the colorBMP data from PC into mono graphic(
                                 dithering pattern) and download it into printer's RAM.

    B_Get_Pcx()               => Download graph data for PCX format from PC into the 
                                 printer's RAM or Flash memory.
    B_Initial_Setting()       => Perform the initial paprameter setting (send the
                                 command code into printer directly).

    B_Load_Pcx()              => Acquire the graphic data which stored in the RAM or
                                 Flash memory.

    B_Open_ChineseFont()      => Open Chinese dot font file (16*15 and 24*24).

    B_Print_Form()            => Perform printing function. And acquire the form data 
                                 which stored in RAM or Flash memory.

    B_Print_MCopy()           => Perform printing function and make multi copy.

    B_Print_Out()             => Perform printing function.

    B_Prn_Barcode()           => Create a "barcode" object and a "counter" object.

    B_Prn_Configuration()     => Configuration print out.

    B_Prn_Text()              => Create a "text" object and a "counter" object.

    B_Prn_Text_Chinese()      => Create a "text" object with Chinese dot font file
                                 (16*15 or 24*24).

    B_Prn_Text_TrueType()     => Create a "True Type Font" text object.
    B_Prn_Text_TrueType_W()   => Create a "True Type Font" text object with Height and Width.

    B_Select_Option()         => Select function - transfer type, cutter and dispenser.
    B_Select_Option2()        => Select function - transfer type, cutter and dispenser.

    B_Select_Symbol()         => Select function - symbol set.

    B_Set_Backfeed()          => Setup the "back feed" function.

	B_Set_BMPSave()           => Save Image File.

    B_Set_Darkness()          => Setup the "darkness" function (heating level).

	B_Set_DebugDialog()		  => Enable Debug Message Dialog.

    B_Set_Direction()         => Setup the "print direction".

    B_Set_Form()              => Download a form from PC into printers RAM or Flash memory.
    B_Set_Labgap()            => Setup the "label length" and "gap length".

    B_Set_Labwidth()          => Setup the "label width".

    B_Set_Originpoint()       => Setup the "origin point".

    B_Set_Prncomport()        => Setup the "serial port".

    B_Set_Speed()             => Setup the "print speed".

	B_Set_ProcessDlg()		=> Set the Process Dialog.

	B_GetUSBBufferLen()		=> Get USB port data length

	B_EnumUSB()				=> Enum USB port

	B_CreateUSBPort()		=> Open USB port

	B_ResetPrinter()		=> Reset Printer

    1.Please set up execute path as: \\Windows\system\winpplb.dll or current path
    2.All sample descriptions are based on the syntax of Visual C++.

	PURPOSE	Preper to Open USB port

	SYNTAX	int B_GetUSBBufferLen();
			int B_EnumUSB(char *buf);

	PARAMETER	char	*buf;	To save the USB port data				

			B_GetUSBBufferLen() return the USB data buffer length;

			B_EnumUSB(char *buf)	0 -> OK.
			Reference BW-Error.txt file.

		char *buf;
		int	nLen = B_GetUSBBufferLen()+1;
		buf = malloc(nLen);
		memset(buf, 0, nLen);

	REMARK	Above functions shall co-work together. While request for USB data,
			first to call B_GetUSBBufferLen() to get the length, then share the
			memory to buf. After that, call B_EnumUSB(), to split each data with
			("0x0d0x0a"). e.q. A-200(0x0d)(0x0a)R-400ZIP stands for two printers
			are connected to PC, port 1 is A-200 and port 2 is R-400Zip

	PURPOSE		Start printer opreation.

	SYNTAX		int B_CreatePrn(int selection, LPCTSTR filename);
				int B_CreateUSBPort(int nPort)

	PARAMETER	int	selection;	To select the printer port.
						0 -> print to file.
						1 -> lpt1, 2 -> lpt2, 3 -> lpt3
						4 -> com1, 5 -> com2, 6 -> com3
						10 -> net
				LPCTSTR	filename;	If selection is 0 , print to file.
							If selection is 10,filename is the path.
							The "file name" can be under current
							directory or full directory path or NULL.
				int nPort;	USB port

	RETURN	0 -> OK.
		Reference BW-Error.txt file.

	EXAMPLE	B_CreatePrn(1,NULL);  or  B_CreatePrn(0,"C:\TEMP\out.prn");
			B_CreatePrn(10,"\\allen\Label"); or A_CreateUSBPort(1);

	REMARK	The B_CreatePrn and B_CreateUSBPort function will activate a valid
			printer port or	"print to file" path. This function must be performed
			before all commands.
			B_CreatePrn or B_CreateUSBPort() must use one of it at once.

    PURPOSE  Stop printer operation.

    SYNTAX  void B_ClosePrn(void);

    EXAMPLE  B_ClosePrn();

    REMARK  The B_ClosePrn function will access the port that you choiced or
            close file. The function must be performed after all commands placed.

        PURPOSE  Create the 2D barcode object - Maxicode.

         SYNTAX  int B_Bar2d_Maxi(int x,int y,int cl,int cc,long int pc,LPCTSTR data);

      PARAMETER  int      x;              X coordinate in dots.
                 int      y;              Y coordinate in dots.
                 int      cl;             A 3-digit Class code.
                 int      cc;             A 3-digits Country code.
                 long int pc;             Post code, 4 or 5 digits for USA and 6
                                           characters for other countries.
                 LPCTSTR  data;           Data string. Up to 84 characters.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Bar2d_Maxi(50,50,300,400,93065,"This MaxiCode");

        PURPOSE  Create the 2D barcode object - PDF-417.

         SYNTAX  int B_Bar2d_PDF417(int x,int y,int w,int v,int s,int c,int px,
                               int py,int r,int l,int t,int o,LPCTSTR data);

      PARAMETER  int     x;               X coordinate in dots.
                 int     y;               Y coordinate in dots.
                 int     w;               Maximum print width in dots.
                 int     v;               Maximum print height in dots.
                 int     s;               Error correction level , 0 ~ 8.
                 int     c;               Data compression level , 0 or 1 .
                 int     px;              Module width , 2 ~ 9 in dots.
                 int     py;              Module height , 4 ~ 99 in dots.
                 int     r;               Maximum row count.
                 int     l;               Maximum column count.
                 int     t;               Truncation flag, 0 = normal.
                                           1 = truncated.
                 int     o;               Rotation. 0 ~ 3.
                 LPCTSTR data;            A data string.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Bar2d_PDF417(10,10,400,300,0,0,3,7,10,2,0,0,"ARGOXINFO");

        PURPOSE  Delete a "form" data.

         SYNTAX  int B_Del_Form(char formname[10]);

      PARAMETER  char formname[10];       form name with a maximum of 9 characters.
                                           Value "*": All forms will be deleted form
                                           RAM or flash memory.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Del_Form("demo");

         REMARK  The B_Del_Form function causes the printer to delete forms
                 currently stored in RAM or flash memory. Once a form is deleted.
                 It can not be retrieved and printed except it is reloaded again.

        PURPOSE  Clean the stored "graphic data" in RAM or Flash memory.

         SYNTAX  int B_Del_Pcx(char pcxname[10]);

      PARAMETER  char pcxname[10];        Maximum 9 characters for the graghic data
                                           name. The value  is "*" that clearns all
                                           graphic datas form RAM or flash memory.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Del_Pcx("*");

         REMARK  The B_Del_Pcx function will delete the graphics data which already
                 stored in printers RAM or flash memory. If certain gragics data 
                 was deleted, it will not be retrieved and printed unless be 

        PURPOSE  Create a "box" object.

         SYNTAX  int B_Draw_Box(int x,int y,int thickness,int hor_dots,int ver_dots);

      PARAMETER  int x;                   X coordinate of star point in dots.
                 int y;                   Y coordinate of star point in dots.
                 int thickness;           Thickness of four edges.
                 int hor_dots;            X coordinate of end point in dots.
                 int ver_dots;            Y coordinate of end point in dots.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Draw_Box(50,120,5,250,150);

         REMARK  The B_Draw_Box function will draw a box by "OR" operation.

        PURPOSE  Create an "line" object.

         SYNTAX  int B_Draw_Line(char mode,int x,int y,int hor_dots,int ver_dots);

      PARAMETER  char mode;               See as follows:
                                          | mode | operation.                 |
                                          |   E  | Exclusive OR               |
                                          |   O  | OR                         |
                                          |   W  | White line, so it may erase|
                                          |      | previous image.            |
                 int  x;                  X coordinate in dots.
                 int  y;                  Y coordinate in dots.
                 int  hor_dots;           Horizontal length in dots.
                 int  ver_dots;           Vertical length in dots.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Draw_Line('O',50,30,100,10);

         REMARK  The B_Draw_Line function will draw a line by "OR" or "XOR" operation.

        PURPOSE  Enable/Disable error report.

         SYNTAX  int B_Error_Reporting(char option);

      PARAMETER  char option;             N will disable feedback of printer status.
                                          S will enable feedback of printer status.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Error_Reporting('S');

         REMARK  The B_Error_Reporting function is used to enable/disable the
                 feedback of printer status. The feedback channel is through the
                 RS232 port. The default is "disable".

        PURPOSE  Get or show this verison for library.

         SYNTAX  char* B_Get_DLL_Version(int nShowMessage); 
				 int B_Get_DLL_VersionA(int nShowMessage);

      PARAMETER  int    nShowMessage;     0 -> The message dailog isn't showed.
                                          1 -> The message dailog is showed.
         RETURN  B_Get_DLL_Version() -> Library verison string, if fail return null.
				 B_Get_DLL_VersionA() -> return version value.

        EXAMPLE  B_Get_DLL_Version(1);

         REMARK  The B_Get_DLL_Version function is used to get or show this
                 verison for library.

        PURPOSE  Convert the colorBMP data from PC into mono graphic (dithering
                 pattern) and download it into printer's RAM.

         SYNTAX  int B_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(int x, int y, LPCTSTR filename);

      PARAMETER  int    x;               X coordinate.
                 int    y;               Y coordinate.
                 LPCTSTR filename;       File name of graphic with path.
                                         The format is XXXXXXXX.XXX or X:\XXX\XXX.XXX
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP(30,20,"girl.bmp");

         REMARK  The B_Get_Graphic_ColorBMP function will convert color file into mono
                 file for data Storing and Printing.But you must install Window's 
                 Driver for Dr.200 or Dr.300 first. And adjust the darkness. This
                 function will first search the Windows driver (Dr.200 or Dr.300)
                 from PCs existing default driver. If the default driver is for 
                 other printer, it will sreach Dr.200 and then Dr.300.  

        PURPOSE  Download graph data from PC into the printer's RAM or Flash memory.

         SYNTAX  int B_Get_Pcx(int x,int y,LPCTSTR filename);

      PARAMETER  int  x;                  X coordinate in dots.
                 int  y;                  Y coordinate in dots.
                 LPCTSTR filename;        File name of graphic data for PCX with path.
                                           The format is XXXXXXXX.XXX or X:\XXX\XXX.XXX
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Get_Pcx(50,30"phone.pcx");

         REMARK  The B_Get_PCX function will store graphic object for PCX in RAM memory.

        PURPOSE  Perform the initial paprameter setting (send the command code into
                 printer directly).

         SYNTAX  int B_Initial_Setting(int Type,LPCTSTR Source);

      PARAMETER  int       Type;         To choose type to input. 
                                          The value is 0 -> to import a string.
                                          The value is 1 -> to import a file.
                 LPCTSTR   Source;       The data source is string or file name
                                          in path.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  LPCTSTR aa = "ZT\r\n\0"; B_Initial_Setting(0,aa);

         REMARK  The B_Initial_Setting function is prescored to send some commands 
                 defined by user. The function will send a string with some commands
                 or a file. The command should be placed after the B_Create_Prn() function.

        PURPOSE  Acquire the graphic data which stored in the RAM or Flash memory.

         SYNTAX  int B_Load_Pcx(int x,int y,char pcxname[10]);

      PARAMETER  int  x;                  X coordinate in dots.
                 int  y;                  Y coordinate in dots.
                 char pcxname[10];        Graph name with a maximum of 9 characters.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Load_Pcx(50,30,"phone");

         REMARK  The B_Load_Pcx function will print a graphic data which has
                 been downloaded into the printer.

        PURPOSE  Open Chinese dot font file (16*15 and 24*24).

         SYNTAX  int B_Open_ChineseFont(char* path);

      PARAMETER  char*  path;               The Chinese dot font file source path.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Open_ChineseFont("C:\\ET3");

         REMARK  The B_Open_ChineseFont function will open Chinese dot font file.
                 And give B_Prn_Text_Chinese function to used.

        PURPOSE  Perform printing function. And acquire the form data which stored
                 in RAM or Flash memory.

         SYNTAX  int B_Print_Form(int labset,int copies,char form_out[10],LPTSTR var);

      PARAMETER  int    labset;           Number of label sets, 1 ~ 32767.
                 int    copies;           Number of copies per label, 1 ~ 32767.
                 char   form_out[10];     Form name of store in printer.The name
                                           is same inter form name of printer.
                 LPTSTR var;              VAR,COUNT in accordance with forms.Use
                                           "," to differentiate between VAR or COUNT
                                           of string.You would want to use ",".You
                                           can use ";,".This ";," is "," mean.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Print_form(3,2,"demo","2000,Bicycle");

         REMARK  The B_Print_Form function access data of all commands in the form.
                 First used B_Set_form() to store a form in printer. The command
                 have to be placed after all commands. Befor B_ClosePrn().
                 The labset parameter will make increment or decrement for field

        PURPOSE  Perform printing function and make multi copy.

         SYNTAX  int B_Print_MCopy(int labset,int copies)

      PARAMETER  int     labset;          Number of label sets, 1 ~ 32767.
                 int     copies;          Number of copies per label, 1 ~ 32767.
                                           If the value is number one, it is same 
                                           B_Print_Out() function.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Print_MCopy(2,2);

         REMARK  The B_Print_MCopy function will send all data to the printer.
                 The function has to be performed befor ClosePrn function. 
                 The Print_Out function will not be activated when Print_MCopy is setup. 
                 The labset parameter will make increment or decrement for field

        PURPOSE  Perform printing function.

         SYNTAX  int B_Print_Out(int labset);

      PARAMETER  int labset;             You want to print pieces.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Print_Out(1);

         REMARK  The B_Print_Out function access data of all commands. This command has
                 to be placed after all function and before B_ClosePrn().

        PURPOSE  Create a "barcode" object and a "counter" object.

         SYNTAX  int B_Prn_Barcode(int x,int y,int ori,char type[4],int narrow,
                              int width,int height, char human,LPCTSTR data);

      PARAMETER  int     x;               X coordinate in dots.
                 int     y;               Y coordinate in dots.
                 int     ori;             Orientation or print direction.
                                           Value: 0, 1, 2, 3.
                 char    type[4];         Bar code type as follows:
        | type|          Bar Code           | type|           Bar Code           |
        |  0  | Code 128 UCC (shipping cont-|  E30| EAN-13                       |
        |     | ainer code)                 +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  E32| EAN-13 2 digit add-on        |
        |  1  | Code 128 subset A,B and C   +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  E35| EAN-13 5 digit add-on        |
        |  1E | UCC/EAN                     +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  E80| EAN-8                        |
        |  2  | Interleaved 2 of 5          +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  E82| EAN-8 2 digit add-on         |
        |  2C | Interleaved 2 of 5 with che-+-----+------------------------------+
        |     | ck sum digit                |  E85| EAN-8 5 digit add-on         |
        |  2D | Interleaved 2 of 5 with hum-|  K  | Codabar                      |
        |     | an readable check digit     +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  P  | Postnet                      |
        |  2G | German Postcode             +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  UA0| UPC-A                        |
        |  2M | Matrix 2 of 5               +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  UA2| UPC-A 2 digit add-on         |
        |  2U | UPC Interleaved 2 of 5      +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  UA5| UPC-A 5 digit add-on         |
        |  3  | Code 3 of 9                 +-----+------------------------------+
        +-----+-----------------------------+  UE0| UPC-E                        |
        |  3C | Code 3 of 9 with check sum  +-----+------------------------------+
        |     | digit                       |  UE2| UPC-E 2 digit add-on         |
        |  9  | Code 93                     |  UE5| UPC-E 5 digit add-on         |
                 int     narrow;          Narrow bar width in pixels.
                 int     width;           Wide bar width in pixels.
                 int     height;          Bar code height in pixels.
                 char    human;           N -no text is printed or B - the human
                                           readable text is printed.
                 LPCTSTR data;            A text string. When the data is added the
                                           format for <Operation Number> is added
                                           counter. Operation: "+" or "-" sign,
                                                    Number: 0 ~ 32768 number.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Prn_Barcode(650,15,0,"E80",2,2,51,'B',"1234567"); // no counter
                 B_Prn_Barcode(650,15,0,"E80",2,2,51,'B',"1234567<+10>");//have a counter

        PURPOSE  Configuration print out.

         SYNTAX  void B_Prn_Configuration(void);

        EXAMPLE  B_Prn_Configuration();

        REMARK  The B_Prn_Configuration function will print out the printer
                configuration includeing settings, firmware version, accessories,

        PURPOSE  Create a "text" object and a "counter" object.

         SYNTAX  int B_Prn_Text(int x,int y,int ori,int font,int hor_factor,
                              int ver_factor,char mode,LPCTSTR data);

      PARAMETER  int     x;               X coordinate in dots.
                 int     y;               Y coordinate in dots.
                 int     ori;             Orientation or print direction.
                                           Value: 0, 1, 2, 3.
                 int     font;            ID number for font selection.
                                           Value: 1 ~ 5 select resident font.
                 int     hor_factor;      Horizontal scale factor. Value: 1 ~ 24.
                 int     ver_factor;      Vertical scale factor. Value: 1 ~ 24.
                 char    mode;            N for normal text or R for reverse.
                 LPCTSTR data;            A text string. When the data is added the
                                           format for <Operation Number> is added
                                           counter. Operation: "+" or "-" sign,
                                           Number: 0 ~ 32768 number.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Prn_Text(50,110,0,4,1,1,'N',"A123456"); // no counter
                 B_Prn_Text(50,110,0,4,1,1,'N',"A123456<-1>"); // have a counter

        PURPOSE  Create a "text" object with Chinese dot font file (16*15 or 24*24).

         SYNTAX  int B_Prn_Text_Chinese(int x,int y,int fonttype,LPCTSTR id_name,LPCTSTR data);
      PARAMETER  int      x;              X coordinates.
                 int      y;              Y coordinates.
                 int      fonttype;       Select Chinese dot font file.
                                           0 -> 16*15¡B1 -> 24*24.
                 LPCTSTR  id_name;        To give a id name to store in printer after
                                           calling text by Load_Pcx().
                 LPCTSTR  data;           A text string.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Open_ChineseFont("C:\\ET3");
                 B_Prn_Text_Chinese(100, 100, 0,"A01","°ê®a§Q¯q·í«e¢Ï¢ê¢Ñ¢ë¢Ò¢ì");

         REMARK  The B_Prn_Text_Chinese function is able to print a text for Chinese
                 dot font file (16*15 or 24*24).
                 But you must install Window's Driver for Dr.200 or Dr.300
                 first. And adjust the darkness. This function will first search the
                 Windows driver (Dr.200 or Dr.300) from PCs existing default driver.
                 If the default driver is for other printer, it will sreach Dr.200 
                 and then Dr.300.  

        PURPOSE  Create a "True Type Font" text object.

         SYNTAX  int B_Prn_Text_TrueType(int x, int y, int FSize, LPCTSTR FType,
                                      int Fspin, int FWeight, int FItalic, int FUnline,
                                      int FStrikeOut, LPCTSTR id_name, LPCTSTR data,
                                      int mem_mode);
				 int B_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(int x,int y,int FHeight,int FWidth,LPCTSTR FType,
                                    int Fspin,int FWeight,int FItalic,int FUnline,
                                    int FStrikeOut,LPCTSTR id_name,LPCTSTR data);
      PARAMETER  int      x;              X coordinates.
                 int      y;              Y coordinates.
                 int      FSize;          TrueType font size,unit is (dot).
											FSize = (dpi * point) / 72.
				 int      FHeight;        Font Height, unit is (dot).
											FHeight = (dpi * point) / 72.
                 int      FWidth;         Font Width, unit is (dot).
											FWidth = (dpi * point) / 72.
                 LPCTSTR  FType;          TrueType font type name.
                 int      Fspin;          TrueType font to rotate.
                                           1 -> 0, 2 -> 90, 3 -> 180, 4 -> 270
                 int      FWeight;        TrueType font thickness bellow:
                                           0 and NULL and 400 -> standard,
                                           100 -> special thin,200 -> very thin,
                                           300 -> thin        ,500 -> middle,
                                           600 -> half thick  ,700 -> thick,
                                           800 -> special thick,900 ->blackbody.
                 int      FItalic;        TrueType font italic.
                                           0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE.
                 int      FUnline;        TrueType font underline.
                                           0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE.
                 int      FStrikeOut;     TrueType font StrikeOut.
                                           0 -> FALSE, 1 -> TRUE.
                 LPCTSTR  id_name;        To give a id name to store in printer after
                                           calling text by Load_Pcx().
                 LPCTSTR  data;           A text string.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Prn_Text_TrueType(30,35,40,"Times New Roman",4,400,0,0,0,"AA","ABCDEF");
				 B_Prn_Text_TrueType_W(30,35,40,40,"Times New Roman",4,400,0,0,0,"AA","ABCDEF");

         REMARK  The B_Prn_Text_TrueType function is able to print a text for True 
                 Type Font, But you must install Window's Driver for Dr.200 or Dr.300
                 first. And adjust the darkness. This function will first search the
                 Windows driver (Dr.200 or Dr.300) from PCs existing default driver.
                 If the default driver is for other printer, it will sreach Dr.200 
                 and then Dr.300.  

		PURPOSE	Setup print mode, enable Cutter or Peel.

		SYNTAX	int B_Select_Option(int object);
			int B_Select_Option2(int object, int p)

		PARAMETER	int   object;		Printer mode selection.
										1 -> thermal transfer, disable Cutter and Peel.
										2 -> direct thermal, disable Cutter and Peel.
										3 -> direct thermal, Cutter, disable Peel.
										4 -> direct thermal, Peel, disable Cutter.
										5 -> thermal transfer, Cutter, disable Peel.
										6 -> thermal transfer, Peel, disable Cutter.
				int   p;		The number of label to print before cut.
		RETREN  0    -> OK.
				Reference BW-Error.txt file.

		EXAMPLE:  B_Select_Option(1);
			  B_Select_Option2(2, 3);

		REMARK:	The B_Select_Option(B_Select_Option2) function is to setup Printer print mode.

        PURPOSE  Select function - Symbol Set.

         SYNTAX  int B_Select_Symbol(int num_bit,int symbol,int country);

      PARAMETER  int num_bit;             Data bit number.8 for 8-bit data and 7
                                           for 7-bit data.
                 int symbol;              Symbol set.
                                          NOTE:The factory default symbol set is
                                               Code page 437(English).
                 int country;             KDU country code.
                        |       8 bit data          |       7 bit data          |
                        |symbol|    Code page       |symbol|     Code page      |
                        |  0   |English(437)        |  0   |USASCII             |
                        |  1   |Latin(850)          |  1   |British             |
                        |  2   |Slavic(852)         |  2   |German              |
                        |  3   |Portugal(860)       |  3   |French              |
                        |  4   |Canadian?French(863)|  4   |Danish              |
                        |  5   |Nordic(865)         |  5   |Italian             |
                        |      |                    |  6   |Spanish             |
                        |      |                    |  7   |Swedish             |
                        |      |                    |  8   |Swiss               |

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Select_Symbol(7,5,1);

         REMARK  The B_Select_Symbol function is used to select the proper symbol

        PURPOSE  Setup the "back feed" function.

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Backfeed(char option);

      PARAMETER  char option;             B is disable back feed.
                                          F is the printer will feed about one
                                          more inch so that the user can see the
                                          whole label.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Backfeed('B');

         REMARK  The B_Set_Backfeed() function enables the label to be fed a little 
                 bit ahead after printing which user could tear it off easily.
                 And the label roll will be fed withdraw to proper position before
                 the next label printed. 

        PURPOSE  Save Image File.

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_BMPSave(int nSave, char *pstrBMPFName);

      PARAMETER  int    nSave;                   1 -> Save Image.
	                                             0 -> Don't Save Image.

                 char   *pstrBMPFName;           File Name.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_BMPSave(1, "C:\TempBMP.bmp");

         REMARK  The B_Set_BMPSave function can decide to save image to file.
        PURPOSE  Setup the "darkness" function (heating level).

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Darkness(int darkness);

      PARAMETER  int darkness;          Acceptable values from 0 to 15.The default
                                        darkness value is 8.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Darkness(9);

         REMARK  The B_Set_Darkness function will define the printers darkness.
                 Different media material, print-out pattern and printing speed will 
                 cause different printout darkness; and which can be adjusted by this

        PURPOSE  Enable Debug Message Dialog.

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_DebugDialog(int nEnable);

      PARAMETER  int    nEnable;                 1 -> Enable.
                                                 0 -> Disable.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_DebugDialog(1);

         REMARK  The B_Set_DebugDialog function set debug message dialog.

        PURPOSE  Setup "Print Direction".

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Direction(char direction);

      PARAMETER  char direction;          Acceptable values are B or T.They are
                                          diagonally symmetrical.The default
                                          value is T.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Direction('T');

         REMARK  The B_Set_Direction function will setup the print direction
                 for all graphics,texts,bar codes,lines and boxes.

        PURPOSE  Download a form from PC into printers RAM or Flash memory.

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Form(LPCTSTR formfile);

      PARAMETER  LPCTSTR   formfile;      File name for form. The form must use
                                           DOS's drive make a form in PPLB utility
                                           of Driver Disk.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_form("demo.prn");

         REMARK  The B_Set_Form function activates a form store sequence to be printed.
                 The function is used befor B_Print_Form().

        PURPOSE  Setup the "Label and Gap Length".

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Labgap(int lablength,int gaplength);

      PARAMETER  int lablength;           Form length after the last image line.
                 int gaplength;           Gap length.For continuous media(without
                                          gap)this field should be set to 0.
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Labgap(100,20);

        PURPOSE  Setup the "Label Width".

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Labwidth(int labwidth);

      PARAMETER  int labwidth;            Label width in dots.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Labwidth(250);

         REMARK  The B_Set_Labwidth function will set the label width.
                 This is an alternative to sending a B_Set_Originpoint function for
                 centering labels.

        PURPOSE  Setup the "Origin point".

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Originpoint(int hor,int ver);

      PARAMETER  int hor;                 Horizontal margin measured in dots.
                 int ver;                 Vertical margin measured in dots.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Originpoint(0,0);

         REMARK  The B_Set_Originpoint function will move the origin point for
                 the X and Y axes.
                 After sending this function, all coordinates will be moved 
                 according to the new orgin.

        PURPOSE  Setup the "Serial Port".

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Prncomport(int baud,char parity,int data,int stop);

      PARAMETER  int  baud;               Baud rate.Acceptable values are:
                                               value     speed
                                                38      38,400 baud
                                                19      19,200 baud
                                                96       9,600 baud
                                                48       4,800 baud
                                                24       2,400 baud
                 char parity;             Parity.O -odd,E -even parity and N -none
                 int  data;               Data bit number,7 or 8.
                 int  stop;               Stop bit number,1 or 2.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Prncomport(96,'N',8,1);

         REMARK  The B_Set_Prncomport function will setup the serial port parameters 
                 as to match your hosts configuration. The protocol between host
                 and printer must be in identical condition.

      PURPOSE  Setup the serial port for PC.

       SYNTAX  int B_Set_Prncomport_PC(int nBaudRate, int nByteSize, int nParity,
								int nStopBits, int nDsr, int nCts, int nXonXoff);

    PARAMETER  int    nBaudRate;       Baud rate:
                                        1 -> 110     9 -> 19200 
                                        2 -> 300    10 -> 38400 
                                        3 -> 600    11 -> 56000 
                                        4 -> 1200   12 -> 57600 
                                        5 -> 2400   13 -> 115200 
                                        6 -> 4800   14 -> 128000 
                                        7 -> 9600   15 -> 256000 
                                        8 -> 14400   0 -> 9600

               int    nByteSize;       Data bit number:
                                        0 -> 7-bit data
                                        7 -> 7-bit data
                                        8 -> 8-bit data

               int    nParity;         Parity:
                                        0 -> none parity
                                        1 -> even parity
                                        2 -> odd  parity
			   int    nStopBits;       Stop bit number:
                                        0 -> 1 stop bit
                                        1 -> 1 stop bit
                                        2 -> 2 stop bits
			   int    nDsr;            Setup hardware flow control
                                        1 -> DTR CONTROL HANDSHAKE;
                                        0 -> DTR CONTROL ENABLE;

               int    nCts;            Setup hardware flow control
                                        1 -> RTS CONTROL HANDSHAKE;
                                        0 -> RTS CONTROL ENABLE;

               int    nXonXoff;        Setup software flow control
                                        0 -> Enable;
                                        1 -> Disable;
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Prncomport_PC(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);

       ¡@REMARK  The fuction of B_Set_Prncomport_PC is to setup the value of PC 
                 serial Port. For successful communication between PC and Printer,
                 this value should be commanded in accrodance with the setting
                 value of printer. Besides, this command should be set before
                 B_Print_Out() executed.

        PURPOSE  Setup the "print speed".

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_Speed(int speed);

      PARAMETER  int speed;               A single char acter(0 to 7) representing
                                           a particular speed setting.The range
                                           depends on your printer model.
                                          | speed Value | SPEED            |
                                          | 0 or 1      | 1 ips (25 mmps)  |
                                          |   2         | 2 ips (50 mmps)  |
                                          |   3         | 3 ips (75 mmps)  |
                                          |   4         | 4 ips (100 mmps) |
                                          |   5         | 5 ips (125 mmps) |
                                          |   6         | 6 ips (150 mmps) |
                                          |   7         | 7 ips (175 mmps) |
         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Set_Speed(2);

         REMARK  The B_Set_Speed function will set a particular speed for the
                 label or batch of labels being printed.

        PURPOSE  Set the Process bar.

         SYNTAX  int B_Set_ProcessDlg(int nShow);

      PARAMETER  int    nShow;              0:Close Process bar.
                                            1:Open Process bar.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.
        EXAMPLE  B_Set_ProcessDlg(1);

	REMARK	The B_Set_ProcessDlg function is used to open or close the Process
		bar Dialog.

        PURPOSE  Create the 2D barcode object - PDF-417.

         SYNTAX  int B_Bar2d_PDF417_N(int x, int y, int w, int h, LPCTSTR pParameter, LPCTSTR data);

      PARAMETER  int     x;               X coordinate in dots.
                 int     y;               Y coordinate in dots.
                 int     w;               Maximum print width in dots.
                 int     h;               Maximum print height in dots.
					  Error correction level(s), 0 ~ 8.
					  Data compression level(c), 0 or 1 .
					  print human readble(pxxx,yyy,mm)
					  xxx:Human readable horizontal start location, 0 ~ 999.
					  yyy:Human readable vertical start location, 0 ~ 999.
					  mm:Maximum characters per line, 0 ~ 99.
					  Bar code origin point(f), 0 or 1.
					  Module width(x), 2 ~ 9 in dots.
					  Module height(y), 4 ~ 99 in dots.
					  Maximum row count(r).
					  Maximum column count(l).
					  Truncation flag(t), 0 = normal,1 = truncated.
                 LPCTSTR data;            A data string.

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.

        EXAMPLE  B_Bar2d_PDF417_N(10,10,400,300,¡¨s0,c0,p400,400,10,f0,x3,y7,r10,l2,f0¡¨,"ARGOXINFO");
		 To ignore the whole pParameter or even part of the sub-parameters of pParameter is
		 1. To ignore the whole pParameter: Simply issue the value as "NULL".
		 2. To ignore part of the sub-parameters of pParameter, please notice the sub-parameters
		    that controls "print human readable" (pxxx,yyy,mm) should be ignored as a sub-parameter set. 
		For example, you can ignore s0, c0, f0, x3, y7, r10, l2, or f0 individually, but you should
		ignore the p400, 400, 10 together.

 	REMARK	Support printer: R-400 -- R2B0 3.08 

        PURPOSE  This function emulates Power Off and then Power On.

         SYNTAX  int B_ResetPrinter();

         RETURN  0    -> OK.
                 Reference BW-Error.txt file.
        EXAMPLE  B_ResetPrinter();

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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