release.txt Driver File Contents (b44bcmcd653.exe)

                    R E L E A S E    N O T E S

       Broadcom Management Application Programming Interface
          for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, XP 32/64 bit,
                     Win98, Win98SE and WinMe
                         Version 3.0.7

          Copyright (c) 2000 - 2002 Broadcom Corporation
                       All rights reserved.
                          Sep. 24, 2002

CHANGES in v3.0.7
- Add 'MaxSpeed' in BM_BRCM_ADAPTER_INFO_EX. Require driver v5.12 or
- Support for 5705MFE.

CHANGES in v3.0.6
- Support Turbo Teaming. Users must install Turbo Teaming capable
  driver in order to have the feature work properly. During the
  Turbo Teaming configuration, users will need to install driver
  again for new Turbo Teaming adapter instance if the driver is not
  certified (no cat file).

CHANGES in v3.0.5
- Allow old applications that are using old BM_ASF_TABLE structure
  to be able to configure new firmware that has SNMP community name

CHANGES in v3.0.4
- Since v3.0.0, if an application dynamically load and Initialize
  BMAPI, chances are that the application will have one or more
  'HANDLE' left opened to drivers (FAD.sys, etc.) after BMAPI is
  uninitialized and unloaded. The problem is fixed.

CHANGES in v3.0.3
- Force APIs that depend on BmapiInitDiag() must be issued from the
  same thread that BmapiInitDiag() was called. Please refer to
  "Broadcom Management API.doc" for detail information.

CHANGES in v3.0.2
- Change ASF community name from 32 bytes to 20 bytes.
- Support 5705 loopback test. Require NDIS driver 3.30 or later.

CHANGES in v3.0.1
- Fix ClearQuest:
  5040: 5705 fails Control Registers Test in BACS.
  5092: ASF status mismatched when compared between BMAPI and DOS
  5094: ASFIpMon does NOT work with BMAPI v3.0.0.

CHANGES in v3.0.0
- Add BmapiGetBRCMNicInfoEx().
- Add BmapiGetLastDiagPort().
- Add BmapiWriteFirmwareInfo().
- Add support for 5705.
- Add support for 'port swap' for 5704.
- Fix ClearQuest:
  4752: ASF Config fails to enable ASF for 2nd port of b5704A0
  4804: Cannot get Vital Sign information for 5701 &5703-Fiber when
  the driver is loaded and the adapter is enabled.
  4920: 5702: Reverse N-Way NIC will lose connection after running
  diagnostics in BACS  

CHANGES in v2.2.23
- Add BmapiGetPowerMode().
- Add BmapiSetPowerMode().
- Require miniport driver version 3.18.

CHANGES in v2.2.22
- Add BmapiGetIpAddrInfo().
- Add BmapiTestNetwork().
- Add 4401 support in BmapiForceBRCMNicLinkSpeed().
- Add 5704 support for ASF.

CHANGES in v2.2.21
- Fix ClearQuest:
  4073: 5704 Fails PHY LoopBack test on BACS v2.31.

CHANGES in v2.2.20
- Fix ClearQuest:
  3938: After disabling our NIC, launching BACS causes system to
  blue screen.

CHANGES in v2.2.19
- Add BmapiReadNicMem().
- Add BmapiWriteNicMem().
- Change BmapiTestEEPROM() to work with driver version eariler than

CHANGES in v2.2.18
- Fix ClearQuest:
  2799: Gigabit Transmit & Gigabit Receive LED in Vital Signs
  intermittently turns on and off

CHANGES in v2.2.17
- Fix ClearQuest:
  3666: BASP 3.0.7 fails to create identical teams using 3rd vendor

CHANGES in v2.2.16
- Add BmapiGetBrcmVirNic().
- Support BASP on NT 4.0 workstation, W2k Professional ans XP

CHANGES in v2.2.15
- Eliminate possible EEPROM corruption on 5702/5703 A0/A1 rev caused
  by applications.
- Require network adapter driver version 2.63 or later.

CHANGES in v2.2.14
- Fix ClearQuest:
  3281: 4401 Broadcom Control Suite Failure during MAC-Loopback Test
        Require 4401 miniport driver v3.20 or later.

CHANGES in v2.2.13
- Support WMI on Windows 98SE, windows Me, Windows NT4, Windows XP.

CHANGES in v2.2.12
- Fix the problem that BMAPI can not get IP address information in
  Win 98/Me if network adapters are using DHCP.

CHANGES in v2.2.11
- Fix the problem that BmapiSetASFTable() writes 16 bytes longer
  than it is supposed to and causing EEPROM corruption.

CHANGES in v2.2.10
- Enhancement for ASF feature.
- Fix Win 98/Me problem of reporting wrong ASIC revision.

CHANGES in v2.2.9
- Add BmapiReadFirmware().
- Add support for Broadcom 440x fast ethernet cards.

CHANGES in v2.2.8
- Add BmapiWriteFirmware().
- Add more data in BM_ADAPTER_INFO_EX.

CHANGES in v2.2.7
- Modify BM_ASF_CFG structure.

CHANGES in v2.2.6
- Support 5702/5703 Flash with ASF.
- Add BmapiGetFirmwareInfo().

CHANGES in v2.2.5
- Support 5702/5703 LOM with SEEPROM.

CHANGES in v2.2.4
- Improve events delivering implementation.

CHANGES in v2.2.3
- Support concurrent diagnose for different NIC.
- Applications MUST call BmapiInitDiag() before calling any
  diagnostic functions. Application also MUST call BmapiUnInitDiag()
  after diagnostic is done.
- Support NIC firmware v2.6 for ASF feature.
- Add following APIs:

CHANGES in v2.2.2
- Bug fix for ASFConfig.

CHANGES in v2.2.1
- Support ASFConfig run on NT4.0.

CHANGES in v2.2.0
- Replace b57dtect.dll with BASFND.sys to access to PCI information.
- Support 802.3AD teaming.

CHANGES in v2.1.5
- Change from "Broadcom Virtual adapter" to "BASP Virtual Adapter".

CHANGES in v2.1.4
- Fix Prod00002283, PCI Bus Mode in Vital Sign displayed unknown PCI
  clock speed.

CHANGES in v2.1.3
- Enhancement in BmapiTestEEPROM().
- Add support for PCI-X 100 MHz.
- Add support for PCI-X 50MHz.

CHANGES in v2.1.2
- Bug fix in BmapiUninitialize() reported by OEM.

CHANGES in v2.1.1
- Add support of fiber NICs.

CHANGES in v2.1.0
- Add support of Win98, WinSe and WinME
- Add two more API BmapiInitDiag() and BmapiUnInitDiag()
- Bug fix in BmapiUninitialize() reported by OEM.

CHANGES in v2.0.1
- Add version resource to dll.

CHANGES in v1.3.3
- Support for selective teaming.
- Add new API BmapiGetNicPciInfo().

CHANGES in v1.3.2
- Add new API BmapiGetNicStatistics64().

CHANGES in v1.3.0
- When team configuration is changed in Windows 2000, only the
  physical and virtual adapters that are involved in the change may
  need to restart.
- Fix Prod00000980, BASCS - internal error is reported with
  Save/Restore function.
- Add new API BmapiGetHandleByServiceName() and

CHANGES in v1.2.8
- Since we never want to support Alteon on 'Advanced Failover'
  feature, the codes for that part are removed.

CHANGES in v1.2.7
- Fix the problem that SNMP subagent for event trap can not get team
  name and service name of the adapter in event callback.
- Add BmapiRefreshData() to support applications that want to
  refresh BMAPI internal data.

CHANGES in v1.2.6
- 'extra_info' passed to callback function for registered events 
  will be available only for events BMAPI_EVT_ACTIVE and 
- Load Balance/Fail Over driver supports only 63 tagged VLANs and
  one optional untagged VLAN.
- Fix intermittent loopback test failed.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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