;******************************************************************************* ; Copyright 2002 Broadcom Corporation. ; ; INF for Windows 2000, Me, and 98SE ; ; History: ; 06/14/02 Inception. ;******************************************************************************* [version] Signature = "$Chicago$" ; Combined Win9x/Win2k inf Class=Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_BCM% Compatible = 1 CatalogFile=bcm4sbe5.cat DriverVer=09/11/2002, [Manufacturer] %V_BCM% = BROADCOM, NTx86.5.1 [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = * [BROADCOM] %BCM4401.DeviceDesc% = BCM4401, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401 %BCM4401.DeviceDesc% = BCM4401_broadcom, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401&SUBSYS_840114e4 %BCM4401_asustek.DeviceDesc% = BCM4401_asustek, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401&SUBSYS_80A81043 %BCM4401_msi_one.DeviceDesc% = BCM4401_msi_one, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401&SUBSYS_585C1462 %BCM4401_msi_two.DeviceDesc% = BCM4401_msi_two, PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401&SUBSYS_590C1462 [Broadcom.NTx86.5.1] ; this is here to prevent an XP OS loading a W2K Driver; when both bcm4sbe5.inf & bcm4sbxp.inf and ; associated drivers are present in the same floppy (media). ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Win2k specific ; ; Broadcom Catch All [BCM4401.NT] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI AddReg = BCM4401AddRegisters, AdvancedTabReg, 8021pPriorityReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileNT BusType = 5 ; PCI bus [BCM4401.NT.Services] AddService = bcm4sbe5, 2, BCM4401AddService, CommonEventLog [BCM4401AddService] DisplayName = %BCM4401.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 1 ; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\bcm4sbe5.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS [BCM4401AddRegisters] HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "bcm4sbe5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , "ndis5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , "ethernet" HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %BCM4401_HELP% ; Broadcom NIC [BCM4401_broadcom.NT] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI AddReg = BCM4401_broadcomAddRegisters, AdvancedTabReg, 8021pPriorityReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileNT BusType = 5 ; PCI bus [BCM4401_broadcom.NT.Services] AddService = bcm4sbe5, 2, BCM4401_broadcomAddService, CommonEventLog [BCM4401_broadcomAddService] DisplayName = %BCM4401_broadcom.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 1 ; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\bcm4sbe5.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS [BCM4401_broadcomAddRegisters] HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "bcm4sbe5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , "ndis5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , "ethernet" HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %BCM4401_HELP% ; ASUSTeK [BCM4401_asustek.NT] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI AddReg = BCM4401_asustekAddRegisters, AdvancedTabReg, 8021pPriorityReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileNT BusType = 5 ; PCI bus [BCM4401_asustek.NT.Services] AddService = bcm4sbe5, 2, BCM4401_asustekAddService, CommonEventLog [BCM4401_asustekAddService] DisplayName = %BCM4401_asustek.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 1 ; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\bcm4sbe5.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS [BCM4401_asustekAddRegisters] HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "bcm4sbe5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , "ndis5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , "ethernet" HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %BCM4401_HELP% ; MSI one [BCM4401_msi_one.NT] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI AddReg = BCM4401_msi_oneAddRegisters, AdvancedTabReg, 8021pPriorityReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileNT BusType = 5 ; PCI bus [BCM4401_msi_one.NT.Services] AddService = bcm4sbe5, 2, BCM4401_msi_oneAddService, CommonEventLog [BCM4401_msi_oneAddService] DisplayName = %BCM4401_msi_one.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 1 ; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\bcm4sbe5.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS [BCM4401_msi_oneAddRegisters] HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "bcm4sbe5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , "ndis5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , "ethernet" HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %BCM4401_HELP% ; MSI two [BCM4401_msi_two.NT] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_PHYSICAL | NCF_HAS_UI AddReg = BCM4401_msi_twoAddRegisters, AdvancedTabReg, 8021pPriorityReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileNT BusType = 5 ; PCI bus [BCM4401_msi_two.NT.Services] AddService = bcm4sbe5, 2, BCM4401_msi_twoAddService, CommonEventLog [BCM4401_msi_twoAddService] DisplayName = %BCM4401_msi_two.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ErrorControl = 1 ; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\bcm4sbe5.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS [BCM4401_msi_twoAddRegisters] HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "bcm4sbe5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, , "ndis5" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, , "ethernet" HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %BCM4401_HELP% ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Win9x specific ; ; Broadcom Catch All [BCM4401] AddReg = BCM4401.Win9xAddReg, BCM4401.Win9xAddReg2, AdvancedTabReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileW9x [BCM4401.Win9xAddReg] HKR, Ndi, DeviceID, 0, "PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401" HKR, Ndi\Install, ndis3 , , "BCM4401" ; Key for Not Logging in W9x OSes HKR, , ItsWin9x, 0, "1" ; Broadcom NIC [BCM4401_broadcom] AddReg = BCM4401_broadcom.Win9xAddReg, BCM4401.Win9xAddReg2, AdvancedTabReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileW9x [BCM4401_broadcom.Win9xAddReg] HKR, Ndi, DeviceID, 0, "PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401" HKR, Ndi\Install, ndis3 , , "BCM4401" ; Key for Not Logging in W9x OSes HKR, , ItsWin9x, 0, "1" ; ASUSTeK [BCM4401_asustek] AddReg = BCM4401_asustek.Win9xAddReg, BCM4401.Win9xAddReg2, AdvancedTabReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileW9x [BCM4401_asustek.Win9xAddReg] HKR, Ndi, DeviceID, 0, "PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401" HKR, Ndi\Install, ndis3 , , "BCM4401" ; Key for Not Logging in W9x OSes HKR, , ItsWin9x, 0, "1" ; MSI one [BCM4401_msi_one] AddReg = BCM4401_msi_one.Win9xAddReg, BCM4401.Win9xAddReg2, AdvancedTabReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileW9x [BCM4401_msi_one.Win9xAddReg] HKR, Ndi, DeviceID, 0, "PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401" HKR, Ndi\Install, ndis3 , , "BCM4401" ; Key for Not Logging in W9x OSes HKR, , ItsWin9x, 0, "1" ; MSI two [BCM4401_msi_two] AddReg = BCM4401_msi_two.Win9xAddReg, BCM4401.Win9xAddReg2, AdvancedTabReg, DriverInfo CopyFiles = BCM4401.CopyFileW9x [BCM4401_msi_two.Win9xAddReg] HKR, Ndi, DeviceID, 0, "PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401" HKR, Ndi\Install, ndis3 , , "BCM4401" ; Key for Not Logging in W9x OSes HKR, , ItsWin9x, 0, "1" ; following common to all W9x specifics [BCM4401.Win9xAddReg2] ; Interfaces HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, DefUpper, 0, "ndis3" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, DefLower, 0, "ethernet" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis3" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" ; HKR,,MediaType,,1 HKR, Ndi, HelpText, , %BCM4401_HELP% HKR, , EnumPropPages, 0, "netdi.dll,EnumPropPages" HKR, NDIS, MajorNdisVersion, 1, 03 HKR, NDIS, MinorNdisVersion, 1, 0A HKR, NDIS, LogDriverName, 0 , "bcm4sbe5" HKR, NDIS, MajorDriverVersion, 1, 1 HKR, NDIS, MinorDriverVersion, 1, 0 HKR, , DevLoader, 0, *ndis HKR, , DeviceVxDs, 0, bcm4sbe5.sys HKR, , NoEventLogging, 0, "1" ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Common Section for Both Win9x & Win2k ; [CommonEventLog] AddReg = CommonAddEventLogReg [CommonAddEventLogReg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\bcm4sbe5.sys" HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 [8021pPriorityReg] HKR, Ndi\Params\8021pPriority, ParamDesc, 0, %8021pPriority% HKR, Ndi\Params\8021pPriority, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\8021pPriority\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\8021pPriority\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\8021pPriority, type, 0, "enum" [AdvancedTabReg] HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedAndDuplex, ParamDesc, 0, %SpeedAndDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedAndDuplex, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedAndDuplex, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedAndDuplex\enum, "0", 0, %AutoDetect% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedAndDuplex\enum, "1", 0, %10MbHalfDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedAndDuplex\enum, "2", 0, %10MbFullDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedAndDuplex\enum, "3", 0, %100MbHalfDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedAndDuplex\enum, "4", 0, %100MbFullDuplex% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeUpModeCap, ParamDesc, 0 , %WakeUpMode% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeUpModeCap, default, 0 , "2" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeUpModeCap, type, 0 , "enum" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeUpModeCap\enum, "0", 0 , %WakeUpMode_None% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeUpModeCap\enum, "1", 0 , %WakeUpMode_Magic% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeUpModeCap\enum, "2", 0 , %WakeUpMode_Pattern% HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlCap, ParamDesc, 0 , %FlowControlMode% HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlCap, default, 0 , "2" HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlCap, type, 0 , "enum" HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlCap\enum, "0", 0 , %FlowControlMode_None% ; HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlCap\enum, "1", 0 , %FlowControlMode_Rx% HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlCap\enum, "2", 0 , %FlowControlMode_Tx% ; HKR, Ndi\Params\FlowControlCap\enum, "3", 0 , %FlowControlMode_Both% [DriverInfo] HKLM,Software\InstalledOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,Description,,%DriverDescription% HKLM,Software\InstalledOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,CurrentVer,,%DriverOEMVersion% HKLM,Software\InstalledOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,Ver_%DriverOEMVersion%,,%DriverVersionID% HKLM,Software\InstalledOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,BaseDriverFileName,,%BaseDriverFileName% HKLM,Software\InstalledOptions\%DriverOEM%\%DriverFamily%\%DriverMfgr%\%DriverProduct%,BaseDriverFileVersion,,%BaseDriverFileVersion% [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 ; system32 on Win2k and system on win9x BCM4401.CopyfileNT = 12 BCM4401.CopyFileW9x = 11 ; common to all W2K above [BCM4401.CopyFileNT] bcm4sbe5.sys,,,1 ; common to all W9X above [BCM4401.CopyFileW9x] bcm4sbe5.sys,,,1 [SourceDisksNames] 1=%BCM4401.DiskName%,, [SourceDisksFiles] bcm4sbe5.sys=1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; [strings] ; Provider V_BCM = "Broadcom" ; PNP Devices BCM4401.DeviceDesc = "Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller" BCM4401_asustek.DeviceDesc = "ASUSTeK/Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller" BCM4401_msi_one.DeviceDesc = "MSI/Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller" BCM4401_msi_two.DeviceDesc = "MSI/Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller" BCM4401_HELP = "Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller provides local area networking" BCM4401.Service.DispName = "Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller Driver" BCM4401_broadcom.Service.DispName = "Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller Driver" BCM4401_asustek.Service.DispName = "ASUSTeK/Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller Driver" BCM4401_msi_one.Service.DispName = "MSI/Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller Driver" BCM4401_msi_two.Service.DispName = "MSI/Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller Driver" BCM4401.DiskName = "Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller Install Disk" SpeedAndDuplex = "Speed & Duplex" AutoDetect = "Auto" 10MbHalfDuplex = "10 Mb Half" 10MbFullDuplex = "10 Mb Full" 100MbHalfDuplex = "100 Mb Half" 100MbFullDuplex = "100 Mb Full" 8021pPriority = "802.1p QOS" Enabled = "Enable" Disabled = "Disable" WakeUpMode = "Wake Up Capabilities" WakeUpMode_Magic = "Magic Frame" WakeUpMode_Pattern = "Wake Up Frame" WakeUpMode_None = "None" FlowControlMode = "Flow Control" FlowControlMode_Both = "Rx/Tx Pause" FlowControlMode_Rx = "Rx Pause" ;FlowControlMode_Tx = "Tx Pause" FlowControlMode_Tx = "Enable" FlowControlMode_None = "Disable" ; Driver Information Entries DriverMfgr="Broadcom" ; IHV name DriverVersionID="3.48" ; The IHV driver version BaseDriverFileVersion="3.48" ; version of key file BaseDriverFileName="bcm4sbe5.sys" ; Key file for version ; These items will be set by IHV and updated by OEM DriverOEM="Dell" ; name of the OEM DriverFamily="NIC" ; device family (NIC, Storage, Video...) DriverProduct="BCM440X" ; Specific Name of device (chipset, for example) DriverDescription="Broadcom 440x 10/100 Integrated Controller" ; Description of device (product name, OS or system supported) DriverOEMVersion="A00" ; OEM-specified versionDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.