User can have the following options. 1. -l <file> :Log data to file. 2. -c <num> :Specify the card to be tested. 3. -I <num> :Iteration number 4. -t <id> :Disable tests 5. -T <id> :Enable tests 6. -r <num> : Input radix 7. -lbm : Option to specify number of packets in Mac Loopback test\n"); 8. -lbp : Option to specify number of packets in Phy Loopback test\n"); 9. -lbh : Option to specify number of packets in 100BT External Loopback test\n"); 10. -lbt : Option to specify number of packets in 10BT External Loopback test\n"); Example: > b44udiag -l test.log -c 1 -I 2 -t A3 -lbm 3000 -lbp 3000 -lbh 3000 -lbt 3000 There are 3 groups of test. Each group has a few sub tests. Group A A1. Indirect Control Register Test A2. Direct Control Register Test A3. Interrupt test A4. Built In Self Test Group B B1. LEDs test B2. EEPROM Test B3. MII Test B4. Link Status Test Group C C1. MAC Loopback Test C2. PHY Loopback Test. C3. External Loopback Test 100BT. C4. External Loopback Test 10BT. Test Descriptions A1. Indirect Register Test Command: regtest -i Function: Each Register specified in the configuration contents read only bit and read/write bit defines. The test writing zero and one by using indirect addressing method into the test bits to insure the read only bits are not changed, and read/write bits are changed accordingly. Default: Enabled A2 Control Register Test Command: regtest Function: Each Register specified in the configuration contents read only bit and read/write bit defines. The test writing zero and one into the test bits to insure the read only bits are not changed, and read/write bits are changed accordingly. Default: Enabled A3 Interrupt Test Command: intrtest Function: This test verifies the interrupt functionality. It enables interrupt and waits for interrupt to occur. It waits for 500ms and reports error if could not generate interrupts. Default: Enabled A4 Built In Self Test Command: bist Function: This test will run the Built In Self Test Default: Enabled B1 LED Test Command: ledtest Function: Tests forcing of the link state for each link speed/duplex. Default: Enabled B2 EEPROM Test Command: setest Function: Reads Serial Prom and varifies integrity by checking CRC. Default: Enabled B3 MII Test Command: miitest Function: Each Register specified in the configuration contents read only bit and read/write bit defines. The test writing zero and one into the test bits to insure the read only bits value are not changed, and read/write bits are changed accordingly. Default: Enabled B4 Command: linkstatus Function: Report current link status. Default: Enabled C1 Mac Loopback Test Command: lbtest -m Function: Transmits a 2000 or specified by -lbm option of 1514-byte packets with incrementing data pattern, and checks tx and rx flags and data integrity. Default: Enabled C2 Phy Loopback Test Command: lbtest -p Function: This test is same as D1. Mac Loopback Test except, the data is routed back via physical layer device. Default: Enabled C3 External Loopback Test 100BT Command: lbtest -e Function: This test is same as D1. Mac Loopback Test except, the data is routed back via loopback device. Default: Disabled C4 External Loopback Test 10BT Command: lbtest -a Function: This test is same as D1. Mac Loopback Test except, the data is routed back via loopback device. Default: DisabledDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.