bcmwls.ini Driver File Contents (R115321.EXE)

ÿþ; Dell Wireless WLAN Card Setup



Signature="$Windows NT$"


DefaultInstallPath	= %16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card

UninstallLog		= %16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\uninstall.log

DriverStore		= %16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\Driver


DriverInf =	DRIVER\bcmwl5.inf


UninstallLog		= uninstall.log

CopyFiles =	install.copyfiles

AddReg =	install.addreg, addremove.addreg


DriverInf =	DRIVER\bcmwl5.inf


UninstallLog		= uninstall.log

CopyFiles =	app.copyfiles, app.copyfiles.system, app.copyfiles.driver, install.copyfiles, help.copyfiles, %LocalizedHelpSection%

AddGINA	 = 	gina.copyfiles

AddReg =	app.addreg, install.addreg, addremove.addreg

AddLinks =	app.link

PostRun =	app.run




AddReg = Managed.addreg


AddReg = PerUserPN.addreg


AddReg = PerMachinePN.addreg




DelDirs =	install.deldirs


PreRun =	uninstall.run

DelReg =	install.delreg

DelGINA =	%11%\BCMLogon.dll,WlxUpgradeOrRemove,upgrade

DelDirs =	app.deldirs, install.deldirs


DelReg =	install.delreg

DelDirs =	install.deldirs


PreRun =	uninstall.run

DelReg =	app.delreg, install.delreg

DelGINA =	%11%\BCMLogon.dll,WlxUpgradeOrRemove,uninstall

DelDirs =	app.deldirs, install.deldirs


"%16407%\Dell Wireless"


"%16407%\Dell Wireless","Dell Wireless WLAN Card Utility",%11%\rundll32.exe,"shell32.dll,,Control_RunDLL %11%\bcmwlcpl.CPL",%11%,%11%\bcmwlcpl.CPL,0


bcm1xsup.dll,,,	0x00000006


WLTRYSVC.EXE,,,	0x00000006

BCMWLTRY.EXE,,,	0x00000006

WLTRAY.EXE,,,	0x00000006

BCMWLCPL.CPL,,,	0x00000006

bcmwlpkt.dll,,,	0x00000006

wltrynt.dll,,,	0x00000006

bcmwlu00.exe,,,	0x00000006

preflib.dll,,,	0x00000006


BCMWLNPF.SYS,,,	0x00000006



BCMLogon.dll,,,	0x00000006


MFC71.DLL,,,	0x00000062

MSVCR71.DLL,,,	0x00000062

MSVCP71.DLL,,,	0x00000062

ATL71.DLL,,,	0x00000062



; app behavior overrides


HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "RadioUIVisible", 0x00010001, 1

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "QuickLinkStatus", 0x00010001, 0

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "CCKMUIVisible", 0x00010001, 0

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "AllowManageChange", 0x00010001, 1

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "StatusUIVisible", 0x00010001, 0

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "LogUIVisible", 0x00010001, 0

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "AutoImport", 0x00010001, 1

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "AutoImportManage", 0x00010001, 1

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "ImportCurrentVersion", 0x00010001, 1

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "AutoImportReinitAdapter", 0x00010001, 1

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "AllowAdhocPnMovment", 0x00010001, 1

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "UserOptExport", 0x00010001, 1

HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "AllowCompCertAuth", 0x00010001, 0


;   entries for 2K/XP Logon Provider



HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BCMLogon", "DisplayName", 0, "BCMLogon"

HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BCMLogon", "Description", 0, %BCMLoginDescription%

HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BCMLogon\NetworkProvider", "Class", 0x00010001, 2

HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BCMLogon\NetworkProvider", "Name", 0, "Dell Wireless WLAN Card Logon Provider"

HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BCMLogon\NetworkProvider", "ProviderPath", 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\BCMLogon.dll"


;       Register a path so the systray applet

;	can find the control panel.



HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","Broadcom Wireless Manager UI",0,"%11%\WLTRAY.exe"




HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "PerUserPN", 0x00010001, 1


HKLM,"Software\Broadcom\802.11", "PerUserPN", 0x00010001, 0






HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","Broadcom Wireless Manager UI",0x00002000

; Flags are 1=RUN_APP_ASYNC, 2=RUN_APP_COND (condtional on reboot not required)


regsvr32.exe /s %11%\wltrynt.dll, 0x00

%11%\WLTRYSVC.EXE -i,	0x08

%11%\WLTRYSVC.EXE -s,	0x0A

%11%\WLTRAY.exe,	0x03


%11%\WLTRYSVC.EXE -k, 0x08

%11%\WLTRYSVC.EXE -u, 0x08

regsvr32.exe /s /u %11%\wltrynt.dll, 0x00


bcmwlu00.exe,,,	0x00000006

bcmwls64.exe,,,	0x00000006


bcmwlu00.exe,,,	0x00000006

bcmwls32.exe,,,	0x00000006


"%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\Driver"

"%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card"




;       Entries for uninstall


HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",UninstallString,0,"""%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\bcmwlu00.exe"" verbose /rootkey=""Software\Broadcom\802.11\UninstallInfo"" /rootdir=""%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card"""

HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",DisplayName,0,"Dell Wireless WLAN Card"

HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",DisplayIcon,0,"""%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\bcmwlu00.exe"""

; Extended uninstall entries

HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",DisplayVersion,0,""

HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",NoModify,0x00010001,1

HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",NoRepair,0x00010001,1

HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",Publisher,0,"Dell Inc."


HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",UpgradeString,0,"""%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\bcmwls64.exe"" upgrade"

HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",QuietUninstallString,0,"""%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\bcmwls64.exe"" uninstall"


HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",UpgradeString,0,"""%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\bcmwls32.exe"" upgrade"

HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",QuietUninstallString,0,"""%16422%\Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card\bcmwls32.exe"" uninstall"


HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",,0x00002000


; Each line in this section is processed in order until a match is

; found. First the registry value at the key given in the first and

; second fields is stricmp() compared with value in third field. If it

; matches, the company name and version number from the version

; resource are compared against the fourth field and fifth fields. If

; the file version is lesser than or equal, the actions in the section

; given by the key are added to the queue.

; Run the latest uninstaller, note special "Run" command

UpgradeRun,,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",UpgradeString,,,,,

; Catch all old uninstallers

Upgrade,gsmu,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",UninstallString,%11%\BCMWLU00.exe, "verbose",,,


UpgradeRun,,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11 Application",UpgradeString,,,,,

Upgrade,gsmu.app,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11 Application",UninstallString,%11%\BCMWLU00.exe,"verbose /rootkey=Software\Broadcom\802.11_App\UninstallInfo",,,


Upgrade,gsmu,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",UninstallString,%11%\BCMWLU00.exe,"verbose /rootkey=Software\Broadcom\802.11\UninstallInfo",,,










"%11%\BCMWLU00.exe services /rootkey=SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11\UninstallInfo", 0x04

"%11%\BCMWLU00.exe preupdate /rootkey=SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11\UninstallInfo", 0x04


"%11%\BCMWLU00.exe services /rootkey=SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11_App\UninstallInfo", 0x04

"%11%\BCMWLU00.exe preupdate /rootkey=SOFTWARE\Broadcom\802.11_App\UninstallInfo", 0x04




HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11b Network Adapter",,0x00002000



HKLM,"%UninstallKey%\Broadcom 802.11 Application",,0x00002000

















install.copyfiles.amd64=16422,Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card

install.copyfiles=16422,Dell\Dell Wireless WLAN Card





2="Broadcom 802.11 Help Install Disk",bcmwlhlp.cab

1="Broadcom 802.11 Application Install Disk"


































bcmwlhlp.chm,,,	0x00000006




























UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="JHA1 E9DHE'* 'D'9*E'/ ('3E 'DE3*./E HCDE) 'DE1H1 H'DE,'D) 'DE3*./E) (H'37) (1F'E, 'D%/'1) 'DD'3DCJ) EF #,D *3,JD 'D/.HD %DI 4(C'* 'D'*5'D 'DD'3DCJ). JECQF '.*J'1J'K *3,JD 'D/.HD 9F/ (/! 'D*4:JD D(J&'* SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="JHA1 E9DHE'* 'D'9*E'/ ('3E 'DE3*./E HCDE) 'DE1H1 H'DE,'D) 'DE3*./E) (H'37) (1F'E, 'D%/'1) 'DD'3DCJ) EF #,D *3,JD 'D/.HD %DI 4(C'* 'D'*5'D 'DD'3DCJ). JECQF '.*J'1J'K *3,JD 'D/.HD 9F/ (/! 'D*4:JD D(J&'* SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="JHA1 E9DHE'* 'D'9*E'/ ('3E 'DE3*./E HCDE) 'DE1H1 H'DE,'D) 'DE3*./E) (H'37) (1F'E, 'D%/'1) 'DD'3DCJ) EF #,D *3,JD 'D/.HD %DI 4(C'* 'D'*5'D 'DD'3DCJ). JECQF '.*J'1J'K *3,JD 'D/.HD 9F/ (/! 'D*4:JD D(J&'* SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="@54>AB02O 40==8 70 @538AB@8@0=5 (?>B@518B5;A:> 8<5, 4><59=), 87?>;720= >B A>DBC5@0 70 C?@02;5=85 =0 15768G=0 <@560 70 2;870=5 2 15768G=8B5 <@568. > 871>@ ?>72>;O20 15768G=> 2;870=5 ?@8 AB0@B8@0=5 70 SSO A@548."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Ðc›Oàe¿~¡{toöN:N{vU_óàe¿~QÜ~€O(u„víQÁ‹áOo`ÿ(u7b
T0Æ[x0ßW	ÿ0ïSûN	0W:N SSO ¯sƒX/T(u/T¨Röeàe¿~{vU_0"

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0804"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Ðc›Oàe¿~¡{toöN:N{vU_óàe¿~QÜ~€O(u„víQÁ‹áOo`ÿ(u7b
T0Æ[x0ßW	ÿ0ïSûN	0W:N SSO ¯sƒX/T(u/T¨Röeàe¿~{vU_0"

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

Š (O(u€
T1z0Æ[¼x0²}ßW)0SSO °tƒXNïSxÇd_U(u/f&T(W_UÕRBf!qÚ}{veQ0"

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

Š (O(u€
T1z0Æ[¼x0²}ßW)0SSO °tƒXNïSxÇd_U(u/f&T(W_UÕRBf!qÚ}{veQ0"

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0404"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Pru~a informacije o vjerodostojnosti (korisni
ko ime, lozinka, domena) koju softver za be~i
no umre~avanje koristi za prijavu u be~i
ne mre~e. Kod pokretanja dodatno omoguava be~i
nu prijavu za okru~enja jedinstvene prijave."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Poskytuje informace o ovYení (u~ivatelské jméno, heslo, doména) pou~ívané softwarem pro bezdrátovou správu k pYihláaení do bezdrátových sítí. Voliteln umo~Huje bezdrátové pYihláaení pYi spuatní pro prostYedí SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Giver pålidelige oplysninger (brugernavn, adgangskode, domæne), som softwaren bruger til logon til trådløse netværk. Kan sættes til at foretage trådløst logon ved start i SSO-miljøer."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Biedt verificatiegegevens (gebruikersnaam, wachtwoord, domein) waarmee de software voor draadloos beheer wordt aangemeld op de draadloze netwerken. Maakt eventueel draadloze aanmelding mogelijk voor SSO-omgevingen tijdens het opstarten."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Biedt verificatiegegevens (gebruikersnaam, wachtwoord, domein) waarmee de software voor draadloos beheer wordt aangemeld op de draadloze netwerken. Maakt eventueel draadloze aanmelding mogelijk voor SSO-omgevingen tijdens het opstarten."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Provides credential information (user name, password, domain) used by wireless management software for login to wireless networks. Optionally enables wireless login at startup for SSO environments."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Pakub raadiovõrgu haldamise tarkvara tunnusteavet (kasutajanimi, parool, domeen) raadiovõrkudesse sisselogimiseks. Pakub käivitamisel valikulist raadiovõrgu SSO-keskkondadesse sisselogimise võimalust."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Luo tunnistetietoja (käyttäjätunnus, salasana, kohdealue), joita langattomat hallintaohjelmistot käyttävät langattomiin verkkoihin kirjautumiseen. Langaton kirjautuminen on mahdollista myös käynnistyksen yhteydessä SSO-ympäristöissä."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Fournit des informations d'authentification (nom d'utilisateur, mot de passe, domaine) utilisées par le logiciel de gestion sans fil pour l'établissement de connexions à des réseaux sans fil. Permet éventuellement l'établissement d'une connexion sans fil au démarrage dans les environnements SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0c0c"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Fournit des informations d'authentification (nom d'utilisateur, mot de passe, domaine) utilisées par le logiciel de gestion sans fil pour l'établissement de connexions à des réseaux sans fil. Permet éventuellement l'établissement d'une connexion sans fil au démarrage dans les environnements SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0c0c"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Fournit des informations d'authentification (nom d'utilisateur, mot de passe, domaine) utilisées par le logiciel de gestion sans fil pour l'établissement de connexions à des réseaux sans fil. Permet éventuellement l'établissement d'une connexion sans fil au démarrage dans les environnements SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0c0c"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Fournit des informations d'authentification (nom d'utilisateur, mot de passe, domaine) utilisées par le logiciel de gestion sans fil pour l'établissement de connexions à des réseaux sans fil. Permet éventuellement l'établissement d'une connexion sans fil au démarrage dans les environnements SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0c0c"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Stellt die Anmeldeinformationen (Benutzername, Kennwort, Domäne) zur Verfügung, die von drahtloser Verwaltungssoftware zur Anmeldung bei drahtlosen Netzwerken verwendet wird. Wahlweise wird eine drahtlose Anmeldung beim Starten von SSO-Umgebungen aktiviert."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0007"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Stellt die Anmeldeinformationen (Benutzername, Kennwort, Domäne) zur Verfügung, die von drahtloser Verwaltungssoftware zur Anmeldung bei drahtlosen Netzwerken verwendet wird. Wahlweise wird eine drahtlose Anmeldung beim Starten von SSO-Umgebungen aktiviert."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0007"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Stellt die Anmeldeinformationen (Benutzername, Kennwort, Domäne) zur Verfügung, die von drahtloser Verwaltungssoftware zur Anmeldung bei drahtlosen Netzwerken verwendet wird. Wahlweise wird eine drahtlose Anmeldung beim Starten von SSO-Umgebungen aktiviert."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0007"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Stellt die Anmeldeinformationen (Benutzername, Kennwort, Domäne) zur Verfügung, die von drahtloser Verwaltungssoftware zur Anmeldung bei drahtlosen Netzwerken verwendet wird. Wahlweise wird eine drahtlose Anmeldung beim Starten von SSO-Umgebungen aktiviert."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0007"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Stellt die Anmeldeinformationen (Benutzername, Kennwort, Domäne) zur Verfügung, die von drahtloser Verwaltungssoftware zur Anmeldung bei drahtlosen Netzwerken verwendet wird. Wahlweise wird eine drahtlose Anmeldung beim Starten von SSO-Umgebungen aktiviert."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0007"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription=" ±Á­Çµ¹ À¹ÃÄ¿À¿¹®Ãµ¹Â Ãͽ´µÃ·Â (̽¿¼± ÇÁ®ÃÄ·, ºÉ´¹ºÌ ÀÁÌò±Ã·Â, Ä¿¼­±) À¿Å ÇÁ·Ã¹¼¿À¿¹¿Í½Ä±¹ ±ÀÌ Ä¿ »¿³¹Ã¼¹ºÌ ±ÃÍÁ¼±Ä·Â ´¹±Çµ¯Á¹Ã·Â ³¹± Ãͽ´µÃ· õ ±ÃÍÁ¼±Ä± ´¯ºÄű.  Á¿±¹ÁµÄ¹º¬, µ½µÁ³¿À¿¹µ¯ Ä·½ ±ÃÍÁ¼±Ä· Ãͽ´µÃ· º±Ä¬ Ä·½ µºº¯½·Ã· ³¹± ÀµÁ¹²¬»»¿½Ä± SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Þáäç äèØÙ ÐÙéÕè (éÝ ÞéêÞé, áÙáÞÔ, ê×ÕÝ) ÔÞéÞéÙÝ êÕÛàÔ ÜàÙÔÕÜ ÐÜ×ÕØÙ ÜæÕèÚ ÛàÙáÔ Üèéê ÐÜ×ÕØÙê. ÞäâÙÜ ÑæÕèÔ ÐÕäæÙÕàÜÙê ÛàÙáÔ âÝ ÔÐê×ÕÜ ÑáÑÙÑÕê SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Hitelesítési adatokat (felhasználónevet, jelszót, tartományt) biztosít a vezeték nélküli kezelQprogram számára vezeték nélküli hálózatokba történQ bejelentkezéshez. Opcionálisan indításkori vezeték nélküli bejelentkezést is lehetQvé tesz SSO-környezetekben."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Fornisce le credenziali (nome utente, password, dominio) utilizzate dal software di gestione wireless per l'accesso a reti wireless. A richiesta, consente di effettuare l'accesso wireless all'avvio per ambienti SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0010"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Fornisce le credenziali (nome utente, password, dominio) utilizzate dal software di gestione wireless per l'accesso a reti wireless. A richiesta, consente di effettuare l'accesso wireless all'avvio per ambienti SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0010"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="ï0¤0ä0ì0¹0 Í0Ã0È0ï0ü0¯0x0n0í0°0¤0ó0’0¡{tW0f0D0‹0ï0¤0ä0ì0¹0¡{t½0Õ0È0¦0§0¢0L0O(uY0‹0nj<hÅ`1X (æ0ü0¶0ü0
T0Ñ0¹0ï0ü0É00É0á0¤0ó0) ’0Ðc›OW0~0Y00ª0×0·0ç0ó0h0W0f00SSO °tƒXwÕRBfk0ï0¤0ä0ì0¹0 í0°0¤0ó0L0ïSý€g0Y00"

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0011"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="4» Á $±¸ÒÌÆlÐÐÅ \¸ø­xÇXÕ0® ÇtÕ 4» Á ­¬¹ ŒÁÕ¸ÒèÆ´ÅÐÅÁ ¬À©ÆXՔ² Ç©¬ É…º Èô¼(¬À©ÆÇ tDŽ¹, TÅ8Ö, ijTºxÇ)|¹ …Ç%¸iÕȲä². SSO XÖ½¬ÐÅÁ Ü‘Ç`Õ Lµ 4» Á \¸ø­xÇDÇ  ÁÝÐÈ<Ç\¸ \Ö1ÁTÖiÕȲä²."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0012"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Sniedz akreditaanas informciju (lietotjvrds, parole, domns), ko izmanto bezvadu vad+bas programmatkra, lai pievienotos bezvadu t+klam. Pc izvles, uzskot piedv, bezvadu pievienoaanos SSO vidm."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Pateikia /galiojims duomenis (vartotojo vard, slapta~od/, domen), kurios naudojamos bevielio ryaio valdymo programins /rangos prisijungti prie bevielio ryaio tinkls. Pasirinktin funkcija, kuri suaktyvina bevielio ryaio prijungim sistemos paleidimo metu, jei nustatyta SSO aplinka."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Inneholder påloggingsinformasjon (brukernavn, passord, domene) som brukes av programvare for trådløs administrasjon for pålogging til trådløse nettverk. Gjør det mulig med trådløs pålogging ved oppstart for miljøer med enkeltpålogging."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Dostarcza informacji uwierzytelniajcych (nazwa u|ytkownika, hasBo, domena) wykorzystywanych przez oprogramowanie do zarzdzania sieciami bezprzewodowymi podczas logowania do sieci bezprzewodowych. Dodatkowo w [rodowiskach SSO umo|liwia logowanie bezprzewodowe przy uruchamianiu."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0015"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Fornece informações sobre credenciação (nome do utilizador, palavra-passe, domínio) utilizadas pelo software de gestão sem fios para iniciar sessão em redes sem fios. Activa opcionalmente o início de sessão sem fios no arranque para ambientes SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0416"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Fornece informações sobre credenciação (nome do utilizador, palavra-passe, domínio) utilizadas pelo software de gestão sem fios para iniciar sessão em redes sem fios. Activa opcionalmente o início de sessão sem fios no arranque para ambientes SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Ofer informacii de identificare (nume de utilizator, parol, domeniu), utilizate de software-ul de administrare wireless pentru conectarea la recele wireless. Opcional, la pornire, activeaz conectarea wireless pentru medii SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="#G5B=K5 40==K5 (8<O ?>;L7>20B5;O, ?0@>;L, 4><5=), 8A?>;L7C5<K5 ?@>3@0<<=K< >15A?5G5=85< C?@02;5=8O 15A?@>2>4=>9 A5BLN 4;O 4>ABC?0 : 15A?@>2>4=K< A5BO<. >?>;=8B5;L=> >15A?5G8205B 15A?@>2>4=>9 2E>4 ?@8 70?CA:5 4;O A@54K SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0019"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Poskytne osobné informácie (názov pou~ívate>a, heslo, doménu), ktoré pou~íva softvér bezdrôtového spravovania pre prihlásenie k bezdrôtovým sieeam. Prípadne umo~ní pri spustení bezdrôtové pripojenie pre SSO prostredia."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Posreduje poverilne informacije (uporabniako ime, geslo, domena), ki jih uporablja programska oprema za upravljanje brez~i
ne povezave za prijavo v brez~i
na omre~ja. Izbirno omogo
a brez~i
no prijavo pri zagonu za okolja SSO."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Proporciona información de credenciales (nombre de usuario, contraseña, dominio) utilizada por el software de administración inalámbrica para iniciar sesión en redes inalámbricas. De forma opcional, activa el inicio de sesión inalámbrico para entornos SSO en el inicio."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.000a"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Innehåller referensinformation (användarnamn, lösenord, domän) som används i programvara för trådlös hantering vid inloggning i trådlösa nätverk. Kan även aktivera trådlös inloggning vid start för SSO-miljöer."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.001d"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="C+II-!9%*H'1' (
I #+1*H2 B@!) 5HC
IB"-LA'#L2#12##0D#I*2"*3+#1%G-@I2*9H#0D#I*2" +#7-C+IC
I2#%G--4#0D#I*2"@!7H-@#4H!IC#0 SSO"

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"


UninstallKey = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"

BCMLoginDescription="Kablosuz yönetim yaz1l1m1 taraf1ndan kablosuz alara oturum açmak için kullan1lan kimlik bilgileri (kullan1c1 ad1, parola, etki alan1) salar. Ba_lang1çta SSO ortamlar1 için istee bal1 kablosuz oturum açma özellii salar."

LocalizedHelpSection = "help.copyfiles.0009"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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