readme.txt Driver File Contents (4NHCT_Update.exe)

    Propgate Command:   PROPGATE w32nt\i386 Destination
    Regression runs:   ( Note by Venkat )   This section is useful for running
               the test by lab technicians.    
        Copy MSTEST40 binaries and file from the server to a local directory.
    	 Invoke install.cmd or instntb.cmd

        For the basic run
         Invoke RUNALL X:   [X: is a drive that has no files ]
	For more advanced options:
	 Invoke MTRUN backup
	You can also start the hct tests by invoking the bkuphct.cmd,
	or a multiple variation test by invoking testall.cmd.
        The results will be in the log file BKUPTEST.LOG
	unless you specify otherwise.
        See in the last section for manual variations.    
    NTBACKUP.    PCD by jhazen
        There are two separate test scripts in this directory.    
        BACKUP.    PCD is a compiled MT 4.    0 Script designed to test NTBACKUP on Daytona.    
        This test is designed to test the functionality of NTBACKUP on any or all
        Tape Devices attached to the system.    
        BACKUPUI.    PCD is a compiled MT 4.    0 Script designed to test the NTBACKUP
        user interface.      It checks all the menu's and dialogs against a predefined
        A log file is created for each script which contains details of tests
        run and a summary of passes and failures.    
        Description of UI Tests:
            All dialogs (and the main menu) are compared to strings stored in
	    the bkuplang.mst test script.
        Description of Functionality Test:
        A tree of files is created on the specified drive and path.      The actual
        creation of the tree is controlled by the user's batch file.      The
        script calls the user's batch file to create the tree.      Once
        the tree is created, a checksum is performed on the tree.      Checksum
        data is recorded for each data stream of each file.      The tree is
        subsequently formatted.      The tree is restored from the tape and a new
        checksum is calculated.      The checksums are compared, if they are
        equal, the test is considered passed.      If they do not match then the
        differences in the checksums are recorded in the log file.    
        Optional Functionality Tests:
        There are two optional tests.      The first is to backup other drives,
        this is not really so much a test as it is an option.      When the user
        selects this option, all the other drives specified by the OTHERDRIVES
        environmental variable are backup up to the tape.      This is a concurrent
        process with the tree creation test above.      The second test (or option)
        is to backup the registry and restore the registry.      There are more
        details about this option below (see "Registry Tests".    )
          1) Enable appropriate tape drivers.    
          2) Propagate the script and associated files using the PROPGATE command.    
          3) run "mtrun backup.    pcd" for Functionality Tests and "mtrun backupui.    pcd"
                for User Interface tests.    
          4) After the test has begun, the machine should not be touched until the
             tests all complete.    
          The script may also be called from a batch file that specifies all the
          required options.      See "Running BACKUP.    PCD from a Batch File" below.    
        What you need:
          1) The shipping MT 4.    0 binaries
	  2) NT Build 944 or later.    
          3) Available space equal to the size of the size of the backup that
             will be created by your batch file or an exclusive net connection to
             such a location.    
          4) If you are going to be specifying a variations. !> ini file, you will
             either need a blank local volume, or net connections to shares
             running the appropriate filesystems
          1) It is not necessary to specify what language version of NT is being
             run, the script will detect the proper language and adapt itself.    
          2) If the net connection is lost during net backup tests, that test will
             terminate.      The script will continue with other testing.    
          3) The creation of the tree happens in the background while the net drives
             are being backed up.    
    Command Line Switches for BACKUP.    PCD:
        -l:[filename]     - used to specify the name of the logfile.     Do not
                            specify a drive or path.      It will be stored in
                            your data path.     The default log name is BKUPTEST.    LOG.    
                            EXAMPLE: "-l:mytest.    log"
        -t:[drive/path]   - used to specify the drive and path that will be
                            used for building a sample tree.     This will
                            default to the first available, local, empty drive.    
                            EXAMPLE: "-t:D:"
        -d:[drive/path]   - the location where your log file and other temporary
                            datafiles will be stored during the test.     This can be
                            a net drive, but not a UNC.      This will default to
                            the directory from which you are calling the script.    
                            EXAMPLE: "-d:C:\mydata"
        -bat:[filename]   - the name of the batchfile that will be called by
                            the script to create a sample tree on the tree drive.    
                            The default name is "MAKETREE.    BAT".    
                            See "Creating a MAKETREE.    BAT" below.    
                            EXAMPLE: "-bat:smalltst.    bat"
        -all              - Test all Tape Devices attached to the current system,
                            the default is to test only the current device.    
        -other            - Forces the script to backup all drives pointed
                            to by the OTHERDRIVES environmental variable.    
                            Default is not to back them up.    
        -nr               - Do NOT run the registry backup tests.      Default is to
                            run them.    
        -nc               - Do NOT use hardware compression, even if available.      The
                            Default is to use it when it is available.    
        -nw               - Do not pop-up any warnings if the other paramaters
                            passed to the script are invalid.      Simply fail the
                            test and log the errors.    
        -wdbg         - When starting NTBACKUP.    EXE, run it under Windbg.     This assumes
                        windbg.    exe is in your path, and that you have already set up
                        your symbol path.    
        -dev            - allows specification of specific arcpath to test device.    
                            for example "-dev:1/0/5" specifies PORT 1, BUS 0, SCSI ID 5
                            PORT and BUS default to 0 so "-dev:3" specifies PORT 0, BUS 0, SCSI ID 3"
                            you must either specify only the SCSI ID or all three.    
                            it may also be "-dev:NS" which specifies a non-scsi tape device
                            currently the only NS device we support is qic117.      This defaults
                            to "Tape/Unit 0".      You may also specify a Unit number by using the
                            form "-dev:NS/X" where "X" is the unit number.      This won't be an
                            issue until we support ATAPI Tape devices.    
        -ini:[filename]     - used to specify the variations file to be used with
                              the test. !>   See section on Using a Variation INI File
        Parameters Dialog Box:
        All Command Line parameters are verified by the script.      If any required parameter
        is missing, or is invalid for some reason, the user will be presented with a dialog
        box where the parameters can be entered/changed.      The user will be told the specific
        reason why parameters are invalid.      This dialog box also composes a sample command
        line for use in a batch file.    
        Using the Command Line with MTRUN:
        The command line is passed to the script using VTRUN's "/C" switch: e.    g.    
        VTRUN SCRIPT.    PCD /C "This is the whole cmd line to be passed"
        For this script you might use:
        VTRUN BACKUP.    PCD /C "-l:mylog.    log -t:d: -d:c: -bat:MAKETREE.    BAT  -all -other"
        This means, run the BACKUP.    PCD script;    
            use "mylog.    log" as the log file;    
            use drive "D:" as the location for creating a tree
            use drive "C:" as the logfile location, also used for other temp files;    
            call MAKETREE.    BAT to create a tree on drive D:;    
            test all tape devices on the system;    
            backup all drives pointed to by OTHERDRIVES.    
    Running the Registry Tests:
        When you choose to run the registry tests (the default) the following
        occures.      A file is marked for backup on the Drive containing the
        %systemroot%.     That singular file is marked for backup, enabling the
        script to select the registry for backup.      Just prior to starting the
        backup, the script calls REGDIFF.    EXE to take a snapshot of the registry.    
        This snapshot is stored in a file named "REGSNAP" in the specified Data
        path.      The backup is then completed.      When the script restores the tree,
        it will also restore the registry.    
        There is no verification of the sucessful completion of this test, since
        the restored registry will not go into effect until the machine is
        shutdown and restarted.      If the tester wishes to verify the restore, she/he
        must manually restart the machine and then run REGDIFF against the
        "REGSNAP" snapshot.      This test assumes a working knowledge of this tool.    
        See the REGDIFF docs for more information.    
    Running BACKUP.    PCD from a Batch File:
        See BKUPTEST.    BAT for a sample batch file to call this script.    
        This batchfile is commented with suggestions on how to use this
    Creating a MAKETREE.    BAT to create a tree structure:
        MAKETREE.    BAT is a sample (and the default) batch file.      The
        goal of this file to to create a tree on the target drive that
        this script will subsequently backup and restore.      MAKETREE.    BAT
        contains some specific requirements, you should use it as your
        model.      Any tool you have at your disposal for creating dirs and
        files may be called from this bat file.      You have three environmental
        variables at your disposal:
        ~CURDIR     This is the directory where the script was called from.    
        ~TREEDRIVE  This is the target drive on which the tree is to be created.    
        ~TREEPATH   This is the fully qualified path where the tree is created.    
        ~DATA       This is the path where the log file and other temp files
                    are created.    
    Interpreting the results:
    When the test is complete you should examine the log file.      The log file has three
    major sections, a header, test data, and a footer.      Each one of these sections
    will provide useful information.    
        This section will note the time the test began, the machine name, platform,
        video resolution, Build number, CSD version (if any), the complete SCSI
        chain, and finally which language version of NT Backup is running.      There
        is also a section that will outline the options that have been selected for
        this particular run.    
        Test Data:
        A section header will be printed for each device being tested, the header
        simply prints the name of the device that is about to be tested.    
        If the "/ui" switch is used, then you will have a section labeled "UI Tests".    
        This section will list comparisons between the current dialogs and the saved
        dialog images.      You want to see either "Exact Match" or "Fuzzy Match.    " See
        the MT docs for the meaning of each.      (e.    g.     you might get fuzzy match when the
        text of an edit control does not match.    )  Other possibilities are "Too many
        items" or "Too few items" which would indicated failure.      Each menu and dialog
        will be marked PASS or FAIL and a note as to why.    
        Unless the Functionality tests are bypassed using the "/nf" switch, then each
        tape device will have a functionality test section labeled "Functionality
        Testing"  The first thing you will see is a couple of INFO: messages telling you
        that a test tree has been created and backed up.      This will be followed by
        the summary log that NT Backup creates.      Next will be INFO messages indicating
        that the tree drive has been formatted, and the data restored from tape.      The
        summary log that NT Backup creates is again recorded.      The chksums from before
        and after the restore are compared, if they match, you will get a PASS message
        so indicating.      If they do not match then you will get a FAIL message and the
        script will record the differences between the chksums before and after.    
        At the end of the test you will find a footer that indicates the time the test
        terminated.      It will also summarize the number of PASS, FAIL and WARN messages.    
        If you see any FAIL or WARN messages you should grep the text to see where they
*** NOTE the -ini switch has not be fully tested and may not work ***
    Using a Variation INI File  
    You may specify a variation ini file to be used by the test, by using the
    "-ini:" switch on the cmd line. !>   This file includes several sets of paramaters
    to be used by the script to test backing up and restoring various filesystems,
    and compression states. !>   The sample provided is NTBACKUP. !> INI, and this file
    includes instructions about how to set the various options. !> 

    Manual Variations:
        1)  Restoring the data from the earlier version of
        NTBACKUP.    ( build 1.    511).     Make sure passwords found in
        the old tape is readable in the current one.    
        2)  Backing up and restoring the registry.    
           Add two new users with the help of user manager;    
           Add couple of drivers;    
        Perform the BACKUP operation on, with the backup
        registry flag enabled
        Now delete the new users from user manager;     remove the
        new drivers;     clear the eventlog entries.    
        Perform the RESTORE operation of the config directory
        with restore registry box enabled.     Reboot after the
        After rebooting verify if
              -New users are restored
              -New drivers that were added are restored
              -Eventlog entries are restored.    
        registry flag enabled
        3)  Backing up and restoring SFM volumes.(Check with
	Mr. Eric Churchill for SFM volumes). Makesure there are no errors
	reported by the NTBACKUP. Check the BACKUP.LOG.

    4)  Backing and restoring 4GB data sets. This test must
    be done with verify operation.( USE FSETMAP.EXE to create 4GB files)

    5)  Restoring from SYTOS tapes.

    6) Do the following security test.

       6.0) Log on as a user who does not belong to BACKUP operator, SERVER
        operator and ADMINISTRATOR group. Guest user whold be good
        choice. ( See the user manager for finding an user without any of
        these privileges.)

       6.1) Create a directory that following structure on a NTFS volume.


        [   This script will do the job.

        md \dir1
        cd \dir1
        echo foo >dir1\file1
        echo foo >file2

       6.2) Now start WINFILE and change the security information to
        NO_ACCESS to all the users, for the directory DIR and its subtree.

       6.3) Log on as an user who belongs to BACKUP operator group and backup
        the directory DIR and restore it. Make sure the source and the
        destination has same directory structure and security
        information. This fact can be verified with the help of file

        The test is considered PASS if the files and the security information
        is the same.

       6.4) Repeat the step 6.3 after logging on as ADMINISTRATOR and an
        user who belongs to SERVER operator group.

    7)  Create a tape limiting the access to the user and ADMINISTRATOR.
    Now try accessing the tape [ catalog and restore operation] as an
    user who is a backup operator but not the owner or an administrator.
    The NTBACKUP should deny access.

    The tape must be accessible to an user with administrative privilege.

    8)	Create a tape with a password.	Make sure that tape is password protected and is
    inaccessible to other users.

    9)	Backup and restore a Netware server. Check with Klaas Langhout or ArdenW
	for the server name. Makesure there are no errors reported by the NTBACKUP.
	Check the BACKUP.LOG.

    10)	The test sceneraios for testing compression and NTBACKUP

    10.1 -Create a files on compressed volume, back them up and restore it on
	a compressed volume.

    10.2 -Create a files on compressed volume, back them up and restore it on
	a uncompressed NTFS volume. The files must be restored in a compressed
	state. All the future file creation must not be compressed.

    10.3 -Create a files on compressed volume, back them up and restore it on
	 a other file systems (FAT and HPFS). The files must be restored in a
	 uncompressed state.

    10.4 -Create a files on compressed volume, back them up and restore it on
	 a other file systems (FAT and HPFS) over the net. The files must be
	 restored in a uncompressed state.

    10.5 -Create a files on compressed volume, back them up and restore it on
	a uncompressed NTFS volume over the net. The files must be restored
	in a compressed state. All the future file creation must not be

    10.6 -Create a file of size 10MB on a compressed volume, back it up and
	restore it on a uncompressed NTFS volume whose free space is about 7MB.
	The files must be restored in a compressed state. All the future file
	creation must not be compressed.

    10.7 -Create a file of size 2GB on a compressed volume, back it up and
	restore it on other file systems (FAT, HPFS).

    10.8 -Create a file of size 8GB on a compressed volume, back it up and
	restore it on uncompressed NTFS volume.

    10.9 -Create a file of size 8GB on a compressed volume, back it up and
	 restore it on a compressed NTFS volume.

    10.10-Backup the registry information from a compressed volume a restore it
	 back ensure all of the information is restored.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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