README.TXT Driver File Contents (

                         Driver Diskette Ver 1.3
                     for 10/100 Base FastEthernet PC Card
                                   Oct 2001

                     [1].  Diskette Contents
                     [2].  Installation for DOS ODI Driver
                     [3].  Installation for DOS Packet Driver
                     [4].  Installation for Microsoft Windows 95/98/98_ME/2000/XP
                     [5].  Installation for Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
                     [6].  Installation for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
                     [7].  Copyrights, Trademarks, and Disclaimers

[1] Diskette Contents

    Files                   Contents
    \README.TXT             This File
    \ENABLER                DOS PCMCIA Enable Program
    \ODI                    Novell Netware DOS ODI Driver
    \PKTDRV                 FTP Compliant Packet Driver
    \WIN95                  NDIS Driver for Windows 95
    \WIN98                  NDIS Driver for Windows 98
    \WIN98_ME               NDIS Driver for Windows 98_ME
    \WIN2000                NDIS Driver for Windows 2000
    \WINXP                  NDIS Driver for Windows XP
    \WNT351                 NDIS Driver for Windows NT 3.51
    \WNT40                  NDIS Driver for Windows NT 4.0
    \linux                  How to install linux driver 
    \Manual\Manual.HTM      Manual Document

[2]. Installation for DOS ODI Driver

     1. For those who installed EMM386.EXE in your config.sys, please exclude
        memory address D400-D7FF from your system. PCMCIA Ethernet card enabler
        program will use this space to read Ethernet ID and CIS from on-board
        flash memory.
                DEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=D400-D7FF
                DEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=D000-DFFF

     2. User need to add "LASTDRIVE=[Device Name]" in the Config.sys file,
        then reboot Notebook. Example, if you want to login to Device "N",
        the string is "LASTDRIVE=M".

     3. Enable the FastEthernet PC Card
        The EN100.EXE is a PCMCIA controller enabling program. This enable
        program only need for DOS and Windows 3.1 system. You don't need
        installed the Socket and Card service in your Notebook before
        executing the enabler.
        In DOS command, go to "\ODI", then type "EN100 [/IRQ:x][/IOP:xxx]"
        * IRQ - system interrupt number required for the FastEthernet card.
        * IOP - card's I/O port address assignment in HEX format.
        The default syntax is "EN100 /IRQ:5 /IOP:300".

     4. Getting Started the Novell DOS ODI Driver:
        This directory "\ODI" contains FastEthernet DOS ODI driver.
        You need the following files to install DOS ODI DRIVER.
        a. LSL.COM: supplied by Novell
        b. LNAX100.COM: DOS ODI driver, supplied by card manufacturer
        c. IPXODI.COM: supplied by Novell
        d. NETX.EXE: supplied by Novell
        e. NET.CFG: optional configuration file

        Type "STARTNET" at the DOS prompt will execute the files above,
        then you can login to the file server.

[3]. Installation for DOS Packet Driver

     1. For those who installed EMM386.EXE in your config.sys, please exclude
        memory address D400-D7FF from your system. PCMCIA Ethernet card enabler
        program will use this space to read Ethernet ID and CIS from on-board
        flash memory.
                DEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=D400-D7FF
                DEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=D000-DFFF

     2. Enable the FastEthernet PC Card
        The EN100.EXE is a PCMCIA controller enabling program. This enable
        program only need for DOS and Windows 3.1 system. You don't need
        installed the Socket and Card service in your Notebook before
        executing the enabler.
        In DOS command, go to "\ODI", then type "EN100 [/IRQ:x][/IOP:xxx]"
        * IRQ - system interrupt number required for the FastEthernet card.
        * IOP - card's I/O port address assignment in HEX format.
        The default syntax is "EN100 /IRQ:5 /IOP:300".

     3. Getting Started the DOS Packet Driver:
        To load the packet driver , type "lnax100 0x60".
        lnax100 syntax: lnax100 [options] <packet_int_no> <int_level> <io_addr>
        -i -- Force driver to report itself as IEEE 802.3 instead of Ethernet II.
        -d -- Delayed initialization.  Used for diskless booting
        -n -- NetWare conversion.  Converts 802.3 packets into 8137 packets
        -w -- Windows hack, obsoleted by winpkt
        -p -- Promiscuous mode disable
        -a -- Auto-Negotiation Mode
        -1 -- Line Speed 10M, Half Duplex Mode
        -2 -- Line Speed 10M, Full Duplex Mode
        -3 -- Line Speed 100M, Half Duplex Mode
        -4 -- Line Speed 100M, Full Duplex Mode
        -u -- Uninstall

        <PACKET_INT_NO>  This specifies the software interrupt (IRQ) where
                         you'll load the packet driver. It must be in the range
                         0x60 to 0x80.

        [IRQ]            This specifies the hardware interrupt (IRQ) where your
                         card will be indicated.

        [IO_BASE]        This specifies the I/O address .

           The following command line loads the FastEthernet Packet Driver at
           software interrupt 60h, at I/O address 300, at hardware interrupt 5.
           "lnax100 0x60 0x5 0x300"

        Type "START" at the DOS will execute the en100.exe and,
        the IRQ and I/O address must be the same.

[4] Installation for Microsoft Windows 95/98/98_ME/2000

    1. Introduction
       Windows 95/98/98_ME/2000/XP provides a complete "Plug n' Play" System that will
       automatically recognize and configure most PC Cards.

       Before inserting your FastEthernet PC Card, the system's PCMCIA chipset
       must be enabled and functioning. The PCMCIA chipset is responsible
       for controlling the systems interface for PC Cards. Please consult
       the system's manual or manufacture for use with Windows 95/98/98_ME/2000/XP.

       Please have the installation media for the Windows 95/98/98_ME/2000 ready for
       any request for files.

    2. Getting Started
       With the system off, remove all PC Cards

       Start/Boot Windows 95/98/98_ME/2000/XP

       Insert the FastEthernet PC Card into one of the system's PCMCIA Slots.

       A "Update Device Driver Wizard" dialog will display, press "Next" button.

        Select "Other Locations".

        Type in "A:\WIN95" or "A:\WIN98" or "A:\WIN98_ME" or "A:\WIN2000" OR "A:\WINXP"
         in the location, where the device information file (.INF file) and
         the driver (.SYS) can be found.

        Press "OK", the driver then installs itself. If have "Insert Disk"
         dialog box for asking other file, type in your Windows path or
         Windows\system or your Winsows CD-ROM to find the file.

        Click "Finish" to complete the installation process.

        Reboot the machine to start the network.

        The Window 95/98/98_ME/2000/XP PCMCIA installation will add Netware and Microsoft
         network support automatically if the 95/98/98_ME/2000/XP have installed the Network
         Protocol. Any network support can be adjusted by the Network Support
         in the Control Panel.

[5] Installation for Microsoft Windows NT 3.51

    1. Introduction
       Windows NT 3.51 provides support for PC Card (PCMCIA) compatibile
       systems. Before inserting your FastEthernet PC Card, the system's
       PCMCIA chipset must be enabled and functioning. The PCMCIA chipset
       is responsible for controlling the systems interface for PC Cards.
       Please consult the system's manual or manufacture.

       Please have the installation media for Windows NT ready for
       any file request. The following installation does require a
       basic knowledge of the NT environment.

    2. Getting Started for Windows NT3.51

       Please confirm that your Notebook can support PCMCIA Card in NT3.51,
        if can't support it, contact your notebook manufactory

        Remove all PC Cards from the system

        Insert the FastEthernet card into a PC Card slot in the computer.

        Start/Boot Windows NT3.51

        Open the "Main" group icon and double click the "Control Panel",
         then the "Network" icon.

        Press the "Add Adapter..." and select "10/100 Base FastEthernet
         PC Card" from the list. Press "Continue".

        An adapter setup option dialog box is displayed next. Select your
         free IRQ, I/O address and connection type, then press "OK".

        "Windows NT Setup" dialog box will now ask you to input device driver
         location. Type in "A:\WNT351" then press "Continue".

        Upon finished the driver files copying, the process will go back to
         Network Settings, select "Bindings..." button to bind all services
         and press "OK" button to exit the binding display.

        The installation will proceed to ask you for the required NWLink
         IPX/SPX Protocol and TCP/IP setup information. You will need to
         ask your System Administrator for an IP address.

        Click "OK" after you have entered the proper protocols' setup
         information and restart the computer.

        Restart the NoteBook.

[6] Installation for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0

    1. Introduction
       Windows NT 4.0 provides support for PC Card (PCMCIA) compatibile
       systems. Before inserting your FastEthernet PC Card, the system's
       PCMCIA chipset must be enabled and functioning. The PCMCIA chipset
       is responsible for controlling the systems interface for PC Cards.
       Please consult the system's manual or manufacture.

       Please have the installation media for Windows NT ready for
       any file request. The following installation does require a
       basic knowledge of the NT environment.

    2. Getting Started for Windows NT 4.0

       Please confirm that your Notebook can support PCMCIA Card in NT 4.0
        if can't support it, contact your notebook manufactory

        Remove all PC Cards from the system

        Insert the FastEthernet card into a PC Card slot in the computer.

        Start/Boot Windows NT 4.0

        Double click the "Control Panel/Network", select the "Adapter",
         press "Add" button, then select the "Have Disk" option for required
         driver disk from the manufacturer.

        Type in "A:\WNT40".

        After press the "OK" button, the card's information will be displayed
         in the dialog box for your selection.

        Select the "10/100 Base FastEthernet PC Card" from the dialog box
         and press OK to continue.

        Go to next dialog box, select free IRQ, I/O address and select your
         connection type, then press OK. The NT will proceed with the driver
         files copying.

        Upon finished the driver files copying, the process will go back to
         Network, select "Bindings" and press "Close" button.

        The installation will proceed to ask you for the required TCP/IP setup
         information. You will need to ask your System Administrator.

        Click "OK" after you have entered the proper TCP/IP setup information
         and restart the computer.

[7] Copyrights, Trademarks, and Disclaimers

    All references to MS, Windows, Win95, Windows 95, Windows 98, Win98
    Windows NT, WinNT are rights reserved by Microsoft Corporation

    All references to Nvl., ODI, Netware, NW, IPX, IPXODI, and LSL are
    rights reserved by Novell Corporation

    Further rights reserved to their respective corporations
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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