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Information About the 10/100plus Ethernet PCI Adapter Packet Driver

November 2, 2000

1. General Information

The 10/100plus Ethernet PCI adapter's packet driver file, sis900.EXE, is
located in the \PKTDRVR directory on the 10/100plus PCI Installation diskette.
The sis900 packet driver complies to FTP Software's Revision 1.11 packet driver

Before installing the packet driver, install the 10/100plus PCI adapter in a
PCI slot in your PC.

If you are using multiple 10/100plus PCI adapters in the same PC, you will need
to specify the PCI slot number of the 10/100plus PCI adapter that you want to
use with the packet driver when you load the packet driver.

If you have an integrated Ethernet Chip, please set it "Enable" first. And then
type " sis900 -s 0x[slot num] " to specify a slot of your adapter. If you don't
know what the slot number is, you could just type "sis900" to get the slot number
of each adapter.

2. Command Line Options

The packet driver recognizes the command line options described below. Note
that when multiple 10/100plus PCI adapters are installed in a PC, the -s option
(for PCI) is required. Otherwise, there is no need to specify any other

   |  NOTE: For all the command line options that require a value to be   |
   |  specified, you must put a space between the command line option and |
   |  the value. For example:                                             |
   |                     sis900 -s 3 -n 0x65                              |

-h          Displays the command line usage message.

-n int      Sets the packet driver's software interrupt to "int".
            The valid range is from 0x60 to 0x80 (as stated in the
            packet driver specifications). If not specified, the
            default is 0x60.

-t          Terminates the packet driver and frees the memory
            occupied by the driver.

-s slot     Sets the adapter slot location to "slot". Use this option
            only if installing multiple 10/100plus PCI adapters in one

-c type     Sets the type of cable connection (media type) according to
            the value of "type." The valid "type" values are:

            Type    Ethernet Standard    Duplex      Cable
            ----    -----------------    ------      -----
            0x01       auto-detect       Full/Half   any below
            0x08       10BASE-T          Half        Unshielded twisted pair
            0x10       10BASE-T          Full        Unshielded twisted pair
            0x20       100BASE-T         Half        Category 5 twisted pair
            0x40       100BASE-T         Full        Category 5 twisted pair

            You are not required to specify the media type, because
            the driver detects the media type and displays an
            appropriate message while loading.

-phy type   Sets the type of physical layer according to the value of "type".
            The valid "type" values are:

            Type    Physical Layer
            ----    --------------
            0x01        LAN
            0x02        HOME
            0x04        AUTO

            The default value is "AUTO".

2.1. Command Line Option Examples

    Loads the packet driver using the configured I/O port address,
    IRQ, and media type. The driver is installed at software
    interrupt 0x60.

sis900 -s 2 -n 0x65
    Loads the packet driver for PCI slot 2 using a software interrupt
    of 0x65 (the software interrupt is 0x60 by default). If an IRQ setting
    is specified by using "-i irq" and the IRQ value is not correct,
    the driver will not load and will print an error message.

sis900 -t
    Terminate the packet driver at software interrupt 0x60.

sis900 -t -n 0x61
    Terminate the packet driver at software interrupt 0x61.

## End of File ##
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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